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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

Page 75

by Casey Lea

Jace felt the last security field collapse in front of his probe and grinned over his shoulder at Misty. She was crouched in the energy conduit behind him, but still managed to bounce impatiently. He placed a finger against her lips to suggest silence and they both stopped, distracted from the hunt by a single touch. They huddled close in the dim light, until the sound of heavy footsteps, followed by the creaking of furniture, recalled them to their task.

  They slid forward together, to reach the end of the serviceway, and peered into a cavernous room with minimal lighting. At first Jace thought the lair was empty, but then a mound of cushions on the couch burped and he realized they were actually human.

  A man was reclining on his back watching a hologram. He wheezed in response to something in the video, while his hands stirred in his lap. Jace grimaced, before realizing the stranger was playing with something he was holding. It looked like a piece of flat string, or flex that he had twined between his fingers. He twisted it tight and made another throaty noise.

  Jace glanced at the man’s entertainment and looked quickly away. This was definitely their target. Misty tensed beside him and revulsion sprang from her fronds. She was moving before Jace could stop her. She jumped from the high conduit and rolled to break her fall. He leapt straight after her, somersaulting to land on his feet.

  The mountain on the sofa came instantly upright.

  The Candyman strode forward and the fabric of his blast suit rubbed together at the thighs. He was a huge man, square and solid, but he moved with unexpected speed. He roared at the interruption, but when he saw Misty his anger vanished. He stopped and licked pendulous lips, before lifting what was in his hand to his mouth. He sniffed, then kissed a length of string that was striped red and white like a candy cane and Jace finally recognized it as a ribbon. The sort of ribbon a child would wear in her hair.

  “Well,” the Candyman wheezed in a surprisingly high voice, his gaze welded to Misty, “hello, sweetie. It seems my lucky charm is working extra good today. Don't be scared. You’re a bit bigger than I usually chose, but I’m an open minded man and you, darling, will receive my best hospitality.”

  Misty's eyes shimmered and the room was lit by their glow, but her voice was low and mellow. “That's why we're here. Your hospitality for children has put a price on your head and I warn you, it's dead or alive. I prefer the former, so this is a single time offer. On your knees and drop your com.”

  The Candyman’s tongue bulged from the corner of his mouth and he chortled in response. “You know who's dead, darling? Your friend. And after I've done him, you can get on your knees and-”

  The single shot made Jace jump, even though he was the one who fired it. The bug hit the Candyman's protective field and he grunted, before his heavy head dropped to check who had punched him. He frowned at the metal oval which had its claws locked over his heart. His tongue protruded again while he simply stared.

  The bug was holding fast, without touching the Candyman's clothes. It was hooked in his defensive field instead and that cloak of energy had started solidifying around it. Silver streaks licked over his body and the ribbon fluttered from his fingers when he tried to grab the pulsing bug, but his hands stopped with his arms raised to either side and he was trapped in the congealing energy web. A high pitched wail came from the Candyman's setting jaw and then a silver statue teetered in front of them. Only his mouth remained visible, his lips parted in a thin screech.

  The trapped pedophile rocked forward and back, then forward again into a slow-motion fall. He crashed to the ground at Misty's feet and the surface of his prison glittered with a web of cracks, but still held tight. The silver sarcophagus darkened to copper in the dim light. It suddenly cracked again, right up the center back, making them both start, before settling with a groan.

  Misty flipped her gun back into storage and shrugged. Nice shot. Looks like we can take him alive. Unfortunately. regret/ disgust/ revulsion

  Agreed. Any ideas how we can cuff him in that position?

  No need.

  Huh? surprise/ concern The stasis bug won't hold for long. What are you planning?

  Misty moved before Jace could finish the thought. She flipped the encased Candyman with combat strength, so that he was spread-eagled on his back instead of his front. His pursed lips quivered, while he gulped for air like a feeding fish.

  “What have you done to me?” He swallowed convulsively, making his throat and the casing around it rattle.

  Misty crouched at the Candyman's side and Jace squatted beside her, ready for... well, he wasn't sure what.

  “This cage won't last,” Misty purred, “but I do have something more permanent in mind.”

  Jace tensed at the delight emanating from his friend. Mist caution/ concern/ query/ QUERY

  Misty almost winked at Jace, the briefest flutter of an eyelid and in that moment his perspective shifted. The encased prisoner seemed to be closer, as if Jace was right next to him.

  He reached out to lift the Candyman's shiny left arm and blinked when he saw his own hand. It was strangely small and delicate. The wrist looked fine enough to be snapped by gravity alone- it was Misty's hand. Jace shook his head furiously and the world moved again, to shift him back to his own body. He staggered up and away staring down at his hands. They were reassuringly large. He flexed them to be sure and they made solid fists.

  “Did you feel that?” Misty asked and Jace's gaze darted up. What was she talking about? Of course he'd felt whatever the hell that was. His lips shaped 'yeah', but another voice answered first.

  “Oh yes.”

  Jace's gaze dropped back to the copper cocoon. He had more important things to worry about than a passing hallucination.

  The Candyman's tongue pushed past his lips as if to scent the air like a t'ssaa. “I do feel you, little girl and I'd really like to taste you too.”

  Misty had torn off a small strip of the frozen field and now half circled the prisoner's wrist with her fingers. She seemed oblivious to what had just happened to Jace and he filed the odd vision away for later discussion.

  He had definitely experienced a change of perspective, but not just literally, he realized. His concern about what Misty had in mind for their prisoner was completely gone. The candy-creep deserved whatever she had planned for him. Jace quietly backed away.

  Misty was still focused on their prisoner, who licked his lips very slowly. “Tell me how much you enjoy feeling this,” she whispered. She braced the Candyman's arm over her knee then jerked down hard on his hand. He screamed and the remaining field around his wrist cracked and tore further open. His com appeared, dull and lifeless as all its energy struggled to restore its security field and heal its owner's newly damaged wrist.

  Jace blinked very slowly, but before he could decide how to react his fronds sensed someone in the doorway behind. He swung round, but a familiar mental touch quickly reassured him. It was Falkyn. Jace relaxed from combat readiness, but still braced himself for the sight of his scarred brother. He could only manage a strained smile and a brief nod. “Hey, Fal-”

  “What the hail are you doing?”

  Jace blanched and looked quickly to Misty, who simply yawned. She took her time finishing and then offered Falkyn a wave. “Good to see you up and out.”

  Falkyn's eyes stared blankly at her, their gray irises now whiter than those of an attacking Beserk and he didn't smile. He was clearly blind, but still had a single frond which could receive infra-red and Jace made an effort not to shudder.

  However, his brother’s frond ignored him to lift toward Misty, while Falkyn stared straight at her with unnerving directness. “I'd say the same, if I could actually see you.”

  Falkyn limped further into the pod, whirring faintly every time the metal struts of his prosthetic leg moved within their support field. Jace frowned and stepped closer in case his brother needed support. What was Harrier thinking letting him out alone?

  “What are you doing?” another voice asked and Amber sidled through the doo

  Misty's smile tightened. “Hosting a party it seems.”

  Amber paused just inside the door, before edging further to stop behind Falkyn. She leaned around him to study the Candyman. “The guest of Honor looks unimpressed. Is he unconscious from overindulgence or has he fainted?”

  Jace glanced back down at the sarcophagus, which did seem extremely quiet. The protruding lips had slumped to become slack and flaccid. Was the guy still breathing? A grunting gasp answered that and then the lips rose again. At the same moment the prison around the mouth abruptly began to pulse, while lines of light streaked across its surface.

  “His com is about to regain control and turn our prison field back from matter to energy,” Jace said tautly. “He's going to break free and reconnect with all of his security systems.”

  “We need to be quick then. Your captive is a wanted person?” Falkyn asked, making Jace snort.

  “And then some. A hundred thousand credits worth of wanted.”

  “Indeed. Amber told me you were hunting our first bounty without me. You might have waited.”

  Jace had no ready response to that. Three days ago Falkyn had barely been able to move and now he expected a place on the team? Unlikely. A blind and crippled bounty hunter was definitely not what they needed. He shared an uneasy glance with Misty, who shrugged.

  “No time to discuss that now.” Her hands tightened on the Candyman's wrist, but before she could do any more Falkyn strode forward.

  “Hold! I said, what the hail are you doing?”

  “What I must.” She looked back to her victim, but Falkyn gripped her shoulder hard enough to make her flinch.

  “That's been an excuse for atrocity down the ages.”

  “Don't lose your other leg. I'm just removing his com before he breaks free. Some compression of wrist and finger bones, to the point of rupture if required, then-”

  “Why dress it up, girl? Just call it breaking bones,” Amber snapped and Misty spared her a glowing look, until Falkyn distracted the young Beserk. He crouched beside her and his blind eyes locked onto hers, which faded, but remained beaded with silver.

  “This creature is gross,” Falkyn stated with quiet certainty, “but you are not. I think better of you than this.”

  “He's going to escape-”

  “No.” Falkyn tapped his com and a knife fell to his hand. He knelt forward carefully and felt for the Candyman's fused fingers. He groped his way up to the wrist and the prisoner groaned. Falkyn pushed aside the crumbling shell of the frozen field and carefully placed his knife above the pedophile's com. His voice was colder than deep space when he spoke, each word carrying clearly in the profound silence.

  “Listen well. You will release your com, or I’ll remove your hand and take it anyway. Understand?”

  The lips rippled in a startled whinny. “Wait. You can't-”

  “Actually he can,” Misty stated. “You're just hoping that he won't, but don't worry.” Her voice dropped to a whisper again. “If he doesn't, I will.”

  “Release your com,” Falkyn roared with both mind and voice. “Now.”

  The Candyman's com snapped open, releasing so fast it skidded across the floor and out the door.

  Misty fell back on her butt with an audible thump, while Amber clutched at her necklace. Wow. Jace's face was numbed by the shout, but as feeling returned he realized he was wearing a huge grin. “Awesome, bro. Now that is how you give orders.”

  “So it seems,” Falkyn said softly. His head slowly tilted toward Jace. Would you help me up? embarrassment/ necessity

  Jace stepped quickly forward and grabbed Falkyn in a congratulatory hug. “Well done.” He pulled his brother upright as a natural part of the gesture and received gratitude/ relief in return. They both looked down at the Candyman. There were no further cracks in his prison. Without his com he was trapped until they freed him.

  Misty rose to stand beside them and Amber approached to look over her shoulder. “Your first bounty,” she observed. “Most dramatic.” She paused to look up at Falkyn. “What was the plan if your bluff failed?”

  “Drag him as far as we could, as fast as we could before he broke free.” Falkyn sighed and they felt his fatigue, before his frond bristled to send a rigid command instead. Misty hissed at the force of it, while Jace's head snapped up to stare at his brother. Was the bustwing really trying to order them round?

  Yes. absolute certainty/ unbending decree You two will be back with your mothers before you can spit if you defy me in this. A simple recording of what has just passed will have them both plucking you from the Rim in an instant. Calm. Don't flash your eyes at me, Misty.

  “You motherdrakking gat.”

  Try Captain instead.

  It was Jace who bristled at that. “I'm in command of the ship. She only listens to me.”

  “And a fine pilot you are.” But not yet a leader. Falkyn's thoughts narrowed to reach Jace alone. Freedom is still too new to you, as are the responsibilities that come with it. You're both wide-eyed chicks, gawping at life.

  “We've done okay so far,” Jace protested and Falkyn inclined his head.

  “Well enough.”

  “We saved your sorry ass.”

  “And I thank you.” But you were about to let your best friend stain her soul forever. Misty needs guidance, not a fan club. Will you give her such?

  Jace opened his mouth, but failed to find a single word to fill it. His fronds hung flat and silent too.

  Exactly. Falkyn's frond bristled further to include them all in the conversation and he repeated his command. There will be no mistreatment of prisoners. Ever. For any reason.

  Misty stamped a foot at that. But if we need to find out-

  “No.” You may trick them as you wish. Think of it as a challenge, but you will hold yourselves to a higher standard than the dross we hunt. If we fail because of that, at least we can still live with ourselves.

  “Alright, yes,” Misty snapped, then threw her head up with a realization that hit Jace at exactly the same moment. They’d really done it. They had tracked and captured a wanted felon. A desperate, dangerous criminal was now their prisoner. They both whooped together and Falkyn joined in. They all hugged and jumped around laughing with delight. Jace even embraced Amber, who felt rigid as a board, although she managed to find a smile.

  “Yippee,” she murmured, watching the Candyman like a hawk. Or a falcon. Jace chuckled again and hugged Misty closer, until she planted a kiss on his cheek. It felt like a brand and he instantly backed off. He tried to keep smiling, but she sent shock and hurt, which made him turn away. He stood with his back to her and concentrated on finding the cheap magnetic hoist they'd bought earlier. He snapped a finger against its icon, releasing it from its file in his com. Three pairs of flat metal plates, with wheels beneath, dropped from his wrist and crashed to the floor. Jace pushed them over to the prisoner with a toe, before crouching to tuck each in turn under the sarcophagus.

  It took combat strength to lift the cast with one arm, but he managed to lever the Candyman high enough to slide them underneath. Once they were in place Jace fired them up and electricity flowed. The magnets began to repel each other and the sarcophagus came off the ground. Jace risked looking at Misty for the first time in several minutes. “Would you like to do the honors?”

  Her expression softened and he felt, surprise/ humility “No,” she murmured. “Thank you. It was your shot that took him down and Falkyn's trick that kept him there. You should both take him in.”


  Working Girls

  Misty studied her com with satisfaction. The numbers scrolling across it were delightfully high. She'd never had so much money of her own. She didn't even mind waiting for Falkyn to negotiate his way down the stairs in the Caught House. She trotted quietly at his heels without standing on them once. She gave a single sigh, but that was all, before he finally pushed through the triple screen of the entrance and she could bounce back into the largest plaza of the port

  Misty skipped to join Ace and slipped her arm through his. He smiled down at her, but jerked away from the contact. Well. That was confusing. She had no chance to ask him about it though. People streamed between them and stopped. Just stood there.

  Misty hissed and waited for them to move, but there was no response. Instead the crowd kept growing and milling around them without moving on. Odd. It hadn't been this busy when they arrived with their captive. Amber stopped beside her and sniffed. “Pay day. It's like blood in the water for prostitutes.”

  “For what?” Misty bothered to look at the people pushing close for the first time and instantly understood. There wasn't enough clothing among them to nest a single tweet and their heels were so high they were practically in orbit. What the hail had happened to Jace?

  Falkyn pushed haltingly to her other side and squeezed her shoulder. “Don't worry. I can clear this lot.” He limped among the prostitutes with his half-face grin. “Hello, honeys.” He gestured at his misshapen body. “I swear it’s not as contagious as the medics claim. Gods' truth, plague is far too harsh a description. Where are you going?”

  Misty exchanged a smile with Amber when most of the gazelles broke away from Falkyn at speed. The girls were scowling and one flashed him a rude gesture, but they didn't stop.

  Unfortunately, Jace was still inundated. The giggling group around him were oblivious to their fleeing comrades. Misty scowled and tapped her foot. “Do you think he needs help?”

  “Certain-sure,” Amber said, “but I doubt he wants it. Seriously, child, if you interfere he won't thank you.”

  Misty chewed her lip and at that moment she heard Ace's laugh, deeper than the giggles around it. That did it. The group started to move, pivoting to shed prostitutes from both ends and Ace emerged, strolling forward with a couple of girls under each arm.

  Misty stepped in front of him and he stopped, along with the closest members of his entourage. The outlying girls were slower to halt and swirled around Misty. One stroked her hair, while another pressed up against her. Misty's eyes flashed and she looked up at the women.


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