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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

Page 239

by Multiple Authors

  “You are wiser than I am. I never looked at the lives of the camp women that way. Even the soldiers have more control in their lives than they do. Maybe I’m drawn to you because we are fated to make the world a better place together? I want you in my life, today, tomorrow, and forever. What do you want from me?”

  “I don’t know. No one has ever tempted me like you do and I’ve never cared about anyone the way I do you. What would be crazier than a witch and a warrior?”

  “A witch without her warrior? A man without the woman that makes him whole? My world without you in it?”

  “I never gave you enough credit for saying the right thing at the perfect time in exactly the right way. This isn’t something I can just jump into, Jorge. I’ll admit I’ve thought of you in ways I never thought I would, but this is a big decision especially after what happened to the king’s family. If we decided to be together, how would we protect our children and each other?”

  “It wasn’t that a king couldn’t protect his family so much as being king was what caused their problem to begin with. Verlan has been trying to mess with Knorris since Knorris started messing with him.”

  “So you’re trying to tell me no one would mess with General Jorge’s family?”

  “We both know that’s not true, but if we stay near home, they’ll have a hell of a time getting to us.”

  “You get sent all over the place. You go to see the king and the emperor, there’s no staying at home for you.”

  “I wouldn’t travel as much if I was married, but I would still have to travel sometimes. I won’t mislead you, I will still have to take some trips and I will still have to face danger.”

  “What will I be doing while you do what soldiers do?”

  “We could move into your house and you could run your store again. You would be able to reclaim much of your life and you would have me to share it with you.”

  “Ah, Jorge. It sounds almost too good to be true. You would erase all this and make it no more than a bad memory. Is it really possible or just a sweet dream?”

  “I would give you anything you wanted and I believe I can but the only way to be sure is to take the leap.” He saw she was really considering staying with him. His heart sped up and warmth swelled inside him. There was a real chance he could find happiness and he knew only Roxen would do as his other half.

  There was a knock at the door and he almost groaned out loud. Slipping on a shirt, he went to the door. Opening it, he saw that it was Adame. “Just letting you know I made it back and I will give you a full report in the morning.”

  “Any worries?” Jorge asked.

  “Nothing serious. I dealt with most of our concerns. Anything happen while I was gone?”

  “We’ll talk in the morning but I do have some things to tell you. I’m glad you’re back.”

  Jorge sighed as he closed the door. “It was just Adame returned from the trip to the outer camps.”

  “I thought that was him I heard.”

  Jorge slipped back into bed. “Where were we?” he asked and Roxen leaned forward and kissed him. He slid closer still and plundered her lips until they both panted heavily.

  “I think you were holding me.”

  “You’re not trying to get out of our conversation, are you?”

  “Is it working?”

  “Maybe for now but you know eventually we will have to get back to it. Tell my why you really don’t want to be married.”

  “My mother raised me alone.”

  “I’ve heard your father died.”

  “He disappeared, that’s not the same thing.”

  “So you believe he ran out on your mother. What did she believe?”

  “That he would never do that. He went looking for a job and was never seen again. She finished raising me the best that she could and then she killed herself.”

  “I heard she fell.”

  “You’ve heard a lot. Have you been asking about me?”

  “Are you kidding, Sweetheart? Everyone is more than happy to share what they know. Just maybe something bad really happened to your dad and maybe your mom was just careless and fell.”

  “It’s just too much to believe.”

  “Okay, but you can believe this, I’ll never leave you. If I have to go somewhere without you, I’ll always come back.”

  “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “Yes I can. You can put a spell on me.”

  “You’re right, I can. If you ever deserted me, at least I’d know.”

  “Roxen, I’d let you spell me because I’d never desert you.”

  Chapter Five

  Chief of the Desert

  Verlan sat in his big chair, it wasn’t a throne but it was the closest thing he had. He wasn’t a cruel man, but he did take what he needed regardless of where he had to take it from. The women liked him and finding his mate with her at so young an age was inconvenient to say the least. He couldn’t go months without a female and she was too young to slake his lust on even if it was acceptable among his people. Leaning back and closing his eyes, her image came to his mind.

  Soft hair with a red tint curled around her round face. She was on the cusp of womanhood but still had many of the traits of a child. Her eyes were grey, the color changing depending on her emotions which had run high and turned them blue the last time he’d seen her. Tan skin, a good thing in the desert, was a gift from her father. Lips that were full and tended to pout came from her mother.

  His fear of losing her had made him force the issue and keep her with him. He’d insisted on the boy staying too because she was scared enough without being alone. It made him seem heartless when it was the farthest thing from the truth. He’d been surprised when not only Jorge, but Roxen had accompanied the king to their meeting. The rumors of peace talks, which he’d discounted, must be true. Women came in and tried to catch his eye. Some of them would look elsewhere for a mate when they discovered he’d found his true mate even though some only looked for a willing body.

  Shayna, the princess, would stay with a family nearby until he decided she was ready. Meanwhile, he would have to use discretion with the women he took to his bed. A blonde was eyeing him and rubbing her hands down her body. Either she didn’t know about his intended or she didn’t care. Her appeal wasn’t what it would have been before he’d met his princess, but she would do to give him the relief he’d need until he could claim his mate. He rose from his chair and headed toward his room, the blond followed knowing just what he wanted. Once in his room he turned to watch as she entered and closed the door.

  “I’m spoken for but it will be months before my mate and I join,” Verlan explained.

  “That matters not to me,” she said eyeing him as if he were a sweet treat.

  She dropped to her knees sliding his pants down as she went. Guilt clawed at him but he had to get this first time out of the way so he could find the physical relief he needed until his woman could take care of it herself. It wasn’t cheating, they weren’t married yet. His body jerked as she grabbed his shaft and brought it to her lips. It felt good physically but so wrong in his head and heart, but it was too long until they’d join to do without the comfort of a woman.

  The woman was good, she sank her mouth all the way down to the base of his cock, relaxed her throat and swallowed him whole. It was so unexpected that he almost came right then but he held back unwilling to seem like an untried youth. Holding back, he closed his eye to let her try all her tricks until he finally succumbed to her talents. He pumped as he sprayed all his seed into her willing mouth and she continued to suck him in until he was hard again.

  He turned her around and bent her over a nearby couch. Pounding into her, he brought her to climax twice before he spent himself in her body. Desert men didn’t worry about unwanted children, they knew how to keep their seed from taking root. The witches had a dry powder that taken daily made their seed infertile. It was never a problem and he didn’t worry about it now. His seed flowed into her unt
il he was dry. Sated, he was ready for her to go. Tossing her a gold coin, he was glad to see her leave without comment. If she continued to be so fast to please and willing to leave, he might use her for a while.

  Verlan decided to go back to his chair, the one from which he ruled his territory. Once his needs were met, he liked the woman to be gone. There were others, but they could see he had no further need for the night. It would be a difficult way to live until he was able to cement his union to his princess. He’d known he would have to claim a wife someday and he’d hoped to negotiate for a wife that had some political or financial benefits; or he would mate a witch for her powers. What he never expected was to find his perfect match and have her be the daughter of the king.

  His people had a strong belief in fated mates sent by the goddess but men in his position usually had to sacrifice that happiness for their people and marry well. Even though the goddess was giving him everything in one pretty bundle, he wasn’t so stupid or lazy as to believe he wouldn’t have many challenges to overcome to keep and find happiness with his princess mate.

  Verlan had come to power at a young age when his father Carjos had died during a routine raid of a local merchant who had crossed their lands regularly without paying the required tribute. Jorge had been their guest at the time. Carjos had taken in the injured soldier and had Jorge healed. In return, Jorge was required to stay and put in time working for them as a soldier. Verlan’s dad had been fascinated with Jorge’s fighting techniques, strength, and leadership ability. He had put his son with Jorge so they could learn from each other and a friendship, one of the strongest ones he had developed as a result of that time.

  The two young men had become blood brothers and when Carjos died, Jorge was released from his obligation and sent home. It never hurt to have a sympathetic voice close to one of the nearby kings. Now his people would have ties to both the closest kingdoms with his upcoming marriage.

  Verlan remembered as if it was yesterday, when they made it back from the raid with adrenaline washing through all the warriors. Jorge and he had been on either side of Carjos, positions of honor, since Verlan was the next leader in line and Jorge was an adopted son. How was it neither of them saw what had happened? As soon as the horses stopped, Carjos toppled off and hit the ground hard. When he and Jorge turned him over, blood was everywhere. Even though it was clear he was beyond help, a healer was called anyway.

  The witch looked at his father and sadly shook her head. He held on for three days steadily growing worse and though the healer offered a potion that would help him move on peacefully, Carjos refused so that he could give his son needed information about assuming his rightful place as leader before his imminent death. His death was cruel and he suffered needlessly, but he faced the pain with the courage that was such a big part of what made him the leader, father, and friend that he was.

  Verlan chose to honor his father with two death ceremonies. His father’s right hand, the one he used the most in battle, was prepared for burial with one dagger. The rest of the body and his possessions was set ablaze on top of a large pyre. The funeral had been glorious and the fire had seemed to reach the goddess herself. It was shortly after the ashes cooled that he had freed Jorge to return home. Jorge had never broken down and cried, but he knew the general had loved Carjos dearly.

  Energy buzzed through Verlan and it was times like these he liked to take his beast and go in the desert, even when it was dark like now, and ride fast and long until he tired. The wind streamed through his hair, the powerful beast was trapped between his thighs, and when the sky was black like tonight, the goddess could watch him as he ran below her and she could send him a message to let him know if he was following her great plan or not.

  Tonight as he and Rondo, his beast, raced below her, the desert wind blew cold and hard while streaks of light flashed across the sky. The goddess was either greatly pleased or completely displeased. Drops of water began to pelt him and he smiled as he lifted his face to the life giving water. She must be pleased to have given them such a gift. He turned his beast around and rushed back to get in a safe place for the possibly violent storm. His beast made it into the caverns that served as a stable just as the deluge broke free.

  Standing at the opening and looking out, he could scent the fresh smell as the earth was washed clean. The cavern was on higher ground than most and the flooding below wasn’t a problem here. It might look like a disaster to the uninformed, but the flooding tonight would spur incredible growth of plants overnight. Rare blooms valued as medicines or sometimes used as food, would be harvested in the morning. Animals would be lured by the vegetation and his hunters would take only what was needed to feed them. Sometimes, gold, silver, and other gems or ores would wash loose to be found on the desert floor. The odd victim of the heat, thirst, or violence would also make an appearance. This was his land and before long, he hoped his bride would learn to accept it as well.

  His people needed to turn in early, tomorrow would be a busy day as they all tried to get the biggest benefit from the bounty the goddess was bestowing on them. Looking around, he saw that other than a few guards, he was the only one not smart enough to be sleeping.

  “Verlan,” Crush yelled.

  Strike that, he and Crush were the only ones showing no sense. “Crush,” he said with a nod.

  “The goddess must be happy with our people to give so much in the dry season,” Crush mentioned.

  “She has given much lately,” he allowed.

  “So it’s true? You’ve found a mate?”

  “She’s a bit young, but eventually we will mate.”

  “I offer congratulations and best wishes.”

  ”Thank you, Crush. Why are you not sleeping between two beautiful women?”

  “They are sleeping and I will rejoin them soon. I wished to watch the beauty of the storm.”

  “It is indeed an awesome and dangerous beauty we are given.”

  “To much luck in the morning!” Crush offered.

  “The same to you, Brother.”

  It was time to rest for the hard work to come. His soon to be wife would begin her training in the life of a desert rat in the morning. He planned to observe from a distance. Turning in for the night, he had to calm himself in order to sleep. Excitement for what the morning would bring, and for what his people might find that would help them ease their lives for a few weeks before harsh reality descended on them again. The desert was a hard place to live and even though most of his people descended from many generations of desert dwellers, it was still difficult to eke out a living here.

  The only time the desert offered up a bounty was after a generous rain like the one they’d just had which was a rare thing especially this time of year. Otherwise they lived off the tributes they charged those that crossed their lands when traveling to other destinations. No one ever traveled to reach this land except family, those few intrepid souls that had escaped this harsh existence or ones like Jorge that had been temporarily trapped here and thrilled once the chance to leave had come. It was odd that even after being released, the general lingered close by.

  Sleep finally descended on Verlan but he knew he’d wake before the light filled his world. He would have his people fed and organized to take advantage of the first light of dawn so they would have a full day to hunt for all the treasures the goddess had bestowed just in case another rain quickly followed the first.

  Awareness came over him slowly which was unusual. He tended to be either asleep or awake, not caught in the place between the two. It made him feel this hunt would be blessed, but he and his people needed to be vigilant. Verlan was a witch and a powerful one for a male so he’d learned to trust his instincts and keep his magic handy.

  He woke fully, got up, dressed, and went to make sure his people were roused, fed, and ready for their treasure hunt. The boy and his sister broke their fast at his table, an honor they probably didn’t fully appreciate, yet. Without seeming to, he examined both the princess an
d her brother. At least they no longer seemed fearful of him, now they seemed accepting that they had no control of their lives at this point. Acceptance was the start, now they could learn to be desert rats, it was a term that had been meant to be derogatory. His people had decided they liked the term and now they used it themselves. The rats were smart and savvy, they survived were no other creatures could. Just like his people, they took a harsh environment and made it work for them.

  While the remnants of the meal was being cleared away and the family that was in charge of his mate came to get their charges to take on the hunt for the treasures revealed by the rain. The royal charges had no problems communicating with these people since the host family spoke several languages just like the young royals. Verlan would supervise and see that every quadrant was covered. His days of getting out in the sand were mostly behind him except for a rare exception when the fever to hunt hit him. As a child, it had been one of his favorite activities and he had been good at it. Sharp eyes, fast legs, and a willing spirit were all you needed to be a top notch treasure hunter.

  The family, his princess, and her brother headed out to work the area below the caves. It was one of the richest areas and a benefit the family helping him with his mate appreciated. She and her brother were good, they were finding things regularly, but were these items of value? There were many crafters among his people that made amazing items out of things others considered trash.

  From his vantage point he could see hundreds of families all busy searching for the items that would make or break their lifestyles for the coming year. Many had packed food and ate in the sand unwilling to take the time to return to their homes, those closest carried their items up to the cave and ate before returning to the sand. All bounty was looked through and a portion taken as tax. This allowed for the support of their chief and their defenses. A small amount went for the ill or those otherwise unable to support themselves.


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