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Page 90

by E. K. Blair

  “Thalia, wake up... come on, we’re here.”

  I could hear Liam, but I didn’t want to open my eyes because if I did the guy in my dreams would disappear.

  “Thalia, we’re outside my parents house, you need to wake up.”

  We’d arrived already? I shot up from my seat in shock. “I asked you to wake me before we got here,” I moaned, while trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

  Liam was sitting beside me grinning like an idiot. “I tried, but you carried on snoring.”

  “I do not snore,” I huffed out.

  “Yeah, you do.” He laughed.

  “Okay, I’m not arguing. How do I look?” I asked, running my fingers through my dark, curly hair, to try and bring some order to it.

  “You look great, Thalia. Stop fussing.”

  Liam climbed out of the car and ran around to open the door for me still looking neat as a pin, whereas I probably looked like the cat the dog dragged home.

  He held his hand out to me so I placed mine in his and let him pull me from the car. While I stretched my legs, I took my first look at his childhood home. It was a large colonial style house with a wraparound porch, or at least I thought it was from what I could see of it. Colorful flowers lined and filled the porch and a well-maintained garden surrounded the house with a barn off in the distance. The house was painted white with pale blue trim. It was gorgeous.

  “You like?” Liam stood beside me and looked...nervous?

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is,” he took a deep breath, “let’s do this.”

  Why was he nervous about being home?

  I followed a reluctant Liam up the front steps to the porch, and noticed the two-person-swing and chairs to the right with a low coffee table between them. It looked welcoming.

  Liam opened one side of the huge double doors on the front of the house so we could enter. Walking inside the large entrance, which was decorated in pale lemon with white accessories, I spotted an elegant looking woman over to the left, standing watching us.

  “Liam, you’re here?” The rich voice was filled with affection.

  “It would appear so,” Liam answered as he walked towards the woman and wrapped her up in a hug. She was about the same height as I was, with short blonde hair styled into a sleek bob. She wore minimum make up and looked elegant in a white pantsuit. Liam pulled away, but kept his arm around her. “Mom, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend,” he winked, “Thalia.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Thalia.” She took hold of my shoulders and kissed the air next to each side of my face. “That’s an unusual name, pretty, but unusual. Please call me Stephanie.”

  I stepped away from her. “It’s nice to meet you, Stephanie.” I continued to look around. “You have a beautiful home.”

  This woman made me feel uneasy for some reason. She’d been welcoming, but kept looking me up and down as though I fell short, or at least that’s how she made me feel.

  “Where are Dad and Jack?”

  “Your father is playing golf and Jack took off on that bike,” Stephanie replied in disgust. “Why he uses that dirty thing, I have no idea. I just pray Mia doesn’t find out about it.”

  About to laugh, I caught Liam watching me. He gave a slight shake of his head. “Mom, everyone needs to let off steam now and again.”

  “Yes, well, he’ll be married in just short of two months, so he’ll have to get it out of his system before then.” She glanced at me, shaking herself like she just remembered I was standing there. “Sorry Thalia, you’ll meet my husband, Graham, and Liam’s brother, Jack, at dinner... You do have a dress with you?” She looked me up and down again.

  It was clear from the thin line of her lips and the jut of her jaw that she didn’t think I was good enough for her son. “Yes,” I replied while I tried to hold my tongue. If she saw my family home she wouldn’t be acting as though Liam had dragged me in from the street. She’d be throwing her son at me!

  “Good. I’ll let Liam show you around. I’ve put Thalia in the yellow guest room. I’m meeting friends in town so I’ll see you both at dinner.” She breezed out the front door leaving me stunned. For someone married to a lawyer, she wasn’t diplomatic.

  “Oh boy. Jack’s pissed about something.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He only takes the bike out when he’s pissed and because Dad isn’t here, I’d say Mom is the reason.” He ran his hands through his hair and let out a breath, as though he’d been holding it in. “Give me a minute to grab our things from the car. After that, I’ll show you to your room.”


  While Liam went to retrieve the luggage, I wandered into the hall where the stairs were located. On the side table to my right were a handful of photographs, letting my purse drop to the floor I moved in for a closer look. I noticed Liam straightaway; in fact there were a few of him and a couple of his parents. There was only one of another guy, who I presumed must be Jack. It was obviously high school graduation. So that cute guy was Liam’s brother.

  “Jack,” Liam commented, glancing over my shoulder. I’d been so engrossed in the photographs I hadn’t heard him come back inside. “He looks a bit different now. That was high school graduation.”

  Liam started up the stairs, so I followed him, wondering why, if Jack was supposed to be ‘the golden boy’, weren’t there more photographs of him around the house. The ones lining the walls were mainly of Liam. Oh, there were baby photographs of them both, but only Liam as an adult. Strange.

  “Jack removed all his pictures after an argument with Dad, not sure what it was about, but it pissed Jack off pretty badly,” Liam answered my unspoken question.

  We came to a stop outside what I presumed to be my room. Liam opened the door allowing me to enter first.

  “I hope you like it. There’s a great view from the window,” Liam informed me, dumping my bag on the floor at the end of the bed before he tugged me over to the window. Wow, he wasn’t kidding, the view was amazing. I could see the barn, fields and lots of trees that appeared to have a river tucked away behind. The only thing missing in the room was a window seat so I could read.

  “The bathroom is through here, but you need to remember when you use it to lock both doors and to unlock both when finished. For some reason, you’re sharing with Jack.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “What do you mean?” Surely he didn’t mean my room was separated from Jack’s by a bathroom.

  Liam looked uncomfortable, hovering around the bedroom door. “I’m not sure why you’re in here, but you and Jack share the bathroom. Look, he’ll keep his distance. Plus you’re my girlfriend,” he met my eyes, “so he won’t break the brother’s code.”

  “Some guy code, I guess. Okay, never mind. It’s a lovely room and I could spend all day looking out of the window so don’t worry.”

  Sitting on my bed, I watched Liam pace back and forth. He paused occasionally and I could have sworn that he wanted to say something, but he stayed silent.

  “Do you mind if I rest till dinner. I’m tired after the ungodly hour you made me get up.” I yawned. Being tired wasn’t an exaggeration. Not only did I have a lot to take in about this family, I was expected to share space with the mysterious brother.

  “Yeah, I’m going to hit the sack as well.” Liam turned to leave and if I wasn’t mistaken he looked relieved.

  “What time’s dinner? Please tell me the dresses I bought will be okay to wear?”

  “Dinners at seven and your dresses are fine, but for dinner I suggest you wear shoes instead of your boots. Mom would zero straight in to your foot wear...I’m sorry, Thalia.”

  Liam walked back over to me and pulled me up from the bed and straight into his arms for a hug, which he kept brief. He then kissed me on the top of my head. Stepping back, he walked towards the door again, quickly exiting and closing it behind him with a thud.

  I shook my head at the closed door. He was all over the place and I was
even more confused about the relationship we had. Sighing, I tried to shut my brain down for a little while.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, I lay down on the bed and remembered I’d left my purse on the floor beside the table downstairs. I’d have to retrieve it later when I woke up because my body was too tired to move.

  Chapter 10


  I pulled the bike up short on the opposite side of the river. Not enough distance from the house, but it would have to do. I needed space before I did or said something I’d end up regretting, or if I didn’t regret it, I’d still probably piss a lot of people off – starting with my parents.

  Hell. I stripped, needing to burn my anger off, and the safest way to do that on the ranch, was to swim. I waded into the water, forgetting that this part of the river was always freezing, because the sun couldn’t get through to warm it up. With a deep breath I dived in and swam, and then swam some more.

  My life was a mess. I couldn’t put my finger on the exact moment I started to lose control of my life, but it sure as hell happened. I was engaged – to be married. I knew what was expected of me after I’d qualified as a lawyer, plus everyone would expect me to have Mia pregnant. Fuck, I felt sick.

  Since I was sixteen I’d always done what was expected of me. Instead of rebelling, which I’d wanted to do, I’d gone along with everyone’s plans so they’d leave my brother alone. They’d left him alone, but still treated me as though I was some big disappointment.

  Liam was bringing his girlfriend home for the summer, and she’d been put in the room beside mine with a shared bathroom. Yeah, that was why I was so pissed. Add to that the fact that I’d been told to keep my hands off her and I couldn’t help seeing red.

  I snorted in derision as my arms sliced through the cold water. As though, I was going to go after my brother’s girl. It was a total no-no. I was supposed to be getting married in just under two month’s time to Mia. That fact, I kept pushing to the back of my mind so I wouldn’t freak out. Mia was pretty, had a slight build, but had been brought up to never lift a finger. She had no interest in anything other than TV shows and going out with friends to dinner. Not a bar, but a restaurant.

  She bored me within two minutes, but what the hell could I do? I’d been hoping Liam would hook up with her as he’d always had a crush on her when we were growing up. No matter how many times I’d told him to go for it with her, he’d ignored me and blown me off. So I’d ended up being pushed into an engagement and marriage that I didn’t want. There was no way to find my way out of it either, at least not without losing my tuition fees.

  Yeah, that was what Dad was holding over me. If I married Mia and all would be fine; if I didn’t, then I could kiss my law degree goodbye. Even with a part-time job, I wouldn’t be able to afford the fees as well as living expenses.

  Exhausted, I pulled myself out of the river and tried to shake the water from my body. I dressed quickly, which was easier said than done considering I was soaking wet and the denim didn’t want to cooperate.

  With a heavy sigh, I climbed back onto my bike and started it up. I felt better for swimming off some of my frustration. I just hoped the calm I felt lasted me through the evening meal with Liam and his girl. I wondered what she looked like as I headed towards the barn. His usual taste in women wasn’t too good so hopefully this time he’d improved.

  I concentrated on staying on the bridge as I roared over the river. I’d been planning on making a start on repairing the bridge, but I was in too much of a bad mood to be of much use. I just hoped it didn’t give out before I could get back to it, especially with anyone on it.

  The barn was up ahead so I pulled my bike in through the back entrance and covered it up again with the sheeting I used to keep it hidden.

  That done, I walked up to the house knowing my brother would already be there. As I pushed my way through the entrance to the kitchen, Liam was sitting drinking coffee. I removed my boots, dropping them to the mat, and stared at my brother.

  “What did Mom say this time?” he asked in greeting.

  I frowned. “It doesn’t matter now. How you doing, little brother? It’s been a while.” I walked further into the room and grabbed a cup from the shelf, pouring coffee into it. I turned back to my brother and leaned against the cabinets, holding his stare. “So where’s your woman?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  “I’m fine and she’s asleep. I wanted to leave early this morning and we didn’t get to bed till late. You’ll meet her soon enough.”

  So my little brother was serious about this girl. He must be to not only be fucking her, but to bring her home for the summer.

  “So does she have a name? Family?”

  “Thalia, and yes she has family. They don’t care what she does or where she goes, but when she’s home, they expect her to act as though she’s still a child. That’s why I asked her to come home with me. She’s amazing, not to mention hot with curves in all the right places.”

  My hand tightened around the coffee cup, while I listened to him going on about his girl. I wished I had that. I’d been engaged for twelve months and never slept with her. Never held her. Never been held by her. Our relationship was based on our parent’s friendship, and because of my dream to become a lawyer. I’d never felt so damn alone. The last time I’d been intimate with anyone was about eighteen months ago, but that had been a one-night-stand and felt like a lifetime ago.

  Lost in my own thoughts Liam stood and started to walk out before pausing at the kitchen door. “Will you take Thalia’s purse upstairs and leave it outside her bedroom door for her?”

  He didn’t even wait for my answer.

  I picked her purse up from the kitchen table, my boots from the mat, and then climbed the stairs to my room, shutting my bedroom door behind me. I leaned back against it and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping my boots to the floor.

  Needing a shower before dinner, I pushed away from the door to head towards the bathroom when I remembered I still held her purse. Curiosity got the better of me; I needed to see the girl who’d caught my brother’s attention. Walking across my bedroom, I pushed the bathroom door open, then walked across, opening her door slightly so I could look inside, making sure she was asleep.

  Walking into her room, I placed her purse down on the dressing table. About to walk back to the bathroom to take a shower, I found myself standing at the side of the bed, looking down at Thalia, my brother’s girl, who was asleep on top of the covers. I felt as though I’d been punched in the gut. She was beautiful with her dark brown hair splayed out over the pillow, a sprinkling of freckles over her button nose, her slim build and long, long legs. My dick started to harden. She wasn’t even wearing makeup. Before I could stop myself my hand was reaching out to touch her cheek. I pulled back at the last minute.

  Fuck, I needed to get out of there pretty quick. I took a deep breath and started for the bathroom door, but stopped and turned back to have one last, unobserved, look at her. I hadn’t been expecting to react to her the way I had. I needed to keep my distance from her while she was here. She was my brother’s, and I was engaged. Fuck, I was so screwed.

  Chapter 11


  Startled, I jerked awake suddenly; convinced I’d heard a door shut close by. Sitting up on the bed, I looked towards the bathroom door, which was closed, but I noticed my purse on the dressing table to the side. Had Liam brought it up for me and left it there? Had he stayed and watched me sleep? Why did that thought make me feel uncomfortable?

  I threw myself back on the pillows and closed my eyes. My thoughts drifted back to Liam’s brother, Jack. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to meeting him. He intrigued me – like a puzzle that needed to be solved. With a quick glance at my watch, I realized there was an hour before dinner. I needed a quick shower, because I felt uncomfortable after traveling and then sleeping in my clothes. About to climb from the bed, I heard the shower go on. Jack was in there.

  My tra
vel bag was on the floor so I climbed from the bed to retrieve it and placed it on top of the bed to make it easier to unpack. Luckily my dresses weren’t too creased as I’d rolled them when I’d put them in. After meeting Liam’s mom and the look she’d given me when she’d met me, I decided to wear the cream lacy dress, which came above my knee, with my matching cream ballerina pumps. I knew I looked good in this outfit, as Callie had made me try it on for her when I’d arrived home after having lunch with Liam.

  The shower switched off. I hope he doesn’t stay there all night, I thought as I glanced at the closed door. I heard the door open and shut. I didn’t hear a lock though. Did he leave the door unlocked? I smiled. What a pity; I might have gotten one hell of a view.

  The bathroom door opened easily when I tried it, so I slowly peeped inside, and to my relief the room was empty. I quickly ran to the other door and locked it, then went back and locked the door to my room.

  The shower was wonderful. The water pressure was amazing and not only cleansed me, but massaged my aching muscles. Which I had to say, I didn’t know were aching until the shower got to work on them.

  With the towel wrapped around my body, I blow dried my hair and applied a light application of makeup, which I only wore for special occasions. Well tonight I would be looked over by Liam’s father and his brother so I wanted to look my best. Not sure I’d call it a special occasion though!

  My dress zipped up the back and boy what a sweat it was to fasten the damn thing.

  Someone was knocking on my door; I was just about to ask who it was, when I heard Liam calling my name. I quickly opened the door, grabbed his arm and yanked him inside. He looked stunned to say the least.

  I presented my back to him. “Will you zip me up? I’ve been messing with this for five minutes. I’m going to need another shower at this rate.”

  He laughed, seeming to hesitate as he struggled with the zipper. “What are you doing back there?”

  “Admiring your underwear or lack of it,” he answered.

  I’d forgotten I only had a thong on and a delicate cream lace bra. “Stop ogling the goods and get the zipper up, before your mother comes looking for us.”


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