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Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three

Page 24

by Anne L. Parks

  Stopping in front of me, she turns the painting so I can see it. It's a landscape, with white houses, blue water, and boats. We have about seven or eight—I've lost count—in our hotel room, and they all look the same. She swears they are different. Who am I to argue?

  "It's very nice," I say.

  "I think so, too, and the man who painted it is just a sweetheart."

  She says that about every old man she purchases a painting from, as well. I can't help but laugh. She's damn adorable.

  I glance over her shoulder to see if our boat is coming into dock. I don't want to look at my watch, but it should be here any minute now. A man stands about twenty feet from us. His back is to me, but something about him is familiar. The hair on my arms stands on end, and my protective sense is spiking. He turns around, and I pull Kylie into my body and hold her tightly against me.

  John Sysco. My blood pressure spikes, and the instinct to charge him and break his neck courses through my blood. Death is too good for the bastard. He deserves to be tortured, death coming in hourly increments over days—or weeks.

  "What's wrong?" Kylie tries to pull away from me, but I clamp down on her biceps. She turns her head to look over her shoulder.

  "No, don't look."

  She stills, her eyes wide as she looks at me. "Alex. What's behind me? You're freaking me out."

  I pull her into a tight embrace. Dammit, the last thing I want to do is scare her. But if she sees John…

  I need to let Jake know what's going on, so he can track Sysco. This is the closest we've been to him. At least, that I know of, anyway. The fact that the asshole is here, and doesn't look the least bit surprised to see us, tells me he's been keeping track of us.

  I close my eyes and count slowly to ten. I can't kill him with all these people around. As much as I want to, I won't put myself in a position to be sent to prison, and losing Kylie. Not ever. Opening my eyes, I peer at the spot where John stood. He's gone, and a quick scan of the area doesn't find him.


  Kylie squirms against me, trying to get free. I take a deep breath, exhale, and loosen my hold on her. When she pulls back, her eyes narrow on me.

  I smile. "Baby, I didn't want you to see what the bird picked up in it's talons and carried away." I hate lying to her, but there is no way around it. If she knows John is here, and potentially stalking us, she will descend into that dark place she hides when John is a threat.

  Her face pales a bit. "Snake?"

  I nod, and a shiver passes through her.

  "Good call," she says, and looks around. "So, not that I don't love standing on a dock with you in Greece, but why are we here?"

  "Waiting for our ride."

  "Ride to where?"

  "An island." I smile, a chuckle building in my chest. I know I'm being vague. Intentionally, too, since I know it drives her crazy to have to pull things out of me a word or two at a time. Fun game. Never gets old.

  "What's on the island?" she asks.

  "A house."

  Stepping back form me, she drops her hand to her hips, and cocks her head to the side. I wish I could see her eyes, but she's wearing sun glasses. "A house?"

  "Our house," I clarify.

  "Our house?" Her mouth screws up into a slightly intrigued, slightly perturbed smile.

  "On our island." Yeah, this is getting more fun by the second.

  "Our island," she says, and shifts her feet so her hip kicks out to the side. "You bought an island?"

  "You asked for one."

  She stands in silence for a moment, and I can only guess she is trying to recall when she ever asked me for an island. Her mouth gapes. She remembers…

  "Christ, Alex, that was a joke."

  "You don't want the island?"

  "Well…yeah, I want the island." Her smile slides into a full face grin.

  I step closer to her, gently grasp her forearms and pull her to me. "It's your anniversary gift—belated anniversary gift."

  "This trip is for our anniversary." Her voice has that silky, seductive tone that makes me want to throw caution to the wind and make love to her right here on the dock.

  "Only one part of the gift. I had to get you here somehow. The island is the main surprise."

  She hooks her fingers into the belt loops on my shorts, and lowers her voice. "You know, I don't mind flowers as a gift."

  "I did that on our wedding day."

  She smiles, the same way she did when she found out I had picked out the flowers that had the most meaning to both of us and had a bouquet made for our wedding. "Okay, I like chocolates, too."

  "That was last year's gift."

  She throws her head back and laughs, and my heart nearly explodes in my chest. "You paid for me to have a private tour of a chocolate macadamia nut factory in Hawaii. That's not the same thing as buying me a box of chocolates for our anniversary."

  I gather her in my arms and bring her so close our lips almost touch. "There are so many rules associated with gifts. I can't be expected to know them all."

  She shakes her head, the grin returning to her face. "You bought an island."

  I kiss her gently on the lips. "I bought an island."

  * * *

  "In other news, the body of John Sysco was found off the coast of Greece. Sysco was charged in the murder of James Wells. The victim's son, billionaire businessman, Alex Stone, was convicted of the murder, but that conviction was overturned when Sysco's co-conspirator implicated him in the crime. Sysco was serving a twenty-five year sentence at the state hospital for the attempted murder of Stone's wife, Kylie Stone. Sysco and Wells, who was also serving a sentence at the same hospital for the murder of Stone's mother, escaped and had been fugitives. Wells body was found on his son's estate. Sysco was a fugitive for over two years until his body was found early yesterday morning.

  While results of the autopsy have not been released, preliminary cause of death is suicide, however, the coroner has not ruled out foul play.

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  * * *



  Writing a book is hard work. Writing this series has been thrown me just as many twists, curves, and loop-de-loops as the characters went through in each story. I have loved Alex and Kylie from the moment they popped into my head. They were the first story I had written in too many years to count, when I had given up on just about everything, and was trying to figure out where to go next. They opened a door and showed me the way. I couldn't love them more if they were living, breathing people. They are in my life, my heart, and my soul forever.

  So many hands touch a book before it is published. Thanks to my amazing editor, Helen Hardt (, who not only continues to teach me, but also encourages and inspires me. A huge thanks to my personal assistant/marketing expert, Drue Hoffman, who is the most patient person in the world, and should be considered for sainthood. She listens to me, helps me, and probably more than should be necessary, kicks my ass.

  Covers are the first thing readers see when they look for a book. I wanted understated sexy for this series. And that is what I got. I absolutely love my covers. These covers started with a great photographer, Shauna Kruse, from Kruse Images and Photography ( I knew as soon as I saw pictures of Stephen Hughes-Landers in a suit, I had found the model to portray Alex on my covers. After what might have been setbacks for others (Stephen was close to not having a suit to wear during a freezing outdoor shoot), the three of us met up in New York City, and spent the day traipsing up and down Manhattan taking pictures, sightseeing, and eating. Lots of eating. Big thanks to Victoria Bronshteyn, and Entertainment Cruises ( for the fabulous cruise on the beautiful Bateaux. There is no better way to see the Statue of Liberty and have the most delicious meal than cruising the harbor o
n one of their ships. Huge thanks to my cover designer, the aforementioned saintly Drue Hoffman, who took my vision and created these amazingly sexy covers. I am humbled.

  My family and friends have been very patient with me through the writing of each of these books. Thanks to my husband, who always encourages my dreams, and never allows me to give up. My sister and best friend, LeighAnn Sughrue, who loves Alex and Kylie as much as I do, and encouraged me to publish their story. My exceptionally brilliant kids, who know when to approach me and when to back off while I'm writing. I forgive you for all the interruptions and eye rolls.

  Thanks to the bloggers and reviewers who spent countless hours promoting and building the Indie publishing world. Thanks Dana Gallie and Darcy Krista for reading and providing much needed insights.

  Thanks the readers, who sustain the us in more ways than you can imagine. I have loved all the messages I have received. Your words touch my soul, and bring a smile to my face daily.

  I will miss writing about Alex and Kylie, but it is time for them to have their happily ever after. Every minute I have spent with them has been a joy.

  * * *

  The End

  About the Author

  Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains, Anne L. Parks has spent the last 25 years moving all over the United States. Married to the Navy – well a Commander in the Navy – Parks has lived in various locales throughout the United States. She currently resides in the Washington D.C area, and is loving every minute. When not writing, she spends her time reading, doing yoga, mountain biking, and keeping track of four kids. And drinking wine.

  2013 marked her debut in publishing, with her first novel, Strangers, which released on her 45th birthday. Readers fell in love with a story about two people dealing with grief, and finding love again. Abby and Bryce are the perfect couple to introduce Parks as an up-and-coming author.

  Her second novel, The Return, released in December 2013, and was the catalyst for the Return To Me series, a five-book series about second chance love. Other books in this series include, Return To Newport, Lauren’s Return, Returning Home, and RSVP: A Return To Me Christmas novella.

  Parks stepped out of her comfort zone, and delved into the paranormal with a group of highly talented authors. The result? Elementals, An Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance Anthology, about four sisters fighting to save the earth – and each other – from their deranged mother.

  Currently, Parks is hard at work on her the highly suspenseful Tri-Stone Trilogy. Of Demons & Stones, the first book in the trilogy, and Revenge: Of Demons & Stones Book Two, are both available at all major distributors. Book three, Vindication, will be available March, 2017.

  Find Anne At:



  Also by Anne L. Parks

  The Return Series

  The Return

  Return To Newport

  Lauren’s Return

  Returning Home


  The Tri-Stone Trilogy

  Of Demons & Stones



  Stand Alone’s & Anthologies


  Celebrate - A Love Brothers Anthology (No longer available)

  Elementals (No longer available)




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