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Loving a Vampire

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Gregory touched the side of her neck. There was no response. There was no pulse. His heart hammered as he looked at Marianna’s pale face.

  “I gave her my blood. I don’t know if it was too late. She was still breathing.”

  “How do you become a vampire?” Gregory asked. Augustus never told him. He figured the reason the man never told him was because of the risk of Gregory taking matters into his own hands.

  “You need to die with my blood in your system, and when you wake up you need to feed from the vampire who gave you the blood before you died.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?” Gregory asked.

  “I was too scared that I wouldn’t be able to stop you. I don’t want this for you or for her. What have I done? I’ve ruined everything.”

  “Shut up. You’re a vampire, and you’re crying like a fucking baby. I need to think.”

  He held Marianna to him. His thoughts were all over the place. He wasn’t sure what to do.

  Staring down at her red hair mattered with blood made it hard. He’d been inside her virgin body less than twenty-four hours ago. Gregory was in love with her. Marianna was his life, and here he was holding her lifeless body.

  “She could still turn. How long will we know if she turned?” he asked.

  “Tonight. She’d rise tonight after the sun goes down.”

  “Then we need to get her prepared for tonight.” Gregory lifted her into his arms. “Clean this mess up. I’ll be down as soon as I’ve cleaned her to help you.”

  Feeling in control for once, Gregory carried her upstairs. He didn’t take her to Augustus’s room. He took her to his room. Going through to his personal bathroom he put the shower on and settled her underneath. She was icy cold to the touch.

  Gregory kept thinking about her being passed out. He couldn’t handle the thought of carrying her lifeless body. It was too much for him to deal with. He didn’t handle dead bodies.

  Marianna is dead.

  No, she’s going to be a vampire. She can’t be dead.

  I won’t allow it.

  Ignoring the blue tinge to her skin, he washed the blood from her body and hair. When she was cleaned he dried her body, placed a shirt to cover her nakedness and placed her in the bed.

  Walking downstairs he found Augustus scrubbing the floors and sides. “I never knew there was so much blood,” Gregory said.

  His friend turned to him.

  “I shouldn’t have sat with her. This is all my fault.”

  Gregory didn’t say a word. He grabbed a scrubbing brush and got to work on cleaning the mess. His anger was so acute that he could taste it. All he wished to do was hurt Augustus. He was angry at Marianna being dead, but he was angry at the fact she was getting what he’d wanted last night.

  Last night he’d have given anything to be turned by Augustus. Seeing the mess and feeling the sun on his skin, Gregory was having second thoughts.

  “I didn’t change her on purpose, Gregory. I fed her my blood in the hope she’d come back. I never wanted to kill her.”

  “I know. You’re the vampire who hunts to feed not to kill.” Gregory cleaned the rest of the kitchen in silence. He had nothing to say to his friend.

  Pretending the blood was tomato soup helped. If he saw Marianna’s blood then he’d lose it. Attacking Augustus wasn’t in his best interests.

  When everything was cleared away Gregory found his friend in the basement. Augustus’s head was in his hands, and the sounds of grief coming from him startled Gregory.

  “I never meant to hurt or change her. She cut herself, and the scent of blood and her arousal was too much.”

  “Why can’t you gain control of it?” Gregory asked, taking a seat beside him.

  “I’m in control of it, Gregory. Do you think there would be anything left of her if I was a recently turned vampire?” Augustus turned toward him. “If someone else had done it there would be nothing left. My control came with the fact I turned her rather than slaughtered her.”

  “What happens now?” Gregory asked. He didn’t want to think of all the blood he’d cleaned up or the deathly pale beauty lying on his bed.

  “We wait until the sun goes down. There is nothing more for us to do.”

  Running fingers through his hair Gregory let out a sigh. “I can’t deal with this. When Marianna wakes up she’s going to be a vampire. I don’t know what to do or how to deal with it. I’m not totally sure what the fuck is going on, and it scares me.”

  “She’ll be confused when she wakes. It will be best for her if you’re around. She’ll still be her same old self for the first few hours until the thirst for blood takes over.”

  Gregory shook his head. “How did this all get fucked up?”

  “I trusted myself around her. I shouldn’t have let her come down to the basement. This is all my fault.”

  He couldn’t think of what to say to make Augustus feel better. The woman he’d fallen in love with lay dead on his bed.

  “I need to take a shower.”

  Chapter Nine

  Marianna’s skin was burning. Everything inside her hurt, and when she opened her eyes she struggled to breathe. Nothing made sense to her. She heard everything, and yet nothing was filtered as it came to her ears.

  “She’s panicking,” Augustus said.

  “What’s happening to me?”

  She opened her eyes fully to see Gregory and Augustus in the room. In one swift movement, Augustus pressed his bloody wrist against her mouth. “Drink.” The order came from his lips.

  Shaking her head, she turned away from the offending wrist.

  Gregory sat next to her. “You have to drink, Marianna. You’re dying.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Why was he saying such horrid things to her? She’d done nothing to him, and yet he was being mean to her. Why?

  “Please, trust me, drink.” The sadness in his eyes cut her deep.

  “I’ll explain everything, but drink. I can’t lose you.” Gregory’s lips didn’t move. She’d heard his thoughts. Turning back to the offending wrist she drank down the rancid taste and gagged. She hated the sight of blood, and the taste was even worse.

  “Step back, Gregory.”

  The instant they moved from the bed spasms wracked her body. Marianna couldn’t control them. She closed her eyes as something miraculous happened to her body. There was no control over it. Her sense returned, and when she opened her eyes she felt … strong. Lifting her hand before her eyes she saw the paleness of her skin, but there was new strength within her.

  Placing a hand over her heart, she felt no beat or pulse.

  She was dead. Sitting up she saw Augustus stood in front of Gregory.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Please, look at me. Be the woman I love.” Gregory’s voice whispered across her mind. His lips remained still as he looked at her.

  “What’s going on? Why are you stood in front of him? Why do I feel different?”

  She stood from the bed with a speed that startled her. Marianna yelped and crashed into the dresser beside the bed.

  “Okay, please, I’m freaking out.”

  “You’re a vampire,” Gregory said.

  “No, I can’t be a vampire.” Turning her gaze to Augustus she saw the truth written on his face. “No, this is not acceptable.”

  Before she could stop herself, she charged at the other vampire in the room. The screams coming from her mouth shook her. The sounds were animalistic.

  “Marianna!” Her name came from Gregory. She ignored him.

  Augustus grabbed her around the neck and threw her away from him. She crashed onto the bed. The hard wood cracked under the impact. Marianna made to attack again, but Augustus pinned her to the bed. He caught both of her arms above her head stopping her. Augustus was stronger, more powerful, and he held her in a grip she didn’t have a chance of escaping.

  “I turned you because I fucking killed you. We were in the kitchen. You were laughing, and so was I. You
were getting turned on from our dirty talk, and because you weren’t looking, you sliced your finger. The small blood combined with the scent of your cunt was enough to make me lose control.”

  She turned toward Gregory, who nodded his head.

  “I sucked you dry and tore at your body. Blood was everywhere, and by the time I gained control your heart was already slowing down. I gave you my blood with just enough time for it to get pumped through your system. I did what I had to. Letting you die was not an option.”

  Gregory sat down on the bed. He reached out to touch her face.

  “Back off, Gregory. She could still attack you.”

  Marianna hissed in anger.

  “She’s not going to hurt me.” Gregory touched her face. His hands were burning hot. She’d never felt anything so amazing against her skin. “I came home to find you surrounded with blood and death. I carried you upstairs. I showered and dressed you in the shirt you’re wearing.”

  “You carried my dead body?”

  He blanched at the word. “I couldn’t think of you as dead. I can’t.”

  She nodded. “You can let go of me now.”

  Augustus shook his head.

  “There’s more?” she asked.

  “Your thirst for blood will take over. You could risk killing Gregory.”

  The thought of blood made her feel sick. “I’m fine. Please, let me up. I need to move.”

  He took his time and only let up when he was satisfied. She sat back on the bed, rubbing at her wrists. They weren’t hurt, but it was natural to rub where Augustus had touched.

  “You’ll get over that. Rubbing your wrists is a natural response.”

  Her throat felt full, but tears refused to come from her eyes. The unfairness of it all wasn’t lost on her. “Why can’t I cry?”

  “We don’t waste our time on tears in the early days. You’ll still get turned on. For some reason that never changes down there. I don’t know why, but young vampires don’t cry tears. We can have all the emotions for them, but you don’t actually cry.”

  Marianna stared at Gregory. “You must really hate me,” she said.

  “No, why would I hate you?”

  “I’m a vampire, and you always wanted to be.”

  Gregory started laughing.

  “If only you knew the truth.”

  “What truth?” she asked.

  “Today Gregory realised he didn’t want to be a vampire. He likes the sun too much and being able to walk around while we can’t fills him with great joy.”

  “Oh,” she said. “You don’t want to be a vampire anymore?”

  “I don’t know.” Gregory stood and started pacing.

  “Do I repulse you?” Marianna asked.

  “No.” He moved back to the bed and cupped her face. She closed her eyes relishing the feel of the warmth of his touch. “I love you, Marianna. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. None of it makes sense. My feelings and how much I want you. You would never repulse me.”

  “You love me.”

  Gregory nodded.

  “How long have you known your true feelings about me?”

  “Since the moment I took your virginity. I wanted to protect you and make you mine.”

  “He wanted to share you with me,” Augustus said. “Gregory wants us all to be one big happy family.”

  “I need to think,” Marianna said. She moved off the bed and was out in the garden seconds later. Augustus joined her first followed by Gregory. He stumbled out gasping for breath.

  She stared up at the moon. The glowing warmth of the moon sent tingles up and down her exposed skin. “Do you feel it?” Marianna asked.

  Augustus wrapped his arms around her waist. She settled against him. “I do. It’s like the sun only in darkness.”

  “The glow is magnificent.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Gregory asked, looking up at the sky.

  Marianna sighed. “During the day you only have one sun in the sky glowing down on you. I never really thought about it. It’s dark out, but the moon feels like the sun to me. It lights up the sky like the sun. The stars are just as magical. I don’t think I’ve lost anything by becoming a vampire.”

  Resting her head against Augustus’s shoulder, Marianna closed her eyes feeling full of contentment.


  Augustus couldn’t believe her restraint. So many recently turned vampires would be going on a killing rage in their need for blood. Marianna was content to sit and look up at the stars. Gregory stood watching her. Their human friend was amazed with how the transition had turned her back to her former self. Her skin was pale, but she’d been pale before. The only difference Augustus could see was the deeper tones of red in her hair.

  She looked like a true vampire beauty. Her eyes were bright as she stared up at the sky.

  For the first time in years Augustus wasn’t afraid to break her. He’d never had a vampire companion before. There hadn’t been anyone he’d willingly share the rest of his life with. When the sun rose he’d have Marianna to keep him company.

  He’d be able to lie down beside her without fear of hurting her.

  “I’ve never known such beauty before,” Marianna said. “I never got the chance to simply admire the sky.”

  “You’ve got the rest of your life to admire it,” Augustus said.

  She nodded. Her fingers stroked along his arm. “This feels nice, being with the two of you. I can hear your thoughts, Gregory. Please, don’t fear for me.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted to be a vampire,” Gregory said.

  “I didn’t. This is amazing. I’ve never known anything like it.”

  “Let’s go inside. I don’t want a human to overhear our conversation. You never know who is hiding out,” Augustus said, taking Marianna with him.

  He took her into the sitting room and seated her beside him on the sofa.

  Gregory followed them.

  Augustus noted the other man’s distance. He wished he could read Marianna’s thoughts. Her mind was free of him to listen. Everything she thought and felt were her own.

  “I know you’re both waiting for me to crack,” she said.

  “You’re showing great restraint, sweetheart. If you need to feed tell me,” Augustus said. He didn’t like the thought of her starving.

  “I’m not hungry. I don’t feel compelled to feed.” She shrugged. “I guess I came out wrong.”

  Gregory moved in front of her, cupping her face. “There is nothing wrong about you.”

  “I’m a vampire who is not craving blood, and I can’t even cry. I’m useless.”

  She sat back on the sofa rubbing her hands down her thighs. Augustus didn’t know what it was like to be between her sweet thighs. He’d only gotten a taste of her. Every other touch she’d gotten from Gregory.

  He watched as Gregory opened her thighs and stroked up under her shirt.

  Marianna jerked. Her eyes widened as she stared down at Gregory. “What are you doing?”

  The shirt she wore rode up to her waist. Augustus got a clear sight of what his friend was doing.

  “I’m going to show nothing has changed. You’re still the same Marianna.”

  She wasn’t wearing any panties, and her mound was covered in a light dusting of red hair.

  “You feel sadness and pain.” Gregory opened her thighs wider. “And you feel desire, lust, and need.” His fingers opened her pussy showing her gorgeous clit swollen and aroused. Cream coated her slit, and once again Augustus could only marvel at the vampire body. He really didn’t know how they could orgasm but not shed tears. The whole body functions were a mystery to him.

  “When your heart was beating your pussy belonged to me, and now your heart is no longer beating, you still belong to me. Nothing has changed. You’re still my woman to do with as I please,” Gregory said.

  Augustus had never seen this side of his friend before. There was a dominance lurking in his eyes, a crazed need to show Marianna what po
ssessed him to want her.

  “I’m a vampire, Gregory. How could you want me?” Marianna asked. “You don’t even want to be turned into a vampire.”

  His gaze turned to him.

  “Turn me.” Gregory’s thoughts were clear. The demand and need was present in his actions. All the time they’d discussed turning Gregory into a vampire, Augustus had played on every single one of his doubts. Augustus didn’t miss the sun or walking around in the daylight like he’d made out to Gregory. He’d known his friend loved the sunshine and walking around during the day.

  When he sat back and thought over his time as a vampire the only thing he hated was being alone. Having another vampire around threatened their chance of being caught.

  Could the three of them make it work together?

  Marianna moaned pulling him out of his thoughts. Gregory pressed one finger inside her to the knuckle. She was thrusting against his hand begging for more.

  “Please,” she said, whimpering. “I need more.”

  He watched Gregory lower his head between her thighs. The sound of his licks turned Augustus on. Marianna turned her gaze to him. Her eyes pleaded for him to do something more. He loosened the knot on his sweat pants and released his cock for her to touch. Marianna gripped him and started fucking the shaft with her palm. He wasn’t afraid to break her. The only weak one in their group was Gregory. He was human and still breakable. Turning him was the only way for their threesome to continue.

  She spread his pre-cum all over the tip of the shaft.

  “May I suck you?” Marianna asked.

  “Yes.” Wrapping the red strands of her hair around his fist, Augustus helped her move into a more comfortable position to take him into her mouth. Gregory moved with her. He watched his friend position himself at her back.


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