by Steve Coll
Doha, 504, 523–24, 563–64, 565, 572, 584–85, 634, 638, 639, 640, 642–43
Donilon, Tom, 423, 448, 498, 525, 526–27, 539, 577, 579, 625, 632–33
Dostum, Abdul Rashid, 79, 111, 117, 184, 193–94, 704
drone strikes, 70, 74–75, 83–84, 409, 450, 646
in Pakistan, 6, 201, 210, 211, 246, 311, 313, 318, 320, 338–41, 355–60, 364, 369, 375, 438, 460, 515, 530–37, 554, 560, 568–69, 578, 654, 676
drone surveillance, 17, 82–84, 104, 117, 150, 388, 390
against Omar, 70–76, 339, 696–97
Drug Enforcement Administration, 139, 142, 267–68, 269, 270, 271, 275, 276, 666, 701
Dubai, 496
Dulles, Allen, 207
Dunford, Joseph, 652
Durani, Shah Shuja, 374, 375
Dushanbe, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22
DynCorp International, 189, 276
East Pakistan, 558
Edwards, Warren, 106, 119
Eggers, Jeff, 393, 486, 625, 631–32, 681
Egypt, 15, 78, 168, 317, 555
Eide, Kai, 373, 379, 380, 381
82nd Airborne, 105, 161–62
Eikenberry, Karl, 232–33, 384, 385, 396–99, 400, 408, 430, 452, 495
E.I.T., see enhanced interrogation
Elahi, Chaudhry Pervez, 292
elections, U.S.:
of 2010, 567
of 2012, 567
Elliott, David, 300
Emanuel, Rahm, 567
Enemy Tactical Infrastructure Reduction Campaign, 476
enhanced interrogation (E.I.T.), 169, 174, 175, 178, 208–9, 247, 249, 702–3
see also torture
Ensenat, Donald, 222
Environmental Protection Agency, 275
European Union, 457
“Everybody Knows” (song), ix
Fahim, Mohammed, 518, 519, 682–83, 684
Faisal, Sheikh, 632
Farahi, Abdul Manan, 609
Farrell, Theo, 225
Fayez, Sharif, 130
Fazl, Mohammad, 507
Fearon, James, 267
Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), 16, 26, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 121, 122, 153, 171, 174, 344, 347, 360, 361, 451, 610–11, 632
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Pakistan), 127, 151, 200, 208, 230, 235, 260, 283–284–6, 289, 316, 398, 629
C.I.A. drone strikes in, 6, 201, 210, 211, 246, 311, 313, 318, 320, 338–41, 355–60, 364, 369, 375, 438, 460, 515, 530–37, 554, 560, 568–69, 578, 654, 676
Pakistani Army surge in, 439–40
Feierstein, Gerry, 343
Feith, Douglas, 149
Finance Ministry, Afghanistan, 190, 191
Finn, Robert, 128, 129, 130, 133, 183, 680
Flournoy, Michèle, 423, 447
Flynn, Michael, 388, 389–92, 393, 395, 399, 441, 471–72, 475, 608, 681–82
Foggo, Kyle “Dusty,” 207
Foreign Ministry, Pakistan, 288–89, 434
Foreign Office, Britain, 274, 283, 304
Foreign Policy, 509
Foreign Terrorist Organizations, 677
Fort Hood shooting, 610, 654
Forward Operating Base Lonestar, 602–3
Fragmentation of Afghanistan, The (Rubin), 416
France, 78, 190, 203, 205–6, 463, 473, 607, 655, 661
Frankfurt, Germany, 11, 12, 18, 694
Franks, Tommy, 51, 71
and C.I.A.’s attempt to kill Omar, 73–74, 75
and closing of border with Pakistan, 107–8
committing troops to Tora Bora as concern of, 104, 105–6
Iraq War planned by, 102
large forces in Afghanistan opposed by, 106
Fraser, David, 227–28, 229
fratricidal violence, 590–615, 670–71
Freedom Town, 481
French Foreign Legion, 598
Fried, Daniel, 580, 581
Frontier Corps, 221, 284–85, 329–30
Fry, Rob, 226
Galbraith, Peter, 381
Gandhi, Indira, 384
Gannon, Kathy, 93, 157
Gardez, Afghanistan, 75, 117, 118–19, 264
Gastright, John, 256–57, 259
Gates, Robert, 175, 258, 282, 300, 332, 340, 366, 367, 390, 396, 401–2, 431, 466, 480–81, 494, 495, 496, 510, 557, 564, 567, 707, 719
preparation for Afghanistan surge by, 337, 407–8, 409
Gatten, Kevin, 179–80
Gayler, William, 476
Germany, 3, 129, 190, 441, 496, 498, 499, 504, 574, 607, 641, 651, 661
Ghani, Ashraf, 190–91, 379, 383, 648, 649, 651, 652–53, 660, 668, 675, 678–79, 682, 683
Ghazi, Tariq Waseem, 286
Ghazi, Uthman, 676
Ghul, Hassan, 208
Gilani, Daood, 344
Gillani, Yousaf, 426–27
Giustozzi, Antonio, 225
Glasser, Susan, 509
Global Response Center, 70, 71, 73, 338, 389, 438
and chance to kill Omar, 71–76
Gold Star Teen Adventures, 671
Goodson, Larry, 144–45
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 36
Gordon, David, 298, 313, 330, 331
Goss, Porter, 38, 50, 245, 696
made head of C.I.A., 207–8
resignation of, 246
Graham, Bob, 50, 696
Graham, Lindsey, 350–51, 486, 635, 710
Grau, Lester, 228
Great Britain, 17, 57, 78, 82, 106, 126, 129, 190, 223, 226, 329, 335, 374, 376, 420–21, 433, 457, 463, 498, 574, 607, 641, 655
and aerial spraying, 273–74, 277
C.I.A. estrangement from, 237–38
Great Game, 375, 431
Great Recession, 337, 354, 450
Green, Jim, 596, 604, 724
Green Berets, 118, 119, 142, 391
green zone, 464–69, 474, 475–76, 490–92, 536, 570
Grenier, Bob, 58–60, 61, 76, 90, 96, 97–98, 100, 151, 245, 248
C.T.C. vs., 90–91
I.S.I. trusted by, 59, 60, 63, 91–92, 153
Greystone, 80
Griffin, Joseph, 618
Gromov, Boris V., 668
Grossman, Marc, 537–39, 541, 542–43, 560, 563, 565, 572–74, 576, 577, 581–85, 627, 633, 681
Guantánamo, 150, 152, 170, 175, 176, 212, 242, 445, 504, 506, 507, 564, 572, 575, 580, 581, 664
Guardian, 526
guardian angels, 609
Guay, Jeff A. “Gunny,” 71, 75
Gul, Awal, 507
Gul, Hamid, 292
Gulf War, 64
Hadley, Stephen, 32, 110, 170, 202, 288, 297, 330, 332, 341, 653, 681
Hagel, Chuck, 223, 306–7, 314, 316, 384, 635–36
Hagenbeck, Franklin “Buster,” 120, 125, 126, 134
Haider, Faizan, 518, 519
Haines, Avril, 580
Halstead, Brian, 163
Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, emir of Qatar, 503–4, 523, 638
Hamas, 25
Hameed, Zulfiqar, 521
Hamlet Evaluation System, 299–300
Haq, Asim Sanaullah, 654–55
Haq, Ehsan ul-, 87–88, 89, 91, 100, 154
Haqqani, Badruddin, 576
Haqqani, Husain, 521, 526–27, 561, 680
Haqqani, Ibrahim, 157, 159, 565, 566–67, 576
Haqqani, Jalaluddin, 155, 156–57, 338, 403, 404
Haqqani, Khalil, 157
Haqqani, Sirajuddin, 575–76
Haqqani network, 154–57, 161, 220, 289, 290, 308, 310, 311, 312, 338, 424, 426, 460, 499–500, 503, 507, 508, 532, 533, 535–36, 565–66, 574–76, 577–78, 579, 677
nbsp; Haris, Abu, 338
Harkat-ul-Mujaheddin, 655
Harriman, Tony, 186, 257
Harward, Robert, 575
Hasan, Nidal, 610, 654
Hatton, Sergeant, 485
Hayden, Michael, 32, 246–47, 248–49, 309, 310–11, 341, 352, 355, 567
Hayes, Jeff, 424, 505, 523, 562, 563–64, 625, 637, 681
Hazaras, 97, 115, 160, 649, 676, 683
Hazmi, Nawaf al-, 35, 37–38
Headley, David, 344–45
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 95, 161, 212, 424, 498, 503
Helgerson, John, 178, 247
Helmand, Afghanistan, 216, 223, 298, 331–32, 367, 392, 394, 419, 464, 465, 468, 511, 571, 597, 614, 615, 667, 668
poppy cultivation in, 266, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277
revival of Taliban in, 224–26, 277–78
Hennessey, Patrick, 225, 597
Herat, Afghanistan, 332, 390, 608
Hersh, Seymour, 697
Hezbollah, 25, 33–34, 85, 443
High Peace Council, 576, 634
Highway 1, 464–65, 475, 491
Hitler, Adolf, 574
Hizb-i-Islami (H.I.G.), 161, 212
Holbrooke, Richard, 361–62, 377–78, 395, 396, 400, 401, 405, 410, 415, 434, 453, 494, 495, 537, 538, 583
and Afghanistan-Pakistan negotiations, 429
Atmar promoted for presidency by, 379, 455, 458
C.I.A. meetings with, 359–61, 419
counterinsurgency doctrine of, 380
on end of Afghanistan War, 430–33
illness and death of, 509–10, 511, 515
on Kandahar, 470–71
and Karzai in 2009 election, 377–81, 382–83, 384, 649
and Karzai’s Washington visit, 452, 454, 455
Kayani’s meeting with, 405–6
pessimism on Afghanistan of, 508–9
and Riedel review, 363–66
shura meetings of, 399
and “strategic dialogue” with Pakistan, 438–40, 449, 459–60, 532
and U.S. negotiations with Taliban, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422–23, 438, 447, 448, 449, 498, 499, 503, 504, 508, 538
Hope, Ian, 226–27
Hopper, Timothy J., 463–64, 466, 468, 469–70, 472, 474, 478–79, 481, 484–86, 490, 492–93, 718
Hotak tribe, 66
“How Does This Thing End?: In Search of a Policy,” 431–33
Hubbard, Sergeant, 485
Human Rights Watch, 168
Humayun, 259–60
Hunter, James, 467–68
Hurley, Michael, 119
Hyams, Tim, 613–14
Hyat, Ahsan, 285
improvised explosive devices (I.E.D.), 388, 389, 391, 464, 467, 468, 469, 472, 475–76, 477, 478, 479, 480–81, 484, 490, 492
Independent Election Commission, 649, 652
India, 18, 47, 49, 51, 57, 87, 200, 215, 219, 337, 343, 373, 431, 449, 457, 460, 461, 514, 560, 659
Afghanistan and, 22, 55, 153–54, 203, 217, 289, 336, 427, 428, 429, 434, 453, 501, 663
atomic bomb program of, 36, 44, 222, 656
Nabil and, 646–47
Pakistan’s wars with, 44, 45, 54, 154, 326, 345, 558
see also Kashmir
Indochina, 203
“Inroads,” 244
“Insider Threat in Afghanistan in 2012, The” (Sageman), 619–20, 621–22, 623
Inspire, 654
Interior Ministry, Afghanistan, 601–2, 603
International Monetary Fund, 559
International Republican Institute, 381–82
International Security Assistance Force (I.S.A.F.), 199, 223, 298, 303, 389, 471, 486, 492, 493, 496, 510, 570, 571, 574, 652, 668–69
attacks against, 254, 256, 264, 301, 329, 336, 382, 531, 539, 574, 576
corrupt Afghan allies of, 571, 661
fractured command structure of, 226, 331–32, 333
insider attacks on, 590–615, 618–22, 670–71
insight into Taliban as lacking in, 390–92
intelligence services of, 442, 445
Karzai’s criticism of, 542
McChrystal’s strategy for, 395–96, 410–11, 438
in negotiations with Taliban, 422, 441, 498, 499
and Pakistan-based insurgents, 535, 536, 574–75
Petraeus’s strategy for, 487, 489, 569, 594
U.S. embassy conflict with, 494–95
withdrawal of, 434, 436, 633, 647, 662, 667, 676, 683
Inter-Services Intelligence (I.S.I.), 5, 7, 44, 50, 57, 63–64, 200, 201, 222, 281, 286, 294, 311, 312–13, 360, 369, 406, 408, 439, 449, 560, 565, 623, 663
Afghanistan deal opposed by, 456
Afghanistan supplied by helicopter by, 679–80
in Afghan-Soviet war, 155–56
Ali surveilled by, 234, 237
alleged rogues in, 536
Al Qaeda arrested by, 153
ambiguous U.S. policy to, 64–65
Bhutto family’s conflict with, 292
Bhutto’s suspicion of, 284
and Bin Laden’s Abbottabad safehouse, 500, 522, 547–48, 549, 552
casualties of, 439
categories of employees in, 45–46
C.I.A.’s opposition to, 233, 246, 290, 309–11, 312–14, 319–20, 513, 540
construction of forward operating bases by, 218
corruption of, 667
and creation of Afghanistan, 67
and Davis’s captivity, 526, 528
foreign fighters captured by, 150–51
Grenier’s trust of, 59, 60, 63, 91–92, 153
Haqqani’s relationship with, 156–57, 499–500, 575–76, 577–78
Hekmatyar supported by, 95
Indians killed by, 566
information on Zardari collected by, 514
international pressure on, 354
Islamists trained by, 45
and Karzai’s appointment as interim leader, 101
Karzai’s suspicion of, 198, 316, 348, 397, 456
Karzai’s talks with, 452–54
Kayani made director-general of, 214
Kelton allegedly poisoned by, 569
main building of, 48
mujaheddin funded by, 1, 2
and Mumbai attack, 343, 344–46
Musharraf’s reform of, 87, 88
N.D.S. cooperation with, 214–16
in Pakistan-Afghanistan negotiations, 424–29
Panetta’s assessment of, 358–59
Pasha put in charge of, 325, 326
prisoners of, 444–45
range of activities of, 46–47
Riedel’s skepticism of, 365
Shahkoor’s attack ordered by, 308–9
Sherzai armed by, 99
Taliban supported by, 89–90, 95, 96, 145–46, 147, 152–53, 202, 218, 233, 336–37, 397–98, 436, 440, 633, 635, 636, 643, 676
U.S. intelligence on, 289, 290
and U.S. negotiations with Taliban, 421–23, 436–37, 627, 628
U.S. refusal to negotiate with, 144
Zaeef threat information of, 575
Zaeef tracked by, 76
see also Directorate S
Iqbal, Major, 345
Iran, 18, 22, 122, 154, 183, 192, 539, 664, 676–77
Iranian Revolutionary Guards, 18, 21–22
Iraq, 64, 176, 183, 553, 659, 661, 676
anti-Baath campaign in, 141
Coalition Provisional Authority in, 184–85
Zarqawi’s network in, 240
Iraq War, 186, 236, 297, 350, 367, 407, 443, 598–99, 664, 667
Bush on aims of, 259
deterioration of, 187–88, 201, 205,
as distraction from Afghanistan, 102–3, 130, 135, 145, 146, 176, 182, 186, 187–88, 201, 229, 258, 265, 305, 330
false intelligence as cause of, 207, 208, 246
I.S.R. systems in, 388–89
jihad appeal broadened by, 239, 240, 248–49
plans for, 102–3, 135, 145, 176
suicide bombings in, 253, 388
surge in, 304, 333, 487
Irshad, Raja, 528
Ishakzai, Gul Agha, 445
Islam, 48–50, 281, 604, 695
fundamentalism vs. extremism in, 323–24
Islam, Zahir ul-, 630
Islamabad, 44, 46, 48, 51, 54, 58, 60, 61, 63, 92, 109, 117, 148, 150, 156, 200, 201, 232, 243, 319, 322, 327, 351, 356–57, 660
C.I.A. Station in, 57, 58–59, 76, 138, 153, 170, 198, 245, 343, 347, 352, 361
U.S. embassy in, 43, 200, 202, 232, 284–85, 286–87, 320, 328, 433, 516–17
Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, 241, 351, 442, 443, 445, 504, 628–29, 637, 639
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (I.M.U.), 120, 208, 676
Islamic State, 659, 661, 668, 669, 675–76, 677, 678
Israel, 13, 56, 239, 454, 455, 490–91, 581
I.S.R. systems, 388–91
Italy, 129, 641
Jakhrani, Owais, 654, 655, 657–60
Jalal, Malik, 530–31
Jalalabad, Afghanistan, 102, 104, 145, 556
Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, 155
Jan, Abdul Rahman, 224
Japan, 559, 661
Japanese Red Army, 25
Jessen, Bruce, 169–70, 177
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 48
Johnson, Jeh, 579, 580
Johnson, Lyndon B., 364
Joint Casualty Assessment Teams, 613
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 79, 259
Joint Command, 613–14, 621–22
Joint Priorities Effects List, 496
Joint Special Operations Command (J.S.O.C.), 105, 158, 198–99, 204, 205–6, 232, 244, 246, 489
Joint Task Force 180, 134
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System, 616
Jones, James, 365, 379, 400, 401, 403, 405, 433, 434
Jones, Steven, 165, 179
Jones, Terry, 539
Jordan, 15, 78, 168, 240
Jubeir, Adel Al-, 362
Judge Advocate General’s Corps, 671
Justice Department, U.S., 36, 174, 495, 496
Kabul, 223, 267, 332, 433, 600, 604
car bomb in, 144
C.I.A. Station in, 94, 103, 115–16, 117, 121, 122, 159, 172, 176–77, 179, 198, 221, 243, 303
dwindling food and power in, 93
fall to Islamists of, 2–3, 19
Massoud’s seizing of, 19
mujaheddin capture of, 2–3, 95