Shocking Heaven
Page 18
I nodded and swallowed but suddenly I couldn’t say them, couldn’t get them out because I was crying so hard.
Crying for this beautiful, loving shell of a man. A man that would have had so much potential in life if it wasn’t for the injustice of having fucked up parents!
Hell, I knew all about that.
I sobbed in the silence of the car, beside him as I wept for him, all the time holding onto his hand, never wanting to let him go.
We pulled up on the driveway of my old home.
The prickle of pressure ran through my spine as I sensed its foreboding welcoming.
“Okay babe?” Jax whispered beside me and I jolted.
I nodded, took a deep breath and climbed from his car.
He pulled our overnight bag from the boot and came to stand beside me.
I felt the body shiver pass through me and I grit my teeth against it.
I would not let this win, would not allow its return.
I had seen my head doctor this week for a couple of sessions and so far I hadn’t benefitted from anything that had been discussed but I supposed I had to give it time.
“Fight it babe” he said sternly as he took my hand.
I exhaled heavily and smiled at him. “Yeah. I’m okay.”
His lips hovered over mine as he leaned towards me “I’m here babe. You need it, you give me the word.”
I swallowed heavily and then reached into him and took him under my mouth, reciting each of my emotions as I controlled the kiss and thanked him physically for his assurance.
The front door to the house opened and my mother stood there, a huge grin on her face and I quickly scanned her face to see which of her moods manipulated her today.
She looked okay but then who could tell with my mother…she was the queen of mercurial.
“Eve” she squealed as she walked down the many steps in front of our affluent, immaculate house; the charade of a happy home.
I walked over to her as Jax flanked me, his presence relaxing me as my mother swept me into her arms.
I noticed her frail frame as I embraced her and I furrowed my brow by it.
My mother had always been beautiful, stunning even and now at 37 (Yes, she had been a teenage mum), the drugs had ravaged her body, giving her a drawn face and a skinny frame but she was still striking.
I pulled away and ventured into the house. My whole body tensed as I took a step through the doorway and Jax must have noticed because I felt his comforting hand settled at the base of my spine as his thumb stroked lightly.
Turning to my mother I cringed when I saw her checking Jax out.
Her eyes scanned his body slowly, up and down before her lips lifted into a sexual grin. “Well hello you” she breathed.
Christ Mother! Once a groupie, always a groupie.
I coughed slightly and she turned to me, her eyes narrow and steely.
I saw Jax lift an eyebrow at me, bewildered by my mother’s outright flirting.
“Mom, this is my boyfriend Jax Cooper. Jax, this is my mother Lisa Hudson” I introduced.
“Pleased to meet you Honey” she whispered huskily as she approached him and reached up to kiss his cheek.
Jax smiled tightly and nodded but didn’t return her greeting.
Had she just sneaked a look at Jax’s crotch?
Christ, she had. She had been checking to see if he’d had a reaction to her kiss.
Oh my god!
He hadn’t thank god.
I sneaked a peek just because I thought you’d want to know, not because I really thought he would have, but I needed the information to reassure you!
“Eve, why don’t you take your bag up to your room whilst Jax and I have a little chat” she smirked.
Hell, I was going to prison for murdering my own parent before the weekend was over!!!
“Jax doesn’t chat Mom.”
Her eyebrows lifted in his direction but Jax just shrugged.
“You gonna put the kettle on Mom, we’re gasping” I near growled at her.
She seemed to shake off some thought before she smiled at me and we walked into the kitchen.
I had always hated this room, its cold steel appliances and fittings always made me feel like it was a hospital lab and I forever expected her to have some young male tied to the metal island that spanned the middle of the huge room; his over large penis stood upright as she experimented with it.
I sat on a stool at the breakfast bar and Jax settled beside me.
He cringed at me when my Mom turned her back on us to make coffee and I gave him an apologetic look. “You wanted to come” I mouthed.
He returned my look with a resigned expression and I stifled a smile at my huge hulk of a man’s embarrassment.
My mom perched on another stool when she had handed us our drinks and I studied her.
Her bleach blond hair was styled professionally on top of her head, her make-up applied expertly on her face and her clothes screamed money but there was something different about her and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
Her gaze landed on Jax again and her eyes narrowed marginally. “I seem to recognise you from somewhere Honey” she purred and I rolled my eyes.
Jax ground his teeth and his own eyes narrowed. “We’ve met” he growled out in that rough timbre of his.
My mother seemed delighted by his low sexy voice and I grimaced when she squirmed on her stool.
“We have?” she gushed.
“Yeah, when you tried to steal E’s Gibson” he smirked.
The smile on my mother’s face drooped a little and a flash of something ran across her face but she managed to pull it together quickly. “Yes…I apologise for that. I must admit, it wasn’t one of my best moments.”
I couldn’t hold the scoff back and she turned to me but before she could say anything I jumped in. “You gonna tell me what happened?” I asked her.
She pursed her lips and she shrugged “Just went a bit far Eve.”
I shook my head “Mom, you’ve always gone too far before but you’ve never ended up in hospital” I persisted and she flapped her hand at me. “I’m fine Eve. Stop going on!”
I narrowed my eyes on her as I saw the lie in her eyes but I decided to drop it whilst she was being defensive.
“So how long are you here for Honey?” she asked, her whole demeanour morphed into her caring mother personality.
“Just until tomorrow. I have work and Jax has a gig.”
She nodded but I saw the disappointment on her face and I felt the usual guilt surge up.
She turned back to Jax “You’re in a band Honey?”
He just nodded at her. She nodded back faintly and I loved that she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted from him.
I placed my empty mug on the counter. “I’ll take Jax up. He probably needs to freshen up after the run down” I gave her the excuse but I had really just wanted Jax on his own for a few minutes without her eyes on him.
Jax shot off the stool, as if relieved that I was dragging him away.
He picked up our bag as I led him up to my room and I sighed heavily as I shut the door behind us.
“Christ babe” he blew out on a puff and I winced.
“Yeah, sorry. I should have warned you what she was like.”
I left Jax to nosey around my teenage bedroom whilst I entered the en-suite.
As I closed the door I gripped the sink tightly and sucked in a huge breath.
The urge was overwhelming and I struggled to control it, so I ran the cold water tap until it was bitter cold and held my wrists under it as I counted to thirty.
My hands were blue by the time I removed them but the itch was still in my veins and every hair follicle on my body tingled.
I started again with the cold water and the counting but this time I tapped my foot with every number I counted.
I reached 24 as Jax came in and I cringed at the fact I had been caught.r />
“Babe, you struggling?”
I nodded but carried on until I reached forty.
Jax had started to run the bath and poured in a vast amount of crème.
He took my hands in his and brought them up to his mouth, placing a kiss in each palm.
“You need a distraction babe” he whispered with a grin.
I grinned back and returned his affectionate kisses with my own.
“You still mine baby?” I asked, needing to hear the reassurance from him.
“Lock, stock and fuckin’ barrel babe.”
His hands gripped the hem on my shirt and he lifted it over my head.
His eyes roamed over my chest and he brought his lips to my piercing and sited a kiss over it before he ran his tongue over the edge of my bra.
“So fuckin’ sexy babe.” He breathed as his fingers had reached around my back to unhook it.
As he pulled it down my arms, his mouth had already taken advantage of my bare skin as he sucked in a nipple, releasing a groan from me when his teeth gently nibbled on it.
“That’s nice” I whispered as I threaded my fingers into his hair and pulled his head further into me.
He moved onto my other breast as he undid my jeans and began his worship again as he pushed my jeans and knickers over my hips.
Suddenly he pulled away and paid attention to the running bath, turning off the taps and swirling the water.
“In” he tipped his chin towards it and I removed the rest of my clothes and climbed in.
I watched Jax hungrily as he peeled off his clothes, revealing a new delicious part of him with every item he removed.
“You are so beautiful” I told him and was rewarded to his handsome grin.
He climbed in behind me and pulled me against his chest as he started his labour on me with the sponge, soaping it to an extreme before he proceeded to wash me.
His religious dedication to each inch of my skin, relaxed me and I soon found myself sighing as I leaned more against him.
His mouth settled on top of my head “She always like this babe?”
I knew he was talking about my mother and I tensed up again. If Jax felt my change of posture he didn’t mention it.
I nodded. “Yeah. She’s always been…highly…you know…”
He was quiet for a moment. “Sexed?” he finished for me.
I nodded again and I felt him nod slightly.
He dropped the sponge but continued to bathe me with his hands, both of his huge palms caressed my breasts as his feet hooked around my ankles and pulled my legs wider apart.
“Ace tits babe.”
Romantic, was Jax, all the way through!
I smiled to myself. “Ace cock baby” I replied when I felt his penis rising to attention behind me.
He chuckled with me but I stuttered to a stop when his fingers walked over my ribcage, across my stomach and down until he reached the piercing on my pubic mound.
He traced the edge of it and I lifted my hips, begging him to take his fingers lower. “I need you Jax” I rasped and then moaned when a single finger stroked downwards and began circling around my pulsing clit.
“How much babe?”
I groaned again and tried shifting my bottom to get him in the position where I needed him.
“God, so much Jax.”
His mouth found my neck and he started sucking in my soft flesh as his fingers dipped inside me.
“Yes, thank you…Ooh that’s so…Oh God Jax.”
Why did this man always turn me into a dithering wreck every time he laid a finger on me?
I was panting, moaning and practically begging for him to bring me off and I reached behind me and took his mighty erection in my fist.
He groaned deep into my ear and we fired each other up, working each other towards the oblivion we both craved.
“Make me come Jax. Please…I need to…” I begged as I drove him in my hand, fast and hard.
He knew what to do. His finger curled into my vagina wall, stroking my G-spot as his thumb flicked relentlessly on my clit.
I shattered into pieces all over him. He growled, bit my neck and pumped his own climax right onto my back.
“Christ…Yes…” he choked out as I arched my back and lifted my hips of the bottom of the bath with the force of my climax.
I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my nose when I turned my face towards him “Love you Eve Hudson.”
I smiled widely, never tiring of hearing those words tumble from his lips.
“You hear me babe?”
I sighed happily. “I hear ya’ baby.”
I reached both hands around me and hooked them behind his neck “Love you Jax Cooper.”
“I hear ya’ babe” he whispered in reply.
We descended back downstairs an hour later and my mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
She smirked at me as though she knew exactly what we had been doing but I chose to ignore her, hell, she did it more than I did.
“You need any help?” I asked but she shook her head. “No it’s all good. Sit it’s about ready” she replied as I climbed onto a stool beside Jax.
I could hear a phone ringing from somewhere and I glanced questioningly at Jax but he shook his head. Then I spotted a mobile on the edge of the counter and reached for it, checking the name on the display.
“Mom, Frankie” I shook the phone at my mother when she turned as I called her name.
She paled and shook her head whilst she swallowed heavily “Just leave it.”
She turned back to dishing out the food but I could feel her tension physically in the room.
“You okay?” I asked her. She didn’t turn but nodded “Sure Honey.”
The smile on her face was forced and excessive when she placed the food on the counter. “Enjoy” she said and walked to the door. I spun around “You aren’t joining us?”
She shook her head “No. no I have to…go out. I have to go out.”
“Mom?” I urged but she smiled falsely again and left.
Something was really wrong and I worried that she had been up to her tricks again and got involved with the wrong people all over again.
I looked at Jax and he was frowning at me. “Okay babe?” he repeated and I smiled and nodded.
“Yeah baby, I’m good.”
But really I wasn’t and the feeling intensified when I heard the front door slam.
Jax and I were laid in my bed after making love…mind-blowingly, I might add.
He then asked a question that would change my life forever, or rather, the events that followed that question being asked, would alter the course of my life. I just didn’t know it yet!
“Mmmm” I mumbled back to him but I could sense his hesitance.
“Is this the room where your Dad died babe?”
I tensed immediately but he didn’t apologise or try to alter his question, just sat patiently waiting for me to answer.
“No” I said. “We moved here after his death. Mom couldn’t wait to spend his insurance money” I added bitterly.
We were both silent for a while. Jax’s fingers were rhythmically stroking up and down my back as he rested his mouth in my hair.
“Did they ever find them?”
I shook my head but I was fighting with myself whether to open up and tell him everything, my final secret, to tell him my father’s last request and the sheer terror that had followed me around for the previous five years because of what he told me.
“Jax” I said quietly.
“You…you with me baby?”
He paused and at first I thought he didn’t realise the context of my words but he answered slowly and confidently.
“Babe. If I was any further with you, I’d be your fuckin’ soul.”
I nodded and took a deep breath.
“I need to get something.”<
br />
I clambered off the bed and entered my bathroom before retrieving the small flick-knife I had in my cabinet and prised the front side off the bath.
I felt across the ridges of the floor boards until I felt the slight groove that ran across the edge of one of them and dug the knife into it, popping the small joint of wood up.
Reaching through the tiny space I extended my fingers into the gap and pulled out the tiny item.
I flicked it around a few times in my fingers before I stood back up and turned to enter the bedroom.
Jax was leaning on the doorframe, silently watching me.
“Shit Jax.” I jumped a mile.
His eyes were narrow and he cocked his head slightly “Clue me in babe.”
I nodded. “That’s what I’m doing Jax” I whispered.
He frowned. “Babe, why are you whispering?”
I took a deep breath as well as his hand and led him back over to my bed, snatching my laptop off my desk on the way.
“Sit down” I told him.
He studied me but perched himself in the middle of the bed and I crawled up beside him, sitting on my knees I looked at him seriously.
“What I’m gonna show and tell goes out to no-one Jax.”
His eyes narrowed on me but he nodded.
“I need to hear ya’ baby” I needed the confidence behind the spoken words before I disclosed any further.
“I hear you babe” he said as he took my hand and squeezed it.
He could sense my nerves and he stroked his thumb across my knuckles soothingly.