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Under the Mask: A Multi-Genre Collection

Page 30

by Monica Corwin

  She wondered for a moment. Looking up at the ornate moldings of their ceiling, she tried to recall if she'd ever caught Jake stealing a look at her. To the best of her memory, she could only come up with a few times in the recent months. Then again, she purposely tried not to look at him throughout the day, for fear she'd get caught herself.

  Still, could Janice be right? Could Jake really be attracted to her?

  The idea both excited and terrified her.

  She’d never been very outgoing with men. Her entire sexual history was limited to three partners. And while she couldn’t be certain, she was fairly confident that at twenty-six years old she was most likely the least experienced of all the women in her office. Hell, she was probably the least experienced out of all women she knew period.

  Janice made her way back to her desk. “Still thinking about what I told ya, huh?”

  “Yeah, and I have to be honest. I think you’re way off base. Jake Olson could probably get any woman he wanted.”

  “Darling, I’m not arguing that point. He could. But, he doesn’t want just any woman. He wants you.”

  Janice’s words sank in, as she tried to rationalize the probability of it all. A part of her wanted to continue to protest such thinking, but another part of her wanted it to be true.

  She worked with Jake. She worked for Jake. Everything about them getting together would be a very bad idea.

  Yet for some reason, she found herself wanting exactly that.

  Chapter Three

  “So in a nutshell, my wife fucked up a perfectly good thing.”

  Jake his very best to keep from laughing at his boss. For years Frank Harrington had been an egocentric, philandering jackass. He rarely treated most women with respect, let alone his own wife. So hearing that she had finally one-upped him and turned his supposed guys only weekend retreat into a full fletched masquerade party for couples, just proved how calculating the woman could be.

  They were two peas in a pod. And Jake was sure that no woman in their right mind would ever buy that the sleaziest millionaire in all of Denver would really have an annual weekend retreat with only his male associates. The only real surprise was that she hadn't thrown a wrench in his plans years ago.

  “So wait, you’re telling me that we have to bring our wives to this thing?” Bradley Burns whined his disapproval.

  “Look on the bright side, Burns. You’ll get to leave the kids at home.” Jake grinned.

  Fidgeting in his chair, Burns added. “I’d rather bring my kids.”

  “Have you forgotten what goes on at these parties?” Clarkson, one of the attorneys who wasn’t quite a veteran, but wasn’t a newbie either, piped in. “That’s sick you’d want your kids there, man.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  "Well, it doesn't much matter," Harrington replied. "Because you all get to bring your wives, girlfriends, dates or whoever to the party, thanks to my meddlesome wife."

  Burns chuckled.

  “Something funny?” Harrington asked.

  “Nothing at all. She’s just always worn the pants in your relationship.”

  “Not sure why that amuses you. But, let’s not forget that my name appears on the letterhead first, shall we?”

  “Oh don’t get your panties in a bunch, Frank.”

  Shaking his head, Harrington pushed forward a small box of invitations made of black linen paper and etched in gold writing. The top of it read Mountain Moonlight Masquerade.

  "Here, I'm supposed to give you each one of these and tell you that it's black tie only. Apparently, she'll have masks waiting for everyone when they arrive."

  “Aww, she thinks of everything.” Burns teased.

  “Fuck you, Brad.”

  Jake watched the two grown men go at one another like a couple of frat brothers. The exchange would almost be comical had it not been for the fact that they were grown men getting bent out of shape all because they wouldn’t be able to cheat on their wives.

  “Okay then.” Jake stood up and reached into the box. “I’ll take one of these and be on my way then.”

  "Who are you gonna bring?" Clarkson lifted his brow.

  Jake shrugged. “Not sure.”

  “Bullshit.” He replied.

  “Oh come on, you don’t have a serious girlfriend. You’re always drooling all over that secretary downstairs. What’s her name, Olivia?”

  “I do not drool over her.”

  "Oh please." Clarkson nudged Burns' shoulder. "Doesn't he?"

  "It's true, man. Hell, you were just doing it not twenty minutes ago before we came up here."

  “First of all, she’s a nice woman. And second of all –.”

  “Oh cut the crap, man. You want to get in her pants.” Clarkson interrupted.

  "He's right," Harrington said.

  "What are you, a fourteen-year-old boy? I don't want to get in her pants."

  "Bullshit," Burns replied.

  "She happens to be a very nice lady. The key word there is lady. If I ever did decide to ask her out, it wouldn’t just be for sex.”

  “Again, I call bullshit.”

  “I second that.” Clarkson grinned.

  Jake shook his head and made his way to the double doors which led out to the elevators. He tried his best not to be annoyed by the locker room talk over Olivia, but he could feel his annoyance growing with every childish snicker he heard.

  "See you tomorrow," Harrington yelled out.

  He held out his hand in a mock wave, which was more to keep him from flipping them off than being polite.

  Jake pressed the elevator button and waited for a car to arrive. He offered a polite smile to Harrington’s secretary, but she didn’t return it, an act which only put credence to the rumor that she and her boss had been having an affair for years. She was probably not too happy about Mrs. Harrington’s meddling either.

  As he stepped into the elevator he couldn't help but smirk at her sourpuss expression. It served them right. All of them.

  He had many girlfriends over the years, but never one that he ever considered serious enough to actually marry. Still, he’d like to think that should that time ever come, he would be faithful. Hell, he’d hoped they both would.

  Pressing the button to head back down to the twentieth floor, he considered just how many people in his office were cheating on their significant others. It was like an epidemic. Either something was in the water, or their firm was just full of sleaze balls.

  Maybe that was what had annoyed him so much about the way they were talking about Olivia. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit to himself that he did want to sleep with her. He wanted her horribly. Some nights he wanted her so bad it hurt.

  But, that didn't make the way they spoke about her any better. Jake actually really liked her. Olivia wasn't like other women he'd known. She wasn't flashy. She wasn't vain or self-absorbed. She was sweet, polite and so damn cute he wanted to just pick her up and sit her on his lap.

  The thought brought other ideas to mind, but they were quickly interrupted when the doors opened to the twentieth floor and revealed the apple of his eye standing holding a stack of files.

  She’d nearly walked right into him and quickly apologized. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

  “That’s okay. Things on your mind?”

  She shook her head no. “Just a little preoccupied is all.”

  “Yeah? Want to talk about it?” he offered.

  “Aren’t you getting off?”

  He did his best to ignore her words. While they were most likely said with innocence, he couldn’t help but feel a reaction from them.

  "Well, you look like you have your hands full. Why don't you let me give you a hand?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to.”

  “Nonsense. Where are you headed?”

  He attempted to grab the files from her, but she pulled them away.

  “Wait a minute. Aren’t those the Erickson Airline interrogatories I told
Janice to file?”

  “I… umm… “

  “Did she tell you to file them?”

  Looking flustered, Olivia attempted to explain. “It’s really not a big deal. I was finished with my things and she’s taking a quick –.”


  Her glasses slid down the ridge of her nose as she nodded. “But, I really don’t mind. It makes my day go by faster.”

  “Yeah, and just imagine how fast Janice’s day would go by if she actually worked.”

  It was obvious his annoyance with his secretary made her feel uncomfortable, so he quickly changed his tune.

  “Listen, I’m not upset with you. I just don’t think you should have to do her work for her. Especially as often as it seems you do.”

  “But I really don’t mind. Please don’t say anything to her.”

  Her sweet voice and the selfless request wasn't something he could refuse. “Of course I won’t. But I insist you let me help you.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “We’re going down to sixteen, right?”

  It didn’t dawn on him until just then that he knew very little about their two floor, filing and documents rooms. The knowledge that Olivia probably knew more about the inner running of the firm made him grin. Despite being the shy, quiet as a mouse secretary, she was really quite smart.

  She caught his smile and returned the gesture. Her oval face, decorated with her round pink cheeks and a dimple on the right side of her mouth only added to her adorableness.

  “You have a pretty smile, Olivia.”

  “Oh. Thank you.”

  “Why so surprised?”

  “Sorry. I’m not surprised. I guess I’ve just never done very good with compliments. They always make me feel a little…”


  She laughed. “Yes, I guess that’s a good way to describe it.”

  “Well, I think that’s crazy. You’re a very beautiful woman. If you’re not being told that, then this world is crazy.”

  “I get compliments sometimes.”

  “From your… boyfriend?”

  He could’ve kicked himself for how stupid his question came out. It was completely obvious that he was fishing for information.

  “No, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “All the more lucky for me.”

  Her eyes widened almost as wide as his did when the words slipped from his mouth. He hadn’t meant to be so direct, but she was so damn sweet he couldn’t help himself.

  He moved in closer to her. Her small body backed into the corner of the elevator as he whispered, “You really are so beautiful.”


  “Shh… don’t say anything.”

  He dipped his head down and was mere inches away from stealing a kiss he’d been dreaming about for years when the elevator jerked violently and they both were rocked against the walls.

  The files that Olivia was carrying fell to the ground. Papers slid out from their manila holders and onto the floor.

  Instinctively, Jake bent down to pick them up. But he’d no sooner started gathering them when he noticed the sexiest feet and ankles just before him. They were tucked neatly in conservative black heels, but they led up to the most curvaceous and inviting set of legs he’d ever seen.

  He dropped the papers and gave into his urge to find out if they were just as smooth and silky as he’d imagined.

  Olivia drew in a breath the instant he ran his fingers along the back of her calves. Though slightly trembling, she didn’t back away from his advances.

  He leaned forward as he ran both of his hands along the backside of her legs, lifting the hem of her old school black skirt.

  For the first time since he'd known her, he was finally getting a look at her knees. They may be ordinary, necessary joints in the body, but to Jake, they were like little buttons just waiting for him to touch.

  He pressed his lips to her right knee, then her left. Using soft and gentle pressure, he tasted her skin and used all of his willpower to not pull her to the floor and devour her.

  He’d never known knees to be sexy, but something about Olivia’s knees were so enticing he could feel himself growing hard in his trousers.

  Pulling the hem of her skirt a little higher, he continued the trail of soft kisses up her thighs until his head was less than a foot away from her pussy.

  Damn, but he wanted to taste her. He wanted and needed to know how if she was aroused as he was.

  Her hands landed on his shoulders and she gently pushed him away. “Jake. No.”

  The soft whisper of her voice asking him to stop was like a punch to his gut. He pulled away, although begrudgingly. He wanted her, but he wouldn’t force her either. That had never been his style, and he had no intention of doing anything to upset her.

  He stood up and looked down at her. Her face was flushed and her pink lips hung open in a breathless pout. As good as she looked, those gorgeous green eyes that mesmerized him so were what finally did him in. They were swimming with emotion and desire.

  She wanted him. He could see it. He could feel it radiating off of her in waves of yearning. And God help him, but he wanted her too.

  He leaned in further, using his hands to cup her face and draw her up to him. His lips brushed against hers just before she whispered his name.


  “Please, I’m begging you not to stop me this time.”

  Her eyes searched his for something, but he didn’t know what. She looked so confused, so unsure of herself. And he wondered how anyone as sexy as Olivia could not know the power she held over men.

  “Please, for the love of God, Olivia. Just kiss me back.”

  His desperate plea came out among hitched breathing and a shaky voice. He was rock hard. His dick throbbed for her and leaked with anticipation.

  Thankfully she didn’t push him away this time. She parted her lips with the sweetest sigh and slid her tongue into his mouth, meeting his demands.

  For a moment their kiss was gentle, almost like two virgins kissing for the first time. Quickly that changed, though. Olivia slid her hands along his sides and reached around until her fingers were digging into his back.

  He pressed his body against her, no longer caring if she felt how rigid his cock was for her. There was no going back now. It was do or die time. And damn it, if he didn’t have her soon, he felt like he may very well die.

  Chapter Four

  Olivia held onto Jake, almost afraid to let go for fear the moment might end. Her body ached and her panties only grew wetter as he continued to seduce her with nothing more than his kiss. His large hands held her face firmly against his, while his erection pressed against her belly.

  Her nipples hardened and she let out a moan as she allowed her mind to fantasize about the possibility of more.

  She couldn’t think. She didn’t want to think. She just wanted to feel.

  She wanted to feel Jake.

  All of him.

  Inside of her.

  “Oh, Olivia.” Jake whispered her name between kisses.

  Hearing he was as turned on as she was only heightened her arousal.

  Dropping one of his hands, he unbuttoned her blouse and reached inside. His hands felt like heaven against her breast. He squeezed and brushed against her lace covered nipple until it drove her insane.

  Before she even realized it, she was lifting her leg, hooking it up on his hip and pressing herself against his hardness.

  She didn’t have to wait long before he met her advances. With one hand teasing her nipple, the other reached underneath her skirt and snuck past the elastic until his long finger met with her wet lips.


  She screeched when she felt his finger glide past her entrance and tease her clit. Pushing herself further against him, she rocked against his finger, aching and desperate for more of whatever he was willing to give her.

  All of the hours she spent masturbating over this man didn’t come close to ho
w good he actually felt. She could already feel the heat building inside as he increased the pace and friction against her clit.

  She wanted desperately to feel him inside of her. Anywhere. Everywhere. She wanted to experience all of him.

  His length.

  His power.

  His taste.

  He whispered her name and she opened her eyes to find him pinning her down with a predatory intent look. His tongue swiped across her lips as he kept his gaze on her.

  She was trying desperately to stay locked on his stare, but he was wreaking havoc on her body. Everything felt so good. Her nipples tingled, her pussy throbbed. Every inch of her felt as if she was on fire.

  “No. Look at me,” he demanded.

  Drawing in a deep breath, she could feel herself building up to orgasm. She no longer cared where she was, that he was her superior or that what they were doing was probably a bad idea.

  She wanted Jake to take her. To fuck her and take away the unrelenting ache.

  “Come for me. Don’t hold back, Olivia.”

  Not able to hold back, she did exactly as he asked. Giving into the continuous, but glorious assault on her clit, she screamed against his mouth while digging her fingers into the muscles of his back.

  A rush of liquid heat flowed from her core and coated his hand. He didn’t let up his attack. Despite her body shaking and under his control, he continued, taking her further, pushing the limits of her sensitive flesh until she came a second time.

  Her fingers became numb from holding him so tightly as she floated on the second wave of ecstasy she’d felt in mere moments.

  "Oh my God," Jake whispered, his mouth touching hers as he gently moved his fingers along the soaking wet folds of her pussy. “You’re so fucking incredible.”

  All she could do was to stare at him. She was stunned and utterly shocked by what had just happened. She'd only been considering the possibility that he may be attracted to her not thirty minutes before. And here she was at work, stuck in an elevator and his hand was not only in her blouse but her soaked panties as well.


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