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Widow on the Loose

Page 13

by Stevie MacFarlane

  “But the rent,” Jeannie began. “I don’t think I could afford to…”

  “Of course the rent will be included as part of your employment package. After all it means the building will be fully occupied so we won’t have to worry about vandals or anything like that. Certainly I’ll install a top rate security system, but that doesn’t make up for someone actually being there.”

  “But what about you? Aren’t you going to live there?”

  “I am, I think,” Claire said hesitantly. “I’m just not sure for how long.”

  “Ah, Travis,” Jeannie said with a knowing look. “I could sense something going on there. The man positively devours you with his eyes.”

  “And a few other things,” Claire admitted with a laugh. “I’m happy living with him. I feel safe, secure, cared for, but he knows I’m working on my having my own place and he hasn’t said a word about me staying with him.”

  “Well,” Jeannie said firmly, “even if he lets you go, which in my opinion would be incredibly short sighted, and you do move into the building, we’ll be neighbors.”

  “So you’ll do it?” Claire asked hopefully. “You’ll take me on as friend, co-worker and neighbor?”

  “Absolutely! Claire, I can’t thank you enough. You have no idea what a difference this will make in mine and Charlie’s life,” Jeannie said with tears in her eyes. “I feel like a whole new world is opening up to us.”

  “Could that world have anything to do with a certain man named, Jackson? He’ll be your neighbor too you know.”

  “Maybe a little, but my track record with men hasn’t been the greatest. Charlie’s father was not the man I thought he was,” she sadly confessed.

  Claire squeezed Jeannie’s hand and handed her a tissue.

  “Sometimes what we need is right before our eyes, but we don’t see it,” Claire murmured. “How long have you been holding Jackson off?”

  “Eight months.”

  “So he’s pretty patient?”

  “Yes, so far.”

  “Well, be careful. They all have their limits,” Claire warned.

  “Do you think you could keep Charlie for me some time, I mean if Jackson ever asks me out again?” Jeannie asked.

  “Of course, Charlie and I are buddies. Anytime, honey, you just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Claire. And if you ever need someone to talk to about Travis, or George,” she added gently, “or anything else, you’ve got my cell number.”

  “I’ll remember. I’ve got to run. I have a meeting with my tax man and I want to get the forms so you can go on the payroll immediately. There’s so much to do it makes my head spin. I’ll be in touch soon. Bye, Charlie,” she called, waving.


  It was difficult to listen to facts and figures when all she could think about was Travis and those damn clamps. Finally, she was able to escape and go home. She decided to make Turkey Tetrazzini for dinner. Turkey and pasta might make him tired. She’d meet him at the door with a drink and serve plenty of chilled wine with dinner. Perhaps he’d fall asleep and forget all about his plans for her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It didn’t work of course. Even though she wore her rattiest pair of oversized jogging pants and a slouchy cut off sweatshirt that was so big it frequently bared one shoulder, it didn’t work. With her hair up in messy bun and no makeup she figured she was about as unattractive as she could be, looking more like a teenager than a grown woman. What man wants to mess around with someone like that?

  He was a little late coming home, but he laughed out loud when he saw her standing barefoot and holding out his drink.

  “Wow, you really are nervous,” he grinned, setting down his briefcase and a brown paper bag. After taking off his suit jacket he took the drink. “Did you think making yourself look like a little girl would be unappealing to me?” He smiled when her face flushed and she looked down at her pink painted toenails. “It’s just the opposite you know. I have no problem playing Daddy to your little girl. In fact, I’m glad you thought of it.”

  With a huff Claire turned and stormed off to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of white wine and chugged it down.

  “Are you old enough to drink?” he teased, sauntering in after her.

  “Shut the fuck up, Travis,” she shouted, glaring at him.

  Instantly his demeanor changed.

  “You’re crossing the line, Claire,” he stated sternly. “One more outburst like that and a night of passionate games will turn into a night of serious discipline. Is that what you want? Is it?” he demanded.

  “No, I’m sorry,” she whispered. Her shoulders slumped, exposing one enticing curve.

  “Come here, little girl,” he said, holding open his arms to her.

  She leaped into them, her feet off the ground when he caught her.

  “Now listen to me. I would never do anything to hurt you. We both agreed to this arrangement for several reasons, the most important being that it brings us incredible pleasure. You have a safe word, right?”

  “Yes,” she mouthed into his neck.

  “What is it?” he demanded.


  “That’s right, and have you ever used it? Have you ever felt the need to stop me, even when I’m pushing you far beyond what you thought you might enjoy?”


  “Are you convinced I would stop?” he asked, setting her down.


  “Then I don’t want to hear any more about it. I find your efforts to entice me in a different direction adorable, but they won’t work. When I say we’re going to try something new, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. You always have the option of using your safe word at any point, but remember if you do, everything stops for the remainder of the night and I mean everything. I don’t care if you’re two stokes from coming, it’s over. Do you understand?”

  Claire nodded her head on his chest.

  “Good. Now what’s for dinner? It smells delicious.”

  “Turkey Tetrazzini,” she answered moving to the stove.

  “No kidding? You haven’t made that before. You know someone once told me eating turkey makes you tired,” he drawled. “Did you know that?”

  Claire didn’t answer. She just looked at him and rolled her eyes as she set his plate on the island.

  Dinner was delicious but Travis stopped her after her second glass of wine. With a frown, Claire got up and began cleaning up the kitchen.

  “I’ll do it tonight,” Travis told her. “Why don’t you go and have a nice bubble bath and I’ll come wash your back when I’ve finished.”

  Claire studied him for a moment, the dishcloth in her hand as she tried to determine if his request was a suggestion or an order. His next words confirmed it.

  “Since you’re feeling so young tonight, get out those red ruffled panties I bought you. I’ll enjoy seeing you in them. Nothing on top though. I want full access to those pretty nipples. The panties can stay on until it’s time for me to attend to your bottom.”

  Gulping audibly, she let the dishcloth slip from her hand.

  “Run along, little girl,” he encouraged with a pat to her bottom, “before you make Daddy angry enough to give you a good spanking.”

  She was off like a shot, running from the kitchen and Travis did his chores whistling. Damn he was in heaven living with Claire, and possibly falling head over heels in love with her once again. He could almost hear George laughing!

  In his bathroom, he found her up to her neck in bubbles and smiled. Her hair was piled on top of her head and she looked at him with wide, wary eyes when he dropped to his knees beside the tub and began to roll up his sleeves.

  “Give me the washcloth, baby,” he instructed her as he pushed her back in the tub until she was resting comfortably.

  “I thought you were going to wash my back?”

  “I am, but there are other parts of you that are just as important,” he stated plainly.

  “Um, I�
�ve already washed those,” she stammered out.

  “Now what kind of a daddy would I be if I didn’t make sure my little girl was spotlessly clean, inside and out?” he admonished taking the cloth from her hand and skimming it slowly across her breasts.

  “Travis, you’re killing me here,” she panted as he circled each one, carefully scrubbing her nipples with a covered finger.

  “Killing you?” he laughed. “Baby, I could drill a hole through this porcelain and we haven’t even started. Now be quiet before I spank your wet ass just for fun.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she quipped with a smile, knowing she’d got to him when he groaned deep in his throat.


  Claire allowed herself to relax against the tub. Obviously Travis was a man on a mission and had the evening planned. Who was she to interfere when what he was doing to her was so pleasant? She gasped when he tugged on each nipple in turn before moving his hand lower, drawing the cloth across her abdomen. At her navel he tickled her a bit, smiling when she giggled and swatted his hand away.

  “Don’t be naughty,” he warned with a grin. Moving lower he discovering that sometime during the day all of her pussy hair had been removed. “You got waxed?” he asked in surprise.

  “No, for some reason it all just dropped off me,” she replied drolly.

  “I see what’s going on here,” he stated, sitting back on his heels. “You do want a spanking. You’ve only to ask, my sweet.”

  “No, no I was just kidding,” Claire backtracked quickly.

  “You’re lying,” he insisted sternly. “Get on your knees and lean over the side of the tub. I have to wash your bottom anyway so we may as well take care of that now too.”

  “No, Travis, I was only being a smart ass,” Claire begged.

  “Over the side, Claire. Now!”

  Shaking, she obeyed. Travis positioned her so her bottom was facing away from him. He was able to wrap an arm around her waist and hold her in place with her head behind him and her hands reaching for the floor. She felt him brush the bubbles off just before his wet hand made contact with her wet bottom.

  Hearing the incredibly loud noise of his swat, she froze for a second until the sting bloomed across her ass.

  “Ouch,” she screamed, moving her knees and sloshing water all over.

  “I have a firm belief that little girls who know they may get spanked and sass their daddies anyway secretly want a spanking. I’m pretty convinced you fall into that category, young lady,” he calmly asserted as his hand continued to spank her quite firmly. “Maybe you should think about that the next time you feel like being… what was it, oh yes, a smart ass. Still feeling the urge to sass me?” he asked, his tone amused.

  “No, no, no,” she cried, wiggling her behind to no avail. “I won’t do it again.” Sniffling and wailing, she pressed her cheek against his side and sobbed.

  “You won’t do what again?” he asked, holding his hand on her very red bottom.

  “I won’t sass you,” she howled.

  “Sass who?” he asked, slapping the tops of her thighs.

  “You,” she promised.

  “And who am I, now, right this minute?” he barked.

  “Daddy, you’re Daddy,” she wept.

  “Good girl. Now you stay right here while I finish your bath. No nonsense or I’ll take the bath brush to your naughty cheeks.”

  Claire tried to hold as still as she could when Travis located the cloth and began to wash her. He very carefully reached between her legs and gently separated what he called the petals of her little flower, but when it came to her bottom he was not so kind. He rubbed the cloth quite roughly across her cheeks as she squealed in protest. Ignoring her complaints, he swatted her several more times.

  Completely mortified, she braced herself when she felt his cloth covered finger prodding her back door. He seemed to be having great difficulty and retreated for a moment only to return with something slippery on the cloth that allowed him to slide past her tightly clenched hole. Working his finger in and out, she shrieked.

  “Isn’t it clean enough, Daddy?” she pleaded tearfully.

  “Not yet, baby mine, but it will be before the night’s over,” he vowed.

  Claire had no idea how it could get any cleaner, it was on fire now and she had a good idea he’d used a bit of soap to grease his way, but she wisely kept quiet.

  “There, I think that will do it,” Travis said as he released her. “Stand up now and I’ll rinse you off.”

  Trembling, Claire obeyed, allowing him to help her. After opening the drain, Travis turned on the hand held sprayer, adjusted the temperature and basically hosed her off paying special attention to the area between her legs, her sore cheeks and her thoroughly scrubbed anus.

  What galled Claire the most was that, despite what he’d just put her through, she wanted to grab that sprayer out of his hand and use it where it would do the most good, right on her swollen clit. He’d never allow it, of course, she realized. He seemed to enjoy keeping her on the edge and she had no doubt tonight would not be any different.

  She gone for the wax job hoping it would please him and she thought it did. He was on his knees drying her right now, his mouth mere inches from her. Oh if he’d only slide a thick finger inside her, it would take approximately two licks from his tongue to get her off.

  Her knees were shaking and Travis looked up at her and smiled. Claire was sure he knew exactly what she was thinking. Damn him.

  “All right, let’s get these pretty panties on you,” Travis said as he picked up the red lace ruffled panties he’d bought her a couple of weeks ago.

  Claire held onto his shoulders to steady herself as he slipped them up her legs and over her bottom, letting the elastic snap.

  “Wow,” he remarked with a whistle as he turned her around. “They were worth every penny.”

  “Travis, they itch,” she whined.

  “Pardon me? Were you speaking to me?” he asked raising his eyebrow.

  “I mean, Daddy, they itch,” she repeated, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

  “They probably wouldn’t if Daddy hadn’t had to spank your sassy bottom so hard. I bet it’s chaffed, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, may I have some lotion?” she pleaded prettily.


  Claire stomped her foot and Travis looked at her in amazement. She stiffened, knowing the results of that look from him were usually swift and uncomfortable. It surprised her when he finally smiled, tipped her chin up with his finger and claimed her lips in a very grown up and passionate kiss.

  “Just when I think I know you and understand your desires, you surprise me by pushing me.”

  “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Yes, Claire, you did. I adore it when you play my little girl, but I think your needs go much deeper than a simple spanking on a wet bottom. If they didn’t, you would behave properly, at least for a short time after being disciplined. Instead you pout and brat me into taking it further.”

  “I do not,” she insisted, rubbing her backside and moaning. “I hate these panties,” she hissed.

  Ignoring her complaints, he picked up the hairbrush from the vanity.

  Claire covered her bottom and backed up.

  “Turn around. Daddy only wants to brush your hair,” he said calmly. When she hesitated, he took her shoulders and moved her in front of the mirror. “I want you to be quiet,” he said as he released her bun and ran his fingers through her hair. “I have plans for your sweet ass tonight and I’d like to make sure you feel everything and not get distracted by a throbbing bottom. If you continue to give me a hard time, I’m sure I can deal with your attitude, but you won’t like it.”

  Claire studied him in the mirror as he picked up the brush and tended to her hair. He stood tall and strong behind her, his large hands gentle as he worked the snarls out. Travis was handsome. The touch of silver at his temples only added to his image as a mature and confident m
an, a man who occasionally indulged them both by playing her daddy.

  If anyone would have even hinted that she would find that sexually exciting, or even comforting on some level, she would have laughed and told them they were insane. Yet here she was, standing before him with a well spanked butt, wearing ruffled red panties, watching her nipples harden and her cheeks blush. Her eyes widened further when she felt the dampness between her legs increase.

  Hell, she was a smart, college educated woman about to embark on her first real job. She’d been married, widowed and was rapidly nearing forty but she was also melting under his forceful, yet caring attention. Her tummy fluttered when he artfully draped a lock of hair over her shoulder, brushing her nipple. Her sigh was audible.

  Setting the brush down, Travis took her hand and led her docile body to the bedroom. Like a lamb to the slaughter, she thought as they moved from the steamy room into the much cooler bedroom.

  Taking a seat on the bed, he positioned her directly in front of him. Her eye caught the sparkle of gold on the night table and she shivered as her nipples puckered further. On the bed next to him, in clear view, was the evil silicone spatula, the big one.

  “I want you to stand right here, baby, and clasp your hands behind you. No fidgeting or I’ll cuff you,” he promised indicating the velvet covered handcuffs she’d missed. “You’re to be a very good girl for daddy. Do you understand?” he asked, his voice dark and thick like melted chocolate.

  Claire nodded, pressing her thighs together.

  Placing his hands behind her shoulder blades Travis spread his knees and nudged her closer. For a moment he merely let his hot breath bathe her right nipple in moist heat. Claire’s head dropped back as she whimpered. His tongue snaked out and he licked her tip, once very slowly. Apparently he was in no hurry. She arched closer and he picked up the spatula and smacked her ass over her panties.

  “Who is in charge here?” he demanded.


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