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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 26

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  Shorty this time initiated the attack by throwing a roundhouse kick followed by an elbow strike to utilize the blades on the back of his arms. The attack was swift, intending to stab the heart, but pierced only air. Being small meant speed, but Cage dedicated to be even faster and no matter how fierce Shorty was, he couldn’t land a punch. After a minute, Shorty heard “Catch!” as Bern threw the quarterstaff over.

  He caught it and spun, attempting a leg sweep.

  Cage jumped backwards, arched his back and extended his arms. He watched as the sweep tuned into an overhead drop. With a snap kick, Cage clipped his opponent’s jaw and sent the staff flying. The flip continued and he landed deftly on his feet while Shorty landed on his ass-set.

  Then they watched as Cage blindly caught the staff and began to twirl it around so fast that it whistled and became a blur the eye could not easily follow. Then it stopped as it was thrown like a spear not an inch from Shorty’s manhood.

  The former quarterstaff weapon’s master of Emroc held his throbbing jaw while his eye were wide before he whispered “What god made you!?”

  “Gods do not exist. Not bad for a warm-up.” He still grinned as he rolled his shoulder.

  Shorty looked to his speechless comrades to ask “Did you use any magic.”

  “He did not.” Ulon declared. “I used magic to heal you, Shorty Two-leg’s, as a training partner for the warlock. He didn’t even us a tendril to see beyond himself. He fought as any non-magical two-legs.”

  “So I guess I didn’t get the job?” Shorty managed to stand and jerked his staff out of the sand.

  Instead of answering Cage asked “What’s your opinion, Metak?”

  The seven elders came over and the eldest of the tribe said “His skills are clearly on Brooke’s and Meeka’s level for certain. Little movement was wasted and showed he has been training since childhood. We are more surprised he lasted as long as he did in a first fight where he has not seen your abilities whereas we are. This trident and bola are not known to us, but that demonstration was well done. He is certainly an Emrocan weapon’s master.”

  “But I just lost.”

  His new mate laid a hand on his shoulder. “Few can claim to have defeated the chief. I can attest to know that Daku is his equal, if not superior. You’ve done me proud again, Shorty Love. I’m aroused. Let’s go have sex again.” She grabbed his hand and led him straight for the tree most adults share.

  Before they got too far Cage said “Be ready by morning to teach! And you better not wear him out.”

  “I cannot promise, Chief!” She joked and the women laughed. Shorty barely managed to gather his clothes before eagerly expecting his reward.

  “Well I’m done for the day. Bern, the crystal?”

  “Oh, right.” The ranger fished out the crystal he was given and tossed it back.

  It was caught midair and held in a closed fist. “Thanks, but I’m magically drained and still need to do a few things. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  “I shall wait here on my mate.” Ulon decided and laid down while Cage took off for home.

  “Will we be able to visit your home, Ulon pinkscales?” Elder Shania risked asking.

  “The second rotation of this one will be safe, but you must call from the mouth before approaching for your own safety.” Is all Cage heard before going out of range.

  Just a moment before he set foot into his home the crystal began ringing like a telephone and glowing blue. He answered “Hello?”


  “Good evening, Tiffa.”

  “I wish I could say so, but Meeka and the others just left. We had a large supper here so my daughters said you do not need to make it for their return… and thank you for all the gifts and for letting me hear Nolan’s voice once again. I am most grateful you let me see my granddaughter I never knew I had. She is so beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome.” He closed the door and rekindled the fire in the living room and sat the crystal on the mantle to start stretching again. “We can talk later when you and Cillian wish to meet Nolan’s team and learn more of your son’s exploits.”

  “We would greatly appreciate it.” Cillian’s voice entered. “Good night.”

  “You too.” And then came Tiffa’s command of ‘hang up.’ and the conversation ended.

  Chapter 8

  With a gentle landing, Daku’s six uncertain passengers climbed off. Only one being too young to comprehend the situation. His piercing blue eyes blinked as the pink and silver dragons waved their hands in farewell before flying over the mountain for their new den. He then used griffin magic to shrink to a more appropriate size and flew to land on Sean’s shoulder. Rena cared for her new little sister while her mothers’ whispered to a third woman who was understandably anxious and hesitant. All he could do was smile at what is to come.

  Sean led the way, kicking some snow off the dark path, but glad to be able to see from the lights coming from the giant oak tree.

  The first sight to be seen inside was completely irrational and those that followed were likewise uncertain.

  Cage balanced precariously on the palm of his hand, on the back of a wooden chair that sat at the dining table. Only it wasn’t on all fours or even the back two legs. He balanced on one chair leg, hand-standing completely straight and not moving a muscle. He displayed perfect balance as his heels barely missed the ceiling. His hair was straight from gravity and his golden tanned, bare body’s backside faced the front door.

  “How does he not fall?” the young woman asked between Brooke and Meeka.

  Brooke shrugged and Meeka answered. “He is exceedingly careful, moving so slightly so that he doesn’t tumble and hurt himself. He still scares me too. He is fixated on balance, speed and endurance, which you will learn soon enough.”

  “Does he do this often?”

  “Never in this room before, but yes.” Brooke said with a smile of admiration in her mate’s physique. “Usually he does it on the balcony ramp or out back with his training gear. He is a sight to behold.”

  “Utter perfection in any man I’ve ever met.” Meeka licked her lips, forgetting all the tears she shed with her parents today.

  “So what can I do for you, Tohka?” Came Cage’s deep voiced request. Without wobbling even fractionally he twisted his arm till he turned to face them. Three sets of eyes roved him sexually while the other four were curious. “Rena, I see you don’t have any girlfriends tonight. Something the matter, Kiddo?”

  The eight year old little warrior offered a half smile at her dad’s oddity. “I just want some sleep, Dad. I’m tired and Ananna needs to as well.”

  With a surprising display of agility, Cage bent his elbow and pushed off in such a way that the chair landed on all four legs while he rotated and landed in the seat as it was meant to be. His black eyes were penetrating, but all he said was “Alright. I already added a few logs to your room and the chill should be knocked off by now. Go ahead and get some sleep.”

  “Thank you, Dad.” Rena came over to give a hug and Ananna grasped for one as well, which she got and smiled as only a one year old could. Without another word they disappeared upstairs.

  “She have a hard day?” He asked when she was out of earshot.

  Meeka said “Just really embarrassed. She was cooking with Kim and Zatal when Sassy suddenly snuck up behind her while she carried Father’s ale and the drinks went flying right into the fireplace and nearly burnt my parents’ house down. The fire spread quickly and between Zatal, Daku and Brooke they managed to get it under control. By the time I, the children, Moril and Chala came back with buckets of water it was controlled. Rena took it hard.”

  “She tries to be perfect.” Brooke smiled towards the ceiling, almost as if she could see her darling daughter ready for bed. “None were upset and Cillian had a good laugh, but she takes her accidents hard. She would have been worse off if she had been alone, but she is surrounded by love and that helped I think.”

  Cage nodde
d and turned to the quiet woman worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. Tohka, like most Utala, had creamy copper skin and black hair, but only one other native could claim longer hair. Tohka had hair that tumbled like a silky curtain that reached her lower back in a single braided rope only the most skillful hands could manage. She wasn’t as tall as Brooke or as muscled. Nor was she as well endowed as Meeka. She stood between the pair with large and shy chocolate brown eyes and full lips which highlighted high cheekbones and her heart shaped face. She had a pixie-like nose and was unblemished. Tohka stood an inch shorter than both Meeka and Brooke and fuller of breast than the priestess and where she stood between them acted much like a gradual transfer of feminine assets and perfection. And Tohka’s complexion wasn’t as coppery dark as Brooke either. Cage knew she was twenty two, also between Brooke and Meeka’s ages. At her hip was the standard dagger all wore except him and Brooke. In her hair was a single bead, one that meant she didn’t have much of a place, but the gray bead meant a great deal more than most realized. “Tohka, you look like you need to get something off your chest. You don’t need to be shy of me.”

  Tohka’s large eyes pleaded for Brooke’s aid, which she gladly gave. Sean pulled out three chairs for the women to sit by his dad and moved over to the fire to warm up and pet Daku, who watched the other adults with an expression of mirth.

  The trio faced him and Cage took in their actions like a hawk who spotted a squirrel away from its tree.

  Brooke said “Cage Love, when we arrived I witnessed Eoin’s mating challenges when learning you said I would, which I did not mind. So that you know, all five remaining unmated females are now likely making passionate love. He forced all five to submit, receiving a minor cut on his cheek, by using his overwhelming strength.” She then pat Tohka on the thigh. “It is rare to have so many mating challenges in a pair of days. More than twenty. It was bound to have consequences, the good kind I might add.” She smiled as she held his gaze as a fellow warrior. “So much love making will make our people prosper, as will this family. Cage Love, what do you think of Tohka?”

  Now I get it. He thought, but didn’t reveal anything in expression. “I know she loves you desperately, Brooke. When I defeated you on the plains she screamed ‘No!’ and took it the hardest.” All three women stared openly. Tohka’s coppery coloring reddened in embarrassment. “Tohka, I’ve seen you and that can be said for more than your man, did you win the right to be unmated?”

  “Cannot pull anything over our mate can we?” Meeka joked.

  Tohka though asked quietly “What do you know of me? And what do you mean you see me where my own man hadn’t?”

  He leaned back in the cold seat. “Though we’ve never spoken, doesn’t mean you’re invisible to me. You’re the kind of person I especially take an interest in. You blend in the background, keep your distance. You are timid compared to every other Utala woman. You never say anything without thinking it through.

  “The day after I slept with Brooke and Meeka I saw you were both jealous and scared of me… and a bit pissed. You out of the whole tribe I knew would stab me in the back if I hurt Brooke, like the former Chief who raped her as soon as she became a woman…”

  “Do not exaggerate, Love.” Brooke warned.

  “He’s not.” Tohka admitted quietly. “For you, I would have dishonored myself to kill him, knowing I too would have died.”

  The priestess and healer both were thunderstruck at this. Before they could dwell he said “And before Meeka and I came to the tribe I know you were Brooke’s secret girlfriend.” Bothe women weren’t denying that fact. “But because I won her, you suffered. I say that because with me as chief, you could no longer be together often with the woman you love so long as you weren’t also my mate. You also had a bit of a spat as soon as we were leaving the mountains, before the wyvern attack. I know Brooke tried to leave one night two months back, likely to see if she could sleep with you, but I do not know what happened.”

  “I couldn’t be aroused by her like I was.” Brooke admitted bashfully.

  He inclined his head for the information. “All I know is after that day, Tohka, I saw less and less of you watching Brooke from a distance, obsessing over her. I was starting to wonder if the two of us needed to have a chat anyway before one of us did something… regretful.” The woman could see the dark promise in his neutral gaze. “And with my new hearing and eyes I learned what it was you were doing instead of following us and feeling miserable. I found you were training with Zanza since her normal duties have slacked with pregnancy and pieced together that you were preparing for a challenge to be unmated, knowing full well you needed help to get out. For out of all women, you are weakest in combat beside the elders. You are not a natural born fighter, especially since your bead is that of a nurturer.” Tohka touched the gray wooden bead hanging off her left temple. “You studied my lessons from afar and took aid where you could, all so that you could be unmated to therefore honorably challenge me, to be with Brooke in every way again, but your mate isn’t a pushover, having won eight women to himself. So am I wrong?”

  “It is all true.” She barely choked out and wiped a few tears away.

  Meeka this time said “Brooke came to me a few weeks ago with an idea and I was eager to try so we snuck off with Tohka and learned why Brooke couldn’t be aroused. When I was there, the three of us were able to make love. It was proof Tohka could become another lover, even though she isn’t a spirit mate. Daku?”

  The white griffin, still in Sean’s lap, said “Those with unbreakable spirit mates rarely take on another partner once found, but like Zatal and his five mates, love can grow to where unbreakables can become spirit mated to another. I know I would have had two females, but in my kind, unbreakables brought in others to the nest till they found their genuine spirit mate.” Those intense blue eyes narrowed before he said “Unfortunately, Tohka’s color isn’t there as most mortals have one. It means her one true mate has died without ever meeting her. She is blank, able to bond with anyone. Given time and effort of reciprocated love, she can become spirit mated to anyone. It is why she is so timid for a female. She is starving for love, not knowing why she feels so lonely.”

  Heavy silence resulted after that till Cage said “Tohka, answer this one question honestly. You had a strong man who has many mates. To Utala, that is a great honor. Why did you leave him and your sisters? Beyond your love for Brooke.”

  Her eyes glued themselves to the floor before saying quietly “I’m tired. I’ve yet to have a baby from the man who won me six years ago while my sisters all have had five by this time. He has not touched me in close to a year, not that I encouraged him. My sisters also ignore me greatly. But Brooke was attentive and Meeka was kind enough to allow us to be together. It gave me hope I might be able to be with less yet have more. I do not think I can bore a child if I have not by now. I do not like being away from others and forced to watch over the children without respect since all my sisters are huntresses and my former man was the third strongest male warrior. I fear you, but seeing how you treat the tribe, children and Brooke… it made me want to apologize. A nurturer shouldn’t have dark thoughts, especially towards a good chieftain who does more than any other. I wish to rectify my mistakes and be your mate.”

  He sat silently for a few moments before looking to Brooke. “What are your thoughts?”

  Brooke claimed Tohka’s hand. “She is a wonderful woman few truly know as well as I. And although you and Meeka are my world, I still love her very much. She was there for me all the time. Gave me love and was almost a mother to Rena all her life. As a benefit to you, Cage love, she has a skillful tongue.”

  Tohka’s head lifted instantly, saw Brooke wink and she couldn’t stop herself from glancing at the enormous lance looking at her from the seat.


  The cursed healer took the nurturer’s other hand and said huskily “How can I say no to having another beautiful person in my bed. We will be a quartet, wh
ich will make us only stronger. Though Tohka and I have been together once, I too can attest she has a wicked tongue. She made my flower quiver quite strongly. I too can imagine easily falling in love with her. But that mean’s I’ll need to keep wearing this, even to bed.” She lifted her leather bracelet with the triangular crystal imbedded within that protects her lips from coming in contact with any living thing that will be frozen to death. “And as a healer, I need to be sure if she is sterile, as you say you are, My Love.”

  He tilted his head before saying “It’s harder to find if a woman’s infertile. I’ll need to ask Granny. She might know or can send me to someone who can.” Cage then stood. “Tohka,” hesitantly she looked up into his overly handsome face. “if this is what you want, I will challenge you, but you must prove it.”

  In answer she unsheathed her bone handled, six and a half inch dagger, laid it in the table and began to take off her clothes. As she was about to take her shoes off he said “No leave them on.” She obeyed and grabbed the dagger. “Let’s go outside so nothing will be disturbed.” Tohka agreed with a nod.

  A dozen small glowing orbs appeared out in the darkness as they stepped out, offering plenty of light. Brooke and Meeka eagerly held hands, giddy that they were going to have another new love while Sean and Daku moved to the other side to watch.

  Cage noticed the cold really affecting Tohka as her nipples had hardened enough to cut glass, but she had a timid and fierce determination to succeed. She grabbed the dagger and took a stance much like he’d taught the tribe, but she held her knife a little low intentionally, which he could see would become a thrust mixed with an uppercut the moment the match would start.

  Brooke raised a hand “Begin!”

  Just as predicted, she lunged, trying to use her shorter stature to an advantage. Cage noticed immediately how she had won her earlier match to be unmated. She would have surprised her man of six years and his knowledge of her would have been underestimated. Nevertheless, Cage never underestimated, simply fed off the opponent’s capabilities. His porous feet gripped the snow, better than her shoes, but she had fierce determination to win. She yelled as she struck, cutting only air as he sidestepped. Tohka twisted and kicked out, but he grabbed her leg and lifted, sending her back and landing in snow. She struggled and realized he was toying with her, like he does to everyone. A cat to a mouse. She knew she had to do better to gain his approval and threw the blade at his face.


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