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Star Wars - Droid Trouble

Page 3

by Chuck Sperati

  Fweep (Artoo-ZeeOne)

  Type: R2 Astromech Droid


  Dodge 2D+2


  Bureaucracy 4D, bureaucracy: Bothawui 7D+2, bureaucracy: Imperial 6D, planetary systems 6D


  Astrogation 6D, communications 8D+1, starfighter piloting 4D


  Sneak 3D+2



  Computer programming/repair 7D+1, security 5D, starfighter repair 6D+2, starship weapon repair 6D

  Character Points: 10

  Move: 6 (4 while damaged)

  Equipped With:

  • Three wheeled legs (one retractable)

  • Retractable heavy grasper arm (+1D to lifting)

  • Retractable fine work grasper arm

  • Extendable 0.3-meter-long video sensor (360-degree rotation)

  • Small electric arc welder (3D damage, 0.3-meter range)

  • Small circular saw ( 1D damage, 0.3-meter range)

  • Video display screen

  • Holographic projector/recorder (1-meter range)

  • Fire extinguisher

  • Small internal “cargo” area (20 cm by 8 cm)

  • Information storage/retrieval jack for computer link-up

  • Broad band antenna receiver (can monitor broadcast and communication frequencies)

  Capsule: R2-Z1 (Artoo-ZeeOne), nicknamed Fweep, is a troublesome little droid who can be as annoying as he can be stubborn. Although he doesn’t realize it. R2-Z1 makes a sound resembling a pitched “fweep” that changes according to mood. He has an incredibly one-tracked mind and persistently works at any given task until it is completed, a trait that brings him trouble as often as praise. Fweep is extraordinarily loyal, making the transition between masters difficult at best. But once he accepts a new master, he will serve faithfully to the point of his own destruction.


  Type: Twi’lek Mercenary


  Blaster 4D, blaster: heavy blaster pistol 8D, brawling parry 5D, dodge 6D, grenade 4D+2


  Business 6D, intimidation 5D+ 2, streetwise 6D


  Repulsorlift operation 6D, starship gunnery 4D+1


  Con 7D, gambling 6D+1, hide 5D, search 5D+2, sneak 6D+2


  Brawling 4D


  Blaster repair 5D, computer program/repair 5D, first aid 7D, repulsorlift repair 3D+1, security 5D

  Special Abilities:

  Tentacles: Twi’leks can use their tentacles to communicate in secret with other Twi’leks, even in a room full of individuals.

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blast vest (+1 from energy, +1D from physical, torso only), comlink, heavy blaster pistol (5D)

  Capsule: Tavri has wandered the galaxy since he was old enough to leave home. In order to stay out of the civil war. Tavri spent much of his time in the Fringe, hiring out the skills he’s learned to the highest bidder. A mishap with the Imperials landed him in a detention block, at the same time a detective for hire named Nim Bola was investigating a recent prison break. Bola made some type of bargain for the Twi’lek s freedom and hired him as his bodyguard. Tavri feels he owes Bola a tremendous debt and is extraordinarily loyal. Over the past few years, he has come to call his employer his friend.

  Bothawui Ambassador-class Shuttle

  Craft: SoroSuub Luxury Shuttle 001

  Type: Ambassador-class shuttle

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 50 meters

  Crew: 2, gunners: 1

  Crew Skill: See “Tereb Ab’Lon” and “Fweep”

  Passengers: 10

  Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons

  Consumables: 1 month

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

  Hyperdrive Backup: x14

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Maneuverability: 1D

  Space: 7

  Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kmh

  Hull: 3D

  Shields: 1D


  Passive: 15/1D

  Scan: 25/1D+2

  Search: 45/2D

  Focus: 4/3D


  Two Double Laser Cannons (fire linked)

  Fire Arc: Front

  Crew: 1

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 3D+1

  Range: 1-5/10/25

  Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/2.5 km

  Damage: 4D

  Capsule: The Ambassador-class shuttles were specifically built to spoil those with power. The Bothan ambassadors had these craft outfitted with comfort in mind. Some of its features include a huge meeting and recreational chamber, fully stocked galley, elegant dining facilities, and roomy deluxe cabins.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (08-1994)




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