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The Shadow Connection

Page 7

by Adair Hart

  “Maybe we could check on him,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Mikhail’s eyes lit up as he looked at Dr. Snowden.

  “It … is part of history now. We cannot interfere more than we have to,” said Evaran.

  Mikhail looked away.

  “However, we do know someone who could use his talents. He would be well looked after. I can put in a word after all this is done.”

  Mikhail’s eyes turned red as he swallowed hard.

  Emily shifted her stance. “Getting back to these Wildborn, do we have any information on them?”

  Evaran interacted with the console. The Mover appeared on the screen. “We do and have already met this one. He has the ability to move through condensed space in a localized manner. It appears, based on the reporting I have seen, that line of sight is not required, just a memory, but there is a distance threshold.”

  “We won’t have to worry about him, I don’t think,” said Emily. “With V stunning him, and Evaran not being able to be teleported, the Mover stood no chance.”

  “Perhaps,” said Evaran. He brought up Psyotica next. “This is Psyotica. She has the ability to reach out with her mind and control others. On a technical level, she emits wild energy tendrils, that when connected to a living being, allow her to control them like a puppet. She discovered what happens when wild energy meets cosmic energy.”

  “Whoa,” said Jake.

  Mikhail ran a hand through his hair. “She can apparently affect nonhumans to some degree too. I’ve never seen a Wildborn this powerful before.”

  “Most do not make it to the age where their powers can mature, and if they do, they go to one of the Wildborn enclaves. I suspect that the International Nonhuman Response Agency has a hand in maintaining the Wildborn population.”

  “The INRA. Pfft,” said Mikhail.

  “I discovered a link between them and the Helians,” said Evaran. “We can find out more when we visit them.” He next brought up the image of a burly bronze-skinned man wearing a muscle shirt, blue jeans, and black combat boots. A mop of jet-black hair covered his head. “This is Bruno. I could not find a last name. His ability is strength. In an incident in Tokyo, it is said he tossed cars at people. I suspect he may also be able to pick up the Torvatta.”

  “You think he moved it?” asked Emily.

  “It is a hunch. V has given it a high probability based on the footprints scanned in your backyard,” said Evaran.

  V’s lights glowed a bit brighter.

  Evaran brought up the projection of an advanced armored suit. “This is Decatron. From what the records show, he is a Helian using an artificial intelligence suit that has somehow merged with him. The suit itself is far more advanced than anything Earth would have.”

  Robert placed a hand on his chin with a finger over his lips. “You think the suit is alien?”

  “It could be. Another possibility is … that it is from a different reality,” said Evaran. He brought up the projection of a fair-skinned man in a business suit. “This is Ares, also known as the Greek god of war. He is an Outsider and runs with the others. His abilities are above-average strength, speed, and intelligence. The weaponry that this group would be using, or even the other Helian faction, would most likely have come from Ares’s weapon-dealing business. I suspect, like with Decatron, that there is advanced weaponry involved. In an incident in Lima, Peru, it is said his weapons vaporized several policemen.”

  “Sounds like a real nice guy,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “I am not sure why Ares joined, but he has been spotted with them,” said Evaran. He showed another projection of a fair-skinned woman in a formfitting one-piece suit. She had larger-than-average boots and thick metallic wristbands. Thin lines snaked from the band to her fingers. “This is Red Lightning. She can generate and shoot electrical arcs, with a similar effect to our stun beams.”

  “Yeah … I’m getting the vibe some of these people are not from this planet,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “That is my conclusion so far,” said Evaran. “Beings of this power would have a history, but it seems they appeared within the last few months and gave one Helian faction immediate power.”

  “I’m guessing Red Lightning’s arcs are red, right?”

  “You are correct,” said Evaran. “There was a recording from a military ship she attacked. It showed her touching the deck, then causing a wave of red electricity to pulsate out.”

  “That would be useful in shutting things down,” said Jake.

  “It would, and strong enough to harm living tissue.” He pulled up the last projection. It showed a pale, rotund man in black, light armor. “This is Count Boris.”

  Mikhail snorted. “Raskarian filth.”

  Evaran cast a sidelong look at Mikhail. “I am aware of the history between ancient and Raskarian vampires. For whatever reason, Count Boris has decided to join this group.” He swept his gaze around the table. “There could be others out there. This is the only information I was able to pull. I suspect when we meet with the Helians, we will learn a lot more, along with having greater access to information.”

  “Leave it to the Raskarians to be involved in something nefarious,” said Mikhail.

  Evaran tilted his head. “Not all Raskarians are bad. Some just want to stay out of nonhuman politics, other than to protect their area.”

  “I know,” said Mikhail. “In general, though, they are not to be trusted. Count Razero sits on the Daedrould Council, and he’s been helpful in mending relations between us and other Daedrould strains, but he isn’t the easiest person to work with. Regardless, we didn’t find anything on these dragon humanoids”

  Dr. Snowden furrowed his eyebrows. “Maybe they’re Outsiders from another dimension.”

  “It is possible,” said Evaran. “I have seen humanoids like this before, but I am unsure if these are similar. We need to get more information and can leave whenever everyone is ready.”

  Dr. Snowden fidgeted in his seat as Jake’s ship landed. The flight had been a few hours, and they had landed in a remote valley in the Taconic Range, a part of the central Appalachian Mountain range in New York. He was flanked by Evaran and Emily, with V hovering a bit off to the side. Jake and Robert were in the cockpit.

  Dr. Snowden just wanted the flight to be over. He appreciated that they had a ship to get around, but it was slower and the seating for passengers was not as spacious or comfortable. There was also not much to look at, and the smell was not as sterile as the Torvatta.

  Jake bounded into the passenger area. “We’re here.”

  Dr. Snowden breathed a sigh of relief as the side door opened. He was glad Emily had defied Evaran’s implicit order to keep the suits on the Torvatta. Although he figured he would not need the suit at the Helian base, it was comforting to know that if something unusual happened, like a car falling out of the sky, he would at least have some protection in the form of his shield. Evaran and V’s ability to send information directly to his heads-up display inside his helmet was also useful. Dr. Snowden followed the others off the ship. With a quick glance around, he said, “Where’s Robert?”

  Jake craned his neck at the ship. “He’s going to stick around until the all clear is given. The Helian base is secret, and they won’t let craft land there unless cleared. We don’t even know what the frequency is to contact them, but we do know the general area to find them in.”

  Dr. Snowden closed his eyes as a cool wind blew over his face. After taking in the moment, he surveyed his surroundings. Trees ringed the clearing where they had landed, and it was just large enough for the ship. The strong smell of the forest caressed his nose. It was 11:30 a.m., and between the warm sun beating down and the wind, he relaxed a bit.

  Emily checked her suit, then focused on Jake. “So … how do we find them?”

  Jake pulled out a small device. “The Helians have a beacon up here. It’s using a hologram to make it look like a tree. All we have to do is find that energy signature and then activate the beacon. They will
then come get us.”

  “Like Lord Vygon,” said Emily, glancing at Evaran.

  “Yes,” said Evaran. “The use of beacons has been a part of the Helians for a long time. It makes sense from a security perspective.”

  “Yeah,” said Jake. “Usually, you can contact them in the cities, but then all you get is a meeting. I’m thinking we need more than just that.”

  “A wise conclusion,” said Evaran. He pointed to the sky. “V, scout mode.”

  “Acknowledged. Scout mode engaged,” said V as he shimmered and flew off.

  “We can wait here while V finds the signature.”

  Jake nodded. “I guess we don’t need to hunt down the beacon then. I forgot that V can do that.”

  After several minutes of light discussion, Evaran said, “V has located it not too far from here.” He waved off to the north. “Come.”

  “Wow, that was quick,” said Jake.

  “No surprise to me,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Jake grinned. “Having V as an option is pretty awesome.”

  “I think he would agree.”

  They began weaving their way through the forest. When they were halfway to V, they paused. A black bear had sauntered into their path and stopped. It eyed them for a moment and then issued a roar.

  Evaran extended a hand. “We are not a threat.”

  The bear sniffed the air.

  Dr. Snowden furrowed his eyebrows as fuzzy images flashed in his mind. The images showed various environments, and one in particular stood out to him. It showed their group as black outlines with a blurry gray border. He peeked at Emily, who was also staring at the bear in contemplation.

  The bear snorted and moved off.

  Dr. Snowden watched the image of their group turn to green and then switch to a picture of a stream.

  “The bear has decided to go to a stream,” said Evaran.

  “Wow,” said Jake. “I’ll never get tired of you being able to speak to animals.”

  Evaran dipped his head, then began to walk forward.

  “You two coming?” asked Jake.

  Dr. Snowden rubbed his chin. “Yeah … but … I … saw some images.”

  Evaran snapped his head toward Dr. Snowden and Emily. “What types of images?”

  Emily wrinkled her eyebrows. “Environments and our group, with weird outlines. Then it showed a picture of a stream.”

  Evaran scanned them with his ring. “That is usually how I perceive animal communications. The universal translator does not support that.”

  “Well … I saw what Emily saw,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Evaran eyed them both. “Intriguing. Perhaps a side effect of your nanobot transformation is that you can now view the same images I do when talking to animals.”

  “Transformation?” asked Jake.

  Dr. Snowden grinned. “It’s a long story. However, I think Evaran’s right. I just hope it’s something we have to focus on. The last thing I need is my mind being treated to a slide show if I ever visit a zoo.”

  “I think it’s kinda cool,” said Emily. “But yeah, hopefully it’s something that can be filtered.”

  Evaran interacted with his augmented reality interface. “I have noted this ability. We shall test it later in more detail when we find the Torvatta. Perhaps your apprehension at seeing the bear caused you to focus.”

  “Could be,” said Dr. Snowden. He sometimes wished he had an ARI like Evaran, accessible with just a glance. After shrugging at Emily, he followed Evaran as they continued.

  “I remember Evaran talking to my girlfriend’s dog,” said Jake. “Her parents still find it hard to believe.”

  Dr. Snowden closed an eye while looking around with the other. “Sally, right?”

  “Yep. I don’t think I ever mentioned that to you.”

  Emily smiled. “It’s from when Evaran told us about his adventure with you. He included that.”

  “Ahh,” said Jake. “Got it.”

  When they reached a tree surrounded by several smaller ones, they paused.

  Evaran pointed at the tree. “The beacon is there. It will only take a moment to activate.” He walked up to the tree and scanned it. The hologram faded for a moment, revealing a small box with several gadgets on it. He reached in and interacted with the box, then faced the group. “It has been activated. The next step should be them contacting us.”

  “Cool,” said Jake with a grin.

  “You enjoy this?” said Evaran.

  “Well … yeah. Getting to hang out with you and some new friends. Fresh air, new locations. It’s exciting.”

  Sometimes Dr. Snowden forgot the impact Evaran could have on people’s lives. Traveling with Evaran was now a part of Dr. Snowden’s thought processes. While he viewed this as the next logical step to finding the Torvatta, Jake viewed it as an adventure. His enthusiasm was contagious. Dr. Snowden tossed a finger out. “It is kinda exciting, except I wish we had the Torvatta now.”

  “Interesting,” said Evaran, rubbing his chin. He tilted his head and then gestured with two fingers at a remote tree. “There is a device in that tree.” He moved his hand in an arc at two other trees. “They also have a similar device, and there is one beneath us. I suspect those are deterrents.”

  Dr. Snowden pointed at the last tree. “Evaran … I’m sensing a heartbeat and some breathing near one of those trees.” He focused and could see the faint outline of a humanoid.

  “I see something too,” said Emily.

  “Impressive,” said a male voice from behind the tree. A man decloaked and headed over to them. His outfit blended in with the surrounding environment.

  The cloak had made it even harder to see, but Dr. Snowden figured it was his enhanced abilities that made the cloak stand out. Even without it, he could hear the heartbeat and shallow breathing.

  The man bowed. “I am Javos, a Helian ranger. I have been observing you for a while.”

  Evaran reached for his belt and pulled out a small device. He held it up. “You may scan this for our credentials.”

  Javos pulled out an object and scanned. His eyes widened. “It is you!” He peered around at the others. “And Dr. Snowden and Emily Snowden.”

  “Indeed,” said Evaran with a slight bow. He gestured at Jake. “This is Jake, a friend of mine who is helping me. We would like to use your base to help locate my Torvatta.”

  Javos waved a hand at the others and then focused on Evaran. “It’s … missing?”

  “Yes. It was taken when I was out and about. I have researched as much as I could access but need something with a bit more information.”

  “You’ll have our help. Follow me.”

  They followed Javos through the forest.

  “Your arrival is timely,” said Javos.

  “In what way?” asked Evaran.

  “These are trying times. Faction splits, new technology, new power players. Everything is spiraling out of control. You’re a symbol of hope.”

  Dr. Snowden wrinkled his eyebrows. He always viewed Evaran as someone whose presence could change things. It appeared to have changed the tenseness of Javos.

  “Once I get my Torvatta, I will investigate further. While I like to leave things as they should be, I am now involved in events,” said Evaran.

  “The council, well, what’s left of it, will be glad to see you,” said Javos.

  “And I them,” said Evaran.

  “I don’t think we’ve ever seen that ship that you came in on.”

  Evaran gestured at Jake. “It is owned by a friend who has helped us.”

  “You have a lot of friends and by extension … a lot of enemies too.”

  “I expect that,” said Evaran.

  It seemed that even someone as positive as Evaran would always have enemies in those who were up to no good. Dr. Snowden suspected that when they got to the Helian base, they would find out who took the Torvatta, and history had shown that being on the wrong side was not a good place to be. He suspected Javos knew that, and soon, whoeve
r took the Torvatta would find out that Evaran knew who they were.

  Twenty minutes later, Jake examined the entrance to the Helian base. It looked like a large tree stump. As they neared it, the hologram around it faded, revealing a set of doors angled at forty-five degrees. Once the doors slid open, he could see a ramp to a well-lit tunnel.

  He observed the others, particularly the strong bond between Evaran and Dr. Snowden and Emily. They must have traveled together for a while or been through some serious situations to have that. The fact that they could see Javos while cloaked surprised him. Jake did not see anything, or hear anything for that matter.

  He enjoyed talking with Dr. Snowden. His rational and calm approach reminded Jake a bit of Evaran. From what he had learned, Dr. Snowden was a professor, which made sense. Jake bet that Dr. Snowden knew a lot more about Evaran and reality than he let on. Emily was another story. Jake enjoyed being around her. She was smart, and tough, yet had a kindness about her.

  Javos peered back. “I’m sensing something odd about Dr. Snowden and Emily.”

  “They possess nanobots,” said Evaran.

  Javos nodded. “I’m unfamiliar with that, but it’s definitely noticeable.”

  “In what way?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “Just that you have a way of carrying yourself. You move slightly faster than a normal human, and there is a … mist-like semitransparent aura about you. That’s the best way I can explain it. Although I can’t see it well, I can sense it.”

  “Huh,” said Dr. Snowden, glancing at Emily, who shrugged.

  Jake could not see or sense what Javos did. Jake found it interesting that an Outsider could detect that. Maybe it was a nonhuman thing. He refocused his thoughts and examined the hallway they had entered. It was his first time inside a Helian base. He had heard that they used Atlantis at one point in the far past, at least per Lord Noskov, and now they used these secret bases scattered around the world. The hallway had lighting along the edges of the ceiling, and the side walls had a glass-like strip containing various screens bordered by raised edges. The metallic texture was similar to Lord Noskov’s base.


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