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For The Night (Luna, #1)

Page 2

by Haze, Violet

  His smile is glorious. Straight white teeth surrounded by lips that are neither too big nor too plump.

  A mouth that briefly touched mine yesterday and would be licking me all over later this evening. Well, that is my plan, at least.

  “Are you all right?”

  I jerk my eyes up to his, face flaming as I realize he’s been speaking to me and I haven’t heard a word. Nervous, I lick my lips and smile back.

  “Yes, sorry. Would you like your usual?” I don’t know why I didn’t just bring the coffee and bowl of fruit with me. His order never differs; as he’d even admitted to Molly, he’s a creature of habit.

  I can’t blame him for wanting me to serve him. Since the first day he walked in, I’ve refused to let anyone else serve him.

  I wait for recognition to flare in his eyes, for him to say the name I gave him the day before.

  He removes his hands from the table and leans back against the seat. His brows lower as he stares at me, his mouth twisting a little at whatever he’s thinking.

  My heart speeds up as I wait for his answer, afraid the jig is up before I’ve even gotten the chance to get him naked.

  “No,” he finally replies. “I think I’d like for you to tell me what your favorite meal here is.”

  I blink once. Twice.

  “I—I don’t eat here,” is what flies out of my mouth and as his eyes widen, I start to clarify my statement. “What I mean is—“

  He straightens and cuts in, an indecipherable gleam in his eye. “Why not? Is the food here not edible?”

  “No!” My spine stiffens and I glare at him. “I mean, yes, it is. Just because I don’t eat here doesn’t mean it isn’t great food.”

  “If you don’t eat here, how do you know it is good?”

  “Because I own this place,” I declare. “I wouldn’t serve crap to anyone.”

  “Interesting.” He sits back against the seat once more. “So, tell me, what do you believe is the best breakfast food here?”

  “Why is that interesting? Did you not know I’m the owner?”

  He chuckles. “Of course I did. I also wonder why you are serving customers; that is a job usually left to a waitress.”

  “Because,” I say, lowering my voice as I place my palms flat on the table and lean in so he can hear me, “I believe in doing my fair share around here beyond the paperwork. And I believe in making sure every single customer is satisfied to my fullest ability.”

  He sits up and moves his face close enough that our noses nearly touch. Gathering he expects me to pull away, I resist the urge and stay put.

  “Is that a promise, Ms. Bates?”

  I’m irritated now. Not only is he questioning the food in my restaurant, but he’s so close the sweet and spicy scent of his cologne assaults my senses. For the first time in my life, I want to slap someone almost as much as I want to fuck them.

  Guess there’s a first time for everything.

  “No,” I hiss, “that’s a damn guarantee.” I straighten as his grin widens and pull out my pad and pen. “If you must know, I recommend the french toast. We use bread made from scratch—“

  He cuts me off once more. “Do you have a sister?”

  I quell the instant panic that fills me and scowl instead. “No! Why? Would you wanna insult her, too?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic,” he says as he looks down at his watch then back up at me. “You just remind me of someone I met yesterday and kind of sound like her too.”

  My mouth drops open.

  How do I kind of sound like myself?

  Speaking before I even think about it, I say, “Oh, do I? Does she think you’re an impudent jackass, too?”

  He surprises me by laughing. “Probably.” Clearing his throat, he looks me straight in the eye. “Sorry about that. I’ll take that french toast and some coffee, please.”

  I nod and write it down, then twirl on my heel and walk away.

  He calls out to me. “Oh, and Ms. Bates?”

  I stop and wait without turning around.

  “I hope you feel better soon.”

  I wince inwardly, knowing he’s pointing out how sick I’m not, but lift a hand in acknowledgment and head to the kitchen.


  “Iris! Come here for a sec, please?”

  I’m standing in front of the mirror, putting my wig in place, when she walks in. I turn at her whistle.

  Iris has been my best friend since we were five years old. We attended the same school from kindergarten through college. When we got this place, we were afraid that living together would end up ruining our friendship, since that was the sort of thing people told us would happen.

  But it hadn’t.

  I think it is because we are — and always have been — two very different people. She is stubborn; I’m less so. I’m passive while she’s more aggressive. She likes relationships; I don’t. On and on. We each do our own thing, being there for each other no matter what, with no judgment.

  “What do you think?”

  I’m wearing a black layer skirt that goes to right above my knees, an emerald colored silk shirt with a deep v-neck, and black pumps. I’ve put on eyeliner, eye shadow, and lip gloss. With my wig and contacts, I look nothing like mousy Jocelyn who goes make-up free and wears drab outfits.

  Iris smiles at me, her blue eyes shining. “You look gorgeous as always. But—“

  I shake my head. “Don’t lecture me. I know what you think of this whole thing already.”

  “Joce, you know I love you.” She walks over and hugs me. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy,” I insist. “If this didn’t satisfy me, I wouldn’t do it.”

  She sighs, nodding as she pulls away. She knows arguing with me is useless, but I do love that she tries anyway.

  “I can’t believe you’ve accepted an invitation to go out!”

  I turn to leave, rolling my eyes at her. “He gave me a ride and asked me. I saw how he looked at me; turning him down would’ve been stupid.”

  She follows me as I exit, her excitement making me wish I hadn’t told her anything beyond the usual.

  Dexter stands by the front door. As I approach, he holds out my jacket. “You want a ride?”

  “Not really, but you’ll insist anyway,” I retort with a laugh as I put it on. “So lets go.”

  He winks and heads outside to the car. I whirl to face Iris and she pulls me into a hug.

  “I want to hear all about it tomorrow!”

  I laugh as she releases me. “You know I’ll tell you as much as I usually do.”

  She pouts, crossing her arms and making puppy dog eyes at me. This only lasts for a second before her phone rings and her eyes light up as she takes in the name on the screen. I know who it is: her boyfriend, Garret. She waves at me before answering and walks away.

  When I reach the car, Dexter is waiting. He turns down the blaring music as I get in.

  Dexter is a lot like Iris. While he’s a man who loves sex, he actually prefers relationships. He also elected himself as my brother, saying since I didn’t have one, that someone had to look out for me. And by look out, he meant lecture me every chance he got to try and persuade me to change my ways.

  “You know I wish you wouldn’t do this,” he says not even one-second after he pulls away from the curb. “You never know what could happen.”

  I give him the ‘are you kidding me?’ look. “By that logic, I shouldn’t drive a car. Or even go outside my house without someone with me. Or hell, stay inside my house because someone could break in. See how ridiculous this is?”

  “Yeah, but it’s worse. Because—“

  “No.” I scowl at him as he pulls up in front of the hotel. “I’ll be fine. I’ve given you two his name just in case, but I’ll be fine and you know it.”

  I don’t see what I do as reckless; after all, I have Iris and Dexter, a system to let them know how it is going at specific intervals…and a thing of mace.

  Even so, I refuse
to live in fear. Life is an adventure and I will live to the fullest.

  He frowns back at me, so I lean over and give him a hug. He squeezes once before releasing me.

  “Smile,” I say, grinning. “I don’t want the last thing I see before I die to be your frown.”

  He grips the steering wheel and throws me a disgusted look. “That’s not funny!”

  I roll my eyes and open the door with a laugh. “Later, Dex. Love ya.”

  I hear him chuckle as I shut it and walk into the hotel to wait for what I hope will be the best sex of my life.


  The man really seems to like his suits.

  As I approach the private table in the back where Tobias sits, he stands up and I instantly focus on his attire.

  I’ve never been one to drool over a man in a suit or uniform, yet I am unable to stop myself from staring as he pulls out my chair.

  He’s changed into a black one for dinner. He wears no vest — only a white shirt and no tie, the first button undone. His hair is rather tame, if a bit unruly and all I want to do is run my hands through it. I don’t know why he changed his clothes, but I certainly don’t mind the more relaxed air he’s giving off.

  When he lifts a brow at my inspection, I merely smile and sit down.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He grins and takes a seat across from me.

  The waiter comes and takes our drink order. Then we’re left alone.

  “I trust you had a nice day?” His voice is pleasant and low.

  “I did. And you?”

  “Yes.” He sits forward, all his intense attention on me. “You are stunning.”

  I want to suck in a breath at the blatant desire shining from his eyes, but manage to control it. Barely.

  The waiter arrives before I can respond and sets our drinks down.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  Tobias nods and looks at me.

  “Yes,” I say, not even needing to look at the menu as I give the waiter a smile. “May I please get the six-ounce filet, medium-rare, with a loaded baked potato? That’s all.”

  He writes it down as I look back at Tobias. He smirks at me as the waiter turns to him.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  “Very good. I’ll put this right in for you, Mr. Blackburn.”

  He takes our menus and rushes off.

  Tobias grins at me, taking a drink of his water.

  “Do you always copy what your date orders?” I take a sip of my water, making sure to keep my face neutral. “First, the water. Then, the steak and potato.”

  He shrugs. “I do when they order the same things I like.”

  I want to smile.

  I really like him. If I was the type of girl to have relationships, he would be at the top of my list. Smart, funny, sexy, educated and obviously doing well for himself. A girl could do much worse.

  Instead, I say, “The waiter knows you by name. You must come here often.”

  “Funny. I thought the same thing when I told the maitre’d that a woman named Luna would be joining me and he knew exactly to whom I referred.”

  I don’t blush like I’m sure he expects me to. I laugh and lift my glass of water. “Touché!”

  “You’re a fascinating woman, Luna.” He touches his glass with mine, then takes a sip before continuing. “I’ve seen you here a fair bit.”

  On the outside, I keep my face calm; on the inside, I panic. “Have you? And what have you seen, exactly?”

  “A woman who isn’t finding what she desires,” he murmurs before meeting my eyes. “A problem I think I can help with.”

  The panic subsides a bit as my curiosity takes over.

  “And what do you think I desire that I’m not finding?”

  His eyes spark and he holds his hand out, palm up. I don’t know what instinct takes over, but I do know what he wants. I place my hand in his, my breath hitching as a wave of awareness rolls through me at his touch. Maybe it’s because I want him to put his hands all over me; I can’t really be sure.

  A tug on my hand has me leaning in, closing the distance between our faces over the table. He turns my hand over and brings his lips to kiss the center of it. The brief touch arouses me, heightened by the accompanying lick, making me wish we were alone right this fucking instant.

  Then his tongue is traveling down, leaving a trail of kisses and licks to my fingertips before he takes my middle finger into his mouth and sucks on it. His eyes are locked on mine and I can’t look away, even as I bite my lip to stifle a moan. I cross my legs, trying to drag my hand away as I hear footsteps approaching.

  He swirls his tongue around it one more time before sucking hard and releasing me. We both barely sit back before the waiter rounds the corner, food in hand.

  After a moment, we are alone with our food and as I pick up my silverware, Tobias speaks.


  I glance up, unable to speak at the hungry look in his eyes.

  One side of his mouth tilts up as I freeze. I’ve no doubt he knows how incredibly turned on I am.

  “I’m what you desire,” he clarifies. “And after dinner, I’ll prove it to you.”

  I swallow, my mouth dry, even as I nod.

  It’s going to be an interesting night.


  “I’ve gotten a room for the evening,” Tobias informs me, pulling out the key as we head to the elevators. “I thought you’d feel safer here.”

  I mentally add ‘considerate’ to his list of qualities.

  It doesn’t prevent me from messing with him.

  I stop walking. The arm he has around my waist slides out since he didn’t anticipate my sudden pause, causing him to turn around with a questioning look.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “I never said we were going to sleep together,” I whisper, my eyes focused on the floor to give off the impression I’m embarrassed by this turn of events. “I thought we were just having dinner.”

  He doesn’t say anything and after a few moments, I glance up to find him grinning.

  “I didn’t say we were going to either, did I?” He asks, walking over to the elevator and pressing the ‘up’ icon, then holds out his hand. “Are you coming or not?”

  Well, that didn’t go like I thought it would and confusion fills me.

  I take his hand and we get on the elevator. He presses the top floor button and the doors close.

  Neither of us speak and I start to feel nervous. This evening is different from the others.

  I always know what to expect. The fact I can’t decipher his intentions leaving me on edge.

  His comment at dinner about proving I desire him seemed to indicate we would be partaking in sexual activities.

  I haven’t misunderstood, have I? Perhaps he intends to tease me all night?

  I’m lost in thought when he chuckles.

  “Did you just growl?”

  My face flushes. “I—I guess so.”

  Did I seriously just stutter? What is wrong with me?

  I lift my eyes to his as he snickers. He’s staring down at me, his eyes intent.

  He pushes me until my back is against the wall. A hand slides down my side and lifts up my leg to wrap it around his hip. He steps closer, pinning me to the wall, as his lips descend on mine.

  Eager for this since his little stunt at dinner, I open my mouth intuitively, giving him immediate access as I close my eyes. His tongue seeks out mine as I bring my hands up to his shoulders before gliding them up into his sleek hair. I indulge my earlier desire to run my fingers through his hair as our mouths mingle.

  The hand holding my leg skims back toward my skirt, then under it. I’m not wearing hose and when he cups me over the silk panties I donned, we both moan. I buck into his hand, unable to ignore the way his other hand tightens on my hip as the one cupping my pussy slides back and forth, providing me with very sensations I want in that moment.

  I barely register the dinging of
the elevator as it continues its trek upward, fully engulfed in the tightening spiral of arousal that shoots through me. I move my lower body again, grinding and trying to increase the pleasure, but I’m completely trapped. He seems perfectly content to ravage my mouth while stroking me at a leisurely, torturous pace.

  He releases my mouth, murmuring, “Open your eyes.”

  I obey his command, gasping as he brings one hand up to grip my chin, making it impossible to look away. The hand stroking me through the silky material drifts up to the band, then slips inside and down to my slick folds. His eyes hold mine captive as he inserts a finger inside me, then two, thrusting upward and making me cry out. His thumb finds my clit, rubbing it as his fingers curl inside me, massaging my g-spot.

  His eyes burn as he pushes against me, arousal evident.

  I want him inside me. I’m eager to get back to the room and my eyes dart to look at what level we’re on.

  Forty-four. Six more.


  I bring my eyes back to him. He smiles as he inserts another finger and I stiffen as pleasure shoots through me. I’m close, the orgasm just out of my reach, and he knows it.


  He moves his hand faster, and I move in rhythm. He leans in, kissing down my jaw, as his hand manipulates me.


  Then, his hand is gone. He slides my body down, leaving me on the edge of desire, and I wobble as he goes to move away.

  “Here, let me help,” he offers instead, picking me up as if I weigh nothing and tossing me over his shoulder as the elevator dings again.

  It stops and I look over my shoulder, eyes flying to the monitor.


  Tobias chuckles, stepping out and into the hallway. “Thought we were going to level fifty, didn’t you?”

  “I—“ I lick my lips. “I saw you hit fifty!”

  “I did, but you were a little too preoccupied with my hand to notice I did anything else.”

  “Jackass,” I mutter, realizing he’s left me hanging on purpose.

  As he stops in front of a door and runs the key through the reader, he laughs. “A little anticipation never hurt anyone.”

  He opens the door and steps through, and as the door shuts softly behind us, I can’t stop the shiver of excitement that rushes through me.


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