Train Me
Page 19
“You were right Grant,” I said in a soft voice and licked my lips. His eyes fell to my lips and then swung down to my breasts. “It was nice to see you again,” I added.
He lunged at me. Closing the space between us with one quick step. His arms snapped around me and he pulled me to his body. Our lips were locked together and he groaned. This time, our kiss wasn’t as gentle and surprising. He thrust his tongue between my lips and I welcomed him in. I wasn’t going to waste any time, I jutted my hips out to meet his body and he leaned me backwards.
I could taste him in my mouth. My hands found his shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was leaning me backwards, lower and lower as we kissed. Desperately, like we’d been hungry for days.
My hands fumbled with his t-shirt and I slid it up his torso. He pulled his face away from me and I rolled his t-shirt up, over his head and flung it to the floor.
Grant’s fingers found the inside of my thigh and he gently started sliding my dress up. I moaned lightly and he looked up at me and smiled. Then his eyes fell to my breasts and he let go of my thighs. Still holding my waist with one arm, his other hand went up my body. He squeezed my breasts once and then found the zip on the side of my dress.
It was happening. It was actually happening! I bit down on my lip as he pulled the zip down. I was in Grant Jennings’ arms. My dress slid off and he helped push it off my shoulders and it fell down my legs to the floor. I was now only in my blue lace bra and panties.
Grant finally let me go. I stumbled backwards and gawked at him. His torso was bare, chiseled like he was a piece of crafted woodwork. His skin was the color of sand, and his stomach was flat with a thin trail of dark hair disappearing down the front of his pants.
I could feel myself growing wet. When Grant was done looking at me, he undid his pants. I licked my lips, with my heart beating out of my chest. His pants slid down and I saw the definition of his athletic thighs. He was strong and rugged and not ashamed of his body. While I could feel goosebumps on my skin, my body was on fire. I was unashamedly staring at him.
Next, with his eyes on me, Grant hooked his thumbs on the elastic of his boxers and started sliding it down. I gasped dramatically as his cock came into view. He had a raging hard on. A proud throbbing cock hung between his legs and he grabbed it in his hand.
“Is this why you’re here?” he asked me and I looked up at his face. Grant’s features were darkened, his blue eyes had narrowed and a glazed look had come over his face. He was staring at me like he wanted to devour me.
“Maybe,” I said weakly and I watched as he began stroking himself. The wetness between my legs grew sticky and hot. I could feel the knots in my stomach tightening. That was exactly why I was there!
“On the floor, now,” he said in a commanding voice and I had no idea why I did what I was told. Never before would I have just done what I was told, especially by him. But I was mesmerized by his body, by what he could do to me. By what he was already doing to me by just standing there naked in front of me. I wanted him inside me. Right away.
I got down on my knees on the rug on the wooden floor. We were still in the foyer, with glass walls around us. Any moment someone could just drive up and knock on his front door. It was thrilling to know that.
Grant took a few steps towards me and now he was standing over me. His throbbing hard cock hung over me and I looked up at it. I wanted to plead with him to do something, to quench this feeling inside me.
“On your back and spread your legs, Beverley,” he said, in the same authoritative voice. I gulped and did what I was told again. I got on my back and gingerly I spread my legs. Grant hadn’t touched me in some time, and I was yearning for his touch.
So, when he kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my ankles, I gasped again. He smiled, keeping his eyes on my face.
“I’m going to get rid of this now,” he said and slowly, he started rolling down my panties. I had to bring my legs closer together again so he could take it off, and he flung it away from him.
I was shy again. He was looking directly at me, at my swollen wet center that was throbbing in anticipation for his cock. Grant clenched his jaw, like he was planning what to do and then he looked at me again.
“Do you want me to stop now?” he asked, with his brows crossed. I shook my head quickly. There was no way I wanted him to stop. Grant stretched my legs apart again, by just holding my ankles and he wedged himself closer to me, closer to my center.
I arched my back up towards him, trying to reach him that way and he smiled again. He lowered himself, his hands trailing up now. When he gripped my waist, I arched my back again and then I felt his mouth on me. Just a flick of his tongue and I moaned.
“Relax, Beverley,” I heard his muffled voice and I took in a deep breath. He held me tightly as I felt his tongue slide into me. Grant’s tongue was inside me. He was finally inside me! I was ready to explode right away. I wouldn’t be able to bear it for much longer. Keeping me in place, he started thrusting his tongue in and out of me. I moved my hips to the rhythm and couldn’t control my moans any more.
In a few moments, while he kept his mouth pressed to my wet center, his hands found my breasts. Through my bra, he flicked my nipples as he continued to suck and thrust into me. I knew I was close to the edge. I was going to fall over very soon, the quickest I’d ever come. All because I’d waited for this for so long.
Then he moved his hand, lower again to find my swollen clit. With his thumb he started stroking it, keeping his tongue sliding in and out of me with an increased speed. The slippery sound of his tongue inside me, the stroking of my clit, his other hand playing with my stiff nipple…it was all too much. He had pushed me over the edge and my body gave up.
My orgasm came as a shock and my body shuddered. Grant didn’t stop. He kept pumping into me with his tongue as I felt myself explode. I had no control over my voice either, and I shouted out his name repeatedly, begging him to not stop. I felt my toes curl and I grabbed fistfuls of his hair in my hand. His beard scratched the tender skin around my clit, he kept going till my body finally stopped jerking.
I was still in a daze. My soul was still recovering as it started slowly sliding down back to reality. I sensed him moving, sliding his tongue out of me, shifting to a sitting position. When reality hit me, it hit me hard and I jerked myself up and my hands flew to where his mouth had been.
A smile formed on Grant’s face as he looked at me, he was breathing heavily as well.
“You know how long I’ve waited to do that to you?” he said and I realized that I had my nostrils flared. I was ashamed that he had made me so vulnerable, that he had pushed me to drop all my defenses.
“You can have my company, Grant,” I said and stood up from the floor. I scrambled towards my clothes while he remained sitting on the floor.
“That’s it? That’s all you got?” I heard him say, as I started picking my clothes up.
“I came here to tell you that I’ll sell my company to you, but I’m not going to work with you,” I said, without turning to look at him.
Chapter 10
“We don’t have to talk about work right now, Beverley,” I said, looking at her while she slid up her panties. She was avoiding my eyes again and all I wanted to do was look at her. My cock was still hard for her, I hadn’t orgasmed yet and I wanted her body again.
“Yes, we do. That’s all we should have talked about,” she said and bent forward to pick up her dress. My boner was beginning to weaken. I could feel my temples beginning to throb. The frustration of not having her completely was setting in, as I realized that she was about to leave.
“Why did you come to my house then?” I asked her, and recognized the bubbling rage in my voice. I had expected Beverley to be a tease, but now I was simply angry. She whipped her head around to look at me. I was still completely naked, and sitting on folded knees, while she was getting dressed.
“Because I wanted to tell you in pe
rson that I’ve decided to sell the company,” she said and I shook my head. I didn’t believe her. I reached for my pants and stood up to slide them up my legs. She was in the process of zipping up her dress when I did up my pants.
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I said in a low gruff voice.
“What are you talking about?” she said as she ran her fingers through her hair. Even though my boner was gone by now, I could still feel my cock throbbing in my pants. I was desperate for her to not leave. I wanted to see this through. I knew I wouldn’t have any peace of mind till I had her completely.
“You didn’t just come here to tell me that. You could have called, emailed, sent your lawyers to tell me that,” I said and clenched my jaw. Beverley was fully dressed now. The blue dress she was wearing made her cleavage pop out and I couldn’t help but look at her breasts. I was so close to having them. I couldn’t stop my brain from imagining her being naked again.
“I wanted to see your house. See how much wealth you’ve amassed,” she said in a sour tone. I narrowed my eyes at her.
“So, this is about money? I’d never imagined you to be about money, Beverley,” I said and she puckered her mouth. In a way that made me want to grab her and kiss her lips again.
“Again, you think you know me but you don’t Grant,” she said and crossed her arms over her breasts. She was standing with her hip cocked to one side. In that blue dress, with her long legs and high heeled shoes…after I’d just tasted her in my mouth. It was difficult to compare her to the nerdy tech geek I went to college with.
“So, it is about the money? You wanted to see how much money I have?” I asked her and she rolled her eyes. It was almost comical, how hard she was trying to pretend that she hated me. Even though she had been screaming my name just minutes ago and begging me to not stop making her come. It made me smile.
“No, okay, it isn’t about the money,” she said and I arched an eyebrow.
“So, why did you come here? Don’t try and bullshit me again and tell me you came here for business talk,” I said and I walked towards her.
To my surprise, she stepped away from me. Her arms fell away and she licked her lips.
“I don’t know why I did, but I shouldn’t have,” she said. I stopped in my tracks when she started inching away from me again, but I wanted to touch her. My hands almost shook with the physical force of my desire for her. I couldn’t remember the last time I wanted to be inside a woman so badly.
“Okay, so let’s talk it over then,” I said, dropping my voice to a lower decibel. She rolled her eyes again.
“You think you can just seduce me into getting your way? Unfortunately for you, Grant, I’m not like all the other women you sleep with,” she said and for some reason that made me smile. It was a hint at her feelings towards my sex life. She was jealous.
“Right now, Beverley, there is no one else around us. So, let’s just talk about you and me,” I said and held my smile. She shook her head, like she was trying to convince herself and not me.
“There is nothing to talk about. I just told you that I don’t want to work with you,” she said and I took in a sharp breath.
“I didn’t mean talk about work, I meant talk about you and me and what happened here,” I said and she shoved past me abruptly, walking quickly towards my front door.
“What happened was a mistake, and I shouldn’t have come over here,” she said and placed a hand on my doorknob.
I followed her with my eyes and clenched my jaw. I could still feel the frustration of not having her running through my veins. It was making me light headed and mad with her.
“Go then,” I said, with a bitter tone in my voice. She threw me a look of fury and turned the knob and pulled the door open.
“My lawyers will be in touch,” she said as she stepped out and shut the door gently behind her.
I stood watching her as her heels clicked against the brick pathway. She was hurrying away towards the main road where she’d probably parked her car. In the dark, she eventually turned into a distant blue haze as she walked and I picked up the glass and drank the leftover whiskey in one large gulp.
Chapter 11
I had the radio on full blast as I drove back to my apartment, hoping that the music might help in drowning the thoughts in my head. All those years of yearning for Grant…and when it happened, it was even better than my fantasies. Grant was gentle and thoughtful and knew exactly how to make me feel good. And then the thought occurred to me that, he was probably just as gentle and thoughtful with all the women he slept with.
I arrived at my apartment building and ran up the stairs, and slammed the door shut behind me. I realized that I was panting and thirsty. As I poured myself a glass of water, flashes of Grant shook my mind. I could see him naked, and standing in front of me, his cock in his hand…I wanted him inside me. I still did, even though I’d put a stop to it. The truth was that I was afraid of going any further with him, I was frightened of how that might change my life.
In college, when my feelings for him were the strongest; I expelled those thoughts from my brain by trying to hate him, by trying to compete with him. I tried to find faults with him, remind myself that he was just another jock…that he wasn’t good enough for me. But now I knew that none of that was true. He was smart and immensely successful and he had actually beaten me to the game. I was the one selling my company to him. In the long run, he had won.
Other than the fact that he was immensely good looking and the object of every woman’s affection, I couldn’t fault him for anything else.
I emptied the glass of water into my throat and sat down on my couch. Had the kiss, my orgasm…all been another display of his victory over me? I couldn’t stop thinking about how he tasted, how his tongue slid into me, how he stroked me right where I needed it. My orgasm had been strong, shook my body and had now overtaken my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. How would it feel if he was actually inside me? Had I imagined all this?
I shook my head. I regretted the decision now. I’d thought it would be a good idea to go to his house, to try and see what else he wanted from me. Before I went there, I was sure that I would be able to handle another kiss, if that was what he wanted. But now I knew that any physical contact with Grant meant disaster for me. It was like I was falling down a hole, deeper and deeper. It would be so difficult for me to move on from this, to find someone else who could even compare. This was all my fault.
I rushed towards my laptop and switched it on to compose an email to my lawyers. I wanted them to initiate the handing over of the company to Lonex as soon as possible. I wanted to get it over with. Grant was right, as was Sasha. This was the best offer I could get, and Lonex absorbing the company would mean that my code, my programs and my work might actually have a chance to survive. It would also mean that my employees would be taken care of. And also of course, the money was better than I could hope for.
As long as I could get past the fact that I’d seen Grant naked. That his mouth had made me come, I’d be able to move on with my life.
I composed the email and sent it off, only to realize that my fingers were shaking. I was still reeling from the shock of nearly sleeping with him.
I could move away? I thought. I could move to a different city, try and start over. I entertained the thought in my mind for a while, before I figured that alcohol might help.
I had a bottle of whiskey stashed away, which I found and poured myself a large one. It started off as a few sips, but eventually turned into one large gulp. I poured myself some more. What did I have to worry about? It wasn’t like I had to get to work the next day. I had nowhere to be. With that email to my lawyers, I had begun the process of officially being without work. So, what was there stopping me from getting all out drunk and spending the whole day in bed the next day? When was the last time I’d taken a vacation or even a day off?
My thoughts wandered to Grant and I imagined him vacationing in the
Bahamas or the Swiss Alps. His arm around a supermodel, or maybe two. Once again, Grant Jennings had overtaken my life. I wish I’d stayed away from him. That I hadn’t gone to that meeting, so that he couldn’t kiss me and mess up my brain.
Within half an hour of starting to drink, I was already drunk. I stripped myself of the blue dress and kicked off my heels. I’d have to wash those clothes, take a shower…hopefully that would get rid of Grant’s smell on them. I could still feel his hands gripping my waist. The weight of his head between my legs. Now I was beginning to wish that I hadn’t stopped him. That I hadn’t pulled away.
There were too many conflicting emotions running through me, and I couldn’t settle on a single one. I’d sold my company. I’d nearly slept with a man who I had feelings for but no future with. I was considering leaving the city I had settled down in. Nothing was going my way, and I felt more miserable now than I’d ever felt before.
Chapter 12
“Shit, shit, shit!” I kept swearing to myself as I dressed myself. I knew I should have held back, controlled myself. Despite how frustrated I felt, I also knew that Beverley had a very valid reason to be angry with me. Not only was I buying her company, but I had also seduced her. Or had she seduced me? She was the one who had turned up at my house in the middle of the night. What else was it supposed to mean?
Once I was dressed; I walked back to my den and poured myself another few drinks of whiskey. I needed to drink these thoughts away. That was the only way I could deal with it. I still wanted her. I wished she hadn’t pushed me away.
My mind reeling with drink and thoughts of Beverley, I found my phone and her number stored in it. I could feel myself swaying on my feet as I dialed the number. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say to her. In fact, it was pretty obvious that she wouldn’t even take my call. She had stormed out of my house without turning back.