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Page 169

by E. K. Blair

  “Well hello, Disney. You look like walking sin,” he says, sensuality dripping from every word. Make that a love hexapolyoctagon. I’m screwed.

  “Why thank you,” I say with my chin held high. “Trying something random. You ready?”

  “I’m ready for anything. What do you have in mind?” he asks as I close and lock my door. I really hope Bennett remembered her key.

  “Well, I’m thinking I can’t skip classes, so we don’t have time to jet away to Fiji. So how about...we play right left and see where we end up?”

  He gives me a curious look as he opens my door and settles me in the passenger seat of...a black SUV? Well, of course he has more than one car. I mean, who doesn’t?

  “You’re gonna have to tell me what this is before I can agree,” he laughs. He hurries around to the driver’s side and hops in, handing me his phone. He’s going to let me pick the music, a small but very thoughtful gesture. I choose his Damien Rice playlist, skipping straight to “9 Crimes.” Maybe he’ll take the hint that I think of this song when I picture him at the piano. He looks over and winks at me as it starts, yep; he knows how to play it.

  “Every time we come to a stop, we just choose right or left. But, in a startling new twist, we’re gonna take turns saying something completely meaningless with each turn, until we end up somewhere good! Honestly, I could care less where we end up right now, I just wanna be.”

  “I’m game.” He gives me a smile. “But I kind of wish you’d talk to me about what happened.”

  I give him the very condensed version, interrupting every few minutes with a “right” or “left,” and so far our random facts at each tell me that he’s for morning breath kissing as long as both people have it and he can also play the violin. I share that I’m the ultimate Beatles fan, but only pre-mustache Beatles, and brush my teeth about 15 times a day (totally in reaction to his morning breath comment). He doesn’t ask about my time with Evan or any specifics, he just hits on the part about Kaitlyn.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I’m not going to do anything; what can I do? The chance is gone, at least for this year. The friendship’s gone, so why even ask her for an explanation? There isn’t one that will ever fix it. And... nothing, that’s it.”

  “Nice try, Disney, finish what you were gonna say.”

  “The dorm rooms here are really nice, like way better than other colleges’. How cool is it to have our own bathrooms? You can’t get that just anywhere.”

  “That’s not what you were gonna say, either.” He shoots me a one raised eyebrow look.

  “Pull over then, I want you to look at me when I tell you.”

  He pulls over so fast I slap him in the arm because my life just flashed before my eyes.

  “Do I have your undivided attention?” I ask him with a smirk.

  “Since the moment I saw you.” He turns in his seat to face me and waits for me to talk, his face full of question and anticipation.

  “I’m content with where I am. I don’t have to have it fixed. I actually really like it here. It gets better every day. Besides, I think Sawyer would really miss me and finally go completely insane.”

  He chuckles at my attempt to alleviate the seriousness.

  “I really like Bennett, and the girls on my team are so talented. We have a real shot at a banner year. Who cares if the games will never have a camera there, we’ll still be kicking ass and taking names.” I chance a peek up at him, hoping his eyes tell me what he’s thinking. They’re such a deep brown, almost black, and right now I can see my own reflection. His eyes mirror me in this moment. It gives me the strength to keep talking.

  “And part of me hates it, hates feeling like this, and all of me is scared shitless, but I suspect my resolve has something to do with the fact that you’re here, Dane. Never in my life have I instantly connected with someone, not even Evan. I made him work like a dog for my acceptance.” I chuckle softly at the memory. “But I find myself wondering what you’re doing all the time, and thinking about what we could do or talk about if we were together. Tell me the truth; you got anything like that going on at all?” I laugh nervously, praying that leaves some question, cause I can’t risk him knowing I’m completely serious right before he makes me feel like a fool.

  He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly, reaching over to brush the back of his hand down my face. “I saw you last night, at the door with him. I saw you.” His hand still gentle on my face, he forces me to meet his gaze. “Are you two back together?”

  “No,” my voice cracks.

  “I won’t share you, Laney. Not your lips, not your thoughts, not your body, and especially not your heart. You don’t have to give it all to me just yet, but give me nothing if any of it belongs to him. Do you understand?” “Dane, it was a long night, we were both hurting.” I blink back the building tears. “He’ll never not be in my life. I just don’t know what that means right now.” I have to be honest, with not only him, but myself. And I can’t blatantly crush Evan; I won’t. “If he was here with me, things wouldn’t be like this. I can’t lie to you. I don’t know exactly what anything means right now; I’m trying to be as honest as I can. And I haven’t told Evan about you, not that I’ve had a chance.” I take a huge, cleansing breath. I feel better having put it all out there.

  “Thank you for being so honest. It makes me want you even more, and I do want you, fucking bad it scares me. Let’s try this one more time—are you in a committed relationship with Evan?”


  “Are you in love with him?” His hand moves down my face, his fingertips softly caressing me, and I lean into it and close my eyes. I can’t look at him when I answer. I don’t want him to see the scared little girl in my eyes.

  “I don’t know.” My own answer confuses me.

  I have no doubt that I love Evan, but am I in love with him? We were so perfect and the minute we changed it, things got too hard. Yes, college had everything to do with that, but why couldn’t we last? Was it supposed to be Evan or was it just that Evan was always there? That’s the thing that scares me most—why am I so strongly and instantly attracted to Dane? Why do I think about spending time with him? First temptation? Nope, I don’t feel the pull to Zach, Tate, Sawyer, one else, ever. To be honest, besides Evan, Dane is the first guy I’ve ever considered liking in my entire life.

  “You didn’t say yes.” His finger is now tracing my lips. He’s going to kiss me, and I’m going to let him.

  I blow slightly out, teasing his finger, and I hear him inhale.

  “I will never kiss another man’s girl...but you’re not his, Laney. You’re not mine...yet. But you’re not his, either. So the way I see it, you’re kissable.”

  I say nothing. I just open my eyes and look into his; if he can hear my yes in that, he can have my kiss.

  “Last chance, Disney. Once I get a taste, I’m coming after you with everything I’ve got.”

  I couldn’t say no right now if I wanted to, I can barely breathe. His words are so sexy; they stroke every part of me. He leans into me and I close my eyes.

  “Open your eyes, Laney, look at me. Make damn sure you know it’s me kissing you, and don’t you ever hide from it.”

  I do as he says and then his lips are on mine. This isn’t the kiss of a best friend, not the kiss of the boy next door who made you spit-shake on a deal and will always take care of you. This is the kiss of a madman who wants to make you scream his name up against a wall. This kiss makes it okay that I even just thought that, because it’s a fact.

  I can’t take it. I break the contact and throw my head back, trying to catch my breath.

  “Nuh-uh, not done yet, come ‘ere,” he growls, reaching around the back of my neck and pulling me to him. He takes my mouth again with lust, bites, and a low groan. Grabbing my face, he turns it, deepening his angle and the throbbing between my legs.

  Fuck, this guy can kiss.

  Dane breaks away this
time, only slightly, still close enough that his breath tickles my lips... “That wasn’t random, that was supposed to happen,” he says, giving me another quick kiss.

  After a brief silence, simply because I still haven’t recovered the ability to speak, he pulls back into traffic with his right hand now interlaced with mine. He gives my hand a squeeze before he asks, “where to?”

  Seriously, I’m expected to think? “Um, right...and I hate coffee but I love coffee ice cream.”

  We turned until dark, never actually making it to a destination.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight



  “Happy Birthday, Laney! Wake up, wake up, wake up!”

  Okay, Bennett is bouncing on my bed and I fear greatly she’s going to fall on me any minute.

  “I’m up, I’m up!” I tell her, laughing. It must be because it’s my birthday, the big 1-9. I never wake up in a good mood.

  “Look on the table, birthday girl!”

  I look over and see the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers waiting for me. I get up to go inspect and count 19 red roses, with lilies and baby’s breath mixed in; it’s breathtaking. I check the card hesitantly. I would give anything to be there with you today. I love you, birthday girl. XO, Evan. I can’t remember the last birthday I spent without him and a silent tear trickles down my cheek.

  “Who are they from?” Bennett asks from behind me.

  I quickly brush away the tear before turning to answer her. “They’re from Evan. Aren’t they beautiful?”

  “They’re amazing, Laney. Are you okay?” she asks, concern etched across her face. She rubs my back. “It’s not okay to be sad on your birthday, chica! I know we haven’t spent much time together lately, but I have all day blocked off to ring in your 19th with cannons!”

  She really is a little ray of sunshine, this girl; I’m guessing she’s never screwed over a friend in her life. I silently vow to never compare her to Kaitlyn again. “I’m good, Bennett, I just miss him, but we’re gonna have a great day! I’m so glad to have you here with me. Thank you.”

  “Thank me tomorrow morning! You’ll see...” She laughs and my phone rings.

  I know it’s my dad, Evan wouldn’t call this early. “Hi Daddy,” I answer.

  “Happy Birthday, slugger! You feel any older?”

  I laugh and tell him I’ve only been up a little while, so I’m not sure how I feel yet, then tell him about the flowers Evan sent and that Bennett apparently has a lot planned for me, although I have no idea what yet.

  “Well now, I’ve got your presents here, kiddo, we can open ‘em when you come home, okay?”

  I agree that sounds great and that I love him and will see him soon. I decide while I’m at it to call Evan.

  Of course, the early hour does nothing to deter the cheerfulness in Evan’s voice. “Happy Birthday, munchkin, what are you doing up?” I babble happily, describing Bennett’s wake-up call, and thank him for the flowers.

  “I know you’re not a big flower girl, but I had to send them since I’m not there to hand you something. God, how I wish I was, Laney. I have something for you, though, when I see you.”

  We reminisce for a little while about all my past birthdays and what we did, both cracking up at the funny, tender memories. He doesn’t mention the Kaitlyn thing and I’m glad, I refuse to talk about that today.

  “Anything weird yet?” he asks quietly, perhaps afraid of the answer. On some birthdays, my admirer “strikes” with flowers, but not every year, and the 19th is good so far.

  “No, nothing I woke up to.”

  He lets out a deep breath. “Good, good. Okay, enjoy your day, my love.”

  Bennett has sat back silently the entire time, but I can tell she’s chomping at the bit to get going on our day.

  I bask in happiness during my shower, thinking of how lucky I am. My birthday has barely started and I have a great friend ready to wow me, a dazzling arrangement on my table, and I just talked to two of the most unbelievable men on the planet—and they love me. Some things have sucked lately, but all in all, I’m pretty damn blessed...and I’m going with that.

  I love the spa—who knew? I let Bennett treat me to a manicure and pedicure, my first of both. I even went with the massage and blushed through gritted teeth for a bikini wax (you only live once, right?)...but when they sit me in the chair to get my hair done, I call bullshit.

  “Bennett,” I lean over and whisper, “enough. Where are you getting all this money, woman? I can’t let you spend this much on me.” She doesn’t respond, but rather shoots me a friendly sneer and texts something. My phone dings. Did she really just text me from a foot away?

  Zach: I chipped in, chillax and enjoy, sweet girl.

  Looking back at Bennett, I roll my eyes. “You could have just told me that, ya’ know,” I snicker.

  “Nope, he told me to do exactly that.”

  Laney: Well thank you very much! Will I see you today?

  Zach: You will. Happy Birthday! C U soon.

  I chicken out on my hair. They almost had me talked into a major change, but instead I go for a trim and some very long bangs; that’s as radical as I get. After thanking all the cheerful people who have pampered us all day, we meet Zach for lunch, where I give him a big hug in thanks; he really is so sweet. After lunch, Bennett and I head to the local mall where I refuse everything she offers to buy for me. Where does this girl get all that money? Surely Zach didn’t chip in that much.

  Finally back in the room after the best day, I collapse on the bed. “I’ve had a great birthday, Bennett! Thank you so much, you’re awesome!”

  “Have had—Laney, you’re so naïve it’s precious. Girl, you ain’t seen nothing yet, we’re just getting started.”

  “What? You can’t possibly have anything else planned! You’ve done far too much already, really.”

  “You’re wasting time arguing with me and you’re gonna want to go get ready.” Her red curls bounce and she’s wearing a devilish grin.

  Surprisingly, I’m not the least bit apprehensive. If I’m totally honest, I can’t freaking wait to see what else she has up her sleeve.

  “Your hair’s already done, so just shower, shave your legs and meet me back out here. I’ll take care of wardrobe, your highness.” She blows me a kiss and gives me the “shoo shoo” with her hand.

  Oh my, what else could there be? If I have to shave my legs, it must be serious.

  I get out of the shower and yell to Bennett for further instructions. She comes in and touches up my hair and does my make-up. Finally satisfied with her work, she brings in my dress for the night; one I’ve seen in her closet before. Frankly, it makes me nervous from the hanger.

  “First things first,” she says and proceeds to slide black thigh highs up my legs. Oh, dear Lord. She then hands me a black thong made out of dental floss and a matching lace, strapless, push-up bra.

  “Um Bennett, I really don’t want to be arrested for prostitution on my birthday, thanks though,” I say with more seriousness than sarcasm as I shimmy the items on under my robe.

  “Hush, silly, these are just the undergoodies to make you feel sexy on your special day, there’s wrapping. Now lose the robe.” She pulls the thin black dress over my head.

  The dress is way too short, too thin, too tight, and too low cut. I can’t leave the house like this, NO WAY. I try telling her this, several times, my voice in full-out panic, but she assures me that tonight will be semi- private and I look great, it’s my birthday, yada yada.

  Next she adorns my wrist, ears and neck with sparkles and a princess crown on my head—now that part I like! “Oh crap, I forgot, no necklace,” she says as she removes it.

  I have to ask. “Is there a no necklace rule at the brothel?”

  She blows a raspberry at me but doesn’t answer specifically. Yup, we’re headed to a brothel and they don’t want girls to get their necklaces caught in the cages—I knew it!

  There’s a knock on our doo
r but I don’t care, I’m not leaving this bathroom, no way no how.

  “Where’s the birthday girl?” I hear Tate ask.

  “She won’t come out,” Bennett whispers, like our room is so big I can’t hear her.

  “Laney, are you decent? I’m coming in!”

  Oh shit—that’s Sawyer. “Um, no, I’m far from decent.”

  I see the door crack behind me and his head pops in. A flirty smile lights up his face. “Hot damn, woman, please jump out of a cake on my birthday!”

  “Not helping, Sawyer.”

  “Laney, you look fucking amazing. Come on, shy violet, it’s your birthday, strut your stuff!”

  “Really? It’s not too much? Or too little, I mean?” I fight the urge to bite my nails, an old habit that’s hard to break.

  “No way, it’s perfect. It’s ‘I told ya there was a hot body under here’ meets ‘I kick ass cause it’s my birthday.’ I swear you look hot, now come on. I gotta find some ass now that you got me all worked up,” he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom.

  I walk into the living area and Tate’s jaw hits the floor. Bennett jumps up and down, clapping.

  “Um, Laney, one more thing?” “Yes, Sawyer?” I’m afraid to ask.

  “That’s what you should wear for pajamas!”

  Everyone laughs, even me; he’s crude but irresistibly loveable. He really has grown on me; he’s quite charming with those big blue eyes and dimples. Yes, his eyes are definitely blue, like sapphires.

  “Okay, okay, let’s pregame toast, people.” Tate pours us each a Solo cup of champagne, only the classiest in college. “To Laney’s birthday, a great night, a great year, and awakening for all!”

  We all tap and down the chilled, crisp liquid. Whoo! That stuff will go to your head. I can’t help but wonder where Dane is? Surely after the knee-buckling kiss he wouldn’t miss my birthday? I just can’t bring myself to ask, though.


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