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Shocking Heaven

Page 3

by Sidebottom, D. H.

  He was nowhere to be seen.


  I blinked.

  Shrugging I turned back round to the bar and got back to work.

  For the next half hour the band set up their kit as I was snowed under with orders but I couldn’t help noticing the horde of girls already surrounding the guy’s, especially Jax, who I was surprised to discover, was the lead vocal in the group. He flirted right back with each and every one, devouring each in a full on kiss.

  Not sure how to take his brazen behaviour, I shrugged and left him to it but not before I caught him looking at me through each kiss, spinning the girls around so their backs were to me, and his eyes were on me, every single time.

  Cam, Luce and Kaylee came in about twenty minutes later and perched on bar stools to keep me company as Room 103 started to play.

  I was mesmerized.

  They were fucking awesome!

  Jax’s gruff voice held each note perfectly as he worked the song, drew you in and made you feel it. Brought you to edge with him and engulfed you in the emotion of each and every word.

  I was amazed when he starting singing high notes, stunned that his hoarse voice could manage to reach that level.

  “Okay Guy’s and babes” Jax’s voice boomed through the room after several songs “we all have the need to fuck right?”

  The crowd erupted wildly in agreement.

  “Then let’s create some fucking ALLURE!!!”

  The room screamed with approval at the song choice.

  “But first I wanna dedicate it!”

  I had never heard so many words flow from Jax’s mouth; it was usually ‘Yeah’ or ‘Babe’…Hell! that’s all I’d managed to generate from him.

  “Hell yeah!” Romeo shouted from the edge of the stage.

  Jax’s gaze swooped straight to me and I cringed at the attention, highly aware that Cam was watching with narrow eyes.

  “This one’s for E. She makes me fuckin’ hard boys.”

  I rolled my eyes as all the male heads in the room rotated towards me and cheered their approval.

  Cam growled.

  Luce whooped.

  Kaylee whistled.

  Boss shouted “Fuck yeah!”

  Romeo opened with a small melody on guitar as Boss got the beat going with the drums and I was surprised to discover it was a slower one than the others played tonight, but still a rock song in its own right.

  Then Jax came in and I was utterly mesmerized as his eyes never left my face throughout the whole song, his voice soft and serene.

  “My Father always said

  She’s just a girl, a hot-blooded woman

  An invitation to pandemonium

  Break it down boy, the Allure’s just emotion”

  The room then joined in with the chorus, every single person swaying with each word.

  “The attractions temptation

  Too much pull baby,

  The Chemistry’s insane

  The hunger insatiable,

  I need you, the desires too strong

  I feel you, your caress damn bliss”

  A small riff from Romeo again, much to the delight of all the females in the room, as they all screamed and reached out to him.

  “My mother always said,

  It should be love, a deep seated hold,

  An acceptance of real adoration

  Break it down boy, the Allure’s pure rapture”

  I admit I was tapping my foot and swaying my hips slightly behind the bar as my hand drummed the beat against my thigh, wouldn’t admit it to Jax though. I just held his gaze nonchalantly.

  The group and the room erupted into the chorus again and then Romeo and Bulk played a long riff, each displaying their own unique playing skills and I welcomed their performance, both of them expertly lashing their instruments with vigour before Jax came back again.

  “But you, you always said,

  It’s gonna be prime, an intense affair

  An encounter, yielding to our lust

  Break it down boy, the Allure’s just an urge”

  His eyes darkened as his voice growled the last lines and I bit into my bottom lip savagely.

  “But me, I always say

  Break it down boy, the Allure’s fucking E,

  Just fucking E”

  The crowd erupted in screams but Jax remained still, his eyes piercing my own and I narrowed mine, well aware he had changed the last words. Finally he tipped his head in acknowledgment and winked as a self-satisfied grin lifted his lips before he turned back to the rest of the band.

  Cam peered at me with high brows and I shrugged “Fool!”

  He nodded at my description and I gave him a coy smile. “Damn fool” he reiterated and I clicked my tongue.

  “Don’t worry. No intentions at all. I’m here to live not love” I placated and he nodded.


  The band packed up, the room emptied and soon it was just staff, friends and the band…along with their choice of girl for the night…Jax had chosen two, who were currently both attached to his neck!

  “Come and sit down hot stuff.” Boss patted the chair beside him and I held up a finger “Two mins.”

  Filling up a round of shots and placing them on a tray, I approached the table and sited the drinks in the middle of the party.

  “Toast!” I announced as I took a seat and everyone grabbed a drink. “To freedom, friends and…”

  “…Fucking!” Boss finished with a cheeky grin.

  “…and fucking” I shrugged with a lift of my glass. I was going with fame but what the hell!

  “Freedom, friends and fucking” everybody chimed and Boss elbowed me with a twinkle in his eye “About the fucking?”

  I laughed heartily at his effort “Well I do have something Bulk and Romeo might want a peek at in my room and you’re very welcome to join us Boss.”

  Everybody’s heads spun round to look at me.

  “Fuck Spanner” Romeo declared and I smiled at his pet name for me. He pushed his hook-up for the night off his knee and onto the floor, before walking round to me and plonking himself on my lap, settling his arm around my shoulders as he planted a big kiss on my cheek.

  I felt quite sorry for the girl as everyone laughed but she stood up, shook herself off and joined another girl on Bulk’s knee.


  “Babe?” Jax growled from across the table. There it was again! Did I not warrant more than a single word? Did he think I was too dumb to comprehend more than three?

  I raised my eyebrows at him as Luce shouted “Party at ours!”

  “Hell yeah” the room shouted.



  “Holy Fuck E!” Bulk dropped onto my bed heavily as his knees gave way. Romeo started to hyperventilate and Jax gave me the usual “Fuck Babe!” Boss just stared.

  “Signed by the Riff Lord himself” I stated proudly as we all gazed at my baby.

  Boss came to stand beside me, his head cocked as he stared at the guitar “Gibson?”

  I nodded. “1959 Les Paul Gibson Custom” I revealed as Bulks head swivelled round to mine. “Can I touch her?” he breathed.

  “Be gentle with her” I smiled in pleasure. It was good to finally share my treasure with someone who appreciated it.

  Bulk ran his finger over the dedication as he read the words. “Welcome to the Jungle E…Slash” he sighed deeply “Fucking Wow, just fuck! I bet she feels fucking awesome under the tip man.”

  I gather he was talking to himself not me when he said ‘man’.

  “Black Beauty” Jax whispered knowledgeably and I regarded him respectfully. He turned and smiled at me; a proper soft smile and my heart clenched at the sight.

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah, Black Beauty” I repeated softly.

  “Where the hell did you get her E?” Romeo asked and I winked at him “Connections.”

  He nodded humbly, still speechless and wide-eyed. I looked around the room, grinning at the re
alisation that I’d managed to bring four grown men to their knees.

  “Come on Jax baby” Jax’s girl tugged at his arm, obviously bored with a guitar. “They have spare rooms here” she told him excitedly.

  Jax shot her a glare “The fuck?”

  It wasn’t just me that got simple words then!

  She shrugged at him. “Empty bed” she reiterated as though that explained everything.

  “Not here!” he shot me a look and I turned away quickly. “Well it’s better than your fucking car again, or a fucking bench or a fucking sofa or even the fucking floor!” Miss Eager declared, and Jax growled at her. “Then go home!”

  Simple see!

  Miss Eager glared at him before spinning on her heels and left the room.

  “You’re such a romantic Jax.” Boss scoffed “Why the fuck don’t you ever let ‘em in your bed?”

  Jax shrugged but shook his head before turning and leaving.

  All three guys shook their heads at Jax’s behaviour, and to be honest I did wonder the same thing. That’s what beds were for after all…well that and sleeping.

  “TEQUILA” Luce shouted as she downed a shot and flipped the glass on the table. Romeo mirrored her action and soon we were all counting their shots as they rallied, each trying to finish as many as possible before the timer on the cooker pinged.

  Laughing I made my way over to the couch in the corner, knowing Luce would be on her back in about fifteen minutes.

  Cam settled beside me and I noticed Jax take a step back, retreating from his steps towards me now that Cam had taken his place.

  “You okay E?” he shoulder nudged me and I smiled at him “Yeah.”

  He nodded and pursed his lips as he slid his index finger back and forth over them. I recognised the familiar action as he argued with himself whether to tell me something and I narrowed my eyes on him “Hit me!”

  He sighed heavily “Aaron rang me.”

  The hairs on the nape of my neck rose as my veins tingled and I closed my eyes in preparation “What’s she done?”

  He remained silent for a while. “Cameron!” I persisted anxiously. He grimaced and looked at me, his expression sad and dark. Sucking on my lips I exhaled heavily “Please tell me she didn’t?”

  His eyes closed in confirmation and I huffed with a sharp shake of my head.

  “Fuck!” I thundered before standing and glaring at him “Get. Him. The. Hell. Out. Of.There. Now!”

  Cam grabbed my hand “Easy E, he’ll be here Monday.”

  “Fuck Monday” I growled. “Get him here Cam, please” I begged. He shook his head “E…I…can’t…” he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

  I pulled my hand from his forcibly and swallowed back the lump as I shook my head wildly. “Please Cam” I pleaded again, tears welling in my eyes.

  “Fuck E, there’s no way I’m going back there!” he ground through his clenched teeth as he tightened his fists, his knuckles white at the pressure.

  “We can’t just leave him Cam. I’m not there anymore! She’ll… he’ll… he’ll…” I snapped my mouth shut as I realised everybody was staring at us.

  “E?” Luce came over to me, worry etched on her face. I turned away from her, refusing to look into her eyes. “E!” she demanded as she gripped my arm.

  She tugged at her hair as tears dripped down her cheeks “God E! We need to get to him!”

  I took her hand “We can’t Luce. We can’t get there.”

  Her face crumbled and I pulled her in tight. “He’ll be here Monday” I whispered in her ear as I saw everyone regarding us curiously.

  Jax took a step towards me; his eyes narrow as he studied me “Okay babe?”

  I sighed at his meagre conversational skills but smiled gently. “Yeah” I whispered as I led Luce to the sofa and crouched in front of her. “I need to ring him” she looked at me and I nodded “Soon. Give it an hour.”

  She nodded. “But I…I’m in love with him E” she revealed and I grinned as I cupped her face “I know Luce.”

  Her eyes widened as she regarded me and I laughed faintly. “I’m not blind. I see how you look at him Hun. Hell, he looks at you like a starving man at a feast. It’s quite simple really and hey, he’s my twin so he’s fucking handsome” I winked.

  A sob broke free from her throat and she smiled through her tears before turning to Cam “Please Cam.”

  “God damn it! I CAN’T FUCKING DO IT!” he screamed at Luce and I flinched as he slammed the door on his way out.

  Shaking my head sadly, I exhaled heavily and looked at Luce “How much cash you got on you?”

  Luce stared at me and when she realised what I was going to do, she shot up and scrambled through her bag for her purse.

  “About £24.37” she divulged as she counted up eagerly. I nodded and held out my hand to her as I sighed wearily. She placed it in my palm and smiled gratefully at me. “Thank you” she whispered.

  “E!” she shouted as I reached the door. Her eyes said it all but she voiced her thoughts as I turned back to her. “Be careful.”

  I forced a smile on my face and gave her a simple nod before slowly walking to my room to grab my bag.

  Quietly closing my door behind me, I palmed the wall and rested my forehead on it.

  Christ! Could I do this? I had hoped I would never have to return back there. Especially now I knew Mom was struggling with Aaron and mines departure.

  “Fuck!” I slammed the wall and pushed back, pulling in a determined breath and slipped into my jacket before grabbing my bag off the floor.

  I turned round and slammed straight into Jax. His hard chest providing a wall for my face.

  “Christ” I murmured as I stepped back “Do you know how to knock?”

  He cocked his head as his eyes roamed over me “Going somewhere babe?”

  Honoured, I got three full words!

  “I have to do something” I told him as I tried to step around him.

  “Something?” his eyebrows lifted in suspicion and I scowled at him. “Yes, something” I retraced my steps, attempting to escape again but he stood firm in front of the door.

  “I’ll take you babe.”

  I stared at him but then shivered as my brain clicked back into place. “No…thank you, I’m good…I’m okay” I smiled tightly and gestured to the door with my chin, asking silently to be freed.

  His eyes narrowed. “If I offer something, accept it babe, just say Thank you Jax” he stated resolutely, his husky voice making me shudder.

  I blinked. Rapidly I might add. Not sure if I was stunned at his authority or the fact that he had actually spoke an entire sentence.

  My mouth fell open at his dominancy “Well…that’s really not a good idea” I urged.

  A low growl rumbled in his throat and I winced “Babe…”

  I cringed. “But I have to go to Chesterfield, it’s in Derbyshire” I explained, hoping the trek would change his mind. “I know where fucking Chesterfield is babe.”

  “But haven’t you had a drink?” I tried anything to change his mind.

  “2 shots babe.”

  I nodded “Oh…”

  “No Oh…wait here while I get my wheels” he ordered. “Okay” I squeaked. He nodded once and left.

  What the Hell?

  I dropped onto my bed, mesmerised by what had just transpired.

  How the hell had he just took control over me like that? I was dumbfounded by my own submission.

  I was not relishing a two hour drive with a man that couldn’t string together more than a few words.

  “Oh God E” I moaned as I rested my head in my hands.

  My door opened thirty minutes later, no knock I might add, and I glanced nervously at Jax. He held out his hand to me “Babe.”

  I placed my hand in his hesitantly and he pulled me up off the bed. Wrapping his fingers around mine firmly so I couldn’t escape, he regarded me “Ready?”

  I sighed and frowned slightly. “I have to ask somethin
g first” I swallowed as my nerves surfaced and his stare pierced my soul. He nodded, encouraging me to go on.

  “Well…whatever goes off tonight…well I need you to, well to kind of…” I stuttered as my hands trembled.

  “Spit it out babe.”

  I sucked on my lips and took a hefty breath.

  “Well, you need to stay out of it” I pressed, my nerves already shattered. His eyes narrowed fiercely and I cringed as he glowered at me.

  He didn’t speak, just pulled me through the building and out into the car park.

  “Holy shit.”

  A solitary car was parked outside my residential block and my mouth dropped as my gaze landed on it.

  It was no ordinary car…Oh no! It was a BMW series 6 Gran Coupe, in shiny black no less and it was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

  Jax pulled me across to the passenger side and after releasing the lock, held open the door for me.

  His eyebrows lifted when I stood immobile, gawping at his ‘wheels’…Hell, no one should call this car ‘wheels’ it warranted something…more!

  “You getting in babe?”

  I nodded slowly and sank into its soft plushness. I jolted when the door slammed shut behind me, the noise reminding me to breathe.

  Jax slid in beside me as my gaze roamed the pure luxury encompassing us then a thought occurred to me. How the hell could he afford a car like this?

  “It is yours, isn’t it?” I asked hesitantly. If he had hot-wired it I would beat him to a pulp.

  His brows lifted again as he ignited the engine…oh the perfect engine. My mouth drooled at the sound of her growling to life.


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