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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 213

by Multiple Authors

  “I don’t have anyone else,” Sophia say, barely above a whisper. “Please. I don’t want to be alone.” The first round of tears break the threshold of her resolve.

  “You’re not alone, dear. I’ll be here checking in on you until the shift change at seven. Plus, they have security stationed outside your door.”

  Sophia’s eyes widen. “Aden.”

  “Nurse...Jenny, is it?” Aden reads the name tag on her smock. “You can do what you need to, or call who you must, but I’m not leaving this room.”

  “Sir, you can’t stay.”

  “I’m not leaving my fiancée, not after what she’s been through.” Aden holds the nurse’s gaze.

  He grabs a chair and places it next to the bed then sits.

  “He’s your fiancé?” the nurse asks with narrowed eyes.

  Sophia nods. “Yes. He is.”

  Nurse Jenny takes a deep breath then exhales, loudly. She turns then half stomps out of the room.

  When the door closes, Sophia peers into Aden’s eyes.

  He brings her hand to his mouth and kisses the tips of her fingers, which brings a small smile to her lips.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Sophia. I promise.”

  “Aden, what happened?” She chews on the inside of her lower lip. “I um...don’t remember what happened after I shot Monte. I know there were three of them, and that you were fighting with one of them, but I don’t remember.” A tremor shakes her body. “And Thor. Is he he okay?”

  “Yeah,” he says, softly. “Thor is fine. He mauled the hell out one of the guy’s arms. And the guy you shot, Monte, and the one Thor used them as a chew toy. They were taken into custody. They’re being treated at a different hospital.” He pauses. “The other man was arrested at the bookstore, but I expect he’ll be out before the ink dries on his release forms.”

  Sophia rubs the tears from her eyes. “What happened after I blacked out? What did he—did Monte do?”

  “Nothing happened after you blacked out because Logan pulled him off you while I subdued the Maalik assassin.” Aden lowers the bed rail and pulls her trembling form into his arms.

  “The assassin?” Her eyes widen.

  “The Maalikian are mercenaries for hire. Logan confirmed the Doccioner clan hired him. But we don’t know why or for what purpose.”

  “Did they find what they were looking for? Did they find the book?”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “But, I do want to know why the hell you came down the stairs in the first place? I told you to stay in the room. The wards in there were meant to keep you safe.”

  “I’m sorry. I was worried about you. I thought...I couldn’t leave you there to face them on your own.”

  “Where did you get the gun, Sophia?”

  “It my uncle’s workbench. I found it when I was restoring the book last night.”

  “And you didn’t bother to tell me?”

  “I’d never seen it before. Please. Don’t be mad at me.” A new round of tears well up in her eyes. “I meant to tell you. I was going to show it to you tomorrow. Then, when they broke in, I went to get it.”

  “I’m not mad at you only the situation.” He kisses her lips. “Have you ever fired a gun before?”

  She shakes her head. “No.” Memories of the gun and how it felt in her hands wash through her thoughts. She shivers.

  “You could’ve hurt yourself. But, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.”

  “I know.” Sophia scoots her body over to the other side of the bed then looks up at him. “Will you lie down with me?”

  The corners of his lips curl upward into a smile, and he shakes his head. “You just really want to set Nurse Jenny off the next time she comes in here to check on you, don’t you?”

  Aden unties his shoes then sits on the edge of the bed. He lays down and the mattress shifts under his weight. He pulls draws her into his arms, cradling her to his chest.

  Gently, he tucks several curly strands of hair behind her ear. Aden tilts her chin upward and lightly brushes her lips with his mouth.

  Sophia closes her eyes and breathes in his familiar scent. He smells of sandalwood and vanilla. It’s a comforting aroma.

  “You should get some rest.” Aden caresses the side of her face.

  Sophia rolls onto her side then grimaces. “Ahh.” She gingerly touches the back of her head. The contact sends a sharp pain shooting through her head.

  Aden intercepts her hand. “Careful, you have stitches back there.”

  “Stitches.” Her eyes widen.

  “Yeah,” Aden says, softly. “From your head being slammed against the floor.” The muscles in his jaw flex.

  Sophia exhales a slow, steady breath. “You said they didn’t find the book, right?”

  “No. They didn’t. But they were searching the basement when I found them.” He pulls the sheet and blanket over her shivering body. “We can talk about this later because right now, you need to close your eyes and get some rest.” He kisses her forehead. “I’m sure the nurse patrol will be in shortly to check up on you. From what I hear, they have orders to wake you every two hours.”

  Lying in his arms, Sophia feels safe. The knotted muscles in her neck, shoulders and back slowly begin to relax. She can’t help but wonder what the intruders want with the book. At least now, the police know who they are. But at this point, she’s not sure if that’s good or bad.

  What did my uncle get involved in? The more she thinks about it, the more her head throbs. She squeezes her eyes shut, but the buzzing in her ears intensifies. Sophia’s thoughts grow cloudy. She clings to Aden and lets the darkness of the night take over.

  Chapter Six

  Aden Clarkson

  THE WALLS OF THE HOSPITAL are off-white, and the room has a sterile smell to it. A smell he could do without. Aden enters the room, but he doesn’t see Sophia, but her scent lingers in the area. He listens. There’s movement in the bathroom.

  He raps on the door. “May I come in?”

  Before Sophia can respond, he opens the door.

  Looking up, she locks eyes with him. She is standing at the counter wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton panties—with a bow on the front—and a matching lacy bra.

  The corners of his lips curl upward into a grin. He strolls up to where she’s standing then picks up the folded jeans on the corner of the counter that Sally packed. Kneeling in front of her, he eases her feet into the leg holes of the pants.

  When Sophia leans over, her body sways, and she squeezes her eyes shut.

  Aden takes hold of her hips, drawing her into his lean frame. “You okay?” He stands and wraps his arms around Sophia’s waist, pulling her into a firm embrace.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. I just got dizzy for a few seconds.” She swallows hard. “But I’m okay now.”

  Aden peers down at her, appraising her with keen eyes. Reluctantly, he releases his hold on her waist then pulls the jeans up and over her hips.

  Taking hold of the front of the pants, he zips then buttons them. Leaning down, he lightly kisses her lips before taking hold of the light blue T-shirt on the counter. Gently, he eases the shirt over her head, he’s careful to not come in contact with the stiches on the back of her head, and then he pulls the fabric down around her body.

  “That’s a first.” Aden chuckles.

  “What?” Sophia looks up at him with furrowed brows.

  “Usually, I’m the one peeling clothing off, not putting them on.”

  Sophia shakes her head then closes her eyes. She tightens her hold on Aden’s shoulders. Drawing in a deep breath, she clings to him. When she opens her eyes, they look glossy, distant.

  He raises an eyebrow. “Maybe, we should have Dr. Marks look at you, again.”

  “No. I’m okay. The doctor said I’d feel dizzy from time to time because of the concussion. I just need to remember not to shake my head or bend over because it makes me feel lightheaded. Plus, I’m sure the pain medication the nurse ga
ve me earlier is intensifying the effects.”

  Aden wraps an arm around her waist and guides her out of the bathroom and to a chair. “Sit down.”

  Kneeling, he takes hold of her right calf then slips a sock over her foot. He repeats the process with her left foot then slides on her shoes then ties them.

  Silently, she and Aden wait for the nurse. When the day nurse enters the room, she gives Sophia something for nausea and then explains the discharge instructions. Once done, she hands the paperwork to Sophia to sign.

  The nurse exits the room, paperwork in hand, and then reenters, carting in a wheelchair. “Have a seat. It’s policy.” She guides Sophia to the wheelchair. Once seated, the nurse wheels Sophia out of the room and down the hall.

  Aden keeps pace with the nurse, who makes her way to the pick-up lane outside of the hospital doors.

  Sunlight floods the area and Sophia’s eyes water. She covers her face with her hands, and then she squeezes her lids shut.

  Peering out between the slats of her fingers, she locks eyes with Aden.

  Aden points toward the road. “Logan’s driving up.” He peers into the black Lexus.

  Logan is sitting in the driver’s seat. The four-door car is sleek and has a beige leather interior. The windows are tinted, which should make it easier on her eyes once they’re inside.

  When Sophia stands, Aden wraps an arm around her waist.

  “I can do it.” Sophia pulls away.

  Aden tightens his hold. “I know. But it doesn’t hurt to have help.” He guides her to the back passenger side seat.

  The nurse peers into the car. Aden reaches across Sophia and buckles her seatbelt. Taking a step back, Aden shuts the door.

  The nurse’s eyes follow him. He can feel them tracking his movements. She watches him walk around the car then sit down. When Logan drives off, the nurse waves then pushes the wheelchair back through the double sliding glass doors of the hospital.

  Aden places an arm around Sophia’s body, drawing her against his lean frame. Sophia lays her head back—between the crook of his neck and shoulder.

  “Where’re we going?” She laces her fingers between his.

  “To my place.” Aden listens to the steady beat of her heart. He kisses the top of her head. “Sally will be there to assist you while Logan and I reassess the security systems at the bookstore.”

  “So, in other words, you’re going to dump me on Sally. And then both of you are going to make decisions without me, again.” Releasing Aden’s hand, Sophia scoots to the other side of the car. “That’s just great.”

  She peers up and holds Logan’s gaze in the rearview mirror.

  “No. We’re merely assessing the situation.” Logan presses his lips together into a thin white line.

  “What new spying gadgets will you install, this time, Logan?” Sophia narrows her eyes. “And do I have to find them myself, or will you tell me what you’ve done this time to spy on me?”

  Logan’s face flushes. The vein on the side of his forehead throbs.

  “Sophia,” Logan says. “Any security system installed is for your safety.”

  “Then I should be there, too.”

  “I’d rather you stay at my apartment for your own safety.” Aden glares down at her.

  “I’m sure you would. But if you and Logan are going to the bookstore, then I’m coming with you.” She pauses then rubs her temples. “And neither of you can stop me.”

  “Be reasonable, Sophia,” Aden clenches his jaws. “It would be best if you rest at my apartment.”

  “For who? You and Logan?” She asks. “Let me be the judge of what I need or don’t need.”

  “God, woman. Anyone ever tell you that you’re stubborn.” Aden draws in a deep breath and sighs, loudly. “You’re not going to back down, are you?”

  “No. I’m not. Plus, I’m not a child, Aden. So, don’t treat me like one.”

  “If you insist on coming, I won’t stop you; however, you will stay in the building within eye-shot of either Logan or I while there. Keep in mind, you’ve got a concussion.”

  “Yeah. I know that. And you don’t have to remind me because my throbbing head does it enough for both of you. Plus, you’re not my keeper. So don’t presume that it’s okay to tell me what to do. After all, the bookstore is my house, not yours.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you.” Aden’s voice is firm but controlled.

  “Good. Then it’s settled. I’m going with you.” Sophia leans back, pressing the side of her face against the leather interior of the car. She draws in a deep breath then closes her eyes.

  The tension inside of the car is thick and heavy. Aden sighs because arguing with her isn’t how he wanted to spend his afternoon or evening for that matter.

  When the Lexus up in front of the building, Aden steps out onto the street. He walks around the back of the vehicle and opens the door. Standing next to the car, he extends a hand, waiting for Sophia to take it.

  Sophia rolls her eyes. She ignores his extended hand, exits the car, and then proceeds down the sidewalk.

  A man with a small furball of a dog ambles up. The dog sniffs Sophia’s shoes then scurries between her legs. The pink nylon cord connected to the animal’s neck wraps around Sophia’s lower legs.

  She takes a couple of steps back then bends over to untangle the leash and stumbles.

  Aden wraps an arm around Sophia’s waist. He pulls her up against his lean frame, keeping her up on her feet.

  The man and Logan untangle the leash from around Sophia’s legs.

  “You okay?” Aden whispers in her ear. He can hear the erratic beats of her heart.

  “Yeah.” She lays against Aden. “I’m okay.”

  Aden cradles her in his arms. The tension in her shoulders melts away, and she relaxes against him.

  Once freed, the man and his dog stroll down the sidewalk as if nothing happened.

  When Aden releases Sophia, he gently takes hold of her arm and guides her up the steps.

  Logan keys in the security code on the side of the building.

  The steel door opens, and Sophia steps into the small entry with Aden. Both he and Sophia wait for Logan to unlock the interior door. Once inside, Aden leads her to the couch in the parlor room.

  Aden sits next to Sophia. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He appraises her with keen eyes.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.” Sophia lays back on the sofa then close her lids. “The medication is just making me sleepy.”

  Aden brushes a rogue strand of hair from her cheek. “Do you need anything?” He scoots closer, and the couch cushion shifts under his weight.

  “No. I’m good.” Sophia’s eyes flutter open.

  Aden’s mouth is inches from hers. His mouth brushes over hers. Her lips are soft and warm, and she tastes sweet.

  He grabs the square, decorative pillow from the cushion next to her, and then places it on the arm of the couch.

  “You should lie down for a bit.” Aden peers at her. “Please.”

  She looks pale and tired. Slowly, he coaxes her back onto the cushions. He grabs the blanket and covers her body. Bowing his head, he kisses her cheek then smiles before standing.

  She gazes up at him through heavy lids.

  Logan approaches.

  “Sophia,” Logan says, softly. “I want to make some changes to the security system if that’s okay with you.”

  “Do what you need to because I’m too tired to argue.” She exhales a long sigh. “But I want to be briefed on what you end up doing when I wake up.”

  “Not an issue.” Logan turns then walks out of the parlor.

  Sophia’s eyes close, then dart back and forth under her lids.

  Chapter Seven

  Sophia Mahoney

  SOPHIA’S BODY BOLTS UPRIGHT, and she gasps for air. The thumping of her hearts booms in her ears. Her chest, it feels heavy and tight. She can’t draw in a breath of air.

  Noisy breathing resonates around her. When her vision clears,
she focuses on two copper-colored, lofty eyes, which are staring down at her. Before she can open her mouth to protest, her face is covered in slobber. Oh, my God...

  “Thor—” she manages to say then wrestles his muzzle away from her face. “Get down.”

  He whines then takes her right hand in the warm confines of his mouth then corncobs on her fingers.

  “No. Sit.”

  Thor plops his butt down on the hardwood floor eyeing her. Excitement etched on his face.

  Sophia stands.

  His bulky frame twitches with nervous energy as he eyes her. Every muscle of his body is taut with anticipation.

  Sophia takes a few steps, and he paws at her, whining, once more. She rolls her eyes then slowly shakes her head because she knows; she’s going to regret the words about to roll off the tip of her tongue.

  “Fine. Come on, Thor.”

  Rising, he shakes his battering ram of a tail, which makes a loud thumping sound as it hammers against the coffee table.

  Sophia saunters to the bathroom on the ground level with Thor on her heels. As she walks in the room, he follows her. He sniffs the bathtub then climbs in and lies down.

  She shuts the door and takes care of her bathroom needs then wash her hands and face. A loud smacking sound resonates behind her. She glances over her shoulder.

  Thor is chewing on a bar of soap. No. Chewing is too mild of a word for what he’s doing. He’s going to town, gnawing like there’s no tomorrow on the fragrant bar that no longer resembles a sea shell.

  God, is there nothing he won’t try to eat or slobber on?

  “Thor,” she says in a firm voice. “No.” She walks up to the tub then attempts to pull the mangled, slippery bar out of his mouth.

  He groans then shakes his head.

  “Drop it.” Thor opens his massive jaws. The soap slides out of his mouth and onto the palm of her hand.

  Cursing under her breath, Sophia walks up to the sink then toss the chewed bar of soap into the trash. She turns on the sink faucet and rinses off her slobber-covered hands.

  Thor jumps out of the tub, walks up beside her, and then he sticks his head inside the wicker trash container.


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