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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 169

by Multiple Authors

  Wished she was as miserable and tormented as he.

  Aye, his bastard emotions were still keenly present.


  Kyme stepped on Spyros’s foot for the tenth time and forced out another laugh. The sole reason she’d agreed to dance with him was because some foolish part of her insisted Arsenius would charge the square and lay claim to her.

  She would do anything, even endure this torture called dancing, in order to capture Arsenius’s attention. To force that arrogant braggart to come to her rescue. She yearned for his strong arms to wrap around her, to breathe in his dark scent.

  Her strategy had led her close to victory. She stole another glance at him and smirked. His glower bored into them.

  Spyros twirled her and as she spun, Nazrin’s words echoed in her mind. Even though bonded males were affected by the breeding pheromones, they could take none but their mates.

  She shook herself. No. She wasn’t Arsenius’s mate, despite him seeming to covet only her. This entire evening, he hadn’t browsed any of the available females. Yet the Water Borne females’ collective pheromones had to be grating on the males present.

  A lump of guilt lodged inside her throat. Because of her, he wouldn’t seek out another female—or females, like Thereus. No doubt, it was what Arsenius used to do. Would be doing if not for her.

  Another, darker part of her delighted to be the sole target of that male’s lust. Kyme met his charcoal stare, the memory of his rushing through her body. She’d desired him from the moment she’d first seen him. The passion in his eyes was proof he craved the same.

  The future did not matter tonight. After they rescued Lena, he could visit her in the spring. She might be content with two months each year. Would he? Though the breeding period for her people had passed, and she could not now conceive, perhaps someday, she might bear Arsenius’s child…

  A decision which had seeded weeks ago had at last taken root. Tiring of the life and role she’d been given, she aspired to be more than a gift of the gods. To be remembered for her strengths, her warrior spirit.

  In the minotaur’s lair, she’d faced death. The one thing that had become clear was that she did not wish to live without Arsenius. Without knowing his touch and the passion to be claimed in his arms.

  Her entire existence, she’d lived to serve others—her goddess, her Queen, and her sisters.

  She’d never been allowed to covet anything for herself.

  Now she did.

  And she was determined to have him.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  It was time to claim her male.

  At last, the song ended. Kyme thanked Spyros for the dance and excused herself. The winged male’s mouth dropped open but hardened into a scowl as she sauntered away. He’d concluded this effort to be satisfactory seduction. She scoffed. It took more than one dance to tame an Amazon.

  Wending past the dancing couples, she navigated out of the paths of intoxicated males and to the table where Arsenius brooded. He’d abstained from liquor this evening as though he didn’t wish to risk anything impairing his judgment.

  She’d have no excuse of intoxication for her actions tonight, either.

  This course had been set out before her the moment they’d met. She didn’t need anyone’s permission except hers and his.

  Oh, wait. The only way Arsenius would make love to her was if she didn’t ask him. A ripple of excitement shot through her and her senses fired with anticipation. Tonight, she would hold nothing back.

  “I’d like to retire to our cabin.” Kyme sashayed toward the male who would forever alter her destiny and paused mere inches from him. He rose and magnetic heat rolled off his large body, luring her in.

  “Had enough dancing?”

  Her lips curved into a smile. She lifted on her tiptoes and purred into his ear, “Arsenius, there’s only one reason why I danced with him.” His body hardened against hers. She pressed into all that muscle and moaned. Trailing her finger down his chest, she dipped the tip inside the waist of his breeches. She brushed his hipbone and the marking she’d carved into him. “The entire time I wished he was you.”

  He groaned.

  Victory. “Come with me.” Abruptly, she spun and headed for one of the cabins Nazrin had pointed to. No need to peek behind her to determine if he followed. Arsenius would never let her out of his sight. The dozens of lusty males lurking around Halcyon solidified her reasoning.

  The cabin up ahead on her right had a blue ribbon tied around the doorknob. Unoccupied. She undid the ribbon and treaded inside. He didn’t follow, so she leaned against the doorframe. “Will you not join me?”

  He crossed his arms. “I can’t. Not tonight, Kyme.”

  “Come inside. You can’t sleep in the forest. At least take the floor. I’d rather not sleep alone on a night like this.” To emphasize her point, she glanced toward a group of inebriated males singing bawdy tunes, and bit her lip to stifle her smile. By fair means or foul, she’d have him tonight. When it came to Arsenius, foul was the surest path to triumph.

  Wariness flared in his drawn brows as he stepped inside. The one thing Arsenius would hate more than Kyme losing her virtue to him was if some other male claimed it.

  He faced the door and locked it.

  She pressed against his back, wrapped her arms around his solid waist, and skimmed her hands down to his rigid shaft.

  Snarling, he jerked out of her grasp and bolted to the other side of the modest room. “Kyme,” he rasped as though in pain. “What are you doing?” He gripped the back of an armchair. Hunched over, he hung his head. Arsenius was one breath away from unleashing the fury of his lust. Any female ought to be terrified of such unchecked passion.

  Her gaze fixed on his hands. Strong hands. Able to tear apart a monster like the minotaur.

  Capable of tenderly untangling her unruly hair.

  His hands were just like him. Arsenius was the most magnificent male she’d ever beheld. Her attraction stemmed from more than the form he possessed—the heart inside his chest, the one he claimed he didn’t have.

  Soon those skilled hands will be on my body.

  Kyme quivered as hunger seized her. Not yet ready to end her ruse, she smirked at him with a sly smile. “Let me ease your suffering.”

  He gave his head a violent shake. “I can’t.” His hungry stare stalked her, negating his words.

  She shrugged a shoulder at him, bent, and lifted the hem of her tunic. Her fingers unsheathed the dagger from her thigh, slowly, ensuring he received an eyeful of her bare flesh.

  Arsenius straightened as she crossed the room and strolled around the chair toward him. With the knife in her hand, she dragged its steel tip along the rigid muscles of his chest, and rested the blade above his heart.

  He eyed the dagger. “That wouldn’t stop me.”

  “No, I suppose not.” The knife dropped to the floor, clinking, and she pressed her lips where the blade had been. Flicking out her tongue, she savored the heady spice of his masculine skin.

  “Ah, gods, Kyme.”

  The pulse of his heart raced underneath her lips. “You need me.” She pivoted, sashayed toward the bedchamber, and winked over her shoulder. “Take off your clothes. On the bed, now.”


  Arsenius’s body obeyed her sweet command. He never fancied he’d enjoy being ordered to remove his clothes again, yet when the words came from Kyme’s lips, they had naught in common with what had happened to him as a slave.

  His eager hands tore off his shirt, his breeches, and he leapt onto the bed. His mind screamed, What in Hades are you doing? But the thundering of his heart was louder.

  Want her so bad. Oh gods, he was so hard for her. Crossing his arms behind his head, he ordered himself not to touch Kyme. If he did, he’d not be able to stop.

  She was right. He did need her. The longer he went without some form of release, the more of a threat he’d be to her. Bloody Water Borne and their bloody breeding cycles. He gritted his tee
th, his hands growing numb as they clenched above his head.

  Kyme padded to the dressing table and undid the clasp at her shoulder. The ivory fabric of her tunic slid over her flawless skin as his hands longed to do, pooling at her feet. With a siren’s promises in her darkened blue eyes, she stole another glance at him over her shoulder, lashes fluttering, before facing him.

  His cock throbbed, impatient for her. His gaze devoured her body, from those luscious, rosy-tipped breasts, down to the full curve of her hip, and the sweet nectar between her thighs. The taste of her had been seared on his tongue.

  He wet his lips. It had been far too long since he’d last savored his mate. Temptation sliced through him, forcing him to tear away his admiration.

  The roof was in need of repairs. He hoped it didn’t rain tonight.

  Arsenius groaned as Kyme straddled his waist. The heat of her core was slick with her arousal against his skin. As she gripped him in her hands, he exploded on the second stroke, at the last second willing his seed not to spill.

  Gods, I love her. His teeth clamped down on his tongue lest the traitor release the secret which would surely cause her to flee. It killed him that he would never tell her of his devotion. But if that was what it took to keep her…

  He closed his eyes and threw back his head. No more thinking. Enjoy this moment.

  Kyme bent and kissed the mark on his hip, her lips trailing to draw him into her mouth. Gods, how he hungered to bury his fingers in her hair and direct her. As he raised his head, the sight of her lips on his cock shot an unbearable jolt of lust through him.

  He clenched his fists tighter still, but the inability to pleasure his mate drove the beast inside him to the brink of his frenzy. A light sweat broke out across his skin. Arsenius slammed his eyes shut again and gritted his teeth harder. He would force the beast into submission and find the control to touch Kyme.

  She flicked her tongue, ran it along the length of him, and sucked him into her mouth.

  Hot. Wet. Tight.

  Wait—What in Hades? His eyes flashed open at the same time as Kyme sank onto him, a hiss escaping her lips. Desperate, he dragged himself out of the haze of his passion.

  No. No! Bloody hell, no. Kyme.

  He stared in horror at the connection between their bodies. Jerking his hands from behind his head, he glared at his traitorous fingers. No, he hadn’t inadvertently done this.

  In one swift movement, he wrenched Kyme off his body and tucked her under him.

  It was too late. He scented the blood. Hers. Virgin’s blood.

  “What the hell have you done?” he snarled at her. Blinding, white-hot fury poured out of him. This was never supposed to happen. What has she done?

  Tears streaked her cheeks and the sight of them stung worse than had she slapped him. He was such a bastard for directing his anger toward her.

  As his mind staggered, he blew out a slow breath. “Oh, Kyme.” His voice broke. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Why? Why would you give up your gift for me?”

  “You’re not angry?”

  “Nay, never.” My love. Brushing the hair from her face, he kissed the moisture from her cheeks. “Your gift.” He searched the dark indigo depths of her eyes. “Why?”

  “I wanted you more.”

  Those words seized his heart, yet her reasoning baffled him. Shaking his head, he grunted. “I’m a worthless bastard.”

  She squirmed beneath him and winced.

  “See?” He grimaced and shifted his weight to his arms. “I even let you be hurt for nothing.”

  “It’s supposed to hurt.” She shrugged.

  He shook his head once more as he nuzzled her neck. “Nay, my sweet Kyme. I told you my father Ares gifted me several unique talents. I could have made this pleasurable for you.” Determination surged within him. “I still can.”

  “Ah, I don’t think,” she wet her lips, “I wish to again.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her and a quirk tugged at his mouth. “Retreating, Amazone? Before the battle has even begun? I was barely inside you.”

  “Barely?” she squeaked.

  He chuckled. From her point of view the act had brought nothing but discomfort. And he’d be damned if he didn’t correct her.

  “Kyme, you started this. Now, you shall allow me to finish.” He grew serious. “I swear I won’t hurt you. If you don’t like what I do to you, you can cut off my favored anatomy.”


  “Amazone, trust me, I am that good.” He grinned back at her. “Let me ease your pain and show you what it is to be loved by a male.” He kissed her before she had the chance to notice the words he let slip.

  Beneath him, her body was tense, but he’d soon ease her fears. He wished it hadn’t happened this way, though he understood why. Even if she’d requested, he would not have made love to her.

  They both knew the truth. Well, she believed her version of the truth. Arsenius had meant what he’d said. He wasn’t worthy enough to take the virtue of someone as pure as Kyme.

  He refused to release her now. She deserved to experience the pleasures found with a man and he wasn’t about to hand the task off to anyone else.

  As for her gift, the threat from Hippolyta, and his sister, they’d figure the details out later.

  At last, he would claim his mate.

  As he licked the seam of her lips, her mouth obediently parted. He kissed her until her lips were swollen and the tension eased from her body. His fingers traced her silken skin from the side of her cheek, past the hollow of her neck and down to the supple flesh of her breasts. His tongue teased one lovely, pebbled peak until she moaned low in her throat. Trailing his lips lower, he made sure to shut out the scent of her virgin blood. This was not the time to succumb to his frenzy.

  He wiped away the smear on her thighs, lifted her gently, and tossed the soiled sheet onto the floor. Drawing upon the talent from Ares, he concentrated intense eroticism into his fingertips. The heat of his touch would magnify her thirst, vanquish any pain.

  He would prove to her how a mated female found unrivaled pleasure at the hands of her bonded male. The combination of his talent and their bond would be enough to keep Kyme by his side, right?

  Can I tame her with my touch? His fingers trembled as he stroked her velvety nub. Instantly, she cried out.

  He buried his grin in her hair and cradled her in his arms as the tremors cascaded through her body. While she clung to him, he brushed his fingers along her cheek in soothing strokes.

  Twisting around, she grabbed his head and demanded his kiss. “More.” Oh aye, his eager Amazon.

  Gently, he slipped a finger inside her. So wet and hot for him. Her barrier was gone. Because of me. His shaft throbbed as it reminded him of where it had recently been and most desired to return.

  Kyme is mine.

  His heart raced as his lips sought to dominate her. Mine.

  Hope surged in his chest and his heart swelled, consuming his fears, his doubts. Kyme had chosen him. Perhaps a future together did exist.

  He eased a second finger inside her and growled as she clenched him. Aye, she was ready. Arsenius knelt between her legs and gripped her hips. He would claim her with leisure, relishing every second, every sweet inch.

  Positioning his cock at her entrance, he worked his charmed fingers at her bud again and pressed just the tip of himself inside her.

  They both moaned as he thrust in another inch.

  He paused, gathered his restraint, and retreated.

  With each thrust, he went a little deeper, stretched her a little wider, before he slid all the way out. Every time he penetrated her, she let out a delicious little whimper. With purpose, he prolonged her sweet torture.

  Kyme would learn that she belonged to him.


  As Arsenius paused inside her, Kyme almost convulsed around him.

  “Nay. Not yet, Amazone. Not until I’m completely inside you.” Shivers rippled under her skin at his stern demand, a
n order for her submission.

  Here was the master. Had she at last become his slave?

  To demonstrate his point, he clasped her hand and placed it where their bodies connected. Much of his large length had yet to possess her. “Not until you take all of me.” He pulled out of her, leaving her feverish in his wake.

  She thrashed against the sheets, clutching at them with her fingertips.

  As Arsenius pushed into her again, moisture pooled between Kyme’s thighs and she clenched his length, determined to hold on to him this time. Yet he was in control, and he drew back, teasing her. She raised her head, but the scowl vanished from her face. Her lips fell open and lust blasted through her. The juncture between her thighs grew even wetter as Arsenius angled her hips with such expertise.

  From his position, he viewed everything. Her sex was open wide for his adoration, her body his to command. With one stroke, he was able to ignite her in ecstasy. She was at his utter mercy, and never had surrender been so sweet.

  Arsenius clasped his hand under her bottom, lifting her hips and spreading her thighs even wider. “That’s it, open for me, Kyme.” His voice was rough, deep, and all that betrayed how far from control he truly was.

  “Almost…all the way.” His labored breathing sped to match hers.

  At last, he seated fully inside her. His thickness filled her, his dark spicy scent soothed her, and the weight of him held her captive. Blinding light exploded behind her eyes. As her sheath convulsed around him, the pleasure intensified. Every time she clenched around him, rapture filled her.

  His muscles grew rigid and he leaned forward, groaning into her neck as he found his release. Sheltered beneath his large body, his hot breath caressed her skin.

  By the gods, nothing had ever felt so right in her entire life.

  Until he whispered into her neck, “I love you.”

  No. Her heart thrashed inside her chest. This wasn’t part of her scheme. She might account for those words spoken in bliss if he were any other man.

  Not Arsenius. He would never mistakenly speak them.


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