Shocking Heaven

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Shocking Heaven Page 24

by Sidebottom, D. H.

  It bounced off the huge, hopefully not Picasso, painting that donned the back wall and splattered all over the three thousand pounds a roll, wallpaper.

  Shit! That was my deposit gone. Stupid man!!!

  “Sed, look...”

  “Don’t fuckin’ bother E. Just don’t okay...” he pulled his clothes back on and left, slamming the door so hard it bounced off the wall and snapped a hinge.

  Well, that went real well E!

  As I started to pick up the broken crockery my phone rang from somewhere and I scanned the room to hunt for it.

  Where the hell was it?

  Luckily it kept on ringing until I found it and seeing Aaron’s name on the screen I took a huge breath before I answered.


  “A girl!”

  I squealed loudly and jumped up and down. “Oh my fuckin’ God!!” I beamed happily. “How are they?”

  Aaron laughed loudly and I couldn’t hold back the huge grin on my face. Someone was looking down on me tonight because this was exactly what I needed.

  “Both are great. She is so beautiful E…a little stunner, looks like Luce.”

  A sob choked from my throat. “How big?”

  “She weighs 7lb 6oz. Her hair weighs 6lbs of that” he laughed and I giggled.

  “Oh Aaron…”

  “I know E. We want to call her Evie Kara.”

  I made a funny strangled noise and plopped my arse on the plush hotel carpet…sod my nakedness, they could afford carpet cleaners.

  “You want to name her after me and…Oh Aaron.”

  He paused. “Roger phoned me after your Bafta performance E.” Roger was one of Hell’s Eden’s tech guys and one of Aaron’s good friends.

  I was silent. Didn’t know what to say really.

  “I’m so proud of you sis. So is Luce. What you have achieved in the last two years, especially after everything you lost. Well, if my daughter holds a fraction of your spirit, then she will be a fucking joy” he said softly.

  “You know I’m proud of you too Aaron?”

  “I know.”

  I paused then sighed. “He’s here Aaron” I whispered and peeked around the room as though I was a bloody spy for the MI5.

  He was silent for a good few moments. “He speak to you?” he hissed out.

  Since Jax had never come back to me, Aaron had hated him for what he did to me and he was the one that held me night after night, when I sobbed with the heart wrenching pain of missing my lover.

  “Yeah but I didn’t let him say much. Just left him stood there and came back to the hotel.”

  “Please don’t give in to him E.” he urged and I scoffed.

  “Aaron, our lives are completely different now. He won’t feel the same way about me anymore. If he did he would have answered my calls and come home to me, wouldn’t he?”

  “Mmmm” he murmured quietly.

  “Listen. Give both my girls a kiss and I’ll be up tomorrow” I told him.

  “You’re coming up tomorrow?” he asked, and I could hear the grin in his voice.

  “Yeah. I’ve just got a couple things to do but I can see to those in the morning and then I’ll come up in the afternoon. I have to talk to you about something anyway. I’ll be bringing Bruce though cos’ I’ve missed the shit out of him.”

  “Okay. Text me when you are about here. Love you E.”

  “Love you too Aaron. Tell Luce and Evie I love them. Bye.”

  I sighed and brought my knees up for a hug, suddenly I felt so lonely.

  I was close enough to my band mates but I missed Aaron and Luce so much.

  Cam and I video chatted every Sunday but apart from that I had no one. You never knew who to trust in the music industry and you had to be wary of anyone who wanted to befriend you. Most of them just wanted a story to sell to the papers about you, and that would be my worst nightmare.

  My phone pinged a text through and a teary smile erupted on my face when Aaron had sent me a photo of Evie.

  She was beautiful and I replied telling him exactly that. Then I forwarded the photo to each of my boy’s (That’s what I called my band members), walked to bedroom and pulled on a robe before I went to run a bath.

  Just as the bath reached halfway, they all charged into my room, each of them picking me up and swirling me round before popping the cork on a bottle of champagne.

  They were good to me. They looked after me and dragged me through the muddy darkness when I needed it, especially Mad, who had grown quite close to me and I had started to get a feeling it might be more than platonic on his side.

  I hoped not because I didn’t see him like that, and I didn’t want to spoil our friendship by exploring those feelings.

  We ordered sloppy pizza, played cards and drank lots of champagne until we all passed out drunk and exhausted.

  Yep. I loved these boy’s.


  Oh Wow. I felt as rough as I looked and I reluctantly peeled myself out of bed, frowning when I realised each of the boy’s had joined me in it.

  Well, why not? It was certainly big enough and I sighed in relief when I realised I was wearing shorts and a vest.

  Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time I had woken with these guys, when they were naked after a night on the juice.

  I stumbled into the kitchen area and ordered room service, including three cinnamon lattes with an extra shot in each.

  “Christ babe. You look like shit!” Jax growled from my sofa.

  I squealed loudly as I turned to find him on the couch, one ankle propped over his other knee as he drank coffee and read a morning newspaper, leisurely leaning back into the huge plump cushions.

  “What…the hell Jax?” I stuttered.

  He tipped his head. “You always sleep with your band member’s babe?”

  “What the hell Jax?”

  Yes, I had said that once.

  He stood slowly and prowled towards me causing my knees to buckle at the sheer raw sex emanating off him.

  His strong pecs rippled with power as his tight t-shirt clung to each contour of his deliciousness, and my mouth watered as I watched him approach.

  His tattooed solid arms lifted to hold the tops of my arms when he reached me, and he pulled me against his chest as his nose rested in my hair.

  “Need to breathe you babe.”

  I was too weak to move, too in love with him to say no and too desperate to feel him, to not inhale him.

  I closed my eyes and just took, seized everything he was giving me right at that very moment. My whole body hummed in delight as my soul coupled with its mate.

  “You mine babe?”


  What the hell?

  That ruined the moment!

  I reared back and stared at him incredulously.

  “I was!” I spat.

  He sucked air through his teeth and nodded. “Shit happened babe.”

  Was that it? Was that all the excuse I was going to get?

  I laughed bitterly. “Oh yeah, Jax. Shit definitely happened. Get out!”

  He narrowed his eyes on me and I glared at him.

  “Need an answer babe.” I shook my head in confusion “An answer to what?”

  “Band. You sleep with ‘em babe?”

  Oh My God!!!

  “Yeah Jax. Fucked ‘em all. Hard, wild and all at the same time! Fucking ace babe!” I sneered.

  A growl rumbled from deep inside him and he took one huge stride into me, locking me down with his eyes.

  “Calm the fuck down babe.”

  My face made many expressions with the many astounded thoughts that skimmed my brain.

  “What?” I asked so quietly I wasn’t sure he heard it.

  He studied me intensely and then his hand lifted and he ran a finger across my jaw and down my throat. “There been anyone lately babe?”

  Christ almighty!!! Did he have any limits?

  “Jax. You need to leave now before I get seriously pissed at you and knee yo
u in the fucking balls.” I warned.

  His brows lifted as his face held a smirk before he spotted the champagne bottles lined up behind the couch.

  “Celebrating babe?”

  Was he just ignoring my request for him to leave or was he just ignorant?

  “Yes” I sighed. “Aaron and Luce had a little girl last night” I divulged.

  His grin made my heart flutter. “Shit babe.”

  I grinned back and nodded. “They’ve called her Evie. I’m gonna go up and squidge her later. I can’t wait.”

  Wait a minute E! What the hell are you telling him all this for?

  His face seemed to contort with pain for a moment before he cleared it and we just stood staring at each other. Our eyes saying everything our mouths couldn’t.

  His hand cupped my face tenderly and we both sighed heavily at the contact as I nuzzled into it.

  “I hurt you bad Babe” he whispered and I couldn’t hold back the sob that erupted.

  “Yes” I agreed.

  “You took the whip for me babe.”

  “It was for lots of reason Jax. Don’t worry about it” I whispered.

  “You never left me Eve Hudson. You never escaped from in here” he lifted my hand and placed it against his heart. “It was just too damn hard babe. The gap, the longing, the sheer need for you. Too fuckin’ painful, my body ached babe. I…I…couldn’t stand it when I saw…”

  I held up a hand to quieten him and pulled away before turning to look through the window “Go Jax. I don’t wanna hear it. It’s two years too late…”

  He was quiet for a second. “You’ll always be mine babe” he said softly before he left.

  “Lock, stock and barrel baby” I whispered as the door closed behind him.


  “You made the papers” Leah informed me as soon as I answered my phone. I growled at Hunter, who was currently trying to steal my coffee.

  “Good! That was the idea.” I smiled but my nerves were antsy about what was to come.

  “Well it must have been a good idea E, because Hash Tag has been inundated with donations. Since last night they have received over another £250,000 in contributions.”

  I could feel her grin through my phone but it didn’t match mine, it couldn’t…mine was a whole mile wider.

  “You are shittin’ me Leah?”

  She scoffed loudly “Nope. And that’s before the income from the single.”

  “That is fantastic.” I beamed as Mad smiled at me, obviously clueing into my conversation.

  “Listen Leah, while I’ve got you on. I need you to handle all my shit for a few days.” I cringed as she laughed falsely. “You are joking E?” she chuckled again.


  Silence…deadly silence.

  I waited for it to click into place.

  “You’re not joking are you.” she stated slowly and I clapped her silently. “Nope” I repeated.

  “What the hell E? I can’t just press a pause button and suspend the next three days itinerary!”

  “I don’t care what you have to do Leah, but I am going north to spend a few day’s with my new niece. I need you to sort it and I know how fabulous you are, so you will sort it” I cringed as I disconnected.

  All three boys were staring at me, shocked expressions on their faces and I shrugged. “I’m sorry boys but I need these few days” I pouted and fluttered my eyelashes. “You don’t mind do you?”

  Each of the six eyebrows facing me lifted at my attempt to butter them up but they smiled.

  “Go for it, I think we could all do with a break” Angel said.

  “Where are you going?” Mad asked nonchalantly. I noticed something in his eyes but I couldn’t ascertain what it was.

  “Huddersfield. It’s where Aaron and Luce live…oh and Evie. I have a house up there for when I visit them” I added with a grin.

  He nodded and smiled tightly as Tom, my other personal security man came into the suite.

  “E, group of guys wanting to see you” he informed me and I frowned.

  “I know I’m a goddess but I don’t usually get a group of blokes after me” I joked.

  He smirked as Hunter barked out a sarcastic laugh producing a glare from me in his direction.

  “Band members of Room 103” Tom informed me and I grinned widely.

  “Well send ‘em up” I urged giddily.

  He nodded and spoke into his phone and ten minutes later, they all dived in and scooped me up, Bulk first as I hadn’t seen him yesterday.

  “Good God E. Look at you, all grown up” he winked and I slapped his arm. “Look at you Bulk, still exactly the same!” I winked back.

  Jax stepped forward and passed me a take-out cup from Starbucks. “Cinnamon latte, extra shot babe” he smirked and I couldn’t hold back the smile that he had remembered which beverage I preferred.

  “You gonna introduce us E?” Mad asked, with a hint of a glint in his eyes as he scanned Jax from top to bottom.

  I narrowed my eyes on him in warning but made introductions.

  Jax took a step closer to me, bringing him within touching distance as he checked out Mad.

  It was like pistols at dawn and I stifled a smile when I caught Boss’s humorous expression whilst he watched the pair of opponents square up to each other.

  Boss grinned at me and winked playfully. “Guess what hot stuff?”

  I shook my head in blankness before he slipped his eyes to Jax and then back to me.

  “We’re coming up The Hud with you.”

  I narrowed my eyes on him and cocked my head “What?”

  “Huddersfield babe” Jax enlightened and I swung round to him slowly, my brows high.

  “Sorry, what?” I repeated, a little stunned.

  I heard Boss scoff and Romeo had an amused expression on his lips as they all watched Jax and me.

  “Coming home babe.”


  I nodded slowly as I pursed my lips. “Only took you two fucking years Jax!” I spat.

  He sucked air through his teeth loudly and flinched but took a step into me as he bent towards my ear. “Calm down babe” he whispered.

  I laughed bitterly and looked at him in astonishment.

  “Calm. Down. Jax? You don’t bother to get in touch for two fucking years, you don’t ring, you don’t answer my calls, you don’t…you don’t give a holy fuck for two long fucking years! And then you turn up out of the blue as if we’d…as if…as if…Shit!!!”

  My hands shook in anger and I held them over my mouth in anguish as he stared at me.

  I didn’t care that everybody was watching me. I was too damn angry!

  Boss walked over to me with a pained expression and took my hand, then led me through the suite and into my bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind us.

  He sighed heavily and turned to me with a sad look. “It’s been hard for him E” he said softly and I scoffed. “Yeah?” I said bitterly.

  “E…he didn’t cope well with the distance. It hit him hard and he just…he gave up E, god damn it! He just gave up when you…!”

  “He gave up?” I interrupted his words as anger surged through me.

  “You know what Boss? You wanna know how HARD it was for me…you wanna know?” I shouted loudly, all the pain of the last two years finally coming to a head.

  “He fucking promised me Boss, he promised me he would come home and do you know what? I fuckin’ waited for him. I waited for him for eighteen fucking months like a sad, desperate twat because I couldn’t let him go” I sobbed and held my hands up to him when he approached.

  “I sat on that airport floor for three fucking hours, begging him to come back Boss…three fucking long and torturous hours, because my heart and soul went with him that day, and I couldn’t breathe, I haven’t fucking breathed since he walked through that fucking door in that fucking airport!!!”

  He looked at the floor to shield himself from my anger and my pain.

  “I lost my mother,
my brother, my friends, my lover, my faith in my father and my… within six months and all I wanted to do was die…was fucking die!!! And you’re here telling me he didn’t cope well. Well you know what Boss? I was just on the end of a phone…just a simple press of thirteen buttons and I would have been there for him. Or even one just to answer my damn calls.”

  He sucked on his lips and nodded in despair “He didn’t want to talk after…”

  “Boss!” Jax barked in warning from behind us and I jolted.

  “How long have you been there?” I asked stiffly as his eyes found mine.

  “Long enough babe.” He said quietly and I looked away in awkwardness.

  “Boss. Give us a minute” he asked and Boss nodded and left.

  “Sit down” he ordered and I stared wide eyed at him but refused to move.

  He grit his teeth and glared at me “Sit the fuck down babe.”

  I stood immobile just looking at him in amazement, my jaw dropped and my eyes round.

  He poked his tongue between his teeth and bit down, as if to control his anger.

  “Babe…” he growled softly.

  “Just who the fuck do you actually think you are Jax? You are nothing to me anymore, so don’t tell me what the fuck to do” I said slowly.

  He closed his eyes and I saw his fists clench as his nostrils flared slightly.

  “You’re not hearin’ me babe.”


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