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Triumphant Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Juliette Duncan

  “Do you mind if we take a look around?”

  Jayden blinked. “She’s not here, if that’s what you’re thinking. There’s nowhere for her to hide, but go ahead.”

  “Thanks, son. We will.”

  Officer Brown stood and walked around the studio apartment, picking up things here and there before putting them back down, including the photo of Bindy and Sparky Dad had sent him for his birthday.

  “Aren’t you a bit young to be living on your own?” Officer Wallace narrowed his eyes. “And you’re not from around here.”

  Jayden squirmed under the officer's steady gaze. Here goes. He’s going to deport me.

  Mr. Morgan stepped forward and placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything, Tom.”

  “Just making an observation, Robert, that’s all.” Officer Wallace glanced up and met Mr. Morgan’s gaze.

  “He’s a good boy, Tom. Just had a hard time, that’s all.”

  Officer Wallace returned his focus to Jayden. “Do you have any idea where your mother might have gone? Her car’s missing.”

  Jayden shook his head. “I have no idea.”

  The officer stood. “Right, if you hear from her, make sure you contact us immediately.”

  “Yes, sir. I will.”

  “Thanks for your time.” The officers nodded, shook Mr. Morgan’s hand, and then exited the apartment.

  When the door shut behind them, Jayden let out a huge breath and flopped his head onto his folded arms.

  Angie rubbed his back. “Are you okay, Jayden?”

  Jayden raised his head slowly and turned to face her. Tears clouded his vision before they rolled down his cheeks. Angie pulled him close and hugged him.

  Mr. Morgan sat down. “We’re here for you, Jayden.”

  Jayden nodded, swallowing hard. He lifted his head off Angie’s shoulder and wiped his face with his sleeve before turning to face Mr. Morgan. “Thank you.”

  “Come home with us, son. You can’t stay here alone.”

  “What if Mom tries to find me?”

  “We’ll let your neighbors know. You’ll be better off with company.”

  Mr. Morgan was right. How could he stay here on his own? He’d go crazy. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Grab an overnight bag and we’ll go.”

  It didn’t take Jayden long to throw a few clothes into a bag, and within minutes he was sitting in the front seat of Mr. Morgan’s SUV. Angie sat in the seat behind him. Jayden kept his eyes peeled for his mother or her car, but in the semi darkness, it was difficult to make out anything. Several times he thought he saw her, only to realize it was someone totally different. Besides, he had this horrible tightness in his chest. He had a feeling she was dead.

  Kathryn had to pull over—she’d been struggling to stay awake for goodness knows how long. If only she hadn’t taken those tablets. She leaned forward over the steering wheel. Everything was double, and her head spun. She glanced in the rear vision mirror. No one was following. But she needed to keep driving. A sudden chill ran through her body. Buck would be dead by now.

  But it was no good. She couldn’t stay awake. Slowing down, she turned into a small side road and drove a short distance until the car was hidden from the main road. She turned off the engine and slumped in her seat.

  Chapter 13

  Mrs. Morgan rushed out of the house as Mr. Morgan’s SUV came to a halt just outside the shed. When Jayden climbed out of the car, Mrs. Morgan drew him into a hug, rubbing his back as she pulled him close.

  Jayden squeezed his eyes closed, forcing himself not to break down. If only his mother had been like Mrs. Morgan.

  Moments passed. She finally released him. Glancing at Mr. Morgan, she placed her arm around Jayden’s shoulders and walked him inside.

  “I’ve made some hot chocolate, Jayden. Take a seat and I’ll pour you a mug.” Mrs. Morgan filled two mugs of the hot drink from the saucepan sitting on her large stove and placed them in front of him and Angie. “You must be in shock, Jayden. Can I get you anything else?”

  Jayden shook his head. “No, I couldn’t eat anything, but thank you.” He tried to smile, but couldn’t.

  “I understand.” Her voice was so quiet and caring as she rubbed his shoulder. “It must be terrible for you.”

  Jayden looked up and met her soft eyes. All he could do was nod. His eyes watered, and all of sudden, tears spilled down his cheeks. He buried his head in his hands and sobbed as a heavy sadness grabbed his heart. How had his life got into such a mess?

  Mrs. Morgan pulled him close and rubbed his back. “There, there, Jayden, let it out. It’s okay.”

  Jayden didn’t want to cry, but he couldn’t stop. His heart ached with all the hurt he’d carried for so many years. He sobbed into Mrs. Morgan’s chest until he had no more sobs left.

  “It’s okay, Jayden, cry as much as you want. You don’t need to be embarrassed, son.” Mr. Morgan’s strong, steady voice almost started him off again. Instead, Jayden sucked in a breath, his body shuddering as he fought to gain control. He slowly straightened and wiped his face with a tissue from the box Angie handed him.

  “I’m sorry.” Jayden gulped, his gaze traveling quickly between the three of them. “It all just got to me.” He wiped his eyes again.

  “We’re not surprised, son. You’ve had a lot to deal with.” Mr. Morgan rubbed his chin. “When you’re up to it, we should have a good talk about everything. But only when you’re ready.”

  Jayden nodded. “That would be good, thank you.” He sucked in a breath and gulped. “I should call Dad.”

  Mr. Morgan nodded. “Only if you’re up to it, otherwise I can call.”

  Was he up to it? Could he speak to Dad on the phone and not break down? Jayden inhaled slowly. Yes, he could. He would. “Yes, I can do it.”

  “Okay, we’ll be in the next room if you need us.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you like me to stay, Jayden?” Angie asked with a soft voice as she touched his hand lightly.

  Jayden shifted his gaze to her and nodded.

  She squeezed his hand.

  After her parents left the room, Jayden steeled himself and dialed Dad’s number.

  Angie held his gaze as the phone rang.

  Jayden’s heart thumped. Seconds passed. When Dad answered, Jayden’s lip quivered. He couldn’t speak.

  “Jayden…is that you?”

  “Yes, Dad, it’s me.” Jayden spoke quietly.

  “What’s wrong, son?”

  Jayden gulped. “It’s Mom. The police think she’s killed someone.”

  For a long moment, Dad didn’t say anything.

  “What… what makes them think that?”

  “The man she’s been living with has been murdered. The police think she did it.”

  “Have they charged her?”

  “No, they don’t know where she is.”


  “Are they looking for anyone else?”

  Jayden drew in a breath. “Not that I know of.”

  “Where are you, Jayden?”

  “At Angie’s place.”

  “Would you like me to come over? I can jump on a plane right now.”

  Jayden’s head whirled. “Ah… I don’t know, Dad. It’s only just happened. Let me think about that, okay?”

  “All right, but I can come straight away if you want.”

  Tears pricked Jayden’s eyes as a lump formed in his throat. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll let you know.”

  “No problem, Jayden. How are you holding up? Are you okay?”

  Jayden drew a breath. Was he all right? Not really, but he couldn’t have asked for better people to be with. “Kind of. Angie’s parents have been really good.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that, Jayden.” There was a hint of sadness in Dad’s voice.

  “I love you, Dad.” Jayden’s voice caught.

  “I love you too, son.”

  “I’ll call again soon.” J
ayden’s voice was no more than a whisper.

  “We’ll be praying for you.”

  “Thanks.” Jayden could barely get the last word out before he hung up.

  Angie squeezed his hand and sat quietly.

  Should he ask Dad to come? Jayden’s head whirled. Everything would be different if he did.

  “You okay?” Angie leaned forward and tilted his chin with her finger. The concern in her eyes just made him love her more.

  Blinking back tears, Jayden shook his head.

  “Jayden, what’s up?” Angie tilted his head up again.

  He met her gaze. A feeling that everything was about to change settled heavily on his heart. Squeezing her hand, his gaze traveled over her face. He loved every bit of her, from the curls of red hair that spiraled down her neck, to her green eyes that sparkled like emeralds, and to her smile that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There was nothing he didn’t love about Angie Morgan.

  But he didn’t deserve someone as loving and kind as Angie. It was amazing that her parents allowed her to date him. They probably wouldn’t now, not with a murderer as a mother. But the Morgan’s weren’t like that. The way they’d accepted Jessica’s pregnancy, even though they were saddened by it, they hadn’t disowned her like Blake’s parents had disowned him. They loved and accepted everyone, and everyone loved them. If only all families were like that. Not messed up like his.

  He blinked. Angie was waiting for an answer. He drew in a slow breath. “Just thinking.”

  She gave him a wistful smile. “There’s a lot to think about.”

  Yes, there was. He ran his hand over his head. “I think I need that talk.”

  Angie nodded. “Good idea.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his cheek before standing and walking with him into the living room where her parents were seated on a sofa, chatting quietly. Jessica and Simon were engrossed in a game of chess, but looked up as Angie and Jayden entered the room.

  “How did it go, Jayden?” Concern was written all over Mrs. Morgan’s face.

  Jayden’s shoulders slumped. “Dad was shocked.” He paused. Should he tell them that Dad had offered to come over? He glanced at Angie and sighed. He probably should. “He offered to come over.”

  Mrs. Morgan’s eyes misted over. “Oh, Jayden, that’s lovely of him. What a thoughtful man.”

  Jayden gulped. Maybe he should have told Dad to come.

  “What did you say?” Mr. Morgan asked.

  Jayden shuffled his feet before answering. “I told him I’d think about it.”

  “I can understand that.” Mr. Morgan patted the seat opposite him. “Come and sit.”

  Jayden glanced at Angie and then led her to the sofa opposite her parents. It was time to come clean about everything.

  “We’d like to pray for your mom, Jayden. Is that okay?” Mr. Morgan straightened in his seat and leaned forward a little.

  Jayden nodded.

  Angie squeezed Jayden’s hand and shifted closer to him.

  “Jess, Simon, come and join us.” Mrs. Morgan held her hand out to the two of them.

  They raised their brows at each other before they stood and moved closer, joining their parents and Angie and Jayden.

  “We’ve got some serious stuff going on here.” Mr. Morgan’s gaze traveled around his family. “Stuff you’d hope no one would ever have to deal with, but it’s happened, and we have no idea how it’s going to end. We need to support Jayden. And we have to ask God to be with us all, and help us through this. Okay?”

  Everyone nodded. Mr. Morgan reached out and placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder The others joined hands.

  “Let’s pray.” Mr. Morgan began. “Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You with heavy hearts. Never in our wildest dreams would we have thought that anything like this could happen, and we’re still in shock. Lord, we pray for Jayden’s mother, wherever she might be, that she might feel Your presence with her, even if she doesn’t know You. Lord, we don’t know what drove her to do this, if indeed she did do it, but Lord, we know she’s a troubled woman, and that she’s made plenty of bad choices, but Lord, we know that You still love her, regardless of what she’s done, just like You love all of us, regardless of what we’ve done. None of us deserve Your favor, Lord, and we don’t judge her. We just pray that somehow You can bring good out of this most horrible of situations.

  “And Lord, we bring Jayden before you. Thank You that he’s chosen to live for You, but Lord, we know he’s carrying a lot of hurt, and we pray that You’ll touch him deep inside and bring healing to his life. We pray that You’ll help him see life through Your eyes, Lord, and that he’ll learn to forgive, and to let go of things that might hold him back. We pray that he’ll know true love in his life. Love that only comes from You, dear Lord. True love that never fails, and never disappoints.”

  Jayden brushed tears from his eyes.

  Mr. Morgan continued. “And Lord, we pray for this dear little baby boy that Jessica’s carrying. We know he wasn’t planned, but we love him already, just as you do. Bless him, dear Lord, and help Jessica and Blake to work through everything that’s ahead of them in the days, weeks and months ahead. We know it won’t be easy, but we pray they’ll put You first, and that they’ll honor You in all they do. We ask all these things in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

  Everyone sat quietly as a sense of God’s presence filled their hearts. Tears rolled down Jayden’s cheeks. Despite all the turmoil in his life, he had peace in his heart. He had no idea what would unfold, but God would see him through, and would show him the way. Of that he was certain.

  Chapter 14

  The first thing Jayden needed to do was to come clean. Mrs. Morgan had quickly prepared a supper of soup and toast, and everyone was sitting around the kitchen table. Mr. Morgan called the Police for any updates, but they had none—they were still searching for Ms. Middleton and would be in touch when they had any news.

  Jayden inhaled and steeled himself. He glanced at Angie, and then cleared his throat. “I’ve…I’ve got something I need to say.”

  All eyes turned towards him.

  “What is it, son?” Mr. Morgan asked as he glanced up from the toast he was buttering.

  Jayden clenched his hands together to stop them shaking and gulped. “I haven’t been completely honest with you all, and I need to. While we were praying, it was like God was telling me I needed to come clean, so that’s what I’m doing.”

  Angie’s eyes widened.

  What must she be thinking? Jayden’s stomach lurched. Oh God, please don’t let me lose her.

  “You’d better tell us, son, but I can’t imagine it’s that bad.”

  Jayden drew another breath and sighed. “You’ll have to decide that once you hear.” He fixed his gaze on his soup bowl for a second before raising his head. His heart pounded, but he needed to get it over with. His gaze shifted to Angie. “To start with, I’m not seventeen. I’ve just turned sixteen.” Her eyes widened further. His heart fell. He’d lost her, he knew it. He turned his gaze back to the soup bowl and took another breath. “And this is the big one—I’ve overstayed, so I’m actually illegal.” He paused, waiting for his words to sink in. “I… I didn’t know to start with, but Mom wasn’t able to get me a visa, and so she organized fake ID for me.” He lifted his head and met Mr. Morgan’s gaze. Mr. Morgan’s expression hadn’t changed. Jayden had no idea what he was thinking. “I didn’t want to use it, but it got too complicated,” he shifted his gaze to Angie, “and then when I got the job at the shop, I had to give my boss something, so I used it. I knew at some stage I’d get into trouble, but I didn’t know what to do, so I just left it. Until now.”

  Jayden’s shoulders slumped as he lowered his head. No one said anything. He’d shocked them. His hands shook and a lump settled in his stomach. He shouldn’t have said anything, but he’d had no choice. It was the right thing to do—he couldn’t ignore his conscience any longer.

  Angie squeezed his hand.
br />   He turned his head.

  Her eyes brimmed with tears.

  Jayden’s heart burned. Nothing would ever be the same.

  The tick of the clock on the far wall was the only sound he could hear above the ringing in his ears. Mrs. Morgan stood and wrapped her arms around him. Angie gripped his hand as tears streamed down her cheeks. Mr. Morgan remained seated but placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder.

  Mr. Morgan was the first one to speak. “Thank you for telling us, son. It couldn’t have been easy.”

  Jayden sucked in a breath as he turned his head, meeting Mr. Morgan’s gaze. “No, it wasn’t. I’m so sorry.” He swallowed hard.

  Mr. Morgan’s brow inched lower. “As you said, it would have come out eventually. No need to do anything tonight. Let’s sleep on it, and we’ll pray about it. God will have a plan, I’m sure of it. He’ll honor your obedience, son.”

  Jayden’s heart quickened. He’d almost forgotten that God was on his side. He didn’t have to handle this alone.

  He managed a weak smile. “Thank you. I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight, though.”

  “I can understand that, son. We can stay up all night if you like.”

  Mrs. Morgan placed her hand on Mr. Morgan's back. "Robert, the boy should get some sleep. We don’t know what tomorrow will hold.”

  “That’s true, Beth, but could you sleep if your mother was missing?”

  “I guess I wouldn’t. Okay then, we’ll all stay up, for a while at least.”

  Everyone stiffened when the phone rang.

  Jayden’s heart pounded. Had they found Mom?

  Mr. Morgan stood and lifted the phone from its cradle on the wall.

  Jayden fixed his gaze on him. Mr. Morgan’s expression didn’t change; he was giving nothing away.

  ‘Thank you, Officer. I’ll bring him in.”

  Jayden’s eyes widened. They must have found her. But was she dead or alive?

  Mr. Morgan hung up the phone and returned to the table, but remained standing. “The Highway Patrol found your mother, Jayden. She’s been taken in for questioning.”


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