Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 234

by Multiple Authors

  Naked, he wanted her that way too. Moving back to the bed he pulled her shirt over her head tossing it to the side before he sat on the bed and kissed her. His lips devoured hers with a hunger that seemed to grow each time they touched. Instead of growing tired of her, he was becoming obsessed with making love to her. He ran his hands over her silky skin while his tongue greedily discovered and enjoyed her unique flavor. His senses drowned in her and his soul seemed to meld with hers. He didn’t claim to understand what was happening between them, he only knew he wanted more.

  Shivering, he delighted in the touch of her hand as it slid over his shoulder and lower. She searched for his hard cock, and found it. Her fast strokes made him drip with need. It was time to be under her before he erupted all over both of them. He rolled her over on top of him.

  “Just slide me between your thighs until we both cum,” he instructed.

  “What if it goes in?” she asked.

  “You’re in complete control. Just start off slow and it’ll be okay,” he assured.

  His cock lay on his stomach and he could feel her gliding over it. She was soaking wet and her juices made her slippery. It would feel better to be inside her, but this is what she offered him and damn it, he’d take whatever he could get. She was going faster and bearing down on him. Her moans and whimpers were so delightful and the slippery slide as she moved back and forth had made him hard as iron. In his mind, he was sinking inside her body and his imagination had him ready to cum. She wasn’t far from it either, her pants and gasps alerting him to her situation. He reached one hand behind her squeezing a perky cheek but the other hand moved in front to stimulate her clit.

  Moaning and jerking, because she was not expecting his move; it made him chuckled, by the gods he loved this woman. She was sliding over him easily, so hot and wet. Her body was tense, just a little more and she would find her joy. It was what he wanted for her and for himself. He pulled on her clit and she screamed his name and he wanted his to be the only name she ever screamed. Wetness gushed onto him and her clenching legs pushed him over. His hot, white cum shot onto his belly and up to his chest. He’d cum earlier, but it felt as good as if it had been a week. He needed to clean up, but he was too busy soaking up the pleasure that his witch gave him. His head fell back against the pillow as her head dropped down on his chest. They would clean up later, for now he just wanted to enjoy her body pressed up against his.

  They fell asleep, which was not surprising. When they woke it was very early in the morning and time to get ready for an important day. Admitting he felt better because she would be at his side, he shook her lightly to wake her. She was pressed up against him with an arm and a leg thrown over his body. There would be no way to get up without waking her. He’d probably slept better because of her calming influence and the warmth of her body against his.

  She woke slightly confused but quickly became alert. “Today’s the meeting, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Yes, we need to be ready to leave soon, but we have time for a quick bath,” he explained with a smile.

  He got up and went out the door and hollered for someone the fill the tub. There were servants that worked at all different times. There were many boys of various ages here that trained to eventually be soldiers. They were used to doing chores when not training. It was one of these boys that started filling the tub. Another boy soon came to help and they got the task completed quickly. He grabbed a robe and tossed another one to her. They would get ready in this room once they were clean.

  She moaned as she sank into the hot water and the sound made his half hard cock thicken and lengthen. They would be doing something to take the edge off before they left because he would be at a disadvantage in this condition. Sinking into the tub behind her, his body relaxed in the heat. He pushed her under to wet her hair and pulled her back up. Using some of the new scented shampoo, he inhaled the sweet, exotic scent of jungle flowers deep into his lungs. The scent would last all day long and remind him of their adventure in the tub.

  Working slowly but efficiently, he washed her hair and her body before washing his hair and letting her help lather up his body. His cock was hard as she lathered it and continued to pump it. Her strokes were fast and smooth, the hand squeezing his balls only sped him to his orgasm. He took his hand and soaped it up to lather her to a climax at the same time. He had never had sex in a tub before, but they would be doing this again. It had felt marvelous and cleaning up afterward had been easy.

  His humor was good and his mood glorious. He was ready to get dressed and take on the world. It helped that he knew as soon as they made it back here at the end of the day, he would make love to her once more. Her mood seemed happy too. It could be the sex or it could be the opportunity to get back out into the world if only for the day. He wanted to believe it was the fantastic orgasm he had gifted her with and why not? His mood was partly the result of the one she’d given him.

  They dried and made it back to their room where they needed to dress and prepare. Watching as Roxen braided her hair, he was amazed at the intricate pattern she made and the jewelry she braided into it. Her hair was pulled away from her face drawing attention to her stunning features. Her blue eyes glittered like jewels and her lips were swollen and deep red from his kisses. There would be no doubt she was his and he planned to introduce her as his intended. The question was, should he tell her first? He didn’t want her to dispute his claim when he made it.

  Dressing in his casual clothes, he was ready before Roxen even though he’d started later. She’d picked a red dress that contrasted with her pale skin but matched her lips. Her delicate sandals would not hold up to an arduous walk, but was suitable for the planned meeting. She wore gold bangles, a witch’s mood ring, and an anklet that drew attention to her slim ankles and lovely legs. Roxen was ready and he heartily approved.

  He escorted her to his office where his squad would be waiting. Adame and the general had decided that as his second, he should stay behind in charge of the base. Jorge had the feeling Adame was more than happy to pass on this meeting. His second had no political inclinations and Jorge wasn’t sure he had any himself. It would be a glorious day when all this was behind him and he could claim his woman. There would be compromises but the rewards would be priceless.

  The men were all assembled in his office with little room to spare. He pulled his witch in behind him. “This is Roxen. Roxen, these are our body guards. They will take the time to introduce themselves on the trip, there should be plenty of time. We need to leave right now. There will be a meal once we arrive so we will all have to wait until then to eat. Is everything ready?” Jorge asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” Appleton answered since he was the senior officer, he was in charge. “If you’ll follow me.”

  Appleton led the way with Baker on his heels. Jorge and Roxen followed next with the rest bringing up the rear. They went out front where eight prancers were waiting saddled and ready to go. They were the large variety and would have no trouble carrying them all the seven or so lengths that they would travel, part of it through desert terrain. The prancers were a variety of colors from black to various browns, reds, and finally white.

  The one they had selected for her was the white one. It had brown socks above each of its four hooves. It had a long face with a soft muzzle that she petted so it would bond with her and Jorge nodded his approval. It was the smallest one and had some small back spots that came up from its belly but only a short way. It had big brown eyes that were gentle and it seemed its disposition was sweet. The one Jorge was mounting didn’t seem so sweet but that was alright because he was a superior rider. It tossed its head back and its eyes rolled until he could only see white. It let out a horrible screech and it shivered. Jorge wasn’t bothered by it.

  He wanted one with spirit, and he would guess his had more spirit than all the others combined. His was the solid black one. They were often said to be the prancers devils and demons choose. Well his enemies had accused him o
f being one or the other after they met him on the battlefield. Roxen’s horse would set the pace since it would be the slowest. He led the way and her horse followed his. The rest of them followed behind because he was the only one who knew where they were headed.

  The trip was starting out well and if anything, they had gotten underway a bit early. It was a good idea too, in case something unforeseen came up on the trip. Trips like these were never easy and they were more difficult than ever lately. The uncertain times and the ongoing battles had bred groups of highwaymen who attacked travelers and preyed on any they perceived as weak. Since neither he nor his men were in uniform, the perceived strength of his army wouldn’t protect them. It would be the sharpness of their swords and their skills in battle that they would have to rely on. They moved along at a fast walk until they were past their army stronghold. At that point their speed picked up to a trot until they reached the desert sands. It was harder for the prancers to walk in the deep sand and the heat was becoming a problem too.

  The beasts slowed to a brisk walk but before they left the desert, the pace slowed even more. The part of the dead lands or desert that they traveled to was bereft of any water or any large animals. This particular section was spurned by humans as well. There were places in the desert where both animals and humans lived, but not here. It was good that they needed only to cut through a short section since long trips through the desert were often fatal.

  He could see the end of the sand in the distance and he was thankful. As a young soldier, Jorge had been trapped in the desert for weeks after he’d been injured in an engagement. He’d eventually healed enough to make his way back to his men, but he’d learned to respect the dead lands and he avoided them whenever possible.

  They picked their pace back up to a trot now that the ground was solid and the temperature not as stifling. They were halfway there and so far they’d made good time. Roxen traveled just behind him and the guards had taken turns riding next to her. They introduced themselves and spoke to her a bit before the next one would take their place. He liked that they were in a good position to protect her especially since he’d caught sight of a shadow more than once and it was trailing them. He wasn’t surprised, he’d expected more than one attempt on him or the king. Peace was often paid for in blood and pain.

  They continued to the first place along the traveled path that had water for their animals and them. Giving their animals time to drink their fill, they also rested in the shade. It was soon time to continue their journey. Jorge took the lead and continued at a brisk trot until their destination came into sight. It was a building built with the beige stones that were easily found nearby. Designs were painted on them in bright colors. Flowers bloomed in an array of colors and their perfume lingered in the air. It was called the oasis because of the desert not far in the distance.

  He was almost certain they had arrived first. He helped Roxen down and held her a moment before releasing her. One of his guards would deal with their beasts, while the rest went in with them. Baker went in first to ensure their safety. When he came back out, he motioned for them to enter. This was a popular place for food and entertainment and there were people who traveled to this area just to stay here. Jorge had been here before years ago but only at night. It was an entirely different clientele that visited after dark. The morning crowd was calm and ordinary. Later the crowd had an edge and enjoyed violence. He would see they were long gone before those visitors showed.

  A host came forward and offered to seat them. He asked for a table for four and another table for twelve or more. The table for four required privacy. This place was used by businessmen making deals, lover’s trysts, and even, as in this case, negotiations that effected their world. The host was quick to seat Roxen and him at the small private table before showing the others to a larger less private one. He gave his men directions to take turns eating but they could all order a drink. They needed to blend in so they wouldn‘t attract unwanted attention.

  He ordered drinks for himself and his witch. They sat sipping fruit juice and talking while they waited for the king and queen. He was concerned about their safety but he didn’t feel a sense of dread or impending doom and his warrior’s senses had alerted him to hidden dangers many times so he assumed all was well. That feeling was validated a short time later when the royal party arrived. They left their men with his and they came into the private room alone. The royal couple was younger than he’d expected and they looked like they belonged together.

  There was an attachment between them, call it love, respect, commitment, or whatever you chose, but it was obvious something was there. It made him more hopeful than he’d been before because it showed they were capable of caring and that was something Knorris was incapable of. Would it be enough? No, but it was a start and a sign of possibilities.

  The king ushered his queen toward them holding her arm solicitously and he smiled as they drew near. “I’m glad you were able to make it here safely. I am Jorge and this is Roxen,” Jorge said.

  “I am pleased you were able to make it as well. This is my queen, Gretha and I am King Hedron. I suppose we should order a meal and get to know each other before we get down to business.”

  The host was lurking at the edge of the room so Jorge motioned to him. Everyone ordered food and the man hurried away. Jorge couldn’t really say if any of them had been recognized or not, but it was entirely possible. They spoke about unimportant matters until their food arrived then everyone ate and the talking slowed down. They were nearly done with eating when a man was brought to the king.

  Jorge inspected the man closely while the king spoke to him in hushed tones. The man had the look of a mercenary but he might be a soldier. What he wondered is why would the king tell this man where he was when secrecy was so important. Who was this man and what was he doing here? And what Jorge wanted to know most of all, what was so important that he interrupted peace talks to share it?

  He watched and he could see the king was speaking to this man about something serious. Whatever it was, the king wasn’t happy about it. They talked for long enough that Jorge became concerned before the man finally turned and left. The general wondered if the king would tell him what this was all about. Did it affect their talks? One way or the other he was about to find out. The king came back and sat down.

  “I’m sorry about the interruption but that was some important and serious news. Someone tried to hire my man to kill me and they knew we were meeting today. They didn’t know where or what time, just that it would be today and that I would have to travel there. One of us has a traitor and he has a way of getting some information. When our talks are through today, both of us need to think of who that might be,” observed Hedron.

  Jorge’s money was on that asshole Knorris, but the king would never believe it.

  The Witch and the Warrior Part 3

  Chapter One

  The Lines of Battle

  “I will of course go through all my servants, soldiers, and anyone who could possibly be involved in something like this,” Jorge assured. “It is not a surprise that attempts will be made, only that they managed to get information that was held so close by us. It should be a short list of those that may have figured this out.”

  The king nodded, Jorge only said what was expected. They returned to their discussion only now peace talks were uppermost in all their minds. It was the desire to make progress that spurred them on to discuss borders.

  “I would expect we could agree to return to the old borders,” Jorge tossed out there.

  “Why would that be such an obvious agreement?” the king asked.

  “As the borders stand now, the land is nearly the same for each side as it was in the beginning, the only difference is where the land is held. I’m sure each side prefers their own people rather than deal with resentful folk that must be guarded against violent outbreaks?”

  “I thought our side ahead in the land grabbing activity?”

  “Where woul
d you be ahead?” Jorge asked and he pulled out a map from a sack he carried. “You can see on this map the old borders are clearly marked as are the new ones. You can also see the shifts over the years and when they took place. As for the new lay of the land that’s not changed in the last three years and is easily verifiable.” Jorge missed nothing and the king was stunned making it seemed whatever information he’d received didn’t match up to reality. Jorge was certain the king would verify it all and see that he had not lied.

  If the king saw he’d been misled by his own, probably Knorris, maybe he would begin to see what was going on right under his eyes. Jorge held onto the hope that he would and it would help peace reign. The conversation didn’t even have time to restart before one of his perimeter guards dragged in an old man barely able to walk.

  “What‘s the meaning of this?” the king demanded.

  “I set up a perimeter guard so that no one unannounced would get to us, either of us,” Jorge admitted.

  “Who is this?” Jorge asked.

  “I caught him sneaking in with arrows and knew I’d better stop him,” his guard announced.

  “Who is your target?” Jorge asked.

  “You are but I’m only to wound you to teach you to be more cautious,” the old man said.

  Jorge’s eyes were full of pity. “You’ve been used, old man,” he said gently.

  “What will you do with him?” the king asked.

  “Do you have any suggestions? Jorge countered.

  “He never actually did anything wrong and his intent was to help not harm,” the king observed. “Send him home with the advice to take on no more tasks such as this.”

  Jorge was stunned that the king would be so soft hearted. “We need information first. Who hired you?”


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