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Loving a Vampire

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked between the two men.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said.

  “We’ll take good care of you,” Gregory said.

  “Gregory will claim your maidenhead. I fear it would be too much for me to take.”

  “You wouldn’t hurt me,” Marianna said.

  Augustus smiled. “You do me an honour, Marianna. I’m not as strong-willed as you think I am. I don’t know how much control I’d have.”

  Chapter Six

  Gregory watched the battle going on inside Marianna’s head. If she refused them both then he was going straight to have a cold shower. Didn’t she know how fucking hot she looked with her legs splayed open and her pussy on display? Cream covered her whole slit. She was turned on, and the scent of her arousal was making it hard for him to concentrate.

  He wanted to lick her and bring her to orgasm multiple times. She deserved to be cherished, and he was more than willingly to cherish her.

  Augustus was his best friend, and sharing Marianna with him didn’t make him jealous. The thought of sharing her alone turned him on. His friend wouldn’t hurt the woman on the sofa. Regardless of what Augustus thought, he cared about her.

  For the past few months Augustus spent every moment he could finding out information on her. Someone who obsessed that much about her safety wouldn’t hurt her. Augustus hadn’t been stalking her with the intention of causing her pain. His friend had been stalking her in order to keep her safe.

  Gregory understood his friend’s feelings. Marianna inspired the same kind of feelings inside himself. The need to protect her was there along with the need to make her happy. If she wanted to walk away then he’d let her. Anything she wanted she could have. He’d make sure of it.

  “Do you both really want me?” she asked. The disbelief in her voice cut him to the core.

  “Yes.” Gregory answered before Augustus got the chance to.

  Augustus caressed her face. “Whatever you want it’s yours.”

  She stared between the two for several more minutes. “Then I’d like to be with both of you.” Marianna raised her hand. “But I want you to go slow. I’ve never been with a man. Before you, Augustus, I’ve never even kissed a man.”

  His friend turned back to him. Gregory nodded.

  “Neither of us see a problem with taking things slowly. First, I don’t think this moment is designed to take place in the, what do you call it, Gregory, the entertainment room?” Augustus asked.

  “It’s a games room.”

  He watched as Augustus picked her up in his arms. Gregory followed him out the door. He knew Augustus was struggling to go slow. His friend was doing everything he could to keep her safe.

  They made their way up to the bedroom. Gregory noticed it was Augustus’s bedroom they went to. His friend liked to lavish himself in the finest quality of everything. The walls were covered in paintings many hundreds of years old, original paintings Augustus had been collecting over the years. He’d told Gregory many times the tales of his time with artists.

  The bed was large, custom made, Gregory knew because he’d been the one to order the design and be there when it was delivered. Curtains surrounded the bed offering privacy. Thick curtains covered the windows. When Augustus didn’t want to go to the basement he spent the mornings locked in his room.

  “Your room is beautiful,” Marianna said.

  “How do you know this is my room?” Augustus asked.

  “Gregory doesn’t seem like the sort to have a room like this. I imagine his is rather spacious with a lot of light. Also, he’s smirking behind your back.”

  Augustus placed her on her feet. “You’re right, Marianna. This is my room, and I, for one, love it.”

  He watched as Augustus stroked her face. Marianna looked nervous. The fear was present behind her eyes, but he put that down to her virgin state.

  “I think Gregory should be the one to disrobe you. I want to see your beautiful breasts, and I’ve already had the pleasure of seeing your pussy.”

  Augustus moved out of the way leaving Gregory to finish off.

  Marianna stared at him, the lust in her eyes plain to see. She smiled at him, and everything felt complete for Gregory. He moved swiftly, standing in front of her.

  “You move fast.”

  “It’s the result of the blood. It makes me strong and fast but only for a little while.”

  “You’re perfect, and don’t let anyone else tell you differently.”

  He smiled. No one, not even Augustus, had ever told him he was perfect before.

  Stroking the round flesh of her stomach, Gregory teased the tails of her shirt. “I’m going to remove your shirt,” he said.

  She lifted her arms over her head. In one smooth action, Gregory dispensed with the shirt she was wearing, which left only her bra.

  The bra was an ugly thing. It was cheap and black and didn’t show any hint of the breasts it covered. Gregory despised it immediately.

  “My thoughts are with you,” Augustus said.

  He turned to see his friend sat on a chair in the far corner. Did his friend like to watch?

  “I do. I love watching the seduction of a woman, and Marianna is such a sweet woman to watch.”

  Gregory moved Marianna in front of him. She moaned but didn’t fight him. He flicked the clip at the back of the bra. Easing the straps down her arms, Gregory watched as her tits were freed. The look on Augustus’s face was priceless. He looked like he was in heaven. Throwing the bra away to one side, Gregory cupped her mounds. “What are they like?”

  “They’re perfect. They’re large with nice round nipples. She’s aroused as those little red buds are begging for a mouth.”

  Kissing the side of her neck, Gregory felt her shiver against him. “Then come and taste such sweetness, Augustus. Tell me how our woman tastes.”

  Faster than he could see, Augustus had his mouth full with one of her ripe breasts.

  Gregory wrapped an arm around her stomach holding her up. He felt her whole body shake where she rested against him.

  The sound of suckling filled the air.

  “He wants you, Marianna. I bet Augustus is using all of his control to not throw you to the bed and fuck your glorious pussy.”

  She moaned. “Please,” she said. “I need you.”

  Augustus lifted his head. “You taste amazing. Take her to the bed, Gregory. Strip, and show her what it’s like to be with a man.”

  “You don’t want to join us?” Gregory asked.

  “No, I want to watch.”

  Gregory watched Marianna climb on the bed as Augustus removed the curtains. He took his clothing off while Augustus removed anything that would hinder his view.

  Marianna lay in the centre of the bed waiting for him. Climbing up the bed, Gregory didn’t care about the fact Augustus was watching his ass.

  “You’ve got a fine ass, Gregory. It’s nice and pale, and if you want I’ll bite it for you.”

  “I don’t swing that way, but I’ll accept the compliment.”

  Marianna was laughing where she lay on the bed. “You two really are good friends.”

  “I’d do anything for him,” Gregory said.

  “And I’m keeping him alive because I love his company,” Augustus said. “Now, stop stalling and show our woman a good time.”

  Returning his attention to woman in his arms, Gregory forgot all about Augustus watching him. He only saw Marianna. Her green eyes stared back at him. “I’ll take care of you.”

  “I trust you.”

  He could live with her trust, but he wanted her love. Gregory didn’t understand his thought or where they came from. He didn’t question it. Augustus probably heard his thoughts.

  “I did hear it, and I feel the same way. We’ll talk another time.”

  Gregory saw the questions in her eyes and shook his head. “It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  Stroking the hair back from her head, he leaned down and brushed his
lips against hers. From the first contact they shook. Her inexperience showed through on the merest whisper of a kiss.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said, pulling away.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll tell you what to do, and some of it you’ll feel.”

  Pressing his lips against hers Gregory teased his tongue over her plump flesh. She gasped, and her mouth opened.

  “See, some of it comes naturally.”

  Before she could question him, Gregory took full advantage of her open lips. He sank his tongue inside, tasting her.

  He looked forward to exploring everything with her.


  Gregory’s kisses made Marianna melt. The heat between her thighs increased at the smallest of contact from his lips on hers. She’d never known anything like it. Kisses from her parents were nothing in comparison to the kisses from Gregory. He made love to her with his mouth. Everything he did was to give her pleasure. She sensed it and loved how he was trying to get her to love it as well.

  “Gregory cares for you, Marianna. He’ll do anything to make sure you feel the same kind of heat.”

  Augustus’s words penetrated her thoughts. Gregory pulled away and smiled at her. “He’s right. I’m not going to be satisfied until I’ve brought you to orgasm multiple times. Tonight, my mission is to have you feeling nothing but pleasure.”

  “I like the sound of that.”


  Gregory stroked along her arm going down until his fingers grazed the top parts of her breasts. There was nothing she could do to stop herself from arching up to his touch. He drove her wild from the simple stroke of his fingers.

  “You’re so beautiful and sexy. I could spend the rest of my life looking at you and die a happy man.”

  Marianna was touched by his words. Stroking her fingers down his face, she caressed them over his lips.

  “Thank you.”

  He dropped a kiss to her lips and then moved on to her neck. She closed her eyes relishing the feel of him against her. He opened her thighs and crawled between them. She didn’t tense. There was no need for her to be tense. Gregory kissed her neck moving down until he sucked on her nipples. His mouth felt different from Augustus’s. The suction was different, but it was still nice. Her body tightened as he nibbled on her flesh. His teeth sank into her pleasure. She cried out from the pleasure of his touch.

  “She wants it, Gregory. Feel her pussy and tell me how wet she is.”

  Turning her head toward the sound of his voice, Marianna gasped. Augustus was naked with his cock thickly pulsing in his palm.

  Licking her lips, Marianna watched him stroke the shaft with his hand.

  Gregory stopped sucking her breasts to turn in the direction where she was staring. “He wants you just as much as I do.”

  “He looks beautiful,” she said.

  Marianna turned back to the man between her thighs. Running her hands down his body, she gripped his erection.

  He stared down at her. The pain on his face gave way to his arousal. “Be careful, Marianna. I won’t be able to last,” he said.

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Stroke him slowly,” Augustus said.

  Staring at Gregory, she stroked his cock following Augustus’s instructions.

  “Run your fingers through the tip and use his cum to run over the shaft.”

  Gregory shook above her. “This should be about her, Augustus, not me.”

  “She wants to touch your cock. I’d love to have her hands all over my shaft.”

  Marianna didn’t like them having a conversation over her head. Pushing her advantage she pushed Gregory. She moved over his legs until he was lying on the bed with her on top.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m exploring you.”

  “I haven’t done exploring you.” Gregory went to move her, but she pulled away.

  “No. This is my first time. I want to touch and explore you. It’s important to me,” she said.

  Gregory looked like he wanted to fight her. Instead, he collapsed to the bed and relaxed. “Enjoy.”

  She didn’t intend to bring him off with her hands. For a few minutes, Marianna just wanted to learn how to touch him. She wanted to be the one giving the pleasure as much as receiving it.

  Augustus moved closer to the bed. He knew her thoughts because he was reading them as she thought them.

  Marianna watched as he touched his friend. “She doesn’t want you to stop, Gregory. For a little while she wants to see you have pleasure.”

  The man beneath her nodded at Augustus’s explanation.

  “Touch him, Marianna. Put your hands to his flesh.”

  She reached out, stroking over his chest. His chest was bare of hair, and the muscles were all tightly coiled. There was not an ounce of fat on him. Gregory was perfection.

  His small nipples tightened as she grazed her nails over the peaks. He moaned.

  “He’s turned on, Marianna. Your touch is creating little fires of need.”

  She moved her hands down to his stomach. His thick cock stood straight in the air. The tip glistened from his cum while the flesh pulsed as if it had a life of its own.

  Augustus went back to his chair as she wrapped her fingers around Gregory’s solid length. His body tensed at her single touch, but Gregory didn’t fight her. He lay down looking her in the eye as she played with him.

  “How does it feel?” she asked.

  “It feels amazing. I ache, yet I hurt all the more.”

  “Why do you hurt?”

  “I hurt because I’m so turned on. I need you, but I’m giving you the chance to explore me.”

  She ran her hands up to the tip and pulled the foreskin back revealing his mushroomed head. “You’re not circumcised?”

  “No, and neither is Augustus.”

  Turning toward the vampire in the corner she sent him a smile. She ran her fingers through the cream leaking out of the slit.

  Gregory caught her hips and flipped her to the bed. “I’ve given you some time. My turn again.”

  She lay back as he opened her legs. Gregory didn’t take his time. He sucked her nipples into his mouth then moved down. He inserted his tongue into her belly button making her giggle before he settled between her thighs.

  Augustus moved to the bed in a flash. He placed several pillows behind her head. In the next blink of an eye the other man was back in his seat in the corner.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how fast he moves.”

  “He does have a way of distracting us.”

  Gregory opened her thighs, and in the next instant Marianna couldn’t think as his tongue licked along her slit.

  Chapter Seven

  Augustus saw and heard the pleasure exploding inside Marianna. No man had ever known her beautiful body or tasted her cream. Watching the two people he cared about the most tested his control. Gregory licked her pussy, slowly and delicately, which is what she needed. Augustus didn’t have the desire to go slow.

  She opened her thighs wider. Her fingers sank into Gregory’s hair. She pressed her sweet, tight pussy against his mouth.

  Gregory’s hands went to her ass.

  Leaning back in the chair, Augustus touched his cock, watching his two people give each other pleasure. Gregory looked ready to explode.

  He didn’t penetrate her virgin pussy. Gregory centred all of his attention on her clit, the swollen nub that demanded him to suck.

  Marianna thrashed her head from side to side as Gregory licked her. Her release was only seconds away. He felt the flashes of white throughout her mind and scented the increase in her release in the air.

  Her cries filled the silence. She sounded perfect to him.

  Gregory licked her even though she begged him to stop. He drew out her orgasm until she was a quivering mess and on the ride to her second orgasm.

  “Augustus?” Gregory asked.

  “Take her. Give her everything I cannot.”

The scent of her blood and sex combined would be too much temptation for Augustus. He didn’t want to bring her to any harm. She’d not had any of his blood either. There was a risk that if he took her, she’d die.

  Gregory moved up her body. Augustus watched the other man align his cock to her entrance seconds before slamming inside her tight heat.

  Marianna tensed. Her maiden flesh tore. The scent of blood mingled with the intense flavour of chocolate. His little flower was no longer a virgin, but her innocence would live on providing she only stayed with him and Gregory.

  Never before had he considered sharing a woman with his friend. Gregory may be human, but he did consider him a friend. He never wanted anything to happen to him, which was why he resisted turning him. Gregory did have a delicate nature at heart. The first few years in turning were the worst. He’d kill anyone and anything to get what he wanted. There would be no stopping the need to hunt, kill, and to feed. They would all combine. The blood of his prey would be the only thing Gregory cared about.

  Several times Augustus had come close to turning him. He saw the pain Gregory was in when he was late for a feeding. Death scared Gregory a lot more than being a vampire. The love he felt for his human friend was the same love he felt for Marianna.

  Leaving Gregory behind was not an option. Sharing Marianna didn’t fill him with jealous rage. He felt at peace. They could make it work, the three of them. He felt it in his dead, non-beating heart.

  What would happen if he turned both of them?

  He couldn’t bear the thought of either of them hating him.

  Pushing the thoughts aside he watched as Gregory stroked Marianna’s hair. Tears glistened in her eyes from the pain.

  “Sh, it’s all right. I’m here.”

  The pain was bearable. Marianna’s were tears of joy not pain. She was finally a woman in her eyes. The feel of Gregory inside her was more pleasurable than she ever thought possible. The emotions flitted over face and through her mind so fast.

  Augustus caught every single emotion ringing through her mind.

  “Move, Gregory. She’s ready for you to move and to give her everything she needs.”

  Gregory took his word for it. He watched as the other man pulled out of her tight heat and then press back inside.


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