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Soul: A Bad Boy Biker Romance (New Devils MC Book 4)

Page 18

by Jade Kuzma

  Jamie looked at Sebastian and the rest of the Devils and nodded like he’d accepted his fate.

  “That’s it, huh?” he said. “You’re just gonna have these men kill me in cold blood?”

  “That’s where you and I differ, Jamie. I’m not out for vengeance. I’m not out for blood. I’m not gonna have a man executed even though he tried to give me all the shit he did ever since I first arrived. And to be honest with you, I do owe you. That’s why I’m giving you a chance.”

  “A chance? And what chance is that?”

  “I want out. My business is my business. Let me walk away. You want in on the big deal in Ivory, you do it yourself. Just let me go my own way. I don’t wanna work with you or for you ever again.”

  Jamie looked at Sebastian. He knew he didn’t have much of a choice. I was offering him a better deal than he deserved.

  “I’m a man of my word,” I said. “I always have been. Leave me in peace and you can leave in peace.”

  The older man kept eyeballing me. No doubt he was trying to come up with a solution in his head. That overbearing smug grin formed back on his lips as he started to nod.

  “You’ve got a lot of talent,” he said. “You’re leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s a big mistake.”

  “It’s my mistake to make, Jamie. I don’t want any part of the deal.”

  “Then I guess this is goodbye. We had some fun, didn’t we?”

  “I learned a lot from you. Lessons I’ll always remember…”

  “Looks like it’s back to the city for me. Find a smarter man who’s willing to work with me so I can get in on the deal. Maybe I’ll get in on the deal myself. With you out of the picture, more profit for me.”

  “I don’t give a shit what you do. Leave me out of it.”

  He stopped smiling. Even though I wanted nothing more to do with him, I couldn’t deny how strange it felt to see him walk away.

  Jamie didn’t say another word as he got into his car and drove away. The Devils stood by my side as he left down the dirt road.

  “Are you sure you can trust him?” Sebastian said. “He might be looking for retribution.”

  “This was a long time coming. He knew I was getting tired of working with him. Getting in on the deal with him would only make both of us frustrated.”

  “Yeah, but he still might wanna do something to you.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Silver isn’t a gangster like that. He’s just a guy trying to make a buck. He wouldn’t waste any time or money to satisfy his ego.”

  “Besides,” Roman said. “That motherfucker tries anything, I’ll kill him myself.”

  Roman put a hand on my shoulder. The entire MC was smiling.

  “All right,” Hunter said. “Shit’s over. I say we celebrate.”

  So much had gone down tonight. The situation was settled. But there was still some tension in the air. Tension that I had to deal with.

  I made it to the finish line. There was only one thing left for me to do.

  Chapter 26


  The road out of Ivory was dusty and unpaved. There were a few signs every now and then to let you know where you were going. There wasn’t much traffic. Outside of the streetlights, it was hard to see beyond the pavement. Not that it mattered. I could see all the way to the horizon and there was nothing but empty stretches of land as far as the eye could see.

  I looked out into the distance, my thoughts heavy even though I’d made my decision.

  This is the right choice…

  I kept convincing myself that I wasn’t making a mistake.

  “You all right there?” Madeline said.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know you’re not fine. Need some music?”

  “No… I don’t need any music.”

  “Why don’t you mess around on your phone? It’ll help to pass the time. It’s a long drive back to the city.”

  “I’ve got too much to think about.”


  I slowly turned toward her. She smiled from the driver’s seat. It gave me some comfort to know that I wasn’t alone in all of this.

  “This isn’t a mistake,” she said. “You’re doing what’s best for you. Isn’t that what he said he wanted you to do.”

  “That’s what he said,” I sighed.

  “Then this is the right thing to do. You had a great life in the city. Is it really so bad to be going back to it?”

  “No… No, I guess not. I was just thinking though. I should’ve probably told Ruth that I’m not coming into work anymore.”


  “She’s an older lady who works at the diner I’m at.”

  I laughed softly to myself as I thought about her.

  “What was she like?” Madeline asked.

  “She was great. She would never give me a hard time about anything. Place wasn’t very busy, so it wasn’t the hardest job in the world. But even when I knew customers were going to give me a hard time, Ruth stood up for me. Told me that food at the diner was cooked a certain way and if nobody liked it, they could go somewhere else. A lot of them did.”

  “Sounds like a nice place to work. You’ve got higher standards than that though. You get your old job back and you’ll be making gourmet meals for all the rich folks back in the city like always.”

  “Back on the food line… Just like always…”

  Madeline turned her attention back to the road. She gripped the wheel tight. She was focused unlike I’d ever seen her before.

  “What’s your deal?” I said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re gripping the wheel like it’s going to slip out of your hands. You can relax. There’s nobody else on the road.”

  “I know. It’s just… I haven’t been around here. It’s so dark out and there’s nobody else around. Kinda creepy.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m here with you.”

  “And I’m here for you.”

  We shared another laugh before I turned to look out the window again.

  “You must be excited,” she said.

  “About what?”

  “Getting back on the line. Fancy steaks. Lobster. I’m guessing you didn’t make much of that when you were at the diner.”

  “Not even close. It was mostly bad cuts of meat, lunch sandwiches and soup I’d make at the beginning of the day and serve for hours.”

  “Different palates for different folks.”


  I swallowed when I remembered him. All of the thoughts I had started running through my mind again.

  “You what?”

  “I started going over things in my head. The kind of menu I wanted to have for the restaurant. What kind of menu would you have if you were running the kitchen, Maddie?”

  “Good question… I’d probably keep it light and simple. Some veggies. What’s the rage these days? Quinoa? Kombucha? Acai? I can never tell.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you.”

  “Hey, it sounds like a lot of fun working with stuff I’ve never touched before. Plus, that’s how you make the big bucks.”

  “I’m surprised you care so much about the cash.”

  “It’s a business. You gotta compromise with your customers.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed.

  Silence filled the car again but only for a second.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “What kind of menu would you make? You said you were thinking about it.”

  “You know, it’s funny… If you’d asked me a week ago, I would’ve gone straight for the big stuff. Expensive and exotic meats. Stuff that pairs well with wine. Something that would only attract exclusive clientele.”

  “And now?”

  “At the diner, there were these customers who came in every single day. They ordered the same thing. Nothing special. Just plain, simple food.”

  “Simple food? Like what?”

bsp; “There was this one guy he… he liked my BLT.”

  “BLT? You can get a BLT at every deli on the corner.”

  “Right… But he still said he liked my sandwich…”


  Just thinking about him was enough to make me forget that I was on the road going away from him.



  “I know that you liked him a lot. But there are plenty of guys in the city. You can’t trust someone like him.”

  “You’re right. It’s just… The way he looked at me. I believed him. He wanted to make me his executive chef at the restaurant he was opening up. Can you believe that?”

  “I can believe it. You’ve got a real talent for this. You’re a natural.”

  “I’m sure I’ll get a chance in the city. A real chance to run my own kitchen… Someday…”

  I wondered what Ezra was up to right now. I held my phone tight in my hands but there was nothing from him. No text. No call. No voicemail. I managed to convince myself not to reach out to him.

  He was gone. All I could do now was hope that he was safe.

  Suddenly, the car screeched to a halt. I looked up and saw that we were stopped dead in the middle of the road.

  “Shit, Maddie! What are you doing?”

  Madeline turned the wheel and spun her car around.

  “I can’t do this to you,” she said as she raced back down the road toward Ivory.

  “Do what?”

  “This. You’re completely miserable.”

  “It’s fine. It’s just like you said. Once things get back to normal—”

  “That’s just it. Normal. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I didn’t help you take this chance. You never know when something like this is gonna come up again. If he really wants to make you his executive chef, who am I to stand in the way of your dream.”

  “It’s about more than that though.”

  “Right. You care about this guy. Whatever it is you see in him… I think you should risk it instead of spending the rest of your life with the regret and wondering what would happen.”


  I wasn’t sure what to say. Madeline was on my side. I trusted her more than anybody. But there was still a tiny part of me that was uncertain. Madeline had already made her mind up. Now I just had to convince myself that I wanted to head back to Ivory.

  “I thought I was crazy for believing him,” I said. “But you know why I believed him?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I looked into his eyes. I thought I saw what I wanted to see. But he really was listening to me. He really did see something in me. He… He really did like that sandwich I made for him.”

  Madeline smiled softly and nodded.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “It hasn’t been that long. We’ll be back in Ivory in no time.”

  Madeline couldn’t drive fast enough. She didn’t seem worried about getting pulled over or running into anything. She raced like a maniac until the small town slowly came back into view. She only slowed down when we were finally back on familiar streets.

  I navigated her back through Old Town. It wasn’t hard to find Hades. It was the only place with lights on and there were bikes and cars parked right outside of it.

  As soon as Madeline parked, I jumped out of my seat. I glanced at the bikes, hoping that one of them belonged to him. I wanted Ezra to be okay. I hoped that all of his business had been taken care of. Just because I was back in Ivory didn’t mean this was over. I wouldn’t rest until I saw him again.

  I pushed the entrance open and the night was in full-swing. The drinks were flowing and the people were laughing, chatting and dancing.

  I searched the crowd for him. The man in the suit.

  “Come on… Where are you?”

  I was nervous, standing by the bar and looking out over all of the people.

  “Dammit, where are you?” I muttered to myself.

  I glanced at the man leaning up against the bar next to me. Some guy with tattoos up and down his sleeves in a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. I looked away from him but quickly jerked my head back when I saw his face.


  I looked him up and down, half-confused that he wasn’t in his suit.


  There was a bottle of vodka on the counter and an empty glass right next to it.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked. “Your business—”

  “Everything is taken care of. You won’t have to worry about the Rebels or anybody else messing with you.”

  “I was worried about you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Where did you go?”


  I looked at the entrance and saw Madeline just walking in. She stood there and smiled softly, the last bit of motivation I needed to do it.

  This was the last big decision I’d ever have to make.

  “…I was with a friend,” I said. “From the city.”


  “We were talking. And… It gave me an idea.”

  “What kind of an idea?”

  “An idea of what to put on the menu. I’m thinking a BLT as a featured item… But not just any BLT. Different types of smoked pork. Fresh lettuce. Juicy tomatoes. There are some farms around here. I figure I could get some nice produce.”

  I was doing everything I could to hold back all of my emotions. But when his lips curled into a smile, all I could do was laugh. Those blue eyes of his, intense and kind all at the same time. It gave me the kind of giddiness I couldn’t ever remember feeling.

  Ezra smiled the same as me and put his arms around my waist. I squeezed him back, not wanting to let go.

  Whatever happened in the past didn’t matter. The man I was with now held me in his arms and kept me safe. I trusted him. There was no better place in the world for me than where I was right now.

  Chapter 27


  I could taste the alcohol on his lips. I sucked on his tongue to try and get a few more drops of liquor from him. The hair on his face brushed against my skin as another reminder of just how raw and rugged he was.

  There was no suit to hide him. No fancy jewelry to distract me. Just his body against mine and his strong grip caressing my body.

  “You drunk?” he whispered.

  “Maybe a little. Why?”

  “I don’t wanna take advantage of you.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. He stared deep into my eyes. I saw the man I’d always seen but there was something else different about me. I wasn’t afraid of him. I was worried that he was lying to me. He was just Ezra. The Ezra I’d always wanted.

  I bit the corner of my bottom lip as I grinned back at him.

  “Take advantage of me,” I whispered. “We’ve got all night.”

  We were in the back of the clubhouse with a place all to ourselves. The music and conversation were loud and thumped through the walls. It was the perfect ambiance to what we were just getting started with.

  I pulled my shirt over my head and he did the same with his. My bra couldn’t come off fast enough. I laughed as I undid my jeans and hopped out of them. My panties around my ankles, I kicked them away and exposed myself completely to him.

  Ezra was no slouch. No expensive suit to navigate his way through, he tossed his shirt and jeans to the side and put his entire body on display. I looked down and watched as he pulled his boxers down to his ankles. His cock popped up, half-erect and growing with every second that passed. The sight of his dick was enough to make my mouth water but everything else about him made my heart thump hard in my chest.

  I trailed my eyes up from his cock. Up his washboard stomach and all of the ink on his muscled chest until I was met by those blue eyes again. His hypnotizing gaze had me paralyzed. I swallowed to wet my suddenly dry throat.

  “Damn… You’re fucking hot.”

  “Wow. You are drunk.”

>   We shared another laugh as our lips came back together. Ezra squeezed my ass as I hopped up and into his embrace. I ensnared him with my arms and legs, bringing him closer to me as our tongue tangled together.

  He effortlessly carried me over to the bed and dropped me down on it. I didn’t get a chance to recover when he suddenly grabbed a handful of my hair. I gasped in surprise before my grin returned to my lips.

  “What would you like?” I asked.

  “Consider this your job interview… I’m opening a restaurant, remember?”

  “Well, I’ll do anything to get the job.”

  I crawled forward with his help. My eyes still locked on his, I dropped my jaw and took his cock between my lips. He grunted and leaned his head back as I started sucking him off. My fist tight around the base of his shaft, I pumped his dick while I swallowed the rest of his length. Ezra was big enough that there was more than enough for me to try and please.

  “Just like that, babe… Get me nice and hard… I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you…”

  My mouth was too full for me to respond. A sloppy blowjob had spit running down my chin and coating every inch of him. All I could do was gag in between deep breaths and swallows.

  Ezra’s dick was so stiff that I thought he would explode at any moment. He throbbed in my mouth. Drops of precum splashed against my tongue, exciting me and filling me with an anticipation that I would’ve welcomed even if I hadn’t been drinking to celebrate being with him again.

  I bobbed my head faster back and forth on him. It was too much for him to handle. He suddenly grabbed the back of my head and started rifling his hips. I kept my mouth open and gagged as he shoved his dick down into my throat as deep as he could. I let him use me. There was nothing more satisfying than letting him fuck my mouth the way he did.

  “You like that, babe? You like it when I shove my cock down your throat?”

  I looked up, my vision blurry as the tears started to streak from the corners of my eyes. I was on all fours on the edge of the bed while he pounded my throat. Just when I was close to my limit, Ezra pulled out of me and gave me the reprieve I was so desperate for. My jaw hung low as I gasped deep breaths to try and recover.


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