by Steve Coll
prisoners in, 176, 206, 242, 600
Bahrain, 375, 496
Bajwa, Abu Bakr Amin, 261–62
Bala Hissar, 389
Bales, Robert, 616
Bali, 240
terrorist attack in, 550
Balkan conflicts, 297, 359
Baluchistan, Pakistan, 654, 676
Baluch separatists, 428
Bangladesh, 45, 214
Bank, Jonathan, 499–500, 515, 520
Baradar, Abdul Ghani, 140, 444, 446, 538, 643
Barakzai, 138
Barno, David, 186, 193, 194–95, 198, 199, 205, 212, 268
Bashir, Salman, 318
Battle of Algiers, The (film), 204, 206
Bear Went Over the Mountain, The (Grau), 228
Beg, Shazadi, 262
Belgium, 661
Bennett, John, 347, 356–58
Bergdahl, Robert “Bowe,” 506–7, 524, 578, 579, 583, 628
Berntsen, Gary, 103, 104–5, 106, 107
Bhutto, Benazir, 282–84, 291–95, 316, 320, 357, 450
Bhutto, Fatima, 282
Biden, Joe, 306–7, 349–50, 370, 384, 401, 403–4, 409, 458, 560
Afghanistan escalation opposed by, 353–54, 367, 398
Afghanistan investigated by, 350–52
McChrystal’s criticism of, 473
Bijlert, Martine van, 381
bin al-Shibh, Ramzi, 243, 547
Bin Laden, Amal, 548, 549, 551, 554, 556
Bin Laden, Khalid, 548, 556
Bin Laden, Osama, 25, 50, 63, 65, 70, 82, 111, 150, 239, 294, 340, 416, 430, 566, 626, 627, 654
ALEC Station’s mission against, 15
CIA intelligence on, 57
fleeing before Afghanistan War, 71
funds of, 555
Haqqanis aided by, 156
hunt for and killing of, 74, 90, 103–9, 120–21, 153, 157, 174–75, 206, 216, 242, 243, 244, 245, 303, 314, 328, 500, 520, 522, 525–26, 537, 541, 545–57, 558–59, 560, 561, 562, 569, 581, 661, 669
involvement in World Trade Center bombing, 4
letter to America from, 240
low profile at start of war by, 102
Massoud’s war against, 11–12, 13
in meetings with nuclear scientists, 78
Omar’s alliance with, 68
September 11 orchestrated by, 4, 30, 61–62, 573
Sudan’s expulsion of, 3
Taliban’s sheltering of, 3, 52, 59, 60
tapes and videos of, 240, 241
U.S. desire to capture, 52, 57, 59, 60
war declared on U.S. by, 3
will of, 108
Bin Laden, Saad, 550
Bin Laden, Zainab, 553
Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in U.S., 30
Black, Cofer, 27–28, 39, 70, 71, 77, 80–81, 98, 104, 116, 169, 680
Afghan reconstruction disdained by, 116
Bush administration warned about Al Qaeda by, 36
C.I.A. seen as antimilitary by, 40
foreign trips of, 78, 80
Hellfire strike ordered by, 74–75
as opposed to C.I.A. prisons, 167
Prado’s surveillance plan approved by, 84, 85
recommendation for review of, 38
retirement of, 171–72
on September 11, 30, 31, 32–33, 41
speech to Counterterrorist Center by, 41–42
Blackwater USA, 121–22, 517, 680
Blair, Tony, 89, 225, 238, 274
Blee, Richard, 15, 16, 28, 39, 40, 79, 80, 117, 119, 159, 176, 198, 680
Afghan reconstruction program desired by, 116
Bush administration warned about Al Qaeda by, 36
F.B.I. job given to, 172
made chief of station, 115
Massoud defended in Washington by, 17
and Massoud’s death, 22–23, 28
Massoud’s meeting with, 16
move against Nek Mohammad desired by, 209
and N.D.S.-I.S.I. cooperation, 214, 215
as open to negotiating with Taliban, 140, 141
Rumsfeld’s dispute with, 134
SEAL operation against Zawahiri opposed by, 243–44
on September 11, 30, 33, 34–35, 40–41
Blehm, Eric, 100
blimps, 389, 390, 475–76
B.N.D., 12, 505
Boko Haram, 678
Bonk, Ben, 29, 78, 79
Bonn, Germany, 540, 581–84
Bonn Agreement, 135, 140–41, 183, 368, 378, 540, 627
Bordin, Jeffrey T., 589–95, 598, 612–13, 619, 724
Born, Joshua, 602
Bosnia, 134
Brahimi, Lakhdar, 100, 433
Braun, Michael, 267–68, 270, 276
Brennan, John, 91–92, 356, 423, 581
Brewer, Brian, 606
British empire, 45, 218, 443, 607
Broadwell, Paula, 568
Brookings Institution, 418, 568
Brown, Gordon, 420
Bugeaud, Thomas Robert, 203
Bugti tribe, 428
Bush, George H. W., 154
Bush, George W., 30, 55, 85, 107, 117, 183, 270, 302–3, 311, 350, 364, 537, 589, 661
Afghanistan strategy review desired by, 333, 341, 365
Afghanistan visited by, 348
Afghanistan War speech by, 61
and Ali investigation, 238
and assassination attempts against Musharraf, 201–2
and drugs in Afghanistan, 270–71, 272, 276, 277
in election of 2004, 187–88, 207
Goss promoted by, 207, 208
Indian nuclear deal of, 222
on Iraq War aims, 259
Iraq War as primary focus of, 330
and issue of civilian casualties, 73–74, 75
and issue of putting troops in Tora Bora, 104, 105
and Karzai assassination threat, 131–32
Karzai cultivated by, 132, 184, 231, 364
Musharraf and Karzai welcomed by, 231
Musharraf’s meeting with, 222–23
and planning for postwar Iraq, 184
sealing of Pakistan border as goal of, 103
Taliban’s legitimacy denied by, 348
Tenet’s slide show on war to, 79–80
terrorist interrogation authorized by, 166
tribal areas raid approved by, 318
Bush (George W.) administration:
Afghanistan ignored by, 143, 182
escalation of U.S. commitments in Afghanistan by, 5, 311
Pakistan aided by, 151–52
and Panjshiri resistance, 28
Plan Colombia advanced by, 270, 271, 276
renewed interest in Afghanistan War of, 256–59
retaliation for September 11 sought by, 39
surrender of Haqqanis demanded by, 157
unconditional Taliban surrender as goal of, 89, 447–48
and warnings about Al Qaeda, 30, 36–37
weapons denied to Massoud by, 11, 23
Bush doctrine, 64, 69
Butler, Ed, 226
Butt, Saleem Qamar, 630
Bybee, Jay S., 174
C-130 transport plane attack, 135
Cameron, David, 637
Campbell, John, 668–69
Camp Leatherneck, 667
Canada, 126, 190, 223, 226–29, 300, 301, 302, 304, 329, 465–66, 483, 496, 597, 601
CARE International, 156
Carter, Nick, 471
Cartwright, James, 404, 423
Central Bank, Afghanistan, 494, 496, 539
attack on, 42
4, 425–26
Central Command, 71, 73, 105, 126, 134, 135, 270, 282, 350, 354, 361, 369–70, 380, 394–95, 473, 666
Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), 5, 98, 104, 110, 240, 241, 271, 289, 333, 335, 361, 392, 405, 418, 457, 515, 617, 663, 664, 677
in Afghan war against Soviets, 156
and Al Qaeda’s digital media strategy, 242
Al Qaeda’s sanctuary in Pakistan studied by, 208
as antimilitary, 40, 158
and Baradar’s imprisonment, 444
Bin Laden’s corpse identified by, 546
blamed for bad Iraq War intelligence, 207
Bush administration warned about Al Qaeda by, 30, 36–37
and corruption in Afghanistan, 495
and Davis’s accident, 517–21, 525–29
dealings with Haqqanis, 159
diplomatic visas applied for by, 515–16
drone program of, see drone strikes; drone surveillance
as embedded in Pakistan military bases, 219–21
in estrangement from British security services, 237–38
as fearful for Karzai’s life, 133
and firing of Arif, 190, 191
Flynn’s criticism of, 391
Haqqani-I.S.I. relationship investigated by, 575–76
in hunt for Bin Laden, 105, 107–8, 153, 157, 242, 243, 244, 314, 500, 561
information on Al Qaeda sought by, 77–78
on insider murders against Americans and Europeans, 607–8
internal investigation of, 247–48
I.S.I. intelligence of, 290
I.S.I.’s handling of foreign fighters to, 150–51
I.S.I.’s opposition to, 233, 246, 290, 309–11, 312–14, 319–20, 513, 540
and Karzai’s appointment as interim leader, 101
Karzai’s mind-set studied by, 374, 634
Khan’s return to power aided by, 194
lack of intelligence on Quetta of, 152
leadership problems in, 244–45
maps of, 297–99, 300–301, 333, 338, 343, 401, 402, 510–11, 570
Massoud given equipment by, 11–12, 13–14, 16, 18, 694
in meeting with Ahmed Massoud, 685
mujaheddin funded by, 1, 2
and Mumbai attack, 344, 346–47
N.D.S. shaped by, 122–25
N.D.S. supported by, 436
and negotiations with Taliban, 421, 498, 503, 523, 579
Noorzai authorized to collect Stingers by, 139
in Northern Alliance’s invasion of Kabul, 93–94
Pakistan’s request for shrinking presence of, 540–41
Panetta put in charge of, 354–55
in planning for postwar Afghanistan, 116–17
and prisoner swaps, 580
Senior Intelligence Service of, 59, 83, 85, 90, 158, 176
on September 11, 28–35
as skeptical of Afghan security forces, 570
strikes against Al Qaeda by, 255
suicide bombing study of, 253–56, 259–61, 263–65
Taliban contacts recruited by, 57–60
in Taliban office break-in, 638–39
Taliban political party considered by, 141, 143
Taliban’s resurgence underestimated by, 202, 212–13
Taliban training areas studied by, 200
tribal areas war expanded by, 316, 318, 338
warnings about September 11 to, 36–40
Zaeef tracked by, 76
see also Counterterrorism Center (C.T.C.)
Chamberlin, Wendy, 50–51, 52–53, 55–56, 57, 62, 63, 109, 696
Champagne, David, 129–30
Chandoo, Hasan, 315
Chaudhary, Shamila, 522
Chayes, Sarah, 471
Chechens, 102, 109, 110, 117, 120, 150, 220
Cheney, Dick, 85, 103, 109–10, 141, 143, 183, 242, 268, 312, 349, 653
on September 11, 32
China, 222, 354, 375, 559, 631, 663, 679
Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (C.O.R.D.S.), 299
Clapper, James, 525
Clarke, Richard, 31, 79
Clinton, Bill, 354, 537
Clinton, Hillary, 187–88, 378, 380, 399, 400–401, 405, 430, 431, 433, 508, 509–10, 560, 577, 627, 634, 681, 682
and Bin Laden’s death, 557
and corruption in Afghanistan, 494
Karzai’s request on Pakistan to pressure, 578
and Karzai’s Washington visit, 452, 453–54, 455–56
Kayani’s meeting with, 500, 578–79
and negotiations with Taliban, 448, 510, 524, 537, 538, 539, 560, 563, 565, 582, 583
optimism on Afghanistan of, 511
Pakistan threatened by, 461–62
in talk with Haqqani, 566
Clinton administration, 154
Plan Colombia of, 270
plan for Massoud’s training requested by, 16
weapons denied to Massoud by, 11
Coalition Provisional Authority, 184–85
Coalition Support Funds, 151–52, 626
Cohen, Eliot, 297–98, 302–3, 307, 330, 331, 335, 338, 347, 681
Cohen, Leonard, ix
COIN, 463
Cold War, 27, 31, 47, 248, 249, 623, 656
Cole, USS, 16, 176
Colombia, 25, 266–67, 270, 272, 275, 678
Combat Aviation Brigade, 490, 491
Combat Outpost Nolan, 482
Combined Air Operations Center, 126
Combined Task Force 150, 653–54
Combined Task Force Strike, 490
Communist Party, Chinese, 559–60
Conetta, Carl, 111
Conflict Resolution Cell, 447, 448, 454, 497, 507, 524, 563, 565, 573, 631, 632, 639, 640, 679
Congress, U.S., 663
Conrad, T. J., Jr., 602
Conroy, Carmela, 519–20, 528
corruption, in Afghanistan, 125, 197, 282, 316, 360, 571, 621, 683, 684
at Kabul Bank, 494, 496, 524, 539
Karzai government and, 218, 231, 352–53, 358, 379–80, 405, 443, 470–71, 495, 497
in N.D.S., 125, 190, 218
opium and, 274, 316, 352
reconstruction aid as contributing to, 7, 405, 661–62, 667
Sageman’s report on, 615, 617–21
Taliban campaign against, 137, 140, 224, 301–2
U.S. strategy on, 271, 333, 337, 395–96, 405, 472, 487, 488, 494–97
Council of the North, see Northern Alliance
counterinsurgency, 203, 204, 211, 334, 335, 378, 380, 394, 399, 410, 432, 487, 488, 591, 607
cash payments against, 481–82
“fully resourced,” 367
Holbrooke on, 508–9
in Kandahar, 466–93
Counterinsurgency: Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War (Porch), 204
Counterterrorism Center (C.T.C.), 83, 106, 207–8, 219, 243, 248, 355, 356, 568
Afghanistan War plan of, 78–80
Afghan strongmen of, 360
arguments at meetings of, 77
assassinations planned by, 85–86
Black’s leadership of, 28
budget of, 24–25, 39
Bush administration warned about Al Qaeda by, 36
clandestine overseas operations of, 26–27
contractors for, 26–27
as empowered by September 11, 39
in failure to replace Taliban, 101–2
fall of Kabul sought by, 90
founding of, 24
Grenier vs., 90, 91
guilt over September 11 at, 81
in hunt for Bin Laden, 90, 243, 555–56
r /> renditions by, 27
Rodriguez made director of, 172–73
and rules of interrogation, 166–71, 173–75, 177–79
on September 11, 33–35
Sherzai’s cooperation with, 99
Tenet’s desire for change in leadership of, 171–72
training course of, 12–13
and Williams’s suicide bombing study, 264
see also ALEC Station; Global Response Center
Counterterrorist Pursuit Teams, 160
Cowper-Coles, Sherard, 272, 304, 305, 359, 362, 377–78, 395
Cox, Clint, 479
Crawford, Neta, 111
criminal patronage networks, 494
“Crisis of Trust and Cultural Incompatibility, A” (Bordin), 593–95
Crocker, Ryan, 220, 221, 243–44, 535, 578, 582, 583, 629
Crumpton, Hank, 28, 68–69, 80, 86, 91, 97, 98, 102, 106–7, 111, 116, 152, 172, 680
Afghan reconstruction program promoted by, 116
and issue of putting troops in Tora Bora, 103, 104–5
Cuba, 354, 664
cultural incompatibility theory, 593–95, 599, 612–13, 616, 619
Dadullah, Mullah, 145, 202
Dailey, Dell, 105
Daily News, 319
D’Andrea, Michael, 207–8, 248, 310–11, 338–39, 355, 356, 533, 680
Daoud, Mohammad, 226
Darkazanli, Mamoun, 85
Datta Khel drone strike, 530–32, 533, 535
Daudzai, Umer, 372, 453, 652
Davis, Raymond, 517–21, 523, 525–29, 530, 531–32, 547, 557, 627
Defense Department, U.S., 38, 39, 40, 98, 152, 271, 289, 333, 361, 370, 387, 498, 503, 515, 579, 663, 677
Afghanistan as poorly understood by, 79
diplomatic visas sought by, 515–16
Defense Intelligence Agency (D.I.A.), 43, 47–48, 264, 280, 300, 392, 613, 640, 666
Defense Ministry, Afghanistan, 598
Deitz, Robert, 247
DeLong, Michael, 106
Delta Force, 98, 103, 104, 105, 108, 118, 161
Dempsey, Martin, 324, 611
Denmark, 126
Directorate C, 501
Directorate of Intelligence, 77, 212, 290, 296
Directorate S, 63, 70, 95, 201, 312, 320, 336, 360, 501, 576
Ashraf put in charge of, 679
and funding of Taliban, 199
LET’s work with, 344, 460
Mullen’s hypothesis on, 322
Powell’s view of, 200–201
and sanctuary of Taliban leaders in Pakistan, 633
strike on Indian embassy in Kabul by, 308–10, 345
Taliban legitimized by, 47
U.S. intelligence on, 289, 290
District Assessments, 296–97, 298–99, 300, 333, 401, 418, 510–11, 570, 626
Dobbins, James, 100, 102, 627, 635, 642–43