Shocking Heaven

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Shocking Heaven Page 25

by Sidebottom, D. H.

  “Well…no, I don’t think I’ve fuckin’ heard you for two years Jax, so there’s nothing new there, is there?” I smirked, now past the point of caring whether I wound him up or not because I was just about ready to blow.

  The growl that rumbled from deep within him, made my toes curl and he set his black eyes on me. “Gonna ask you once more babe. Sit the fuck down!”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. I laughed…loudly, humorously and uncontrollably.

  Within ten seconds I found myself flat on my back on the bed, pinned under his body…his strong, delicious and fucking fabulous body.

  I whimpered! Whether it was in fright or desire, I wasn’t sure.

  Both our chests heaved as he caged me with his body, and his eyes were the darkest I’d ever seen them; his anger, his pain and his obscene desire blazed in them desperately.

  And then I broke!!!

  I screamed and pummelled him. Two years’ worth of hatred came to the forefront and I savagely beat the crap out of him, pounding my fists into him as I shouted and screamed at him.

  “You bastard! I hate you, I hate you, I fucking hate you!!” I yelled.

  He remained there, immobile and staring at me as he took each of my hits, took each piece of hatred and all he gave me back was patience, tenderness and love.

  Yes, love was right at the front of his face and it was this that made me do it!

  I grabbed his hair with both hands and tugged his mouth onto mine.

  He groaned loudly and kissed me with such passion I thought I was going to pass out.

  His fingers twisted almost painfully in my hair as his tongue invaded my mouth and wrestled frantically with my own.

  I took everything he gave me, his whole soul and spirit crashed into me as we brutally clashed our mouths together, bruising and biting and demanding, both of us whimpering and moaning over each other as we reconnected after so long.

  He pressed up and his eyes were so intense, they were liquid.

  His hands fisted my vest and he shredded it in one forceful tear. I gasped and fumbled with the belt on his jeans, desperate for him; eager to feel him, to take him and claim him back.

  “Fuck me Jax. Hard and fucking wild. I need you inside me” I snarled as I ripped down his jeans and shorts.

  Pulling at my shorts until they were off, he loomed over me and then he entered me.

  We both groaned loudly and arched together in satisfaction. A deep intense sensation of coming home surged through me as our souls danced and our broken bodies fused.

  His eyes were on mine, holding me hostage as he took me back, devouring me with his gaze as we became a whole entity once again.

  “You…” He thrust hard. “Are…” Thrust. “Fucking…” Thrust. “Mine…” Thrust. “Eve…” Thrust. “Hudson…” Thrust. “MINE!”

  He roared out the last word as we both climaxed painfully and violently.

  My whole core lit up to extreme levels, my body shook forcefully under his, as my hips lifted him clean off the bed.

  My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he bucked and jerked wildly, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he cried out my name and filled me with a part of him once again.

  And then I cried!


  He pulled out and embraced me but I jerked away. “Don’t Jax.”

  He cocked his head and frowned. “Babe?” I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, my back to him. “Don’t…”

  He settled behind me, his long legs flanking mine as his arms snaked around my waist and his hands took mine.

  “Please don’t do this Jax.” I pleaded and he sighed.

  “Clue me in babe” he whispered in my ear as he swept my hair over my shoulder.

  “This…” I gestured between us with my hand. “It was just sex Jax. Don’t make out it was anything more.”

  He was silent for a while then the tone in his voice made me flinch. “Fuck sex babe. Always different, always more with you and you know it!”

  I clicked my tongue and sighed “You leave for America soon Jax and I can’t do all that shit again. We both have different lives now.”

  He kissed the soft flesh under my ear “You feel so good babe. You smell good. Christ babe, you even sound good, those little whimpers and moans that you give me, they light my fuckin’ core babe. I can’t just…just not…”

  I stood up and rummaged through the dresser for some clean underwear just as the door flew open and Mad came barrelling in.

  “What the hell Mad?” I scoffed as Jax came to stand in front of my naked figure, with his own naked figure.

  Mad was silent as he took in the scene of a nude Jax and me.

  His eyes were furious but I chose to ignore him and pulled on some jeans and a shirt.

  “Did you want something Mad?” I asked, encouraging him to get on with it.

  “Just checking up on you E. You’ve been in here a while but it’s pretty obvious why now.” He said with a hint of disgust.

  I heard a low growl in Jax’s chest and he tipped his head. “Well now you know…leave.”

  “Jax…” I warned and Mad glared at him.

  “Well I was also wondering if…” he looked a little nervous and I frowned at him. “…well if you minded if I came up to Huddersfield with you to see Aaron and Luce…”

  I smiled gently at him. “Sure. They’d like that.” I said softly to calm his nerves “Are you travelling with me?”

  He grinned then nodded. “Yeah, I suppose it saves taking my car.” He smirked at Jax, but Jax was having none of that.

  “He can travel with the guy’s and I’ll share with you babe” Jax ordered and I turned to him with high eyebrows.

  “Well that’s okay Jax but I have to pick Bruce up first and you might not get on with him” I divulged.

  His eyes narrowed on me “Bruce?”

  I smirked mischievously “Mmmm Bruce…”

  Pulling out my case I started to pack up my belongings when I caught Mad’s wicked grin. “Yeah. Bit of a big guy and he’s kinda funny with people he doesn’t know” he divulged but Jax just shrugged and followed me back into the living area where everybody was sat around getting on brilliantly.

  “I’ll risk it babe.”

  I rolled my eyes and shrugged. “Whatever” I conceded much to Mad’s furious face.

  “You got anywhere to stop up there?” I asked Boss who grinned at me when he caught the huge love bite on my neck which Jax had decorated me with.

  “Gonna book into a hotel hot stuff.”

  Rummaging through my bag, I pulled a key off my bunch and passed it to him with an address. “This is my house up there. There’s plenty of room for you all but I’ll be later than you cos’ I have some stuff to do first. Just don’t wreck the place before I get there!” I cautioned playfully.

  He shot up off the couch and hugged me. “Gonna have some serious fun baby” he grinned playfully.

  “Why am I worried Boss?” I laughed as he rounded up the others.

  “Mad’s coming with you, Boss” Jax said and Mad sighed heavily. “Let me just get some stuff and I’ll meet you in the lobby” he said to Boss who nodded his agreement.

  “Sure. Not a problem” Boss shrugged.

  Angel and Hunter pulled me into a hug. “You back for the MTV thing Thursday?” Hunter asked and I nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be back Thursday morning” I assured.

  They both nodded and left with the rest of Room 103 and Mad, leaving just Jax and me.

  “Don’t you need to pack a bag Jax?”

  “Good idea. I’ll be back in half an hour” he said as he came towards me, a sexy little smirk on his face.

  “No rush. I’ll nip home and pick up some stuff then meet you here” I offered but he shook his head as his finger ran across my bottom lip. “Think I got competition babe” he muttered and I stared in confusion.


  “Mad’s just a friend…and so are you” I reiterated my words from earlier.

>   He scoffed and walked away.

  Somehow I don’t think he had taken me seriously.


  I pulled up outside my neighbour’s house and killed the engine before I turned to Jax. “I’ll just be two minutes if you wanna go into mine and wait.”

  He frowned at me “Why?”

  “Because I have to fetch something first” I explained slowly.

  Christ. It was living with your parents…What, why, who?

  “I’ll come with you” he ordered and I didn’t have the energy to argue.

  “Whatever!” I sighed and climbed out of the car and made my way up the path as Jax followed dutifully behind and I just knew his eyes were on my arse.

  A girl knows these things!

  Pete opened his front door and grinned at me. “Eve baby” he declared as he huddled me up into a powerful hug.

  “Good to see you. How’s he been?” I asked and Pete’s eyes shifted to Jax then widened when he realised who he was.

  “Oh my God! Jaxon Cooper” he declared gleefully.

  I leant in to him and winked. “Thought you’d appreciate my small addition” I chuckled.

  “Fuck small! He’s all fucking man…every single glorious inch of him” he drooled and I nudged him before I turned to Jax.

  “Jax meet Pete. Pete meet Jax” I introduced before I pushed past Pete and made my way inside.

  “Mommy’s home!” I shouted.

  That was all it took.

  Bruce came barrelling around a corner and I knew he wasn’t going to stop.

  He collided with my legs at 100Mph and then jumped straight into my arms, kissing me hungrily with a huge doggy grin on his face.

  “My boy” I giggled as I kissed him back with as much relish.

  “Where’s my song?” I asked him and he slipped into a howl, his canine lips forming a perfect ‘O’.

  “There it is” I grinned then wobbled into Pete’s kitchen to retrieve a treat from his box.

  “Bruce?” Jax inquired from behind me.

  As I turned I held a huge grin and looked at Bruce. “Bruce, this is my friend Jax. Now you need to like him cos’ he’s staying with us for a few days” I told him seriously.

  Jax’s eyebrows hit his hairline as though I was completely mad for having a conversation with a five year old dog.

  Bruce glared at Jax and I knew he felt threatened by this huge hulk of a man who wanted all his mummy’s attention.

  “Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite boy” I whispered in his ear.

  He blew off into another song and I joined him, both of us singing to Fun ‘Some Nights.’

  Kissing Pete, I left his house, walked a little way down the path and entered mine.

  Jax followed me in and I made my way to the kitchen.

  “You want a drink before we go?” I asked but he shook his head as he took a look around.

  “Ace place babe.”

  I smiled my appreciation. “Thanks. I’m just gonna nip up for some stuff. Make yourself at home.”

  He nodded as he eyed a wary Bruce but I presumed they’d be okay for a few minutes while I packed some things for the trip and left them to it.

  I presumed wrong!

  I came down ten minutes later to a white-faced Jax cornered into a kitchen chair and an angry Bruce, staring at him with a slight curl to his lip, guarding his biscuits.

  I had to close my eyes for a second to stop the laugh that was threatening to rumble at the sight of Jax’s face.

  “Good boy” I said as I desperately tried to control my laughter.

  Bruce took a glance at me, and then backed off away from Jax.

  “You tell him to hate me babe?” he asked with narrow eyes and I laughed.

  “He thinks you’re a threat to his mummy” I explained and Jax smirked. “Wise dog” was all he said and I chose to ignore him as I scooped Bruce’s stuff into his travel bag.

  “Let’s go see Uncle Aaron” I told Bruce who barked in agreement and went to retrieve his car harness from his low peg near the door.

  I had found Bruce, a black and tan cocker spaniel, at the back of an alley a year ago after a concert and he had smothered me in love and gratitude ever since. I couldn’t understand how someone could just dump such a clever dog. Everything I had taught him, he had picked up in a couple of days and each time he mastered another trick it amazed me.

  Even though he only had one eye and half his right ear was missing…he was butt ugly, but to me he was adorable.

  He had surprised me time after time and I showered him in love and comfort just for being him.

  He was brill!

  He trotted behind me and pee’d up the small tree on the front, before he clambered into the back seat and gave me his harness; his large tongue having sex with my ear as I clamped him down.

  Jax watched from beside me and I could see the respect in his expression but he didn’t say anything.

  “Ready?” I asked as I belted myself in next to Jax.

  Bruce barked just as Jax was about to confirm, and I stifled a laugh when every time Jax opened his mouth, Bruce woofed over him.

  My dog was telling Jax who was boss!! Good boy!

  What a wonderful journey we had up the M1. Bruce barked every time Jax tried to talk or touch me. Jax actually started to growl back to Bruce and it got so bad they were snarling at each other before we reached Sheffield.

  Bruce sang to the radio for half of the journey, much to Jax’s annoyance and I tried to stop peeing myself all the damn way.

  My boys’ hated each other…Epic!!!


  “Romeo texted me. They’ve gone straight to Z Bar. They’ll meet us at yours later” Jax informed me as we entered Huddersfield.

  I nodded as my stomach gurgled in excitement at being close to home.

  Jax’s phone had been ringing constantly all the way up and every single one was declined by him, raising my suspicions that it was obviously someone he didn’t want to talk to in front of me and it made me start to wonder why.

  “When do you go back home?” I asked nonchalantly, but actually bracing myself for his answer.

  “Home babe?”

  “Yeah. America. Home Jax.” I echoed.

  He looked confused for a moment as he glanced at me. “Huds always been home babe.”

  Seriously? Could have fooled me!

  I just nodded and left it at that before I said something I would regret as I turned into a country lane.

  Jax looked at me then looked on the horizon at my house. “Fuck babe!” he stammered as he took in the sight of my large house.

  Bruce barked loudly and started panting when he smelt home and I smiled to him through the mirror. “Home Bruce” I declared and he answered me with a long drawn howl.

  Turning into the double gates, and entering the pin code on the security panel, I drove up the gravel drive and sucked in a comforting breath through my window.


  “Welcome home boy” I grinned to Bruce as I let him escape. He immediately bounded towards the meadow and I knew where he was going. “You come back dirty and you’re running your own bath” I shouted after him. He barked and kind of wiggled his bum before he disappeared over the small hill to the little brook; his eagerness to torment the ducks that resided there carried his small legs as fast as they could.

  Jax was stood in astounded silence, just staring at my beautiful home and I was suddenly quite nervous of his opinion. Did he hate it?

  “What do you think?” I asked quietly.

  I had fallen in love with it as soon as I had viewed it. I had bought it for a steal because it had been so run down, but now as I looked at the stunning white structure, its many latticed windows and ivy covered brickwork, it enveloped me in calm and comfort.

  Jax turned to me, his jaw low and his eyes soft. “You renovated it didn’t you” he stated and I stared at him in shock.

  “How did you know?”

  He smiled and cupped my
cheek “Because it’s just as beautiful as you babe. It feels like you.”

  Fuck me! Why did he always say stuff that made me want to cry?

  I smiled sadly and nodded “Yeah. My Mom and I found her before she died and we both knew…it was where I needed to be.”

  His eyes were sad as he stood before me. He continued to cup my cheek but his thumb ran across my lower lip. “You said to Boss that you’d lost faith in your father?”

  I nodded and looked towards the hill where Bruce had vanished over, as I stood in silence debating how much to tell him. I had always been able to tell Jax anything, and he always listened.

  “Yeah. She…Mom told me some stuff that…well that kinda changed everything” I disclosed painfully “Stuff I haven’t had chance to deal with yet but hopefully this week, well…”

  His hand slipped into my hair and he reached closer to me as he held my eyes “I’m here babe” he whispered and then he kissed me. God, did he kiss me! Slowly. Tenderly. Lovingly, and it broke my heart all over again but I reflected it all back as I gripped his hair and held on to him for dear life.

  A choked sob erupted up my throat at his soft and gentle worship of my mouth. He moaned as his tongue sought out mine and I played just as affectionately as he did.

  “Babe…” he whispered against my lips before he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me closer and I settled my head on his chest as we stared out to the meadow.

  He reared back a little and stared intently at me. “Bluebells” he said simply.


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