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Code Frostbite (STORM Book 1)

Page 27

by John Darling

  “Trevor… what do I do?”

  Sierra caught my attention after the next set of compressions. Walking toward the three of us was perhaps the last enemy in this entire simulation. I noticed a pistol strapped to Alexei’s thigh and handed it to Sierra. She could take him out while I continued working on Alexei. If he didn’t come back after this set, we would have needed the K-pack’s built in AED. I had never anticipated using it on one of my own teammates during training.

  The zombie moaned and I looked up at Sierra, who has the pistol pointed right at it.

  “Don’t wait! Shoot it!”

  She was frozen and I was tempted to rip the pistol out of her hands so I could shoot the zombie myself. I was about to yell at her again when the zombie’s head exploded. However, the bullet hadn’t come from Sierra’s gun. Jemma really was an incredible sniper.

  I turned my attention back to Alexei and continued to press my hands against his chest. Sierra started crying and begged for him to wake up. I counted down the compressions from ten. As soon as I hit zero, I grabbed the K-pack and took it apart. I found the AED compartment as Jemma arrived.

  “What can I do? How long has he been out?”

  “Help me strap these onto his chest.”

  Jemma ripped his shirt open and I placed the silver pads on his chest.

  “Ready? Clear!”

  The defibrillator sent shockwaves of electricity through his body but he didn’t come back. Jemma instructed me to try again and I hit the button. His body lay motionless as my hope for ever talking to him again faded.

  “Please Alexei… wake up. Please wake up.”

  I tried twice more to get him to come back to us but it seemed we were too late. I had been too focused on killing those stupid zombies and now I’d let one of my own teammates die. How could I have let this happen? I shouldn’t have forced him to go down there. I put my head down when I saw Sierra’s hand hit the shock button. I was about to yell at Sierra when suddenly Alexei’s torso shot upward.


  We all shouted and hugged him as he coughed up what seemed like a bucket of water. I apologized a dozen times for sending him down there and then instructed everyone to back off so he could get a little space.

  “Alexei, are you OK?”

  “I am now. Thank you.”

  We helped him to his feet. The four of us held onto each other as we looked around. Dozens of bodies lay on the ground in pieces. There was blood everywhere and the house was a wreck. It was amazing how Jemma had been able to find a spot on the roof to shoot from. Hell, I didn’t even know how she had gotten up there in the first place. I’d been too engulfed in the situation before to watch her,

  “So… does this mean we’ve won?”

  Before I could answer him, the simulation turned off and a giant white room appeared.

  Chapter Thirty: Not Everyone Makes It Through

  “Mr. Flashman. Please have a seat.”

  I pulled out the tall black leather chair at the end of the long table. The board in front of me was made up of several officers, including Commander Knight and Admiral Kenneweg. I wasn’t exactly sure how this process worked. The only instruction I had received had been this morning; Commander Knight had come into my room and told me to put on my dress uniform and report to the Admiral’s conference room on Deck Ten. I had never worn this uniform before and it had taken me a while to put it on correctly. We had been issued it a few days ago and told that not to even touch it since it was apparently bad luck to do so before going through the trials.

  Once I was ready, Commander Knight had inspected my uniform for deficiencies and then escorted me up to Deck Ten. A few minutes later one of the doors had opened up and a different officer had told me that the board is ready to see me.

  “Today we will conduct our official training review of you. First off, we would like to congratulate you on making it this far. Regardless of your results today, you should be proud of all the work you’ve have put in. Very few can handle the mental and physical challenges that this type of program throws at you. Our organization puts people through this training because we only want the best. We want to see if you have what it takes to not only survive in the real world but to succeed in situations where there is no handbook. No one has the answer for you. You have to figure a way out to complete each mission and there is almost always a clock. Time is not on our side Trevor. Surely by now, you’ve realized this.”

  I nodded. I wasn’t sure who I was supposed to make eye contact with since there were about ten people sitting at the table. The lighting in the room was far from great and it was hard to tell who each officer was. I recognized Admiral Kenneweg, who was sitting in the seat second closest to the end, and Commander Knight had taken a seat after we stepped into the room. At the head of the table was another Admiral, although I couldn’t read his name tag from where I sat. I only knew he was an Admiral because he had the same amount of stripes on his jacket as Admiral Kenneweg. He was the one currently addressing me:

  “After months of rigorous training, you’re probably wondering why you were put through all of the evolutions that you experienced. Behind every piece of training is a key opportunity to learn. More often than not, those lessons directly correlate to a situation that you will face in the future.”

  Commander Knight slid a folder across the table to him.

  “Here we have your simulation test results. Let’s start with that. In your first simulation, you should have understood that you have to always remain alert. Anyone can be a threat and you have to be prepared to fight at any given time. In your second simulation, you should have learned that you can’t trust anyone; even your own family. No one is safe from this threat, not even our loved ones. As for your third and final test simulation, you should have learned that you have to find a way to work with any Stormer that you are placed in the field with. That means putting your personal differences aside to accomplish a task. I actually watched that sim live and I think the rest of the board agrees with me that you drew the short straw having to go in there with Mr. Quackenboss. Thankfully he will not be wearing our eagle anytime soon. Yet, it’s your responsibility to find a way to get the job done no matter who you’re assigned with.”

  While the Admiral spoke, I went through all of the simulations in my head. I did feel like I had been shafted in the third simulation. I was glad the board had cut me some slack on that. Overall, I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that those dreams had all been real. They had felt realistic, but I’d really thought I had been asleep since I had always woken up in a different environment. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to go into that simulator again. I didn’t think my senses could handle any more of that kind of strain.

  “Even though you received failing marks for all of your simulations, I do have to say that I am very impressed with how you performed during the trials. The test incorporated every aspect of your training, and not only did you complete every one of the tasks, your leadership abilities blew us away. In a state of confusion and uncertainty, you were able to bring your team together and get them focused on completing the mission. Well done Mr. Flashman. Well done.”

  After the other Admiral had stopped talking, Admiral Kenneweg leaned inward and we made eye contact.

  “You would have made your Father a very proud man. We all still wish that he was here with us today. It’s no wonder that you took command of your team like that during the trials. You’re a natural born leader, just like he was.”

  I thanked both of them for their kind words and a short pause followed before Commander Knight started speaking.

  “Due to your performance during the trials, the board has agreed with my decision to have you graduate with the other members of your class. Congratulations Trevor.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I had made it! I’d really made it! After all the pain and frustration I had gone through, the mental confusion and the days where I had felt like I couldn’t move a muscle; it was al
l worth it for this moment. Whoever had said that the toughest roads led to the greatest victories was absolutely right. I felt like I was on top of the world right now. And that was pretty ironic since we were about a hundred feet below the ground.

  “This afternoon is the official graduation ceremony and tonight there will be a ball for all of the graduates to enjoy. You will receive orders for your next assignment within the next forty-eight hours. Once again, congratulations on becoming a Strike officer.”

  I stood up and shook each person’s hand before exiting the room. Words couldn’t describe how good I feel right now. The only thing that could make this day better was if my dad had been here. Then again, every good instance for the rest of my life was going to happen without Dad. I would always want him around, would always miss him.

  Even though Dad wasn’t here, there still were plenty of people that I wanted to share the good news with. I rushed back down to my room and flung the door open. I was about to start yelling in celebration but I found Alexei half-dressed and slumped over in his chair. From the expression on his face, something horrible must have happened. I put my excitement on hold and slowly closed the door behind me.

  “Alexei? Is everything OK?”

  He let out a huge sigh and shook his head from side to side.

  “I’m not going to graduate with you, Trevor.”

  His voice was scratchy and he looked up at me, only to reveal that his eyes were red. He must have been crying.

  “Alexei, what are you talking about? Of course, you’re going to graduate! We made it all the way through training. And we survived the trials!”

  Alexei stood up and cleared his desk out of anger. I took a step back as his laptop crashed onto the floor, along with a dozen papers and his water bottle.

  “I just had my board and I’m not going to graduate combat school! They said I couldn’t commission as a combat officer in the field because I panicked in every single simulation. Apparently, they don’t think I have what it takes to be in field and claim that I’ll just be a liability for my teammates. I don’t know how I’m going to tell Dad. He’s going to be so disappointed in me.”

  I couldn’t believe it. How is it possible that he isn’t able to graduate? I thought if we hadn’t got kicked out by now, and if we had gotten through the trials without messing up both of us would graduate. After everything we’ve been through, why would they have done this to him? They had to understand how much work Alexei had put into this. Yes we might have had some minor hiccups at the trials with Alexei and for a moment I had thought we’d lost him, but that had nothing to do with our performance against the zombies. We’d still gotten the job done and Alexei had ended up being fine. There must be something that can be done to change the board’s decision.

  “I’ll go talk to them right now. There must be a way for you to graduate with us.”

  I was about to run out of the room but Alexei stopped me. His mood quickly deflated and he put his head down.

  “Trevor… it’s OK. I’m being re-assigned back to Cyber Defense. It sucks that I just wasted all this time here, but I’ll be OK. I was meant to be behind a computer. I’m way more useful when it comes to that kind of stuff.”

  Alexei looked so defeated. I wanted to go appeal to Commander Knight to see if there is anything that could be done, but I held myself back. Alexei didn’t want me to do anything. The last thing I wanted to do was make him mad at me.

  “There is good news, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, it’s not exactly good news, but it’s something. I’m not the only one from our team that isn’t going to graduate. Sierra was in here a few minutes crying her eyes out. Apparently, something happened during the trials and she froze up.”

  I explained to Alexei that while he had been underneath the water, Sierra had seen one of the zombie fish and jumped out of the lake. Thankfully, we were able to convince her to go back in. If she hadn’t, then I would have had to go get Alexei. I understood why the board thought that was a problem. If you weren’t willing to sacrifice yourself for someone on your team, then it really wasn’t a team.

  “So what’s happening to her?”

  “Well, that’s the good part. They’re sending her to Japan to go through school with the next Computer Engineering class. Once she graduates that, which I have no doubt she will, there’s a possibility that we can work together as Cyber Officers. Knowing that she and I may be able to be on a team together gave her a little hope.”

  I was glad there was some silver lining in this and with Sierra’s background, that path for her made sense. Plus, if Alexei and Sierra got to be together after all of this, that did seem like a huge victory. Not everyone had to be in the field. Every division of S.T.O.R.M. was equally important in getting the job done.

  “Have you heard anything from Jemma?”

  “No, but I’m sure she’s going to graduate dude. Without her, I don’t think we would have made it through the trials.”

  I agreed with Alexei and asked if he wanted to grab some lunch before the graduation ceremony. We walked down the hall and found Sierra in the lounge with some of our other classmates in their dress uniforms waiting for their boards. I had expected Sierra to be upset but she was quite the opposite. The three of us enjoyed a nice meal together and it hit me that today might be the last day that we would all be together. Alexei showed me his orders; he and Sierra were flying out tomorrow morning. I was nervous as to where I was going to be sent. As long as it was somewhere with an ice rink, I’d be set. Heck, maybe I’d be stationed here.

  Alexei and I got back to our room and found Jemma sitting in my chair. She jumped to her feet as we entered the room and she gave Alexei a big hug. Somehow she must have found out that he wasn’t going to be a Strike officer and apologized. She then congratulated me on graduating and told me that we had to put our uniforms back on since the ceremony would be in thirty minutes, on Deck Ten. After she had gone, I quickly got dressed as Alexei cleaned up the mess he had made earlier.

  “Hey, sorry about getting mad before. I was just upset.”

  “No need to apologize Alexei, I understand.”

  I brushed some lint off my jacket and looked in the mirror.

  “You’re going to make a great Stormer Trevor. You’ve earned this.”

  I thanked Alexei and asked him if he was coming to the ceremony. Even though he supports me, he asked if it was ok to stay behind so he could call his Dad. He also wanted a few minutes of alone time which I completely understand.

  I made my way up to Deck Ten to find the rest of my graduating class behind the glass wall in the control center. All but a skeleton crew of analysts were taking a break from their work to stand at attention as Commander Knight lined the thirty-two of us up against the wall. He gave a short speech about how proud he was of our accomplishments over the past months before reading off our names one by one.

  As he read our names, Admiral Kenneweg pinned on the black S.T.O.R.M. combat eagle above the left pocket of our uniforms. He shook my hand and smiled after he pinned mine on. I couldn’t help but smile back. They continued reading off names until they got to Jemma, who was last in line. Commander Knight announced that she was being awarded S.T.O.R.M.’s Outstanding Achievement Ribbon for setting numerous combat training records, including most kills in a simulation and most headshots in the range in one round. Everyone clapped for Jemma before Commander Knight congratulated us all once again. Admiral Kenneweg told us to dress our best for the ball tonight and to not miss our flights to our next assignment before dismissing us.

  The graduation ceremony had been extremely short, which I found ironic after the long training we had just sweated through. Jemma immediately caught me as the class dispersed out of the control center and gave me a big hug. Since meeting her, I had never seen her this happy. I hugged her back and congratulated her on the award.

  “Can you believe we’re done?”

  Part of me was still shocked tha
t we had made it, especially after all of the people that weren’t standing here with us. I’m not even sure how many recruits had been eliminated since I hadn’t been here when the training had started. I was ecstatic that Jemma and I were now official Strike officers, but I did wish Sierra and Alexei had made it through, especially Alexei. It would have been cool to be on the same Strike team as him.

  “I’m just glad we don’t have to deal with those simulations anymore. They really messed with my head,” I said.

  Jemma agreed and we left the control center. We followed our classmates to catch the elevator just before it closed. It opened back up on Deck Five and everyone walked out, but Jemma grabbed my arm.

  “Trevor, there’s something I should tell you.”

  She took a deep breath as I stepped back into the elevator and the doors closed. FAITH asked which deck we wanted to go to and I told her to remain on this deck without opening the doors.

  “You’ve done so much for me these past few months. You have no idea how much of an impact you made by reaching out to me and I know I had my barriers up. I shut everyone out because I didn’t want anyone to let anyone into my world. And despite everything you went through, you still made an effort to connect with me. All I can do is thank you for that. Had you not helped me emotionally, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “Of course, Jemma. I’ll always be here for you.”

  She gave me another hug as I reflected on everything we went through. I had taken several punches for her, both emotionally and literally. However, in the end, we had been able to work together and that was all that mattered. I thought about telling her that part of the reason I did it was because I found her extremely attractive and wanted to be more than just a friend, but I wasn’t sure if this was the right time.

  Jemma and I let go of each other and her smile quickly faded.

  “Jemma, is everything OK?”

  “I want to celebrate and spend time with you, however, I just got my orders.”


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