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The Shadow Connection

Page 29

by Adair Hart

  “We need to get you some armor instead of a robe,” said Thor.

  “Perhaps you’re right,” said Guan Yu.

  “Your Torvatta is amazing,” said Zed. “I had my doubts about the value of getting your ship versus taking Caltorus down, but those doubts have been silenced.”

  “I never realized how much I missed it,” said Emily. She sighed at Evaran. “Do we really have to stay out of it for the remaining months on Earth?”

  Evaran smiled. “Given recent events, we can stay in it. However, there is a lot I need to address in the coming months. The formation of a new council for Earth is one of those tasks.”

  “I’ll be interested to see how that pans out,” said Zed.

  “Once it is formed, I will take them to Kreagus.”

  Emily gulped. “Could we … swing by Fredoria?”

  “I intend to,” said Evaran. “I need to put in a word for Blake Brown, and also gather up the remaining Palisin-based equipment that may be out there. Andia Kiggs and Rakar Ho Jador can help with that.”

  Emily burst into a big smile. “I can’t wait!”

  Thor licked his lips. “Kreagus … as in the capital of the Kreagan Star Empire?”

  “That is correct,” said Evaran. “Once all that is done, I will hold another meeting with that council in regard to the rift doors.”

  “You got your work cut out for you,” said Jake. “I had no idea traveling with you was this intense.”

  “We didn’t die this time,” said Emily, tossing a hand out.

  Everyone stared at her.

  “I mean … umm … not die die … ,” said Emily. She noticed the others did not seem convinced. Given what they just went through, dying while traveling with Evaran was probably more plausible to them now.

  “Don’t forget about picking up Uncle Albert’s car,” said Emily. “It’s still out there.”

  Evaran cleared his throat. “We will handle that when we get back. V, open a portal to Earth and take us there.”


  Jake surveyed the viewing room of the detention center in the Helian base. It had been a week since they got back from Caltorus’s cathedral, and today was Evaran’s sentencing of those who had aided Caltorus and were captured. It was 10:00 a.m., and Jake had already had a good breakfast with Robert, Dr. Snowden, Emily, and V.

  Jake realized the importance of this since very few saw what happened to those Evaran dealt with. There were rumors, and but mostly people just disappeared if they were convicted. From what he had read of the Purification event, no one knew what had happened to the Purifier leadership other than they were no longer a threat. The rumors had taken on a life of their own.

  The Imperium, Ollikrin Nation, and Daedrould Council leadership were in the room, and he suspected they were as interested as he was. As big as the room was, it felt cramped with so many people in it.

  “Relax,” said Emily, swatting his arm.

  “Huh? Oh,” said Jake with a smile. “I’m just curious is all.”

  Emily wrinkled her eyebrows. “About Evaran sentencing people?”

  “Well … yeah. No one really knows what happens to those sentenced by Evaran directly, other than a few cases that I can’t talk about.”

  Dr. Snowden, sitting on the other side of Emily, leaned in. “I never really thought about this sentencing like that. Emily and I see it up close and personal every time.”

  “That must be awesome.”

  Dr. Snowden looked down. “I guess. Not every adventure with Evaran has a happy ending for all.”

  Jake could see that Dr. Snowden was remembering something that caused him to physically wince.

  Emily swatted both their arms. “Shh. They’re starting.”

  Jake looked into the main area of the detention center. Council Member Darius, who had been promoted recently, interacted with a console. Zed, who had also recently been promoted to council member, stood next to him and Evaran. Jake could understand Darius’s promotion, but Zed’s seemed unusual. Evaran had said that Zed had proven himself and that his image in the eyes of the other leaders was positive. Jake wondered how many knew about Count Boris’s death.

  A cell slid into position, and the force field went semitransparent.

  Evaran stood in front of the cell. “Psyotica. Do you understand why you are here?”

  Psyotica extended her hand, then dropped it after a few moments. “I can’t sense anything.”

  “I have repurposed the Palisin-energy constraints into a thin material that is wrapped around a few select cells. Yours is one of them. Your abilities will not work in there.”

  Psyotica snorted. “What’s this about?”

  “As you may or may not know, Caltorus has had his rift door taken away, in effect sealing him away. His control of Helian bases has also been reversed here on Earth.”

  Psyotica shrugged. “So you say.”

  “You were a willing participant in his brief attempt to control Earth. Based on your energy readings, I know that you are not from this timeline. You came through the rift door, although I do not know the coordinates from which you came. In this situation, I would normally have you held until the coordinates are found and then have you released there. However, based on the reports the Helians have provided, you are responsible for a slew of deaths here on Earth. I am sure there are more that are undocumented. I cannot let that go. As such, you will be moved to a planet where you can live out the rest of your life without any chance of controlling someone.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I am taking you to one of the last galaxies in this universe, far in the future. There are several planets hospitable to life that do not contain any sentient species.”

  “You’re going to strand me on a planet?” asked Psyotica.

  “I am, and I will provide you with a low-level replicator that can produce food and water. You will need to provide the raw materials for the matter converter in order for it to work.”

  Psyotica gulped as her eyes widened. “I’ll die there!”

  Jake could see that she had not contemplated being punished. If he had had the ability to influence others all his life, he could see how suddenly not having the chance to do so would be unsettling, especially when it came to deciding what happens to you for the rest of your life.

  “I can change!” said Psyotica.

  Evaran shook his head. “You showed no mercy to those you killed. I retrieved some of Caltorus’s logs from his cathedral. You have a file, and it lists out some of your … deeds. In one case, you had a young girl kill her mother. The disturbing part is you smiled while making her do it. Caltorus even noted you as unusually cruel. No, I do not think you are capable of change, given the nature of your power. You will be exiled.”

  “No! You can’t do this!” said Psyotica. She pounded on the force field.

  “I can. You are a serial killer who, if the opportunity to murder presented itself, would take advantage of it,” said Evaran. He circled a finger in the air.

  Darius interacted with the console, and the force field went dark.

  Jake gauged the mood in the room. He could see there was some shock, and others were nodding in agreement. Psyotica was going to have permanent isolation until the day she died. He understood Evaran’s reasoning. Psyotica had made him shoot Emily, and his own father. Had it been a lethal weapon, it could have been much worse. He focused his attention on the next cell that pulled up.

  The force field on the cell went semitransparent.

  “Red Lightning. Do you understand why you are here?” asked Evaran.

  Red Lightning struck a defiant pose as she faced Evaran. “To stand trial in your mock court.”

  Evaran shook his head. “No. There is no trial. You have been convicted of aiding Caltorus and of the mass deaths performed during your service to him.”

  “Whatever. Caltorus will resolve this, just wait.”

  “Caltorus is stranded. I took away his rift door. I also know whe
re he is, physically, in this universe, and more importantly … from when. He would be long dead unless he can live millions of years. His domain is so far away that it is improbable he could get to Earth through conventional means.”


  “Nonetheless, I am giving you a choice, something Psyotica did not get. You can choose to be exiled to a planet in one of the last galaxies, where you cannot hurt anyone, or you can stay in your cell and submit to the new Earth council’s judgment. Normally, I would just give you the same fate as Psyotica, but your power can be more readily contained. You have until the end of the day to decide.”

  Sweat formed on Red Lightning’s forehead. “Do your worst. No cell can hold me.”

  “You are in one that is doing just that.”

  Red Lightning snorted and sat back down.

  Evaran circled a finger in the air.

  Jake wondered what Red Lightning would choose. He suspected that if she chose the new Earth council, they would give her a death sentence, and he suspected she knew that. Still, she had a choice, whereas Psyotica did not. The thought of exile, alone, for the rest of someone’s life sent a chill down his back. He focused on the next cell that came into view.

  The force field on the cell went semitransparent.

  “Bruno. Do you know why you are here?” asked Evaran.

  “Yeah … I messed up, but I cooperated. After seeing all the shit about you in Earth’s history, no way I’m going up against that. That was never part of my contract with Caltorus.”

  Evaran nodded. “Your cooperation was appreciated. There were no deaths that I could attribute to you, although you did cause general mayhem. As you are not from this world, you will be sent back to yours. I do not know the coordinates, but I do know it is in the list of coordinates on Caltorus’s rift door. I understand you have claustrophobia. As such, I am releasing you to Tim, of the Maurath Clan. He is equal to you in strength, and he is one of many in his clan with that attribute. You will be under his jurisdiction until your world’s coordinates are found.”

  Bruno exhaled loudly. “Thanks.”

  “Also, you put up a good fight.”

  “I know I talked shit before, but you’re pretty tough yourself.”

  Evaran nodded. “Once this sentencing is over, you will go with Tim.”

  “All right.”

  Jake could see that Bruno had bitten off far more than he could chew, and Evaran recognized it. Thankfully, Bruno had also realized it before it went too far. Otherwise he would be getting a much harsher sentence. Jake observed the next cell sliding into place.

  “Decatron. Do you know why you are here?” asked Evaran.

  “Yeah, because I dared to defy you. You know … not everyone bows down to your bullshit.”

  “Noted. Your sentence is much easier. Without your armor, you are less difficult to deal with. I am turning you over to the new Earth council. They can decide what to do with you. Your armor will be given to them as well.”

  Decatron tossed a hand in the air. “Like I give a crap what they think.”

  “You will when they issue their sentence.”

  Evaran circled a finger in the air.

  The force field went dark, and the next cell slid forward.

  “Ares. Do you know why you are here?”

  “Not really … I thought we had a deal.”

  “We do,” said Evaran. He glanced at Darius, who tapped at the console.

  The force field dissipated.

  “You are free to go, on three conditions,” said Evaran. He raised a finger. “One. No more off-world trading.”

  Ares shook his head. “All right … and the second?”

  “You will give me all the information about where you got those Palisin-energy restraints.”

  “Done. Next?”

  “You will reinstate yourself as a member of the Imperium, and you will follow their rules.”

  Ares closed his eyes for a moment while sighing. “Fine.”

  “Do not make me regret my decision.”

  “No way. The fact someone as powerful as Caltorus is gone … yeah. Plus, I heard what happened to Seeros.”

  Evaran eyed Ares. “That was necessary.”

  “Uh-huh. I guess his sentence was death by Outsider,” said Ares. He tossed his hand out. “Malazim, or something? Then he was bombed to oblivion?”

  Evaran clenched his jaw for a moment. “Go.”

  Ares shrugged and was then escorted out of the room.

  Evaran faced the viewing room. “Our final person is coming now.” He tapped at his ARI.


  An orange mist appeared as the Mover teleported in. Next to him was Count Valgus.

  “The Mover. I am glad you decided to come, instead of being hunted,” said Evaran.

  “Yeah … I’m not sure how the Imperium found me so fast,” said the Mover.

  “I gave them a specific energy pattern caused by localized condensed space movement.”

  “Uhh … okay.”

  Evaran tilted his head at Count Valgus. “I was not expecting you.”

  Count Valgus shook a finger at Evaran. “I don’t know what you did … but my club was attacked.”

  “I can help repair that.”

  “Can you raise the dead too? Almost everyone there died that day. I lost a good third of my clan there. Me and a few others only survived because the Mover teleported us away.”

  “I do not understand. Why did you not contact me?”

  “How? I don’t have a personal Evaran communicator … and when I tried to reach the Helians, they weren’t answering calls,” said Count Valgus. He bared his fangs. “They say destruction follows where you go. It seems just by you visiting, destruction has rained down on me.”

  “Is Jaleb okay?”

  “He’s dead. They literally ripped him in half. Those scaly goons were large and powerful, even against someone of my might.”

  Evaran looked down. “I … I am sorry. How can I help?”

  “You can help by staying away from me. I’m only here because I wanted to tell you to your face. Leave me … alone. Do not involve me in your schemes.”

  Evaran furrowed his eyebrows as he focused on the Mover. “I have sentenced the others. Since you took my advice and chose a different path, and you also helped Count Valgus, I am not giving you a sentence. You are free to go.”

  The Mover gulped as he raised his head a bit. “Thank you.” He looked at Count Valgus. “You ready?”

  Count Valgus stared at Evaran with fire in his eyes. “Yes, I am. We should go before something else happens to me.”

  Evaran’s lips went taut as the Mover and Count Valgus disappeared in a cloud of orange mist. He faced Darius. “That is all the sentencing. We are done here.”

  “I’ll get Bruno hooked up with Tim.”

  “Thank you,” said Evaran.

  “And for the record, I’m proud that you came, regardless of the consequences. A lot of us feel that way.”

  “It is appreciated, but sometimes I forget that my mere presence can cause ripples that affect others, such as Count Valgus. I knew Jaleb. He was a good person.”

  Darius nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that. As a Helian council member, I’ll reach out and offer any help for Count Valgus to rebuild.”

  “It would be appreciated.”

  Jake exhaled as he eased back into his chair. “Whew. That was crazy.”

  “Seemed pretty fair to me,” said Emily.

  “I’m sure it was. I guess I was just thinking about being on a planet with no human contact. Ever.”

  “Yeah, that sentence is kinda harsh,” said Dr. Snowden. “But at least Red Lightning has an option to submit to the new Earth council.”

  Robert smiled. “Well, Psyotica won’t be able to control anyone that would shoot their own father.”

  “Or shoot a friend,” said Emily with a small smile.

  Jake sighed as he shook his head. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
  Emily swatted his arm.

  Dr. Snowden sipped his morning coffee alone as he watched the sun rise out on the landing pad at Lord Noskov’s base. The sentencing had been the day before, and everyone had taken the rest of the day off. Today was to be a big day, as Evaran was picking up everyone to head out to meet the Kreagan representative for Earth that had worked with the Helian council in the past. Dr. Snowden wondered who would be a part of the new Earth council, or Earth Ward, as they were calling themselves.

  Evaran was out collecting everyone while Dr. Snowden waited along with Emily, Jake, Robert, and Mikhail, who was representing the ancient vampires.

  Dr. Snowden heard the familiar sound of Emily’s footsteps.

  “Hey,” said Emily as she took a seat next to him. She cupped a container with orange juice.

  He acknowledged her.

  She looked out. “It’s so beautiful here in the morning.”

  “You sure you wouldn’t want to be on a shadow world looking out?”


  “You feeling any different?”

  Emily shook her head. “I don’t. I know Evaran said that the nanobots that infected Caltorus were destroyed when he purged them, and that I now have fewer in me, but it was a small amount, and so far, I haven’t felt anything. I do feel more relaxed, though. I never realized how important having the Torvatta in my life was.”

  “It’s our home.”

  Her eyes rested on Dr. Snowden for a moment. “Yep.”

  “You and Zed okay?”

  “Not fully, but … it’s a work in progress.”

  Dr. Snowden nodded. His attention was drawn to Jake, Robert, and Mikhail exiting the docking bay. He waved at them as they approached.

  Robert took a sip of his coffee as he sat next to Dr. Snowden.

  Mikhail rubbed his left hand with his thumb. “So an alien planet? This … Kreagus.”

  “Yep,” said Jake. “The Kreagan Star Empire’s capital planet.”

  “This will be interesting. I’m not comfortable representing all the ancient vampires.”

  “You’re the oldest outside of the big four.”

  Mikhail sighed.

  “Don’t worry,” said Dr. Snowden. “Kreagus is a great place. It was where Emily and I went on our first real trip with Evaran.”


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