Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 235

by Multiple Authors

  “It was a man who came in the tavern in the Knorris’ encampment. Tall, big, and healthy, he was and he commanded the guards that were with him. A mite cold he was but I thought if he was a friend of yours and willing to venture into Knorris’ territory, he must not be so bad and he had to be fearless,” the old man said. A few more things were added to the description and the man sounded like Knorris himself, Jorge guessed.

  The king said nothing and his wife probably heard little from where the women sat. Jorge was impressed with the kindness the king had shown to a sick old man that he didn’t know and that had tried to do harm. It also made him wonder if the king had doubts about Knorris. If he was as smart as he was given credit for, he would suspect his brother-in-law now if he hadn’t before. Jorge even suspected his sympathy for the old man might be based partly on the suspicion that Knorris had been behind it all.

  Hopefully, Knorris would believe he had disrupted the peace talks and accomplished what he desired most of all-continued war. He was a self-centered, evil creature wanting only the misery of others while pursuing an agenda that benefitted only himself.

  “Maybe we should give the impression that our talks devolved into a blame game and nothing fruitful was accomplished?” Jorge suggested.

  “Yes, I see the value of your suggestion. Only, if they feel violence aids them, will they not continue to attempt our injury or death?” the king wondered.

  “Maybe we need to keep our women out of the fray and meet next in the dead of night?” Jorge added.

  “It will be done. Now let’s get down to business,” the king demanded.

  A couple hours later with just enough time to return to their homes before dark, Jorge felt an enormous sense of accomplishment. It seemed the two sides were not really so different after all. Both wanted peace, a decent quality of life for their people, and to be treated fairly in any agreement that was reached. Everyone also wanted trade to move freely since each side had items the other side wanted. They were all tired as they loaded up and retraced the way back to the encampment.

  Unwilling to ask until they were alone, Jorge wondered what the women had done to fill in the time. Had they exchanged recipes or had they discussed the same things the men had but seen things from a different perspective. Could he benefit from their female perspective?

  Traveling through the desert was not his favorite thing on a good day, but Jorge would admit he was nervous to be traveling through at dusk. The desert, never a cheerful place was especially fierce right now with the shadows lending it a perilous air that he better than anyone could avow hinted at the dangers that were just out of sight.

  It was a deep relaxing breath that he drew in and released when they finally reached the area that slowly transitioned out of the desert heat and sand. Soon, they would to the fortified stronghold and the small room he and Roxen shared. His cock leaped at the thought of sharing their bodies in that small room. Thank the gods that they were almost back and he would offer her a bath as a bribe to get her naked. The thought brought a smile to his face and as he looked up, Roxen fixed a questioning look on him.

  “Just glad to be close to home,” he observed.

  “Home,” she snorted almost delicately. “You call that place home?”

  “It’s the closest to one I’ve had in years,” he admitted.

  Her face softened and he saw sympathy in her eyes. “That’s so sad for you. I miss my true home and everything about it but the traitor that caused this,” she said holding her hands up gesturing around her. He knew she meant her imprisonment.

  “Is it so bad to be with me?” Jorge asked even though he knew better. There was no good answer.

  “It’s not you, it’s the place and the feeling of being trapped. Witches need to roam free. We love to tend our gardens and go to the wilds to gather the ingredients for our potions. I also love to hunt and fish, it is a way to celebrate nature in all her glory,” she explained.

  “Would a trip to the woods bring you that much pleasure?” he asked.

  “I find peace there,” she agreed.

  “What would you give me for such a visit?” he asked his voice still barely audible.

  “I can’t imagine what you would want. You already have everything,” she protested.

  “There is much from you I still desire,” he admitted.

  “One thing have I held back and I’ll continue to keep it,” she observed.

  “Is that your heart or your virginity?” he asked.

  “My heart gives itself, a woman has little control over who the whorish thing throws itself at, my virginity, that I guard zealously,” she admitted.

  “I wonder what has made you resist finding love to such an extreme degree?” he asked.

  “Love is a term men use when they want sex. When women use the term, they give everything in them for the one they love,” she declared.

  “If I were to tell a woman I loved her, she would be my everything,” Jorge admitted.

  He could see her disbelief and he wondered if she would ever accept him and return the feelings that he had and suspected would only continue to grow. Their camp came into view and he was relieved they were back even as his heart ached for what he might never have. The big gates opened, they were heavy as hell built from logs the height of two tall men and as wide around as his own well developed thighs. Soldiers had to come down from the walls to help open them.

  When things were peaceful, the gates stood ajar enough for beasts of burden to make it through single file. This wasn’t one of those times and though peace was what a majority of the people wanted, war mongers would always make themselves known in the most violent of ways. Jorge was no fool, as they stood on the brink of peace, life was more dangerous than ever. Once they were encircled by the safety of his troops, he would sit down and wrote a missive to his brother the king entailing what had occurred and what strides were made toward peace. It would be encoded so no curious messengers or malicious enemies would know what it said.

  “Roxen, run us a bath and I’ll join you shortly,” he whispered in her ear. He delighted in the soft pink color that stole over her cheeks before she hurried away.

  Everything about her was enticing and he was on the verge of a commitment he’d never before considered. He was cautious, and he would wait but all that he knew and all that he’d seen told him not to wait too long. Watching until she was out of view, he then rushed to his office where he would write the message for his king.

  Adame sat at his desk in his seat when he entered without knocking. He dropped into the seat across from him. “You look good in that seat, you should consider making it your own,” Jorge told him. This was an encampment along the center of the longest border with the west. Jorge was headquartered here rather than at the largest city because Adame would not be with him otherwise.

  It was Adame that was considered the commander of this camp and he did all a commander normally did, but he felt the need for Jorge’s presence because he lacked confidence. Jorge had thought the confidence would come but after two years of business as usual, he was beginning to doubt it.

  “You know my feelings on the subject. What would you do in that big town anyway? You’d be in trouble constantly with the women there,” Adame observed.

  At one time, that might have been true. “Things change,” he informed.

  “It’s serious with the witch?”

  “Looks that way.”

  “I’m glad you’re taking it slow. Can’t imagine you doing it any other way. Sure you don’t want to test it out with some other women?”

  “I have no interest in other women.”

  “You are so screwed,” Adame observed with a laugh. “That one is going to lead you on a merry chase.”

  “Thanks friend, your day will come.”

  “No thank you, I’ll be the favorite uncle to your children. No woman would have a hardened, ugly soldier like me.”

  “I see them looking at you. You choose to be alone.”

/>   “The choice was made for me.”

  “Choices can be changed.”

  Adame just got up and left. There is no other soldier he would allow to do that. Jorge turned to the task of informing his brother about his day. He wrote with brevity, his brother didn’t need anything more but the facts at this stage. A quick holler and a young page came in and grabbed the message. It wasn’t the easiest job for a youngster of twelve. It would be a week before he reached his destination if all went well. Jorge hated using the young boys for this work, but it was the way of the world. They got experience, the emperor got cheap labor, and the military conserved their manpower.

  He drew in a deep breath to calm himself before he approached his witch. More certain than ever that she was meant for him, he walked to the room they bathed in and stripped as soon as he entered. She was naked, most of her body under the water but he had her image memorized in his mind.

  Turning, she looked at him and her face softened. As her eyes drank in his nakedness, her blush returned full force. “Have you kept the water warm for me?” he asked stupidly because intelligent conversation escaped him in that moment.

  “Of course,” she replied with a seductive smile.

  Slipping into place behind her, he began to massage her back and shoulders. The sweet sounds of pleasure she made caused his cock to harden and jerk with anticipation. Nothing would please him more than to slip into her sweet channel and tie them together forever. As tempting as it was, he knew she would never forgive him. For now he would use his hands to build her need, once back in their room they would use their mouths to find completion.

  She thrashed in the water as she found her release. It was time to dry off and go to their room before he came like a youngling with no control. Roxen always brought out a nearly uncontrollable desire in him. Fire ran through his veins, his cock stood long and proud, and he was almost dizzy with need. As soon as they made it to their room and shed their robes, her eyes were on his prize. She licked her lips and he groaned. Dropping to her knees she grabbed hold of him firmly and sank him to the back of her throat as if trying to swallow him whole. The girl was a quick learner and she had him wishing he was sitting.

  His knees felt weak as she continued her assault on his senses. A hand moved to cup his balls and he felt them draw up. A tingle ran up his back but he thought of other things to delay his pleasure. A finger moved to the spot just behind his balls and massaged insistently. The battle was being lost and pleasure washing over him in waves, but he held back just a little while longer until she sank her mouth over his full length and swallowed. A strangled yell burst loose from his lips as she sucked every drop of his hot cum from him. As his soft and empty cock slipped from her lips, a smile curved them.

  Pulling her up from the floor, he switched places with her and gently eased her onto her back in the bed. “My turn now,” he whispered.

  He threw her legs over his shoulder and he stared at her laid out in front of him at his mercy. There would be no mercy to be had as he ruthlessly went after her pleasure. His deepest desire was for her to mindlessly scream his name in ecstasy. Kissing the inside of her thigh as he worked his way to his target, it made her squirm and he liked it. Once he was at the apex of her thighs, he ran his tongue along her folds and felt her shiver. More pressure when he did it again and his tongue slid inside her folds. Her sweet honey not only tasted good, but it was an aphrodisiac building his desire and hardening his cock.

  His tongue wiggled over her clit and she moaned. He slid one hand under her to grab an ass cheek and the other over her hot core to sink inside her. His witch loved to be fucked with his tongue or his fingers. She was willing to take any part of him into her hot pussy except his cock which even now throbbed with the need to be there. Sucking her clit between his lips, he lightly raked his teeth over it and she shuddered. On the edge of her bliss, he moved his fingers harder as he sucked in her clit again and pressed his lips on it. There was nothing he could do about the sound she made as bliss washed over her. Sucking up every drop of her dew, he could only hope no one had heard.

  People were already debating the extent of their relationship and his lack of interest in the camp followers every army had only poured fuel on the fire. If he could silence their tongues he would, but it was beyond his ability. Roxen would be hurt by the gossip, something that hadn’t touched her with Knorris because his ill humor let everyone know she’d not given in to him. That was a piece of gossip Adame had reluctantly shared since it had proved he was wrong about her. Jorge hadn’t pointed it out and Adame hadn’t admitted it, but his attitude towards her had improved.

  She was so pale against his darkly tanned skin, the contrast started his desire building again. When he let her go she rolled over to her side of the bed and promptly fell asleep. He’d wanted more, but she was tired so he let her rest. Cuddling up against her, something he’d never done with a woman before, he fell into the deep restful sleep he usually enjoyed when she was in his arms.

  Waking was the last thing on his mind until he was aware of the soft warm flesh pressed against him and the sweet feminine scent washed over him. Roxen! Her name echoed in his head and his cock jerked as it inflated to its full size. It pressed against her and she pushed back. He moved it slightly so it wouldn’t puncture her somewhere it wasn’t welcome. She might not care now, but that would change once she woke and he had made a promise that he would keep no matter how painful it was. There were signs that she was rousing and he knew he needed to get to work even if Adame was on the job.

  Rolling her over, he kissed her until she was breathless. “I want you,” he whispered hoping she would be willing. She pulled some cream from a nearby bottle and he laid back with his eyes closed and her hands slid up and down his length.

  One hand moved to his balls which grew heavy while the other continued to move up and down. Her tongue snaked out and licked a drop off the end of his cock before it could fall. Her hand moved faster and squeezed hard pushing him towards his release.

  “So big and bad, aren’t you Jorge?” she whispered and the muscles in his belly clenched and his cock jerked. “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes, oh gods yes,” he panted.

  “Then come, Jorge. Spill your hot seed all over me,” she insisted.

  Jerking, his cock delivered his cum all over her belly. Rope after rope of cum hit and slid down, slick and white. “Looks good on you,” he mumbled trying to catch his breath. He found yesterday’s shirt and wiped her as clean as he could.

  Sliding closer on the bed he put his head on her stomach and inhaled his scent all over her. It made him feel like she was his, even if she might never agree. The fingers of one hand worked their way to her wet pussy and sank in. His other hand went to her breast and toyed with her nipple. Her breathing sped up as he aroused her. He already knew just what to do to make her body sing. It was his greatest desire to make sure she never wanted to leave him. Enough pleasure should shackle her to him as surely as love might. If he could make her body need him, she could never walk away.

  Arching toward him, her body wanted more and he knew she was close. Her low moans and whimpers ignited his desire again but this was all about her. His fingers moved inside her unerringly finding all the magic places and then he moved his other hand to her clit. It was time to give her pleasure and he pinched her clit as he slid into her. Her body thrashed and her channel clenched around his fingers and her cum gushed over his hand as ecstasy rolled over her. There was quiet once she settled except for her heavy breathing. He lifted his hand to his mouth to lick it.

  Knowing he could put his day off no longer, he poured some water from the pitcher into the basin and washed up. Dressing in his uniform, he knew it was time to go but hated to leave her. Did she know? Did she realize the power she held over him? Would it make any difference to her if she did?

  Once he was in his office, a boy brought him breakfast. After he ate, he attacked his paper work and rushed through his meeting gettin
g done by early afternoon. A plan had come together in his mind and he was helpless to turn from it. She wanted to visit the woods and he would take her. Calling his private guard together, he had them prepare the horses. Going to their room, he found her on the bed as she often was and though the desire to have her was strong, he pushed it down.

  “Roxen, I need you dressed for a trip,” he explained.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “The woods, my sweet so hurry,” he demanded.

  She wasted no time dressing in a sturdy ankle length dress and short boots. He escorted her out front where the beasts were waiting. The same ones they had ridden yesterday. If he planned to appease her, it seemed to be working because she actually smiled at him once she was on her ride. As boring as her existence was, he knew any distraction would please her. This distraction should please her more than most.

  Once they were on their way she turned to him. “Why are we going to the woods?”

  “We are searching for your herbs or whatever you might need. I thought you would enjoy the fresh air and your medicines will come in handy,” he said with a smile.

  “How will I blend them?” she asked.

  “Once you have your ingredients, we will see what we can do.”

  Roxen took the lead and they went deep into the woods but they followed a game trail. She dismounted and tied the reins to a tree and she showed them a bush with berries. They spread out and they all searched for more.

  “Here, Roxen. I’ve found you some more,” Jorge said.

  “These are good, but they are not devil’s berries. These are tanner’s touch but they are needed for several potions,” she replied.

  Jorge flushed with embarrassment. He was a soldier and all the bushes looked alike to him. At least what he had found was helpful. Some had brought her things she had disposed of as soon as their backs were turned. Not wanting to embarrass the men, she had been very appreciative of all they did. If he knew more about what she was trying to gather, he might actually enjoy this. It wasn’t all that different from hunting except he was searching for plants instead of animals. Once they were done he could even hunt just long enough to bring some fresh meat back. These woods were full of game animals because the fighting scared off all but the most stalwart or desperate hunters.


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