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Willow Hall Romance

Page 34

by Leenie Brown

  “Do you mean, Miss Bennet or Miss Elizabeth was not proper?” He asked in surprise.

  “I know it is shocking,” Caroline agreed. “I cannot say it was one or the other — some things are best left unsaid. However, I can tell you that Miss Bennet was whisked away to her aunt’s home only a little more than a month thereafter, and, well, Mr. Darcy is excessively enamoured with Miss Elizabeth, so…” she let the story end there as Harris’s eyes grew wide.

  “But your brother is not engaged to Miss Bennet. Is his honor not injured by not offering for her?”

  Caroline shrugged. “I do not know that my brother did not offer and was rejected. Nor do I know if he found her — hmmm,” she tapped her lips with her finger, “untouched. Miss Bennet smiles very easily at all the men she meets.”

  They walked along in silence for a few strides. “I fear I have fallen prey to her smiles,” Harris finally admitted, “but she seemed so decorous.”

  “That she does,” Caroline said sadly. “I, of course, broke off my friendship with her as soon as I knew.”

  “As you should!” declared Harris, “And as I will.”

  “You will not say anything about what I have shared, will you? She is a woman in need of a good home at some point. Her father is not well to do.”

  Harris looked toward the house that was now just before them. “I shall not whisper a word,” he assured her.

  Caroline thanked him but knew that this secret would not stay hidden. How could it? It was tantalizing. Miss Bennet would not succeed with any gentleman in Derbyshire, and Charles? She shrugged mentally. It was possible that his reputation might come into question, but he was a man and as such, indiscretions were forgivable. However, she thought as a smile curled her lips, if it did hurt him, it was no more than he deserved for first, ruining her chances with Darcy and then, turning her away from Pemberley to sleep at an inn.

  Chapter 6

  Bingley was relieved when he could, at last, stand on the steps of Pemberley and watch Hurst’s carriage driving away. Finally, when the coach could no longer be seen from the house, he went in search of Darcy, who had gone to check on Georgiana’s progress with her music. Bingley smiled. He doubted that Georgiana was little more than a passing thought to his friend. Darcy would no doubt be more interested in Elizabeth, but that was as it should be. He sighed. How he longed to be so besotted! He nearly was — indeed, he would be just as smitten if Jane would accept him.

  “Would you be willing to see the ladies returned to Willow Hall?” Harris was asking Darcy as Bingley approached the music room. “I had not thought we would be so long in our call, or I would have allowed another to escort them.”

  “You are leaving?” Bingley asked in surprise.

  “I have another commitment,” Harris darted a nervous glance toward the music room, “and I would hate to be the cause of snatching Miss Elizabeth away, for Miss Bennet will not wish to leave without her.”

  “I can see them home,” said Darcy. “It will be no trouble.”

  “Thank you.” Harris scooted back a step. “If you will make my excuses, I shall be on my way. I truly should not delay another minute.” He turned and walked away — nearly trotting down the stairs — before anyone could either agree or disagree to do as he requested.

  “I am not sorry to see him gone,” Bingley said to Darcy once Harris was out of sight.

  Darcy laughed. “I can imagine you are not.” He slapped Bingley on the shoulder. “It has been a trying afternoon for you, first with Harris arriving and then your sisters.”

  “Indeed,” agreed Bingley.

  Richard, who had just joined them, chuckled. “Should Darcy have toast and tea delivered to your room in the morning so that you will not have to watch us eat?”

  Bingley scowled. “I have learned my lesson on that front and expect to eat a hearty breakfast — unless my sister returns; then I shall not emerge from my room until she is gone.”

  “You are not pleased with her, I take it,” said Richard, holding open the door to the music room, so that Bingley could pass through ahead of him.

  “No, I am not. The sooner I can be rid of her the better.” He smiled and nodded a greeting to the ladies, who were gathered near the piano. Elizabeth and Jane sat on a couch, and Georgiana, on the piano bench. The music they held was quickly gathered and returned to a tidy stack on the instrument.

  “Was that Miss Bingley who was here?” Elizabeth asked as Darcy took his place next to her.

  “It was.”

  “Was she not supposed to join Mr. Bingley for a time at Pemberley?” Elizabeth’s eyes darted from Darcy to Bingley, and Bingley thought he saw Elizabeth squeeze Jane’s hand before releasing it.

  “Our plans have changed,” Bingley said. “Caroline has been invited to a house party, and I will be returning to town next Saturday.” He took a seat in a chair that was next to the couch and at Darcy’s left elbow, but turned in such a way as to allow the person resting in it to converse easily with those on the couch. “There was no wedding planned when the original arrangements were made.”

  “I am sorry,” said Elizabeth.

  “Oh, do not apologize for such a joyful event.” Bingley smiled reassuringly as he crossed one foot over the other, trying to appear as at ease as he could. However, in truth, he was anything but easy. He still longed to have a private word with Jane to plead his case and her forgiveness. He had wished for such an arrangement since he had returned from his walk. Unfortunately, Harris’s continual presence this afternoon had afforded no such opportunity — that is, until now, if he could manage to break away from the group and draw Jane along with him.

  “Then, you will come to visit at another time?” Elizabeth asked.

  With some effort, Bingley kept his smile in place and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. “I am uncertain.” He could not keep from glancing meaningfully at Jane. “However, if events allow me to return, I will.”

  Jane did not miss the look Bingley gave her. Was he saying that her acceptance of him was the hinge on which his plans swung? “It would be a travesty to never return to such a lovely place as this,” she answered.

  Bingley’s smile faded slightly as he looked at her. “Undoubtedly, it would be.”

  Jane’s cheeks reddened, and she dropped her gaze for a moment.

  Richard cleared his throat and looked at Bingley uneasily. “Can we discuss plans for visits and whatever else you are not saying after Georgiana plays? I have heard enough chatter for one afternoon, and we are not allowed to eat or drink until the performance has ended, and I am hungry.” As if it had been prompted by the words, his stomach rumbled.

  “You do not have to wait for me to finish,” said Georgiana with a giggle. “We would not want you to perish from hunger — or, worse, become bearish because of it.”

  “I say,” Richard began with a feigned look of displeasure, “I should like to protest such a comment, but if it will gain me a biscuit or two earlier than I might have gotten them, I shall be content to be thought of in such a disagreeable way.” He winked and waved his hand to indicate she should begin her performance, which she did after sending one last teasing smile in his direction.

  Bingley tapped his fingers silently on the arm of his chair while Georgiana played. He was not keeping time to the music. In fact, he was not paying attention to the music in any particular detail. He was merely enjoying it as it washed around him and filled the room so that he could think without having to attempt to keep track of any conversation.

  Jane had seemed to welcome him just now. That was what she was doing, was it not? He darted a look in her direction and smiled as her eyes flicked away from watching him. Yes, it did seem he was welcome. He rose and quietly made his way to the tea tray to retrieve a cake. Then, he walked behind the others and took up a place leaning next to the window. Here, he could enjoy the breeze and watch Jane without being obvious — or he would have been able to had she not thought to bring him a cup of tea.

“Are you well?” he asked softly as he accepted the cup.

  “I am recovered.” She pulled her lip between her teeth and looked briefly at where the others were seated. Then, deciding she was indeed brave enough to do so, she smiled and leaned against the wall across the window from Bingley. “However, I suspect a bit more fresh air might be beneficial.”

  “Indeed, it might,” he agreed, happy to have her stay there with him.

  “I have spent a good deal of my time recovering here.” She motioned to the bench that was between them and in front of the window.

  Bingley’s brows rose as he looked out the window to where he and Caroline had spoken earlier that day.

  Jane dipped her head. “I did not mean to overhear.”

  He shook his head as if it was not a big thing to have been overheard being so cross with his sister while inwardly he felt the sting.

  “I did not find anything improper in what you said.” Jane looked down at her hands.

  “You did not?” Bingley was not positive he had heard that correctly. He had not been kind. Was that not improper? Did it not show a man of poor character?

  “No, I did not.” Jane smiled at him before lowering her gaze once again. Her fingers twisted uneasily around each other. “Did you know I was in town?”

  Bingley swallowed. “No,” he whispered.

  “Then you did not know I called?”

  Bingley’s mouth dropped open. Jane had called? Why had he not been informed?

  “Your sisters eventually returned my call.”

  Bingley’s mouth moved as he unsuccessfully attempted to form words.

  “I had hoped you would accompany them.” Jane ventured a quick peek at him.

  Bingley dropped onto the bench and shook his head. “I had no knowledge of any of it. If I had, I would not have been so polite to Caroline today.” Indeed, he might have throttled his sister instead of just speaking harshly.

  The music from one song faded, and Georgiana began another.

  This was the moment Bingley had desired — the moment when he might beg her forgiveness. He looked first at her and then at the others whose backs were to them before taking her hand and drawing her down to sit next to him. “I should never have left Netherfield and you. I acted abominably. I was nearly certain your heart was affected as much as mine. ”

  “I should have been less guarded,” Jane whispered in return.

  Bingley shook his head and smiled sadly at her. “No, I should have stayed until I knew the truth even if the truth would have crushed my soul, for leaving has done just that. Until this moment, I feared I was doomed to a miserable and lonely future.” He grasped her hand more firmly. “Please tell me that I have a chance to win you.”

  Jane blinked against the tears that threatened. “I will, if only you will tell me that I have a chance to be won.”

  Had the room been empty, Bingley might have allowed the joy that swelled in his heart to have overwhelmed his sense and drawn Jane into his arms, but knowing that they were not alone, he refrained from such overt signs of his delight. Instead, he lifted her hand, kissed it, and continued holding it. They sat so for the remainder of the present song and half of the next before Bingley found the words to express what he felt.

  “You have made me the happiest of men, and I shall strive to show myself as worthy of you. Then, when I have proven my worth, I shall speak to your father if you desire it.”

  “Must you wait?” asked Jane. “As time passes, I shall only love you more, not less.”

  As Bingley searched her eyes, his smile faded slightly. “You fear I will leave you again.”

  Jane blinked and shook her head, but her cheeks reddened.

  “It is a natural concern,” said Bingley as calmly as his hurting heart would allow him. “That is why I must wait. I would not have my wife ever doubt my steadfastness.”

  “But,” protested Jane, “you are to leave again — in one week’s time.”

  Bingley blew out a breath, and his shoulders sagged. She was correct. He had planned to leave after the wedding. He could not stay at Pemberley and impose upon his friend at such a time. “I will speak with Marcus, perhaps something can be arranged.” He squeezed her hand and released it as the song began to draw to a conclusion. “I will not be persuaded to leave you again, and if I must travel for a time, I will always return.”

  Jane smiled and nodded her acceptance of his words, for she would not trust herself to speak. Her emotions were too great to be easily regulated.

  Bingley stood. “I shall see you home.”

  Jane’s eyes widened, and she looked around the room. “Oh, but what of Captain Harris?”

  “He asked Darcy and me to give you and Miss Elizabeth his excuses,” Bingley explained. He had been so distracted by the thought of Jane when he entered the room that all other thoughts had been forgotten. He imagined it was the same with Darcy. “It seems Captain Harris had a previous engagement,” he added.

  Jane laughed in surprise. “I had not even noticed he was not here. How very dreadful of me!”

  Bingley grinned. “I find it to be a perfectly acceptable oversight.”

  Jane laughed again. “I should not say it, for you will begin to think very ill of me, but I am glad he has gone.”

  Bingley looked at her with a puzzled expression. “I thought you enjoyed his attentions.”

  “Oh, he was tolerable, perhaps even obliging,” she sighed, “but his regard was not truly what I sought.” She lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

  “It was not?” Then why had she smiled so often at the man and taken the captain’s arm so eagerly when he offered it?

  She shook her head. “Oh, what will you think of me?” She sighed again and looked away. “It was a ploy to make you jealous.”

  Bingley chuckled. “So, you were also being a dress,” he said as he helped a confused Jane to her feet and tucked her arm into the crook of his elbow. “You see, Richard had a theory. He had noticed that his sisters always desired a dress they could not have above any they might possess. So,” his cheeks grew warm, “we decided that I should be the dress you could not have.”

  Her eyes grew wide, and a smile spread across her face. “So you have no particular fondness for Miss Dobney?”

  “I do not,” he admitted.

  “I am glad.”

  “As is Richard,” muttered Bingley.

  Jane halted their progress toward the door. “Colonel Fitzwilliam is fond of Miss Dobney?”

  Bingley could not help but notice the excitement in her voice. “He has not admitted such, but he will not deny it either.” He tipped his head, studying her pleased expression. “I take it Miss Dobney will not be injured by my defection?”

  “I cannot say.” Jane pressed her smiling lips together.

  Bingley did not question her further, for though Jane had not spoken a word, the delighted twinkle in her eye gave him to know that he was indeed correct. And he was glad. He had not considered how their plan might have caused injury to Miss Dobney. He would have to be more cautious when making plans in the future, and, he thought with a wry grin, it might be best to make them without the assistance of port.

  Chapter 7

  Harris’ heart raced as his carriage drove away from Pemberley. How fortunate to have come to a solution to his problem in such a convenient way!

  He had thought he would have to draw Bingley out — causing him to act rashly and thereby exposing himself as less than a gentleman to one in the hopes that Darcy would have little choice but to break ties with his friend. But try as he might to provoke Bingley to irrational jealousy — and he could clearly see that Bingley was jealous — the man had proven to be more controlled than expected.

  Harris smiled. Playing the part of the smitten lover of Jane Bennet had not been a hardship. That lady was beautiful! Indeed, until his present trouble had come upon him, Harris had hoped he might convince Jane to marry him. He mentally ticked off the reasons for why he had chosen to favour her wit
h his attentions — she would do justice as mistress of his estate, everyone seemed to adore her, and she was so trusting that she would never suspect his true reason for travelling occasionally to Warwickshire. Yes, Miss Bennet would have made a fabulous Mrs. Harris — not that she was his first choice, no, that choice had been snatched away three years ago. But, that mattered not now, save in keeping the reason for the disappearance of that lady a secret, which Miss Bingley’s intelligence should guarantee.

  Harris continued to thank his good fortunes all the way to a small pub tucked away around the corner of a street in Lambton. It was not on the familiar path, but it was always busy with a particular shade of customer. He jumped down from his carriage and with a few words to his driver, went in search of his quarry.

  “Fisher,” Harris greeted a man of middling age as he took a chair at the table where the man sat.

  “Harris?” Fisher seemed surprised to see him. “You’ve got all your teeth and eyes and not a tinge of blood on you.” He raised a brow as he lifted his glass. “Not coming to break off our arrangement now are you? Wickham will not be pleased to hear it — and you know what he will do if he is not pleased.”

  Harris leaned back in his chair and drummed the fingers of his right hand on the edge of the table as a smile spread slowly across his face. “I have come to collect my papers.”

  “It is done?” Fisher’s eyes grew wide in surprise.

  “Nearly,” said Harris. “I will give you the stories you need to spread about as soon as I have seen the papers.”

  “You don’t expect me to have them with me now do you?” Fisher’s empty glass clunked heavily on the table.

  “I’m quite certain you do, since Wickham charged you with them in a rather threatening fashion.”

  Wickham had shoved Fisher against the wall in the room where they had met, holding him in place with a forearm pressed firmly against Fisher’s throat and only released Fisher to gasp for air after he got an assurance that the papers would be seen by no one besides himself, Fisher, and Harris until the three week period of time had been completed. At the end of that time, if Harris had not done his best to meet his end of the bargain, the papers were to make their way secretly to Mr. Williams.


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