Page 22
They sat quietly for a while, each pondering the entire scenario.
“I have to ask you a question.” Alex said.
Samuels looked at him but said nothing.
“Why did you tell the reporter all those things?”
She looked down at the floor as if in shame. “I guess I was trying to secure my role in the department…I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Samantha pushed pretty hard for information and dangled the carrot of a promotion in front of me.” Samuels let out a long sigh. “I guess it shows my character isn’t what I thought it was.”
“I accept your apology.” He said looking her in the eye. “So, what happens now?”
“They put me on admin leave until IA finishes their investigation.” Samuels stared at the floor. “It was a clean shoot, right?”
“It was a clean shoot.” Alex agreed. Another moment of silence passed. “So what will you do with your time?”
“Guess I could take a vacation. I’ve always wanted to check out Puerto Rico. I hear it nice this time of year.” Samuels smiled.
“It’s beautiful any time of year.” Alex smiled. “By the way, how did you find us?”
Samuels paused, looking Alex in the eye, “I’m a detective.”
The both smiled. No more need be said. Samuels shook his hand and left the room.
Alex was finally alone, for a while anyway. He thought about Carmen and their relationship. He realized how close he had come to losing her. He had a new appreciation for life and all it had to offer. And now he had one more person to share it with. He and Carmen both did. He vowed to himself to live life to its fullest from this day on.
“Are you ready to go?” His nurse entered the room, pushing a wheel chair. Carmen and Rachel followed shortly behind.
“I’ve never been more ready.” He signed his discharge papers, gathered his belongings and had a seat in the wheelchair.
Rachel pushed and Carmen followed as they made their way to the elevators and out of the building.
The warmth of the sun, made the promise of a wonderful day. Alex could use one. There would be many more to come, as he started a new life with new hope.
Don’t miss the next novel from Dale Roberts
The Following
Coming spring 2012