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Page 14

by Dale Roberts

  Alex looked around the department. Every eye was on him. Mouths open in stunned silence. He returned his gaze to Levine. “Don’t let me see you near my daughter or my house again.” He looked around again then turned and walked out through the ambulance entrance.

  Janet followed him outside. “Are you mad?” she said, grabbing his shirt sleeve, “He’ll have your job. He has two dozen witnesses.”

  “I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t touch him. I didn’t threaten him.” Alex turned and looked Janet in the eyes, “All I did was tell him not to go near my daughter or my house.”

  “What the hell was that about him molesting his daughter? You think he’ll just let that slide?”

  “I was simply stating a fact. There’s nothing slanderous about it. It’s public information.” Alex’s scowl turned to a smile, “Do you think I got his attention?”


  Alex’s heart was still pounding as he drove back to the station. He smiled then laughed out loud as he shook his head, not believing what he had just done.

  “That was very smooth,” Allyson said. “Are you trying to get fired so you have no way to support our daughter?”

  “I won’t get fired,” he assured her. “I did nothing more than shake the tree, rustle the bushes. I want to see what I can flush out.”

  “You humiliated the man in public. Do you think he’ll just sit back and not retaliate? If he’s as unstable as you say, he may try to do more than just scare Carmen.”

  “Relax. He may be unstable, but he’s not stupid. I think I got my message across. I won’t even get suspended.”


  “You wanted to see me?” Alex said as he entered Phelps’ office.

  “You’re suspended until further notice.” Phelps growled, pacing back and forth behind his desk. “The man said you threatened him. What the hell were you thinking?”

  Alex closed the door. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I made no threat, I didn’t even touch him.”

  “You made a scene and embarrassed the department.” Phelps shouted.

  “Lieutenant, He threatened my daughter. He drove by my house and stopped in front of it twice while Carmen was home alone. There’s something not right about this guy.” Alex said, “He fits the profile, and when I started snooping around he reacted like a guilty man. You saw how he was when I brought him in for questioning.” Alex paused and looked Phelps in the eye. “As soon as you made me release him, he went to my house. He knew I wouldn’t be there. Why else would he do that, other than to try to intimidate me by scaring the hell out of my daughter?”

  “I’m sorry Alex. We can’t have, what the public would see as, a loose cannon in this department without some form of disciplinary action. I don’t have a choice.”

  “Who’s going to work this case?” Alex pleaded. “I’m the only one who knows anything about it.”

  “Samuels is up to speed on it. She can wait for DNA results, same as you.” Phelps said. “If need be, I can pull Morris and put him on it.”

  “Samuels?” Alex laughed. “She has no instinct. She’s not a detective. She’s a patrol cop for crying out loud.”

  Phelps lowered his head, “I need your badge and I.D.”

  Alex stared at him for a moment, then removed the badge and I.D. from his belt and slammed them on the desk. “This is bullshit and you know it”

  “And your side arm.” Phelps said.

  “This is my personal weapon.”

  “Then you know you can’t carry it, right?”

  Alex said nothing.

  “Look, you’re a good cop, but my hands are tied. Maybe you can apologize and get him to drop the suit.”

  “Will that get me reinstated?”

  “I can’t promise anything, but it couldn’t hurt.”

  The two men stared at each other until it became too uncomfortable.

  “Thanks for nothing.” Alex said, turning to leave.

  “Get him to drop the suit, and I’ll go to bat for you with the chief.”

  Samuels sat her desk, pretending she hadn’t heard the exchange.

  “Looks like you’re lead on this case.” Alex said, standing in front of his desk.

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  “I’m suspended. I go to confront the man who threatened my family and I’m the one who gets screwed.” Alex picked up the file folder from his desk. “The lab should have results today on Levine’s DNA. Let me know when you get it, would you?” He placed the folder in front of Samuels, the passing of the torch. “I can still help from the sidelines. Let me know if you need anything. In the meantime, I’m gonna go have a drink.”

  Samuels said nothing. She just watched as Alex walked to the elevator.


  Alex drove east on the De Leon parkway.

  “I’m proud of you.” Allyson said.

  “I got myself suspended.” Alex said, without looking at her. “What could you possibly be proud of?”

  “You acted on emotion. You showed that you’re still human after all.” She said.

  “Yeah, and you see where it got me.”

  “Where did it get you Alex? You may not realize it, but I think you may have found a little self respect. I know as well as you that you feel like a failure as a father. You blame yourself for the whole situation.”

  Alex said nothing. He wiped a small tear from his eye.

  “You were protecting our daughter. You stepped outside the line and became a father, not just a cop with a daughter.”

  Alex pulled into the parking lot of The Loft. He had spent a lot of time, and money, here after Allyson died. At this time of day, it would be slow. He could sit at the bar, alone with his thoughts.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.” Allyson said. “You won’t see any clearer through the bottom of a shot glass.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said, “I don’t want to see anything at all.”

  The loft was geared toward the college crowd. It featured live entertainment on the weekends and was usually standing room only on any given Friday night. Today though, it was quiet, with no more than a dozen people scattered between three or four tables. The stage was dark and empty, not unlike Alex’s soul. One person sat at the near end of the bar. Alex walked to the other end and sat on the last stool.

  “Hey detective, been a long time. What’ll it be?” He was a thin man of about thirty. He had grown his hair a little since Alex last saw him.

  “Hey Jake,” Alex said, “A shot of Crown. Make it a double.” He propped his elbows on the bar and rested his chin on his interlocked fingers.

  “Can I get you a menu?” Jake asked, as he placed the drink in front of Alex.

  “No thanks, just another one of these.” Alex turned the glass up, downing the drink.

  “So, how’ve you been?” Jake asked as he refilled the glass.

  “I’ve been better.” Alex downed the second drink in the same fashion and held the empty glass up, indicating his desire for a refill.

  Jake looked at Alex for several seconds, then filled the glass again.

  Alex sat in silence for several minutes, reliving the morning’s events. “Have you ever done anything stupid? I mean, really stupid?” He was already beginning to feel the alcohol.

  “Me? Never.” Jake smiled. “Unless you want to count my first marriage.”

  Alex pondered what Jake said for a moment. “You know, I was married once. Didn’t end well.” he said, shaking his head. He was beginning to slur. He downed the third drink and placed the empty glass on the bar.

  “It may be none of my business, but you might want to pace yourself. It’s not even noon yet.”

  Alex looked at his watch. He couldn’t focus. He extended his arm for a better view. “So it isn’t.”

  “Why don’t I get you something to eat?” Jake said, with a tone of concern in his voice. “How ‘bout a sandwich? A BLT or something?”

  “Sure.” Alex said, throwing up his hands
in resignation.

  “I thought I might find you here.”

  Alex turned to the voice beside him as Rachel sat on the stool next to him.

  “Hey.” He said, “How ‘bout a drink?”

  “No thanks, it looks like you doing fine on your own.”

  “What are you doing here?” Alex slurred

  “Your partner called me.”

  “I don’t have a partner.” He tipped the empty glass to his mouth then held it front of him, turning it upside down to make sure it was empty.

  “Samuels. She told me what happened. Said you were going to have a drink. She’s worried about you.”

  Alex held up his empty glass. “How ‘bout one more?”

  Rachel looked at Jake and waved her outstretched fingers across her throat.

  “Lady says you’ve had enough.” Jake said. “I’m inclined to agree.” He took the glass and wiped the bar with a damp rag, then walked to the other end of the bar.

  “I’m afraid I do have some troubling news.” Rachel said.

  “Oh, good.” Alex said as he stared straight ahead.

  “Maybe this isn’t the best time.”

  “Oh, your news couldn’t possibly make things any worse.”

  “They got the DNA results on Levine.” She paused for a moment.

  Alex didn’t respond.

  “Alex, he didn’t match. It’s not him.”

  Alex sat silently; still looking straight ahead at nothing, then began to laugh. He laughed hysterically, pounding the bar with the heel of his hand. People in the bar all looked in his direction as he laughed louder and louder.

  Rachel paid the tab and apologized to the bartender.

  “Let’s get you home.” Rachel said. She gently pulled Alex’s arm. “Come on, I’ll drive you.”

  Alex looked at Rachel. “Not him, huh?” He began to laugh again.

  Rachel pulled again, this time coaxing him from the stool. She held him under his arm as they walked toward the door.

  Alex turned and threw his hands up. “It wasn’t him,” he announced to the people at the tables, as he stumbled sideways.

  Rachel pulled once more and Alex followed her out of the building.

  “What the hell have I done?” he asked as she tightened his seatbelt.

  “You became human.” She said, and closed his door.

  She smiled and shook her head as she walked around the car to the driver’s side. She had seen Alex in this state before, but it had been a few years. She knew him better than anyone. She had seen him at the bottom and had helped him climb from the depths of his depression. She also lost someone dear when Allyson died. Helping Alex and Carmen deal with their loss had been therapeutic for her as well. It was a bond they shared, whether Alex admitted it or not.

  “I think I love you.” Alex said when she got in the car.

  “I wish I could believe that,” she said dismissively, “It’s just the alcohol talking.”

  Alex couldn’t believe that came out of his mouth. The alcohol was indeed talking, but Rachel was an angel, especially after Allyson died. But she has seen him at his worst and now she’s seeing him that way again. How could he possibly think she could see past all his weaknesses, all his faults? On the other hand, she has seen him at his worst, in all his lowest moments, but still, she seemed to care for him. “She understands me,” he said softly, not realizing he said it out loud. He looked at Rachel who was trying to hide the tear that ran down her cheek.

  Alex’s hands explored the console and dash of the BMW. He opened the glove compartment and the nickel plated .38 slid into view.

  “What’s this?” he asked, holding the gun up for a better look.

  “I’m a prosecutor, Alex. I’m sure I’ve made plenty of enemies.” She took the gun from him and placed it back into the glove compartment.

  Alex didn’t remember the ride home, but here he was, sitting on the side of his bed with Rachel removing his shoes. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve got to get you in bed.” She blushed when she realized how that sounded.

  “Are you trying to take advantage of me?” he said, with a smile.

  “If I wanted to take advantage of you, you’d know it.” She said. “Come on. Let’s get your pants off.” Now she was having fun.

  Alex stood to unbutton his pants. “Turn around. I don’t want you to see me in my undies.”

  Rachel turned around, laughing to herself. Alex removed his pants and grabbed Rachel by the shoulders and spun her around, pulling her on top of him as he fell backwards on the bed.

  “What are you doing?” she said, giggling.

  Alex pulled her close. He watched her eyes close as their lips met.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked.

  Alex pressed his finger to her lips. “Don’t talk.” He kissed her again as he reached to pull her shirt over her head.

  The loneliness inside him began to fade. Two years of tension, two years of denying his need for true human contact, erupted in an explosion of passion as they made love.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I hope you’re proud.” Carmen said from the door of Alex’s bedroom. “I’m going to school. I took some lunch money out of your wallet.”

  Alex raised his head, just enough to look at her, but she was gone. He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up but the pounding in his head quickly made him think twice. He gently returned his head to his pillow. “It wasn’t him.” He said out loud, to no one in particular. This morning it didn’t strike him nearly as funny. He turned his head, against the throbbing, toward the clock on his night stand. Seven thirty. “Carmen.” He called out as loudly as the pain in his head would allow. He waited several seconds. The only response was the slamming of the front door. If she heard him, she was ignoring him. Alex couldn’t blame her. He was certainly not proud. Drive that wedge a little deeper, he thought. I wonder if they have father/daughter couple’s therapy?

  He picked up the phone and dialed Rachel’s number. After five rings, her voicemail greeting came as a welcome relief. He would rather apologize to a machine than actually talk to her. “Hey, um…I wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I’m a little embarrassed. He struggled for what to say. After several seconds of his silent search for words, he decided to try again later.

  “How’s the head?” Rachel said just as Alex was about to hang up.

  “Oh, hey. I was…”

  “I know, you wanted to say you’re sorry but then were too embarrassed and couldn’t think of anything else to say.”

  “Something like that.” He said. “I am embarrassed. Guess I can’t hold my liquor like I used to, but more than that, I wanted to say I’m sorry and Thanks for…well, you know.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me. Besides, it meant a lot to me.”

  “What did? What do you mean?”

  “Are you serious?” She said.

  “Serious about what?” Alex sat up in the bed. He cringed as the throbbing in his head became violent. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, nothing. I’m just glad I could be there for you.”

  There was a moment of awkward silence. “So, Levine didn’t match, huh?” Alex said, finally.

  “That’s what I was told.”

  “I guess I owe him an apology too, don’t I?” Alex said, rubbing his eyes.

  “You can’t un-ring a bell, you know.” Rachel said. “It may not fix things but it certainly couldn’t hurt. It goes a long way when a man can admit when he’s wrong.” There was a moment of awkward silence. “I need to talk to you about something else. Can we meet for breakfast?”

  “Oh God, just thinking about food makes me want to die.”

  “Well coffee then. I’m sure you could use some. Meet me at Chelsea’s.”

  “Fine. Give me half an hour.” Alex’s phone beeped. There was another incoming call. “Hang on, someone’s calling me.”

  “That’ okay. I’ll just let you go. Chelsea’s
in thirty. Bye.”

  Alex pressed the flash button. “Hello.”

  “Alex, Samuels here. We have a match. We’re making the arrest this morning.”


  Chelsea’s was busy with its usual late breakfast crowd. Alex scanned the seats but couldn’t see Rachel. Maybe she’s running late. He finally saw her when she waved her arms in the air from a booth near the back of the diner. Alex made his way down the narrow isle of the crowded diner. Several people looked at him and whispered to others as he passed. Why the hell is everyone looking at me?

  “I took the liberty of ordering coffee.” she said as Alex sat across from her.

  “I can’t believe how crowded it is in here at this hour.” Alex said. It was then that he noticed something different in Rachel’s face. Her usual smile was gone. In its place, fine lines caused by worry. Her usual sparkling eyes were red and tired looking. Alex had a sudden sinking feeling. Something was wrong.

  “Have you seen this?” Rachel handed Alex the morning news paper.

  “Seen what?” he took the paper and read the headline.

  ‘Suspect identified in serial rape investigation, after Lead detective suspended while under care of psychiatrist. Arrest expected today.’

  Alex sat in stunned silence. Rachel nervously chewed on a fingernail while she watched Alex read.

  He read the story then reread the headline. “They make it sound like I was suspended because I’m crazy.”

  “That may be true, but what concerns me is the fact that they got this story so fast.” Rachel said. “It’s almost like they had the story ready to print before it happened.”

  “I guess it was quick, wasn’t it?”

  “I know the department would not release this kind of information.” Rachel stopped biting her nail and took a drink of coffee.

  “Not officially.” Alex agreed.

  “There is someone on the inside with a connection to the press.”

  “Who would do something like this?”

  “Well, let’s see. Who had the most to gain?” Rachel said with a raised eyebrow.


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