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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 141

by Multiple Authors

  Her core dipped lower and lower with each gyration, and my cock sank into her heat. I let her take charge, wanting to prolong the moment. By the time she enveloped me to the hilt, my control was non-existent.

  The water sloshed over the rim but neither of us cared. Lia rested her forehead against mine. I watched her expressions as she fucked me. Seeing the arousal build in her eyes was more erotic than any striptease, more sensual than any seduction, and better than any foreplay I’d ever experienced.

  I struggled against the temptation to pick up the pace, but I didn’t want to rush to the finish line. This wasn’t just sex. It became a physical declaration of love. Our bodies spoke to each other in a language more profound than words, and deeper than emotions.

  Our souls intertwined as the myriad sensations built at the base of my spine. I felt her pleasure echo mine, and the harmony between us sent me careening over the edge. With effort, I kept my gaze on hers as I came. She continued to fuck me hard as she chased her own orgasm. I licked and nibbled at her breasts as she rode me until she screamed her release.

  The water turned cold before either of us worked up the energy to move again.


  Movement woke me from a rather naughty fantasy, and I stretched, embracing the soreness in my muscles. A soft moan, not at all sensual, pulled my attention to the source. Darian thrashed in his sleep and the sweat dampened sheet clung to him.

  Most nights, Lukas shared our bed, and somehow connected us in a Dream which kept Darian’s nightmares at bay. He must have sensed we craved this time alone since he hadn’t joined us. Both my lovers were sensitive to each other’s needs.

  He muttered and jerked away from whatever tormented him. Not wanting to startle him, I slid from the sheets and stood next to the mattress, staying far from reach. I wanted to comfort him, but I needed to wake him first.


  I whispered so I wouldn’t alarm him further. He calmed for a moment, but the Nightmare held him trapped. His pain brought tears to my eyes.

  “Darian? Get up, honey.”

  He rolled over with a groan, and I knew he was waking. Though he never lashed at us during his episodes, you couldn’t be too sure. He buried his face in the pillow and sighed before he sat up and faced me. It remained dark in the room, but ambient light filtered in through the curtains.

  The second I was certain he was awake, I climbed up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

  “You must think I’m weak, with these childish dreams.” He grumbled.

  “No, I know you’re strong. To have survived those terrible things and still be the wonderful man you are now takes more strength than I can imagine.”

  “I’m damaged, Lia. You deserve so much better than me. Than this.” He gestured at himself in disgust, and I hugged him tighter. With a soft moan, he embraced me. “I’m such a selfish bastard because I won’t let you go.”

  “Like I would let you, anyway. You might as well give up. You’re mine, Darian. Both of you. Get used to the idea.”

  We stayed silent for a few minutes, content to hold each other. I hesitated to say anything, but I couldn’t stand to watch him suffer. “You wanna talk about it?”

  I thought he’d brush it off as he always did. I couldn’t press him about it. If I’d gone through the horrors he’d overcome, I wouldn’t want to relive the memories either.

  “I shouldn’t let it bother me anymore. It’s been decades. And yet, the nightmares still give my father power over me. He’s dead, and Cedric can’t reach me. It’s pathetic.”

  “They imprisoned you for many years, Darian. You experienced things no man should ever have to endure. But here you are, free and strong and helping others when you could have given up. You might be a little bruised, but you’re far from broken.”

  This time, our lovemaking had a desperate edge to it, as if he needed me to keep his demons away.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  As I stood still for my fitting appointment with Arabella, I tried not to fidget or sigh. Both annoyed the seamstress, and the petite French woman possessed a sharp tongue which didn’t match her diminutive size or sweet face. Since the dress was a surprise, Lukas insisted on a blindfold. The satin bodice and wispy layers of the skirt slid over my skin, and I attempted to imagine what it looked like.

  I couldn’t see anything through the thick cloth.

  Every time he tied the soft material over my eyes, I couldn't help but shiver. Over the last six weeks he’d put the scrap of fabric into use any chance he got. The loss of sight heightened my other senses, and he enjoyed teaching me how sensual sensory exploration could be.

  "Stop sighing. I swear, she’s worse than half my clients in Paris ever were. How many years did I spend with those vapid girls mooning over the latest catch of the season as I worked? You’d think they had more respect for my needle."

  I cringed, remembering her jabbing me several times already. It wasn’t wise to move before Arabella gave me permission. According to Darian, she was one of the few who could behave with such impunity.

  Seamstresses and tailors became a valuable commodity in the Intaran community since they seldom deigned to lower themselves to menial labor. The magic woven into each piece made their creations unique. She demonstrated passionate devotion, though she reserved her craft for the members of Thane’s council.

  I’d heard snippets of conversation about the woman. She’d been a famous seamstress in both Paris and London at various periods in the last five hundred years. Before she joined the Kindred, she’d earned her living with her hands. Like Darian, she’d come from an Elitist family, but something terrible happened in her past to break her ties to them.

  "Arabella, dear, we’re all properly in awe of your needle." Lukas said, interrupting my musing in time for another disciplinary jab. I held myself motionless before she ‘corrected’ me again.

  Bubblegum popped somewhere to my left, but now I knew better than to turn my head toward it. Aubrey sighed. “Why not throw a public ritual? I mean, Thane already put us on lock-down, and Ian is bringing in our allies to celebrate your union. You’re all so lucky to have found each other.”

  “Why wouldn’t we have an open ceremony?” I asked. “Isn’t it similar to a human marriage?”

  The harridan jabbed me in the thigh, and I cursed. She rewarded my language with another poke. If she got blood on this dress I would scream. I hadn’t even seen it yet, for crying out loud.

  “No, it is not.” Arabella’s accent should’ve sounded romantic, but I only heard bitterness. Like most, she disliked the communications silence and rushed preparations. But my lovers didn’t want to postpone anything, and neither did I. With Mimi’s less than subtle urging, we didn’t dare put it off any longer. I couldn’t wait to complete the Setah Bond.

  They hadn’t left my side much in the weeks since my abduction. If either of them attended to business, the other stuck around to keep me company. I felt a little smothered though I knew they worried for my safety.

  As Thane called in every acquaintance, he packed the hotel beyond capacity for the first time in decades. To the outside world, we hosted a convention. To the Kindred, we celebrated Lukas and Darian taking me as their mate. Keeping our allies close in case of attack proved prudent. It seemed both factions liked to interrupt these events on occasion.

  “Well, I don’t mind if the guys don’t.” I added. “It’s not like I know anyone to invite anyway. If it’s important, of course they can attend.”

  There was a whisper of movement to my right, opposite Arabella and her awful needle. Darian brushed a strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “It’s an intense, very personal experience. While it is an honor for us to share this with our people, the ritual is often private. It’s up to you, Lia, love.”

  “Well, it’s not like we’re having sex on stage in front of everyone is it?”

  “Nothing like that, no.” He laughed. “It’s spiri
tual more than anything.”

  The Bonding ceremony had become sacred in their culture; with deeper meaning than a wedding among humans. Joining as a triad made this a once in a lifetime opportunity for the Kindred to gather and rejoice. Mimi admitted the triple Bond was seen as a good omen. Since we neared the time our worlds would open to each other again, it became more important. Even the number three in itself was an auspicious sign.

  “Then let’s invite them. Besides, they’ll all attend the reception anyway. It isn’t like Thane will spend more than he already has to have them come to the Bonding, too.”

  Arabella tacked another series of pins, posing and pushing at me as she muttered under her breath. With a final jab of her infamous stick pin, she pronounced the fitting complete. The fabric dropped, pooling around my feet in a sensuous puddle, and I tiptoed away from the material without damaging her precious creation.

  “Hours. He gives me hours to stitch a ritual dress which must now be viewed by many. This is intolerable. There is too much to do. These buttons are all wrong. Impossible.”

  Arabella disappeared in a huff. Aubrey left with the accursed woman. As Lukas stepped around me and ran his hands down my sides, I quivered in anticipation. His erection promised an intimate encounter best kept private.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Lukas embraced me in the sudden silence. "You’ll be such a vision tomorrow, love."

  I rubbed at the tiny wounds the harridan gave me before I reached up to remove the blindfold. Lukas’ fingers rested over mine, stopping me.

  "Leave it." He took my hands and kissed each knuckle before he placed them on his naked chest.

  The warmth of his bare flesh met my palms and I sucked in a breath. His arms wrapped around my torso, and the strapless bra released with a snick and fell to my feet. He slid his fingertips down my back, gripped the strands of the matching panties, and pushed them off my hips. I stepped free of the fabric as directed.

  "Kneel." His deep voice softened, and I shivered in response.

  I slithered down his abdomen as I obeyed. By the time my knees touched the floor, I dampened with arousal. With anticipation, I arranged myself in the proper kneeling position and awaited his next command.

  “So obedient.” He rasped as he trailed his thumbs over my exposed neck. “Soon, I’ll make you mine.”

  He’d not officially claimed me as his submissive yet, though we worked well together in private. Darian hinted he was making arrangements for another ceremony. I didn’t care about fancy rituals and titles. I just wanted everyone to know I belonged to him.

  Patience wasn’t my strongest attribute when it came to my lovers.

  Lukas walked away with the barest swish of his feet on the carpet. Minutes passed in frustrating silence as he moved around the room and shifted unknown items on the table nearby. Still I waited.

  “Focus, Ryleigh.” He whispered. “You must open yourself to me.”

  My breathing slowed and I relaxed one muscle at a time as he’d taught me. To Bond with them tomorrow, I needed to release my mental barriers and let them in. I’d practiced for weeks, but it hadn’t gotten easier.

  Darian returned, and the sounds of his movements blended with Lukas’. I sensed one of them standing there, beyond my reach. The tiny whisper of movement behind me made me tense in anticipation, but I didn’t move.

  I no longer cared who stood where or what they planned; I ached to be touched. Then again, the point of this exercise was to connect with them so I could identify my lovers without using my other senses. My spiritual self had to join with theirs to Bond, but it proved difficult to let go.

  Most humans had difficulty preparing for the ritual, but the knowledge didn’t comfort me.

  For several minutes, I struggled to clear my mind and searched for them. They wouldn’t touch me until I released the natural shields barring them from joining with me. Awareness flickered, but it danced away before I connected.

  The aroma of a vanilla candle tickled my nose, and I inhaled. As my favorite scent, it grounded me as I focused. Another motion caught my attention, but I dismissed it. I was almost there, and I knew Lukas would continue to wait until I succeeded. The moment I dropped my mental wards, I extended my innermost being and found my soulmates.

  Not only was the link necessary for our Bonding tomorrow, it heightened the sensations between us tenfold.

  The sudden increase in arousal shattered my control, and I lost the connection. Frustrated, I centered myself again, letting all my distractions peel away, layer by layer, until my soul lay bare. This time, instead of reaching, I waited for them to connect with me.

  Lukas joined me first. Our souls didn’t merge, but they now occupied the same space. I couldn’t hear his thoughts, but I experienced his feelings as if they became my own. I struggled to distinguish between us, we aligned so seamlessly. The second we stabilized Darian edged into my awareness. He wrapped around us, helping me keep balanced.

  We had attuned, though the bond remained frail.

  The air shifted, circling close to my side before moving away once more. I let the input drift over my consciousness. As I waited for Lukas or Darian to bring me to orgasm, I stayed in a suspended state of anticipation.

  The swish of material near my ass threatened to break me free of the bliss. Their desire heightened, and I felt their excitement combine with mine. I was almost meditative as I basked in the pleasant sensations.

  Then, soft fabric slid over my bare feet, caught between my toes for a second, and disappeared. My libido flared as I sensed theirs peak. The scrap touched me again, this time gliding over one knee before they removed it.

  It danced against my skin over and over, touching my arms, back, breasts and face before it flitted away. I hadn’t experienced anything beyond the cloth, yet I edged closer to release than I ever thought possible.

  Something caressed my mouth, and I parted my lips. I smelled blueberry. When I bit down on the fruit, the tart explosion on my tongue made me moan in pleasure. I savored the taste and waited for the next treat. This continued for several minutes, with blueberries, strawberries, grapes, and the surprising tang of various cheeses.

  As I swallowed the last bite of cheese, a feathery touch along my spine sent waves of sensation straight to my clit. The hands at my back trailed to my shoulders and pulled me until I lay on the blanket. They positioned themselves, each to one side of me as they arranged unknown things around us.

  Lukas hadn’t given me permission to move or speak, so I let myself drift back into our connection. It took effort to keep the link open to them, but the heightened arousal proved worthwhile. I struggled to hold on until my Master allowed me to come.

  Darian kissed my right shoulder. It brought me back to awareness again, but I maintained the bond. His lips feathered down my arm to my elbow before he lifted to my breast and teased the nipple. His tongue encircled the erect bud, and he sucked more of my flesh into his mouth.

  I suppressed the moan threatening to escape.

  On my left, Lukas dripped warm oil onto my leg, one delicious drop at a time. The droplets tickled as they landed from my ankle to my hip. He caressed my skin as he spread the scented salve.

  For several minutes, feeling both their emotions and mine overwhelmed me.

  The background aroma of the vanilla candle mingled with the spicy scent of lubricant. The rhythmic motions of Lukas’ fingers competed with the gentle suction and nips of Darian's teeth at my nipples. An ache expanded from my core through my limbs, and my breathing puffed in shallow bursts with the effort it took not to come.

  I trembled, ready to beg for release, but the sensations changed.

  At some unspoken command, Darian stopped his ministrations and stroked my hair. Lukas crawled up to my shoulder. They switched positions, and Darian slicked the liquid down to my right foot. As his hands smoothed up to my thighs, Lukas dripped oil onto my chest.

  The urge to come banked to a dull roar as my lov
ers gave me a sensual massage. When I regained control, Lukas took my nipple into his mouth. I arched off the blanket at the sudden rush of pleasure, but he placed his hand on my hip to remind me to keep still. They rolled me onto my stomach and oiled my back, neck and ass.

  I relaxed again until lube snaked between my cheeks. Darian's fingers followed the trail as he nudged my legs apart. With deliberate care, he avoided touching the sensitive region between my clit and anus. He teased me enough to balance me at the edge of orgasm without succumbing. Lukas positioned me onto my hands and knees, tugging my hair until he claimed me with a kiss.

  Then he pulled away, leaving me breathless from his kisses and Darian's touch.

  Darian moved his fingertips over my core, dipped into my wet pussy and circled around the tight ring of muscle. Lukas touched the back of my head as the tip of his cock brushed my lips. I opened for him with a sigh, drawing him deep into my throat with a swirl of my tongue. Lukas fucked my mouth as Darian slid two long digits into my slit and impaled me.

  I hovered near release for several minutes, but waited until Master gave me permission.

  "Make her come."

  Within the next breath, I shattered around Darian's fingers, gasping hard against Lukas’ shaft. Both stopped thrusting. Darian held my hips when I threatened to sag under the sensations. Lukas tugged free as he positioned me over Darian. I straddled his erection as he bumped my pulsing nub, and I moaned in pleasure.

  Lukas shifted and I heard the snick of the cap on the bottle of oil. He stroked his throbbing arousal over my cleft, working the liquid over his rod and between my cheeks in alternating motions. Both Lukas and Darian nudged me at the same time, one at each entrance, and I wiggled, trying to encourage them to hurry.

  The soft pop of my Master’s hand startled me. He smacked the right cheek, and then the left. The gentle burn aroused me more as he caressed my flesh in his palms.


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