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Shocking Heaven

Page 34

by Sidebottom, D. H.

  “Bruce!” I shouted but Amanda laughed. “Leave him, Ruby’s a tart. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had offered him a biscuit for a quickie” She chuckled.

  I stared at her then burst out laughing. “Sex and food. My boy is in heaven” I smirked.

  “How are you E?” Amanda asked and I shrugged.

  Amanda had been my bounce board for the last few weeks as we had met every morning on the mound.

  “I have the opportunity to move to America” I told her frankly.

  She nodded once “Okayyy and…”

  “And…” I shrugged then looked into the distance. “He’s getting married Amanda. Watching that happen will finally kill me” I divulged.

  She settled her hand on my knee and squeezed as we both grimaced when Bruce managed to manipulate Ruby into a position that looked kind of painful.

  Both our heads tipped sideways and our expressions showed the same amazement. “Wow” Amanda breathed and my jaw dropped.

  We both shook off and diverted our eyes as a shudder racked through both of us. “What does your heart say E?” she asked softly and I frowned and tipped my head “It says go for it.”

  She shrugged as if that’s all that mattered. “But my head says ‘Fuck girl, don’t do it to yourself again’”

  She scoffed “E. If none of us took a risk once in a while, the whole earth’s population would die off. Men come with their own code, a code so difficult to crack, God even gave up when he created them and just left them as they were.”

  I nodded seriously in agreement.

  “But we women have something unique.”

  I glanced at her questioningly and she smirked at me “Tits Darling.”

  I looked at her in astonishment, and then laughed loudly and heartily, until we were both crying at her humour. “Are you sure you never met Jax?” I asked. She seemed to know what ruled him intimately.

  She laughed then regarded me seriously “Seriously though E, there’s only you that can decide what to do with your life but you really need to sit down with Bruce and discuss your options.”

  “Well that’s another thing…Bruce” I fretted.

  She frowned at me with confusion “Bruce will settle wherever he is E.”

  “Yeah but there’s all the laws on travel and stuff” I said worryingly.

  “It’s just straightforward paperwork now E. Most countries accept animals with simple documentation from your vets, as long as they’re up to date with vaccine’s and stuff, then it’s full steam ahead” she informed me and I pursed my lips in surprise, expecting quarantines and all that mess.

  My phone rang in my bag and I frowned when I didn’t recognise the number. “Hello?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Hello is that Eve?” a woman’s soft voice came over the line.

  “Yes” I acknowledged slowly.

  “This is a little difficult really so I’m just gonna come out with it. My name is Helen Jenkins and I’m Jax’s fiancé” she disclosed and my stomach clenched.

  Amanda frowned at me and I mouthed to her who it was before I put it on loud speaker so she could hear.

  “Right okay.” I murmured and she sighed. “I’m really sorry for ringing like this but…but, well I’m a little worried about Jax since he came home” she said quietly and I looked at Amanda in bewilderment.

  She shrugged and we waited for Helen to continue.

  “He told me about you Eve and he said you know about us but you don’t know the story.”

  My hackles rose a little at this but I remained silent.

  “We’re not in love Eve, hell, we haven’t even kissed.” She disclosed and Amanda looked at me with raised eyebrows but mine were puckered in confusion.

  “We’re just friends and Jax is doing me a huge favour. There is no wedding Eve, it’s all a farce and I feel really bad that it’s come between you two. Jax is a great guy and he’s hurting so much right now Eve.”

  I scoffed loudly and I heard her inhalation. “Please just listen” she urged and I sighed heavily. “Go on” I conceded.

  “Jax and I met when he first came to America and he looked a little lost so I helped him settle in, showed him the sights and taught him the lingo, you know, that type of thing and anyway we became good friends, absolutely platonic Eve.”

  I picked at my nails while she carried on and my heart started to melt a little.

  “Well at the same time I started seeing this guy…” she took a huge breath before she continued and I could sense her anguish through the line.

  “After a while we progressed to living together and sharing bills and all sort of stuff, you know how it goes. But anyway after a few months he kind of…well he started to get aggressive.”

  I pursed my lips and sighed as she became silent. “You okay?” I asked softly. “Yeah, sorry…Jax started to notice the bruises but he didn’t say anything at first but after a few months it got worse but I couldn’t get out of the relationship. He was one of those bastards that thought he owned you as soon as you moved in with him.”

  Amanda and I nodded to ourselves in complete understanding with Helen.

  “I found out I was pregnant…” she added and I cringed for her. “So of course Sed…”

  “Whoa….” I halted her there. “Is this Sed Tyler we’re talking about?”

  “Yes” she said bluntly and all the air stored in my lungs erupted in one single gust.

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah. Jax told me you got involved with him, that’s another reason I rang you, just to warn you Eve.”

  “Don’t worry Helen. Sed and me are completely over, have been for a while.”

  She blew out a huge breath in relief. “Oh thank god. He’s bad Eve, so bad. He wouldn’t let me go and when he found out I was pregnant he got worse and anyway one day I eventually opened up to Jax” she said with a bit of a hiccup.

  “Jax went ballistic and stormed round and beat the shit out of him but even then Sed didn’t get the message and wouldn’t leave me alone so…so Jax told him we were in love and getting married and that it was his baby” she finished with a huff.

  Well this was different and Amanda’s face showed as much shock as mine. I didn’t quite know how to digest this and I paused for a long moment. “Did it work?” I asked finally.

  “Yes” she said bluntly. “But please don’t tell Sed it’s not real” she added desperately and I promised her I wouldn’t. “He loves you so much Eve. He’s a mess and I honestly don’t know what to do with him.”

  “Then I need a favour Helen.”



  “Jesus Christ E.” Harry one of Room 103’s tech guys hugged me tight. “Fuck me girl, it’s been years” he shouted in my ear as the crowd at Madison Square Garden’s went wild when Room 103 kicked into one of their most popular songs.

  My soul pulsed violently at the sound of Jax’s tones through the air. “He doesn’t know I’m here?” I asked Harry who shook his head and led me side stage to where the rest of the crew were.

  They all beamed widely and each one hugged me, even the new guys who I hadn’t seen before.

  The sound guy approached me. “You ready Eve? Boss knows what to do” he said as he handed me a mic and led me to the steps beside the stage.

  My heart stuttered wildly as I caught sight of him.

  He had lost weight and his face was paler but he was still my gorgeous rock God and my heart exploded inside my chest.

  My hands shook and my legs trembled as they finished their current song and Boss approached Jax and said something in his ear. Jax shrugged and spoke back, but Boss shook his head and lifted his hands in a ‘don’t ask me’ gesture.

  I could make out Jax say ‘I don’t know if I can boss’ but Boss nodded sternly before he walked back to his drums.

  “MSG” Jax addressed to the crowd which roared in acknowledgement. “Gotta bit of a change. Someone wants us to perform “Shocking Heaven’” he said to his fans, whom che
ered and whooped loudly.

  “You’ll have to bear with me cos’ I gotta sing…I gotta sing E’s part” he choked out and I gulped in much needed air as hastily as I could.

  The mass clapped in approval before he turned and signalled to Romeo.

  Romeo came in with his slow riff and the crowd were already swaying along with him as Jax choked out the first line but then seemed to go with the flow of our song.

  “You’re there, seen from the stars

  Peaceful dignity with so much quiet misery

  Trying to hold on, to breathe

  Just don’t ever leave

  I’m beggin ya’, ya’ need to believe”

  I took a calming breath then as Jax started to sing the chorus I stepped onto the stage from the side and the spotlight hit me as I joined him in the chorus. His face was classic as his jaw dropped and his knees wobbled.

  The crowd roared and thundered and chanted and screamed as I smiled and sang to my man.

  “But if you’re going through hell, keep going

  Cos’ you’re just shocking heaven

  Shocking heaven

  And shaming angels

  Cos’ you’re just screaming in silence

  Bringing me to my knees”

  I had reached him by now and he stood in shock, his eyes skimming me and absorbing every single inch of me as I went into my verse.

  “You’re near, touching my mind

  Forever seeing with so much abandon

  Trying to take back, to live

  I’ve not much more to give

  But I’m beggin’, make me believe”

  He managed to join me in the next chorus and then, finally, a huge smile erupted over his face as he sang his next verse with so much emotion, a tear slid from both of us.

  “You’re here, inside my soul

  Brutal caress with so much tender slaughter

  Trying to break free, to run

  Don’t leave me when you’re done

  I’m beggin’ ya, don’t fire the damn gun”

  He took my hand and kissed the back of it before we joined together for the next section.

  “But we’re trying to carry on and love

  Gently fighting against each other for the passion

  Linking together as one, no more lonely souls

  And now we’re shocking heaven, just shocking heaven”

  Then Jax belted out the outro.

  “If you’re going through hell, keep going

  Keep going, keep going

  Don’t ever stop, never stop

  Keep going, keep going”

  “The fuck babe?” he shouted over the rumble of the fans appreciation. I smiled widely and palmed his cheek.

  “You mine baby?” I whispered against his lips.

  He gasped as both of his hands slid around each side of my head and he breathed me as I inhaled him.

  “Lock, stock and barrel babe.”



  E turned and looked at me with those damn beautiful big eyes of hers and I grabbed her hand, linking her long thin fingers with my own. “Chill babe” I told her but her eyes communicated everything she was feeling.

  “But Jax, what if…”

  I placed a finger against her soft pink lips and shushed her.

  “No ifs babe.”

  She was starting to panic and it hurt my heart to see her this way.

  “E, they won’t be here for another two hours. Breathe Babe.”

  She nodded at me frantically and I watched her pull one of those delicious plump lips in between her teeth.

  My cock twitched at the sight of it and I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

  “Fuck babe” I whispered as I growled and nipped that lip with my own teeth and pulled it into my mouth.

  She moaned faintly and her hands slipped into my hair as she grabbed a handful. That simple action always had my dick pressing into the zip of my jeans and I returned her groan with one of my own.

  “I need you Jax” she breathed against my mouth and I leant down and scooped her up.

  She continued to kiss me in the way only she could kiss; soft, pliable and so damn erotically that I could never resist her after she dominated me with her lips.

  She tasted like heaven and Angels but with so much delicious sin, the inspiration for the song I wrote for her. She never knew it was her kiss that had inspired me and she never would, but she realised what her kisses did to me and I knew she used them whenever she wanted her own way.

  I just couldn’t say no to her…ever. But then again, I never wanted to.

  I laid her down gently on the bed and slowly peeled every single piece of her clothing off her, displaying that stunning little body of hers to me.

  She was so beautiful, every single inch of her and I just stood back and took in all of her.

  The sight of her fucking exquisite tits brought the blood pumping to my cock potently, they were just so perfect; small but absolutely succulent and those nipples, God those nipples.

  I had never seen nipples like E’s; so pink and plump and my mouth drooled every time she exposed them to me.

  I bent into her and took one in my mouth to idolise, circling it with my tongue as I suckled on it. I knew this drove her wild and she arched into me.

  “Ooh Jax, that’s so…oh wow so nice baby, yes, bite me Jax…”

  It always made me chuckle inwardly when she started gibbering and I knew I had her wet and ready for me when she got like this.

  “Fucking ace tits babe” I told her.

  It always helped to compliment her, and a bit of romance never hurt anyone, so I did it as often as I could, just to see that god damn stunning smile of hers.

  Her fingers started fumbling with my belt and I helped her along and stripped down for her before I positioned my throbbing dick at the entrance to her delicious pussy.

  She lifted her hips. Begging me to take her and I grinned as I pushed in.

  She always felt so fucking incredible and we both moaned in satisfaction as we fused together.

  “Fuck babe. Always so fuckin’ amazing.”

  She nodded in agreement but I wondered if she had actually heard me as her eyes rolled back and her bottom lip quivered.

  Fuck me, that always drove me wild and I started to move inside her.

  She clenched around me as I hit the very tip of her and rebounded back.

  “Fuck Jax…that’s it baby…love me…”

  Oh, I loved her alright. All of her, every single, fucking, fragment of her. Her heart, her soul, her skin, her brain, her mind, hell, even her breath was fucking sent from god.

  She lifted her hips into me as I gave her what she needed and banged her hard.

  She cried out loudly and I could feel her orgasm approach as her pussy tightened so much it threatened to choke my cock.

  “Baby….” She cried as she came around my dick and I followed her over the edge, spurting almost painfully into her as I shouted her name.

  She always made me come wild and hard, always had, from the first day I claimed her, and loving her just seemed to get better each time.

  She was fucking awesome and I had sworn that she would never be out of my sight ever again, and had taken her as my wife two years ago.

  She was utterly angelic that day on the beach. Her soft hair flowing in the breeze and her hot little body wrapped in a simple white gown.

  She had blown me away at the sight of her and my heart had literally stunted when I saw her beam at me happily.

  “Jax…” she whispered in my ear and I looked down into her soft eyes.

  I pulled out and ran my nose along the length of hers. “Babe stop worrying. Promise you, they’ll be here” I told her confidently and she nodded at the sincerity in my words.

  She sat on the edge of the bed beside me and fiddled with her nails, a habit she had when she was nervous.

  I sat behind her and flanked her legs with my own. “You need to hear me babe.”

nbsp; “I do baby, I hear ya’. I’m just nervous Jax.”

  I nodded, that was understandable. Hell, even I was nervous but I knew this would complete her, would complete us.

  She pushed off the bed and started to dress and I sat and watched each of her moves as she stripped backwards and I engrained her body to memory until next time I could get her underneath me.

  I followed her moves and dressed before we went back down and waited impatiently.

  “Do we have everything ready?” she flustered as she scratched behind Bruce’s ears, and I rolled my eyes and nodded in response to that question for the twentieth time that day.

  The doorbell rang and I watched her lithe little body shoot towards the ceiling and I bit back a chuckle. I didn’t think she would appreciate me laughing at her at that time.

  She blew out a big breath and looked at me so nervously that I took her hand and led her to the front door.

  Her hand trembled as she palmed the handle and pulled the door open.

  I heard her breath skip as a small choked sob rumbled through her chest.

  Rowena beamed at E and handed the precious cargo over.

  “Mr and Mrs Cooper, welcome to parenthood” she said as E cradled our two week old adopted daughter, Lily.

  I swiped E’s tears from her face and whispered in her ear.

  “You both mine babe?”


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