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Night of the Dragon

Page 4

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  The hands on Karli’s breasts moved to unbutton her shorts without moving his mouth from hers, and she was quickly undressed from the waist down with help from below. The fingers which had unsnapped her pants slipped to her clit and began to circle the nub as the man below her began an assault on her pussy, sliding one finger inside her slowly as he licked and tasted her flowing juices.

  Sounds swirled in Karli’s ears, the heavy breaths and soft groans of the men surrounding her in their cocoon were at the forefront. But other noises filtered in. The roller coaster chains, the screams of delighted terror, and the hum of hundreds of voices as they passed the spot they were secluded in reminded her that they could be caught at any second, the thin curtain whisked away and she would be on display, in the throes of passion at the hands of the two men.

  Sensation overwhelmed her and light flashed behind her eyelids as the power of her orgasm slammed into her. Energy spread through her as her back arched in pleasure. She screamed her release into the mouth of one man as she was held and touched by them both. Seized within their arms, her body was caressed, calmed, as she recovered from her release. Carefully, without words being spoken, she was quickly redressed and sensed she was utterly alone seconds later.

  Stepping from the darkened space, she ran out the exit on wobbly legs made of rubber, looking around for her mystery lovers. Reality hit at that very second, and she nearly died from the realization she had let two complete strangers fondle and lick her in a darkened corner of her workplace. What if it had not been the two silver eyed men?

  Innately she knew it had been Ryden and his twin, and she also knew she had wanted them to do the things they had. Instead of denying her unnatural desire for more of them, she searched the crowd, needing them more at that moment then she needed to breathe.

  As she approached the entrance to the next maze, she noted a flash of light coming from the tree line that surrounded the edge of the park. Walking towards the spot, she popped out her pocket flashlight and flashed it towards the trees. She screamed as she saw two pairs of silver eyes and then several huge wolves running away into the forest.

  Chapter Four

  Karli had called for security and the Animal Care Team to come investigate the wolves she had seen. Also involving local law enforcement, she feared that they may have to close off the central part of their celebration on the last couple of nights everyone and their brother came to the park. Halloween night and the night preceding it was not the time to close down Scream Town. They would never hear the end of it from the public, even if they explained the concerns over a pack of wild animals and how it could impact their safety. The public only wanted more and wild animals or not, the park closing would be less.

  Extra security was brought in the following day from a sister park, and Animal Care from the park and Animal Control from the county roamed the woods, looking for the animals. Other than a few paw prints, no other signs of the animals were found.

  County officers were stationed inside the park to assist that evening, and one of Karli’s favorite officers was there that evening. Larry often worked with the park on his off days for extra cash, patrolling the park entrance to prevent items being smuggled in or out. She hoped once he retired the following year, he would come on full time with the park.

  “Hiya, Larry. How goes it? Do you think this is enough to keep the wolves at bay?”

  “Darlin’, from the stories I am hearing about these animals, I just don’t know.”

  A chill raced down her spine. “What stories? I haven’t been told of any other incidents.”

  “No real incidents, but there have been sightings of wolves and bears traveling across five states working in this direction. One of the animal control guys saw bear tracks out there mingled in with the wolves. No right-minded animal travels that kind of distance from their home. And bears and wolves together? It just ain’t right.”

  “No incidents…means no violence?”

  “Nothing outside a few prey animal carcasses here and there along the path. There was a situation with some park rangers up north, they surrounded the animals only to say the beasts disappeared, like they were ghosts are something. I just don’t have a good feeling about this, Karli.”

  “Well, it’s for two more nights, and we have a ton of security and animal control out here. I think that in itself would deter any animal from coming on property,” she said to calm herself as anyone else, but the vision of the two sets of silver eyes she had seen before the wolves had ran away troubled her. So like another set of silver eyes she had seen before. Her dream slipped into her mind, as she struggled to find answers for impossible questions.

  “Not trying to burst your bubble, Karli, but having a throng of guests in the park didn’t deter them yesterday. Not like a few shiny tin stars are going to do it either. Keep your eyes open tonight. I can’t stand the thought of anyone here getting hurt, especially you, hon.”

  Giving a quick squeeze to her arm, Larry walked off towards the wooded area, and she hoped against hope that he was wrong.


  Later that night, dusk was approaching Scream Town. Karli had been scheduled off today, but because of the security issues, she felt it best to come in to focus on the wooded area. If there were any issues to arise, she wanted to be on the scene to help handle the crowd in the park and call for assistance immediately.

  Or perhaps she felt the need to be there to protect the wolves. Where did that thought come from?

  Her nerves were frazzled, and she was more jumpy tonight than she had ever been. A group of teenagers began to howl across the lot and got pounced on by the sheriff’s department. Another group of kids tried to sneak off property and into the surrounding woods to do God knows what, ended up facing the end of a deputy’s rifle. She was glad she wasn’t the manager on duty and didn’t have to explain that one to the kids’ parents.

  The vibe was tense to say the least.

  Scanning the crowd, the hairs on her arms and neck began to rise. Looking around she searched for the cause of her goosebumps, and moved towards the tree line with her flashlight. Inherently knowing something was about to go down, she flashed her light among the trees, adrenaline pounding through her body. The thrush of blood she heard in her ears almost drowned out the sounds of the thrill seekers.

  Heat coursed through her body, raw need threatened to make her knees buckle. Every inch of her was on fire, desire spiraling through her unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her nipples puckered, her pussy pulsed, and the thrumming of her blood echoed in her ears. Her clothes felt too tight, and she fought the desire to rip them from her body, to touch herself to give the sweet release her body needed, uncaring of who was watching.

  Suddenly, she was thrown across a shoulder, and moved fast, faster than any human was possible of moving. The darkened background was blurring as it moved beside her, making her feel woozy. So shocked at the speed, it took her a few moments to realize what was happening. Then she began to scream, fight and kick at her captor, keeping her eyes closed against the swirls of dizzying landscape. As fast as he had moved away from the tree line, it was doubtful that anyone would hear her at this point, but she continued to pound her fists against the broad back in front of her.

  Throwing a sucker punch into a kidney, she heard the audible ‘oof’ from her captor and he stopped. Suddenly a very large hand slapped her very vulnerable ass cheeks. He moved the hand to rest on the fear-dampened skin of her back. His hand was like a brand on her skin.

  “Do that again and I will make you sorry. Very sorry.”

  Instantly she knew for certain it was one of the men, and her whole body shivered. Something inside Karli told her it was not Ryden, but his twin. He took off again and continued to run as fast as he could, Karli holding on for dear life as he began to climb rocky terrain. For some reason, she felt calm once they stopped, like she was supposed to be in this place, at this moment. A split second later, he dropped her to her feet at the mouth of a ca

  Karli staggered a little as she caught her footing, and he grasped her waist to steady her, his fingers rubbing against her hips. She wanted to move into him and let him mold her to his body, but there was something very wrong with that sensation. Pulling away, she looked around her in the dark, fear making every molecule in her body scream.

  “Why have you taken me?”

  “For your protection.”

  “My protection? The only thing I need protection from is you apparently!” Standing on the rocky crag, she looked around, not seeing any of the lights of the park in the distance. “Take me back. You do realize kidnapping is a federal offense? There were officers all around the tree-line and I am sure someone saw you take me. You are a caveman! How caveman of you to throw me over your shoulder and run off! And here we are, you depositing me in front of…a cave! You Neanderthal! Take me back now and I will not press charges, if you just take me back right now.” She stammered so quickly, her pitch rising with each word, she hoped he understood anything she said.

  “Do you always talk this much?”

  “Take me back.”

  “Or what?” The low growl that followed his question had her itching to growl back at him.

  She hated that she really had no desire to go back at all, she only envisioned herself under him, over him, and beside him…anywhere she could have his cock inside her. The heat radiating off him was enough to make her whimper. “They will…notice I am gone, and…the police will…come after you.”

  “Do you really think human laws impact me at all?”

  Human laws? “Why did you take me?”

  “Were you not listening? For your protection. And for what you are.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What am I, besides seriously pissed off?” Something about him made her need to fight, regardless of how hot she was for him.

  “Very cute.” He smiled as he ran a long finger over the length of her nose. “Your nose bunches up when you are angry and the little lines between your brow furrow. It is a nice look for you.”

  “Are we going to play this game all night?”

  “You have to admit it’s fun, and the more you argue with me, the hotter your pussy is getting.” His chuckle made the laugh lines around his silver eyes crinkle and she felt more moisture pool in her sex.

  Karli opened her mouth in outrage at his words. If he had been anyone else, she would have smacked the sardonic smile right off his face. His utterly gorgeous face. Which led down on lightly tanned skin to his wide muscled shoulders and then on to a magnificent chest that she could clearly through the thin cotton of his tight t-shirt.

  Rayne. His name whispered in her mind, just as Ryden’s had. Shaking her head from the sensation, she focused back on the powerful man standing in front of her.

  “No, it isn’t…Rayne. Abduction isn’t fun.” She watched as his forehead creased at the sound of the name. When he didn’t correct her, she assumed she was right.

  “Well, I can make it more fun.”

  With that, he leaned in to kiss Karli, and as he captured her lips she immediately forgot where she was, the questions she had, and the fear that swirled within her head.

  His mouth was pure fire, and it melted away all the questions and concerns, until there was nothing but this man holding her, loving her with his mouth. Pulling her into his arms, he carried her into the mouth of the cave and set her down in the dark. Holding on to his arm, she was afraid of the pitch black that enveloped her.

  “Can you see in this?” Suddenly a torch was lit and the light nearly blinded her. “Sorry, I forget your human eyes cannot see in the dark. My apologies.”

  There it was again. Human. His kisses had dulled her brain, but something screamed from under the surface. Something that tried to wake her from the fog he had placed over her. That something was not strong enough.

  Karli watched as he opened a rock door that no man should have been able to move. Her mind raced, knowing she should be running, screaming away from this man…this Lord knows what. But there was something rooting her to this place and she didn’t know what it was, as if she was under some sort of trance. Or maybe it was the staccato beat that was once again thrumming through her body, making her feel alive for once in her life.

  Once the door was open, he leaned back to grab the torch from the wall, and followed her through the opening. He closed the door behind them, and she looked around the room. The cave was a large space with two small alcoves. In one alcove was a natural hot spring, and in the opposite was a bed of sorts, mats, furs, and pillows strewn across the floor. A table and two chairs graced the wall between the alcoves, but besides that, the room was bare.

  “You actually live in… a cave?” Albeit a damned nice cave.

  He snickered. “No. This is one of our safe houses. It was the closest spot for me to take you. And take you I will.” Before the words were barely out of his mouth, he pounced on her, plunging his tongue into her waiting mouth.

  All conscious thought left her mind again as he tasted her. Hard hands encircled her waist, pulling her hard against his frame. Her nipples rubbed against his firm chest, the clothing between them too much for her to handle. Evidently, too much for him as well, as he began to peel off her clothing, the ripping of fabric echoing against the light colored stone walls.

  Once completely nude, she stood before him, self-conscious, watching him disrobe. Fear leaked in once again and she turned away from him, realizing she was locked in this room with him, and there was no way she would have the strength to move that door. She was not this kind of girl, she did not have sex with random strangers, let alone ones who had abducted her and taken her to his cave like a damned caveman.

  Turning away, she looked for ways to escape, the fear too much for her to handle, her brain struggling with the demands of her body. She felt his heat from behind. Rayne encircled her body and as soon as his cock nudged the cheeks of her ass, she was lost to the sensation again, all rational thought evading her. It was if his touch sucked her into his world and made her forget everything else existed. Leaning back, she lost herself in his hands, loving the way he cupped her breasts expertly.

  He kneaded the flesh there, twisting the nipples roughly, as he nipped the flesh of her neck. Karli heard someone moaning loudly, only to realize it was her. Standing on her tip-toes, she pushed her breasts into his hands, quietly demanding he handle her harder.

  Chuckling under his breath, Rayne bit down harder on her neck, clamping down solidly on her nipples with her strong fingers, and rubbed his engorged cock along her wet pussy, the friction almost too much for her to bear. Angling her to the fur mats on the floor, he pushed her down to her hands and knees on the soft surface.

  Leaning down between her legs, he sniffed her sex before swiping his tongue across the sensitive flesh, and she shuddered at the touch. Rayne reached under a pillow to her left, exposing bonds. Turning to look at him with fear in her eyes, she felt the first drips of her longing course down the inside of her thigh.

  Slowly, he turned her over to sit on her rear. Shivers ran down her spine as he laced the first, and then the second cuff around her wrists before attaching both to a steel ring planted into the rock wall just above her head, then pressed her down into the soft mats.

  Unsure of why she was allowing him to do this, she innately sensed he would not harm her. And whatever he had in mind, she desperately needed, or she was unsure if she would survive. Even in the cool confines of the room, her flesh felt heated, and rivulets of sweat began to slide down her body. She was on fire and knew he was the only one who could put out the flames.

  Once she was completely tied, she heard the sound of the earthen door moving once again. Moments later Rayne’s twin emerged into view as he moved past the alcove’s side. Surprise swept over his face as his silver eyes locked onto her. Heat swelled in their depths as he glanced over her bound form.

  Rayne looked victoriously over her nude body, rubbing one hand along the inside of one of her
damp thighs. Catching her glance once again, he smiled. Turning to his brother, he puffed out his chest. “I couldn’t wait any longer, Ryden. We need to claim her. Protect her.”

  Karli was surprised by Ryden’s anger as he swooped in and grabbed his twin and pushed him against the earthen wall. “By kidnapping her and tying her to the bed? Do you not still hear Åsa’s screams as Gudrød raped her the night we stole her for him?” Ryden stalked towards the pelts, and placed a knee between her open legs. He reached forward, reaching for the restraint at her left hand, his eyes locking with hers.

  “Is this what you really want, love? Because if you are not ready for this, I will release you now. I will never allow a woman to do something against her will.” The caring in Ryden’s eyes swelled within her chest, making her feel safer than she had ever felt before. Not that she had really felt unsafe with Rayne, but she sensed Ryden was the true alpha in the pair and would hold Rayne in check.

  “Ryden, I was not raping her. Yes, I took her, but once inside here, she was a willing partner in this. There is no time for choice, her time is here. It is now.” Rayne sighed, leaning back against the rock wall as he watched his brother hover over her nude body.

  Ryden ignored his brother, never breaking the contact he held with her gaze.

  “I…don’t know.” Karli squeaked the words, her fear settling as she felt his compassion. “I have never been with two men. Or is it two…wolves?”

  Ryden searched her eyes before answering her, as if he sought her disdain. She felt neither disgust nor acceptance, just an odd numbness at the thought of them being more than human.

  “Wolves are just one of our forms.”

  “So I’m not crazy?”

  “We are Berserkers, born in pairs within a pack, handed down to Earth by Odin in his lightning. We do everything together, including taking a mate.” A finger caressed down her check, his eyes traveling along the path his finger made, as he seemed to delight in touching her. “We have both waited so very, very long to find you.”


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