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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 227

by Multiple Authors

  He thought about the general, his most hated and feared enemy. He didn’t really fear him, he just had a healthy respect for what he was capable of and that was all. He’d seen him out at the pubs and alehouses in neutral territories always surrounded by women. Why didn’t women see that he had so much more to offer them than the general did? He’d admit if he was into men, he’d want one like the general even though that man wasn’t half the man he himself was. He know it would be impossible to find another that was as wonderful as he was so he’d have to settle for next best. It mattered not, women were his thing with an occasional boy. He liked to hold them down and feel them struggle. It was only because he couldn’t find a woman that struggled enough. He just knew the witch would, although she hadn’t fought off the general.

  His dreams changed at that point and centered on being in the middle of the general’s bed with the general and the witch both working to please him. He woke up during the greatest orgasm of his life. It had been wonderful, but now his bed was wet and he’d be unable to sleep in it. Maybe he could find a way to capture the general once the witch was firmly back under his control. She could move him here! Why hadn’t he ever thought of that before? An oversight that had cost him time and money. Without the general the war would be over quickly. Him disappearing from his bed in the middle of the night from a secure stronghold would wreak havoc on morale. He knew the witch being taken from his had cause widespread panic among his men.

  He called the servant to chance his bed sheets. He’d hoped for a young maid or lad, but got an old man instead. Why did all his servants seem to be old men these days? He felt not the slightest interest in his cock so he waited patiently or as much so as he was capable of while the man changed his bed. He did it quickly and efficiently so he could find no complaint in his work. Slow and sloppy servants sometimes lost their heads, literally.

  Slow and sloppy servants sometimes lost their heads, literally. He went back to bed when the man was through but his dreams the rest of the night weren’t nearly as pleasurable. His army couldn’t win no matter what he did and he saw the general and the witch everywhere he went. They laughed at him. Him! They called him names and flaunted their relationship in front of him. He was angry but for some reason when he told his guards to arrest him, they just laughed too. What did it all mean?

  He woke up grumpy and out of sorts. He needed something and he’d not been able to get anything around his stronghold. His stronghold was a manor house surrounded by what was basically a small town. It was fenced in for safety and he had guards at the gate. He had his sights on a castle but the king and his family would have to die. All except the babe he would take guardianship of and then rule in the place of. His sister might not want to help him but she had put a very important relationship in place for him that would speed along his plan once he ended this damnable war.

  Once he was king, or acting king for the brat, he would set his sight on ruling the empire. Becoming eligible to be emperor would be a bit harder but he had no doubt he’d find a way. Since the emperor was already married and he had no more sisters that would not be the way. He had time to think of things and there was no point in worrying about the empire until the kingdom was secured. Still, it was nice to dream of the day all would bow to him.

  He got up, dressed, and made his way to his throne room. Everyone called it that and they all knew what it symbolized. He’d be glad to move in because he’d done all he could here. A messenger came in, he was tall and proud but gave no respect to Knorris. He was the king’s messenger and under his protection. He knew no one would dare harm him. He passed the message to him but instead of leaving, he stood waiting.

  “What is it you want? A meal or a bed?” he asked.

  “No, I was told to wait and see that you read it and see if you wished to send an answer,” the messenger said.

  It made him wonder why and that threw him off his usual calm. He opened the missive and read the surprising words. The king was coming for a visit and bringing his wife and children so she could see her brother. They would be here no later than the morning. What craziness was this? He knew his sister had a deep dislike for him. They’d never been close, but when he had spread his remaining family to the four winds after their father had died, she’d hated him. They must be plotting against him, it was the only answer.

  He looked up to see the messenger waiting and watching. He was sure he’d let nothing show. “Tell them we feel honored and we will make ready,” he said to the messenger. The man raised his brow no doubt unaccustomed to the royal we from a lowly lord. “My people and I look forward to their arrival,” he clarified.

  The messenger turned and left without being dismissed. He was lucky there wasn’t a knife handy because Knorris felt like sinking on deep into his back. He yelled out orders to get rooms ready when he realized he had no idea how many children his sister had. He could hardly admit that so he had them ready all the guest room, ten and two. The servants dashed madly about with the burden of not only preparing rooms, but preparing them for royal occupants. He wondered at the timing of this visit. Could the king have found out about his Witch and that she now resided with their greatest enemy? He felt a sick dread take up residence in his stomach. He yelled at the remaining servants to remove all the food from his presence. He couldn’t tolerate the sight or the smell of it.

  It was cleared in moments and it helped to have it gone but the sick feeling persisted. His family, the one he’d rid himself of, would be the death of him. He barely remembered his sister the queen. She’d been the oldest child by five or six years. There’s been a daughter a tad younger that had died of the fever. He’d been ten years younger than her. By the time he was old enough to remember them, one was dead the other married. Everyone assured him she was comely, wise, and friendly. She was the perfect one, well except for being female. That was something that made her the property of her husband and she’d have been little more than a slave had the fool not fallen in love with her. It was whispered that he granted her great freedoms, an almost unheard of thing even in this day and age where woman were treated much better than in the past.

  Knorris snorted at the thought. Didn’t that show the king for the fool he was? He let his wife lead him about by the cock! It was amazing that she’d not led him to his downfall. It was said she was one of his advisors. Ridiculous that a man, any man, would listen to a woman. Except for ones with magic, woman had only two purposes. Those were having children and satisfying a man’s baser needs. A king should know better than to let a wife have her say. What would happen if it became commonplace?

  His mind kept returning to why? Why were they coming and what should he do to prepare? The servants seemed to be coming along on the preparations so the rooms would be ready soon. He missed his witch right now more than ever. She could have found out exactly what was going on and either laid his fears to rest or told him how to prepare. For the millionth time at least, he wished the general to the lowest harshest levels of hell. Sounds came from the entryway. Surely they couldn’t be here already?

  He hated it when he was surprised and this had been the biggest shock he could remember receiving perhaps ever. The noise got louder until a guard came into view. The King had a small contingent with him when he traveled but all but his personal guard set up a camp nearby. It would be his privilege to provide food, drink and women for them. Since he hoped to gain favor among them for someday when he took over the position of king, he’d give them better than he usually did under such circumstances. He hoped there weren’t too many mouths to feed.

  The king came next, the soldiers surrounding him and his family. By the dark powers, there were ten children if there was one. They were breeding like the rabbits that littered the plains. He’d have his work cut out for him killing so many. His sister followed behind her brood carrying another one in her arms. How could she stand to have so many of the brats around her? He’d be crazy by the time they left. He didn’t like children but now he�
�d be forced to act as if he did.

  Servants brought up the rear with a couple more guards behind them. Was there no end to the people he’d be forced to up and feed? It was like a horde descending upon him. He plastered a smile of greeting on his face even though he’d prefer to kill them all. It was just plain rude of the king to expect him to lodge so many at the drop of a hat. He was in a black mood but he’d have to hide it. Damn them all to the same hell as he wished to consign the general.

  The king walked up to him and he motioned to a servant. A chair was brought immediately. The king seated his wife instead so another was brought. “She’s expecting and the journey has been hard on her,” the king explained.

  “Maybe she should retire until she feels better. I’ll have a servant assigned to see to her every need,” he said with what he hoped was a concerned smile. It was hard to pull off since he couldn’t care less. His sister was many things and a brood mare topped the list. In truth, he was disgusted by the whole affair but he couldn’t show it.

  “I wish that she would but she insists on speaking to you first,” the king explained. There were gasps in the room at the audacity of the queen not to do as her husband suggested. Knorris thought it just showed the king was weak and needed replaced.

  “I would be happy to listen to whatever my beloved sister would share with me.” Knorris vowed and he saw the look of approval on the king’s face.

  “Glad I am to hear you say that,” the king said, “Gertha, speak your heart to your brother!”

  Gertha looked at him with eyes full of tears that made them shine and look even more beautiful. Her hair was red, often taken as a sign of temper yet she was a gentle soul. I’ve come to apologize my dear brother,” she explained.

  “I can’t imagine anything, my dear sister, that you would have to be sorry for,” he replied. He was thoroughly confused. Was this a trick of some sort?

  “I second guessed you when you made the decisions concerning our mother and our siblings. I should have realized you would make the decisions with their care in mind above all else,” she admitted.

  It had to be a trick since he’d done no such thing. “As you say, I want only the best for my family,” he agreed. His people looked stunned bit that was because they knew him and he thought of no one but himself. He still tried to figure out what she was up to.

  “Mother was heartbroken when father died. She resisted marriage but it turned out you knew best. She loves her husband and they now have two children together. Our brother Jimiel, feared the man you indentured him to. He feared what a priest would want with a young man but you knew. He needed someone to train in his work before he died. He recently passed on and left Jimiel all his earthly belongings and the divine work to finish. All our siblings have found happiness and they owe it all to you,” she insisted.

  “There is no debt between siblings. I simply did the best I could to see they were all taken care of,” he answered. That he had, but with himself in mind not them. Funny how they had all ended up in a good position. Maybe he could benefit from all of this.

  “You’re so generous, Knorris. I don’t think I could be as forgiving as you are,” she said still looking as if she might cry anytime. Her cheeks were pink and that look on her face. Yes, he recognized it from others because he’d never felt it himself. It was shame.

  “Don’t be silly,” he said truthfully. “You’re a much better person than I am.” He figured almost everyone was. He had the dark on his side and he was proud of it. He was the one who took advantage of others never the other way around. He was strong enough to kill his father. How many could say that?

  She got up handing the baby off to a servant and ran to him jumping into his arms which reflexively opened and wrapped around her. She smelled like he remembered his mother smelling when he’d been small. There was comfort in that smell. Maybe he would let her live so she could care for him. She could see he was fed and hugged when needed. He would have his witch for his other needs. He found he liked that plan. She finally pulled away from him the tears running freely down her cheeks.

  “Thank you Knorris for forgiving me. I could scarcely live with myself,” she admitted.

  “Pshaw, let’s speak no more of it,” he said. Not because he knew he’d not deserved her regard, but because he knew it was the expected thing to say. He knew how to act and what to say to win their trust. When the time came, they would never see him coming.

  Chapter Four


  “My name is Roxen,” she said looking at him to gauge his reaction.

  “The witch?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am that amongst other things,” she admitted.

  He’d still not moved the arm that kept her pinned by his side. His face was a mask with no expression. She could no longer see the emotions that had flitted freely across his face earlier. Just a simple thing like a name, but it had changed everything between them. His arm pressed her harder. Well maybe not everything. The man still wanted her while the general, the soldier was thinking about what having her here could do for his cause.

  “I’ve heard much of you. You’re powerful and last I’d heard you belonged to that fool Knorris,” he observed.

  “He took me and collared me. I’ve had no way to escape and now since your men have taken me, I’ve exchanged one master for another,” she declared bitterly.

  “I’ve never enslaved another. I’ll admit you’re a special case. I don’t want to keep you captive but you’re too dangerous to set free. I’ll have to think on what to do and surely a solution will find itself,” he said and she noticed his fingers were rubbing her arms. It was soft and soothing even though his fingers were calloused from hard work with sword and shovel. It was said he’d get down in the trenches and help dig when it was needed. He was a singularly exceptional man in many ways but she’d best stay as far from him as possible.

  Sadly, it didn’t look like he’d allow that. “Why don’t we catch some more sleep and then we’ll see what the morning brings?” he asked almost cheerfully. He didn’t wait for an answer just pulling her into his arms to cuddle. She tried to pull away but he’d have none of it. “I’m in charge, woman, and you’ll do as you’re told for now.”

  She looked at him but recognized that bullish look men of authority often get when there’s no give to be had. She forced herself to relax against him and seek sleep. Once again she’d found herself in a position where she had no choice at all. She thought she’d never get to sleep, but it seemed she was wrong. She woke not only held in place by his arm, but now his leg was also thrown over her. That wasn’t even the worst part, his fully aroused cock was pressed hard against her as if seeking entrance. She was afraid to move but terrified not to. She tried to inch away from him but pulled her back and his hips thrust against her.

  He continued to move and wiggle his hips until she shook him. At that point he woke, looked into her eyes, and smiled. The smile made her feel warm inside while the thrusts of thigh to thigh had made her feel heated. She needed some distance between her and this man. There was a knock on the door and she tried to move but he pulled her back against his chest.

  “Enter,” the general said his voice deep and commanding.

  Adame entered and was unable to hide the joy on his face. “We feared we’d lose you, General,” he declared.

  “I see you found me the best healer in the land,” he praised. Adame shot her an unhappy look. He was clearly glad she’d saved his friend but at the same time unhappy he’d had to rely on her to do it.

  “We did at that. The guards can tell you all about it. The question is, now that we have her, what do we do with her?” he asked,

  “What did you promise her to save me?” the general asked.

  “Her life,” Adame explained.

  The general frowned as he looked at his second. “You wanted to kill her if she didn’t save me?”

  “She’s the enemy and she’s battled against us. You were there, you saw what she did,�
�� Adame explained.

  “Adame, do you know the purpose of this collar?” the general asked as his hand rubbed the collar lightly.

  “It’s a collar, it shows ownership. It shows the dark lord owns her body and soul,” Adame insisted.

  “It’s a slave collar, true. But it’s also a control collar that makes her magic inaccessible. If this is one of the strongest witches there is, how did you subdue her?” he asked.

  “We drugged her,” Adame boasted.

  “How did she heal me?” he asked.

  “The drug wore off,” he concluded.

  “So why didn’t she cast a spell and turn you and the guards into a frog?” he asked.

  Adame paled. “She can do that?”

  Maybe it wasn’t smart but she smirked at him. “I suspect she can do more than that when she isn’t wearing that collar,” he guessed.

  “So why did he collar her?” Adame asked.

  “Maybe because she was a prisoner?” she couldn’t help but interject.

  “So what do we do with her?” Adame asked.

  “I don’t know yet,” the general admitted. “We can’t let her go and she can’t keep that collar on. I’m not sure what he can do with it but at the least he’ll know where she is,” he supposed,

  “You think he’ll try to get her back?” Adame wondered.

  “Wouldn’t you?” he asked.

  Adame’s face flushed and she wondered why. Was the general talking sexually of about her witch magic?

  “I suppose I would. It still doesn’t answer what we do once we remove the collar and can we even remove it?” Adame asked. They both turned to look at her.

  “It’s removable. A novice could do it with my guidance. Speaking of novice, how is Axla?” she wondered.

  “The small girl child, Axla?” the general asked.

  “The very same, how does she?” she asked.

  “She lives with her parents and does quite well,” he answered.

  “I’m pleased to hear it,” she replied.


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