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The Shadow Connection

Page 4

by Adair Hart

  After a few minutes, she bounded around the corner and hopped into the car. She sniffed the air. “You have your shirt on still.”


  “One beer or two?”

  He sighed. “Just one. I’m okay, really.”

  “Uh-huh,” said Emily.

  Dr. Snowden shook his head as he began to drive away. “Where’s V?”

  “He flew off to meet Evaran. Faster than being stuck in here.”

  “Huh. So … how’d things go with you? You have fun?”

  “I did, actually. Sometimes I forget how powerful we are, in relation to other humans.”

  “Well … you might be with all your training.”

  She shook her head. “You have the same nanobots I do. You just need to spend some time with me training is all.”

  He sighed. “Love to but … the Torvatta is off-limits. Besides, nanobots or not, you still have a younger body that can handle things easier.”

  “Maybe. Even without the Torvatta, I do run in the morning …”

  He licked his lips. “I’ll get there.”

  “Anyways, I noticed something else unusual as well.”

  Dr. Snowden raised an eyebrow.

  “You know how we can sense things?”

  “Mm-hmm,” he said as the car turned onto a new street.

  “Well, after the game, Brad came up and talked with me. Asked if I was going to be there tomorrow, and if I needed a ride.”

  “Oh, he did, did he?” asked Dr. Snowden. “Do I need to have a talk with this young man?”

  She shook her head. “Stop being silly. I’m being serious.”

  “Go on.”

  “After him, Jennifer came up to me.”

  Dr. Snowden remembered how devastated Emily had been the first three months back from their alien abduction. There was nothing he could do to help her when Jennifer had turned her down, and the thought that maybe she might get hurt again crossed his mind. “And how did that go?”

  “Well … ,” said Emily as she extended her arm forward.

  He noticed the phone number written in her palm. “Oh … so … you two …”

  “Friday night. She wants to study. For history.”

  “Study … right …”

  She swatted his arm. “What I was trying to say is, I could sense … things … a lot better than I remember being able to. It’s like my awareness was on steroids. It’s been like that the whole month, but that volleyball game, maybe due to the activity and everyone around, just made me realize how much more aware I was.”

  “I kind of noticed something along those lines too. Maybe it’s related to the nightmares I’m having.”

  “We should probably tell Evaran and see what he thinks. Whatever it is, it sounds like we both have it. I’m guessing it’s a new side effect of our enhanced nanobots. We’ll figure it out together,” said Emily as she looked out the window.

  He enjoyed these moments with her. Without the context of having to save the world or time-traveling invaders or even rogue time travelers, it was nice to be normal for a change, even if the discussion was about enhanced nanobots. Evaran had been right. Spending time on Earth was good for them.

  Emily raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re thinking again. Oh, how did it go with Dr. Bryson?”

  “It went well. Apparently, Karen has moved out.”

  “Oh no. That’s why you had a drink.”

  Dr. Snowden smiled. “You are more aware.”

  She shook her head.

  After twenty more minutes of light discussion, the car pulled up to the curb next to the bar where Evaran was.

  “Well, we’re here,” said Dr. Snowden. Looking around, he remembered why this part of the city made his skin crawl. Rundown buildings seemed to be the norm, not the exception. Several signs indicating lewd puns dotted the street and storefronts. Sketchy people hung out and focused on them.

  Emily narrowed her eyes. “Perfect hiding place if you don’t want to be bothered.” She got out of the car.

  Dr. Snowden joined her, and they began to walk toward the bar, which was about fifty feet away. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of garbage in the air.

  A group of men approached them. A dark-skinned male with a toothpick in his mouth, red shirt, high-tops, and jeans stepped forward. He ticked his head up. “Wassup, playah?”

  “Umm … not much. Just going to the club.”

  The group sneered.

  “Uh-huh. You gonna,” said the man, making stiff robotic movements, “get down?”

  The group jeered.

  “Look … we don’t want any trouble.”

  “Trouble?” asked the man. He tossed his hands out to the side. “I’m just checking ya. This is private turf.” He pointed a finger at Dr. Snowden. “You ain’t welcome here … but your bitch sure is.”

  Dr. Snowden’s face turned red, and before he could act, Emily had hauled off and punched the man, sending him flying into the others.

  She fired a mist beam from her PSD into the group.

  V shimmered into view and shot a stun beam at the mist, causing the group to fall to the ground, twitching. “Analysis. They have been neutralized.”

  “I was going to handle it,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “Well … now you don’t have to,” said Emily with a red face.

  He shook his head as they stepped around the men and continued toward the bar. Emily’s reflexes were on another level compared to his. He was not sure how he could train for that. Even though they had the same nanobots, her body was much more in shape than his. With an upward look at V, he said, “I knew you flew ahead to meet Evaran, but I didn’t know you were out here already.”

  “I was surveying the area per Evaran.”

  “Oh, makes sense. Well, glad to see you. You enjoy watching Emily play volleyball?”

  “I did. I also enjoyed watching Emily’s interaction with Brad and Jennifer.”

  “I bet,” said Dr. Snowden.

  When they neared the bar, one of the bouncers approached them. He paused when he saw V.

  Dr. Snowden gestured outward. “We’re here to pick up Evaran.”

  The bouncer gulped, then ran inside the club.

  “Okay … that was a little unexpected.”

  “I bet Evaran talked to him before,” said Emily.

  Dr. Snowden shrugged. “I guess.”

  “Analysis. I have relayed to Evaran that you are here already. He was wrapping up a conversation with one of the patrons,” said V.

  “Cool,” said Emily.

  After a moment, the bouncer exited the bar with Evaran in tow. The bouncer ran back inside.

  Evaran approached them and then eyed the group behind them. “I see you have been busy.”

  Dr. Snowden crooked a thumb over at Emily, then at V. “They’ve been busy. I was trying to talk them down.”

  “I see,” said Evaran. “I am not surprised. These individuals approached me initially as well. As did the bouncer. They realized their mistake shortly thereafter.”

  “I figured,” said Dr. Snowden, peering over Evaran’s shoulder at the bouncer who had gone back outside. The bouncer was trying to be calm, but Dr. Snowden could sense the man was nervous.

  “Anyone up for lunch?” asked Emily. She gestured at Evaran. “You can fill us in on how your visit went.”

  “A good idea,” said Evaran.

  Dr. Snowden grinned. “Well, I for one would—”

  Emily slammed into Dr. Snowden, causing them to tumble to the ground.

  Evaran jumped back as a car fell from the sky and landed where Dr. Snowden and Emily had been.

  Dr. Snowden tried to catch his breath. His nanobots began to tingle. “What the heck?”

  Evaran walked over and helped Dr. Snowden up.

  “I didn’t sense anything,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “V, scout mode,” said Evaran.

  “Acknowledged. Scout mode engaged,” said V as he shimmered out of view.

  Dr. Snowden
gulped as he looked at Emily. “I’m … thank you. Did you sense something?”

  “Yeah … a car falling. Remember our discussion?”

  He sighed. “Evaran?”

  Evaran scanned around with his ring. “I am unsure of how this car came to be above us.”


  They turned their attention to the end of the street, where a bronze-skinned man with a shaved head appeared. He had on black pants and boots with a gray hoodie. An orange haze swirled around him. “I’m afraid that was my doing.” He smiled as he extended a hand out, palm up, and bowed. “They call me the Mover.”

  Emily activated her shield and pulled out her PSD. Evaran already had his shield up and his utility handle extended as a baton with a glowing blue end. Dr. Snowden had his shield and PSD out as well. She was not sure how the Mover was able to put a car in the air, but she reckoned it probably had something to do with his name.

  Evaran stepped forward. “I am Evaran. Why did you attempt to drop a car on us?”

  The Mover shrugged. “I know who you are, and also know that you could survive a car being dropped on you.”

  “My friends might not have.”

  “They’re of no consequence,” said the Mover.

  “I see. What is your business with us?”

  “It’s nothing personal,” said the Mover. He smiled. “You’re a wanted man. I have a container to move you to.”

  “Wanted by whom?”

  The Mover shook a finger at Evaran. “See … that’d get me killed.”

  “I will not go with you. You should take this as my first warning and leave whatever group you are a part of. I may not be as lenient in a second altercation.”

  “Wow … and I thought I was cocky. I wanted to at least talk to you. I may not have that chance again. Welp, time for you to go.” He disappeared in a puff of orange smoke, then reappeared next to Evaran.

  Evaran grabbed the Mover’s wrist.

  The Mover fidgeted as he tried to escape. “What? How?”

  Evaran reached out and grabbed the Mover’s other wrist, then held them both in front of him. His gaze bored a hole through the Mover. “It is apparent you wish to test my patience. You can walk a different path. To continue along this one will not benefit you.”

  The Mover gulped. “What are you? They said you were an alien!”

  “They were wrong,” said Evaran. “I am going to let you go. Take my advice and leave. If you try to drop anything on us again, it will be the last time you do so.” He released his grip on the Mover’s wrist.

  The Mover stumbled back with wide eyes. “They’ll kill me if I don’t come back with you. I’m sorry.” He disappeared in a puff of orange smoke.

  Dr. Snowden shook his head. “Okay … well, that was interesting.”

  The Mover appeared again at the end of the street with a fair-skinned woman wearing a formfitting white one-piece suit.

  The woman was about Emily’s height, and her medium-length black hair was highlighted against the whiteness of her outfit.

  The suit reminded Emily of something she had seen in comics.

  The Mover gestured at the woman. “This is Psyotica.”

  Psyotica sneered at the Mover. “Coward. Let me show you how it’s done.” She extended her hand in front of her and dipped her head forward.

  Evaran tilted his head. “You are trying to read my mind.”

  “Of course. And in a minute, you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  Evaran slowly raised his hand in front of him. “I do not believe so.”

  Psyotica’s eyes squinted as she flinched. “How …” She screamed as she collapsed to the ground.

  “What’d you do?” asked the Mover, stepping back a bit.

  “Nothing. She tried to access something far more powerful than her mind could comprehend,” said Evaran.

  V shimmered into view and shot the Mover with a weakened stun beam.

  The Mover shuddered for a moment.

  Evaran aimed his baton, which now had a glowing yellow end, at the Mover. A yellow beam shot out and hit him.

  The Mover tried to teleport away, but the beam held him in place.

  Evaran hit a button on his utility handle, and the beam retracted, pulling the Mover along with it. Evaran wrapped the Mover up when he was in range.

  “What … what are you doing?” asked the Mover.

  “You did not listen, or perhaps you did not understand,” said Evaran. He turned his head toward Emily. “Please pick up Psyotica, and follow me.”

  Emily headed over to Psyotica. Dr. Snowden had trudged along with her, and although she could have done it herself, she welcomed Dr. Snowden’s effort. Together, with one on the legs and the other on the arms, they followed Evaran back to the club.

  When they got there, Randy approached them. His eyes darted around. “What’s … going on …”

  Evaran pointed at Psyotica and the Mover. “You will deliver a message to both of them when they wake up.”

  The Mover jerked his head back. “Wake up? I’m still—”

  Evaran placed a hand on the Mover’s arm, then dissipated the yellow beam. The utility handle’s end glowed blue, and with a tap, blue arcs of what looked like electricity jumped across the Mover’s body. He went limp, and Evaran caught him. He laid the Mover on the ground and indicated for Emily and Dr. Snowden to move Psyotica to the ground as well. Evaran faced Randy. “When these two wake up, deliver this message. Do not bother me or my friends again. If you do, I will make you a priority.”

  Randy gulped. “Umm … sure … whatever you want.”

  Evaran turned and gestured toward their car. “Let us go.”

  Emily’s mind spun at the turn of events. So much for having a peaceful break on Earth. The Mover seemed hesitant to her on his second trip back. Maybe he came to his senses. She remembered Lord Vygon, an ancient vampire friend, had said that Evaran could not be teleported. She now understood that was due to Evaran possessing cosmic energy. Maybe that applied to her and Dr. Snowden too since their enhanced nanobots had been touched with cosmic energy.

  Emily was intrigued by Psyotica. She had to be some sort of telepath, but how that worked eluded Emily. Given what she had seen in traveling with Evaran, it was not hard for her to believe in it. She wondered if Psyotica saw a part of Evaran’s raw essence. Maybe it was something else, but it was obvious that trying to attack Evaran in that manner would not work.

  As they got into their car, she was thankful that the Mover had dropped a different one. Otherwise they’d need a taxi or to call an online service to have someone get them. Having the Torvatta nearby would have been ideal.

  Dr. Snowden fired up the car, and they were on their way back.

  Emily turned her head toward Evaran in the back seat. “You think they’ll bother us again?”

  “I hope not, for their sake,” said Evaran. “I am curious about this group that they mentioned. During my talk with Count Valgus, the club owner, he mentioned that the Helians had split into two factions, and there was a group of powerful Wildborn along with dragon humanoids out and about. Most Wildborn on this planet keep a low profile, and I am unaware of any dragon humanoids. However, it seems unusual for Wildborn to be this active.”

  Dr. Snowden snorted. “I’m surprised they weren’t wearing spandex.”

  Emily shook her head.

  “Regardless, today’s meeting with Count Valgus was helpful. I will visit a few friends and see what they know.”

  “Sounds good,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “Analysis. I did not find any container within the immediate area,” said V from the back seat.

  “It could be hidden,” said Evaran. “We will find out more when we get back to the Torvatta.”


  Twenty minutes later, after some more light discussion, they arrived at Dr. Snowden’s house.

  Dr. Snowden jumped out of the car and pointed at the side of the house. “What the heck happened here?”

ily hopped out and surveyed the smashed fence on the side of the house.

  A wide groove mark in the yard stretched from the sidewalk in front of the house to the backyard.

  Evaran joined them, and they followed the groove to its end.

  Emily’s eyes widened when she could not see the faint outline of the Torvatta in stealth mode that she had become used to seeing. “Umm … Where’s the Torvatta?”

  “V, scout mode,” said Evaran.

  “Acknowledged. Scout mode engaged,” said V as he shimmered out of view and flew off.

  Evaran walked into the middle of the backyard and scanned around. He pointed at a larger groove in the ground that was perpendicular to the one that ran into the backyard. “It appears someone tipped it, and then rolled it out.”

  “Isn’t it heavy?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “It is. Whoever, or whatever, did this is very strong.”

  Emily licked her lips. “So what we do now? We can’t go back in time to see who took it.”

  “You are correct. I believe it is time to call on an old friend who can help us and provide transportation.”

  “Lord Vygon?”

  Evaran shook his head. “I have no way of contacting him. However, I do have the communication end point for Lord Noskov’s base. He should be able to help us.”

  Dr. Snowden gestured toward the front of the house. “Oh … well … that beats my car. Whoever took the Torvatta can’t be far.”

  V flew in and shimmered into view. “Analysis. The Torvatta was not detected, nor any device capable of transporting it.”

  “They have covered their tracks—well, other than the ones in the yard,” said Evaran. “If they know of the Torvatta, and most likely me, then this was planned. Also, we could use a safe place to stay. I do not think it is safe to be here.” He waved to the front of the house. “To the car. We can contact Lord Noskov’s base from a different location.”

  Dr. Snowden sighed. “Never a peaceful moment. And who’s going to fix the yard?”

  Emily laid a hand on his shoulder. “One problem at a time.”


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