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Page 13

by Carla Cassidy

  His mouth sought hers again, hot and hungry as she continued to move her hand over him. He groaned and shoved her hand away, then rolled over on top of her, poised to possess her completely.

  Before he entered her, his eyes held hers and she felt as if he were making love to her there first … with those beautiful blue eyes of his. Then he slipped into her and she closed her eyes, unable to hold them open as wave after wave of pleasure suffused her.

  Slowly at first, he moved deep within her, then pulled back, each stroke a pleasure that threatened to shatter her into a thousand pieces.

  She clung to him like a drowning woman, meeting his thrusts with a need of her own. It had never been this way for her before. She'd never felt so lost … and so found, so needy and yet so fulfilled. The depth of emotion, both mental and physical that filled her both frightened and excited her.

  Faster and faster he moved against her, into her, stoking the flames of her passion higher … higher. A new tension built inside her as her muscles tensed in expectation … anticipation.

  He cried out her name and she loved the sound of his voice, graveled and thick with emotion. Just as she reached the peak of a second release, he stiffened against her and shuddered with his own.

  For a long moment they remained in each other's arms, the only sound in the room their breaths working to slow to a more normal pace.

  He finally leaned up and gazed down at her, his eyes warm as the sky on a sunny day. Gently he swept a strand of her hair from her cheek, then leaned down and kissed her lips lingeringly.

  The sweet gentleness of his kiss touched her as much as anything else they had shared and she tried to throw up mental defenses against him.

  When the kiss ended he smiled at her. "I feel like a teenager."

  "What do you mean?" Her heart was finally finding a normal rhythm although she loved the feel of his skin against hers.

  "I feel like your parents are upstairs in bed and we're sneaking a bout of lovemaking on their living-room floor. I've even got the rug burns on my knees to prove it."

  She laughed. "This would never have happened in my parents' house. All the boys in town knew my father was chief of police and wouldn't hesitate to shoot them if they tried something like this." She rolled away from him and sat up. "I'm going to go take a shower."

  "I'm a great back scrubber," he said.

  Breanna had intended her statement to indicate to him that it was time for him to go. But, it was obvious he wasn't ready to call it a night and looking at the heat in his eyes, she realized neither was she.

  "A woman can always use a good back scrubber," she replied, surprised to discover she was half-breathless again.

  Within minutes they were standing beneath a hot, steamy spray of water in the bathroom off Breanna's bedroom. She had never showered with a man before, had no idea what to expect. But he led the way, soaping up a sponge and running it across her back.

  At first it seemed he intended to do just what he'd said … scrub her back. But it didn't take long before he was raking that sponge not just across her back, but across her breasts, over her thighs and down her legs. And then the sponge was gone and it was his soapy hands exciting her back to a fever pitch.

  They made love again with Breanna pressed against the glass enclosure, the warmth of the water and steam and the slickness of their soapy bodies enhancing the pleasure.

  Afterward, Breanna pulled on a robe as Adam redressed. Regret swept through her as she silently watched him. She'd thought she could make love to him and enjoy the physical release it would bring without being touched emotionally.

  But she realized now this man had managed to crawl beneath her defenses. Despite the fact that he'd kept his real identity a secret from her, in spite of the fact that he'd come here simply to tie up any loose ends Kurt had left behind, he'd managed to get inside her heart in a way that frightened her.

  He made her almost willing to believe in the dreams she'd once entertained … the dreams of love forever, of a strong and happy marriage … of a family all her own. Fool's illusion, she reminded herself. Illusions bred in the afterglow of beautiful lovemaking.

  What she needed most now was distance from him and from the foolishness of her own thoughts. She was grateful he didn't mention spending the night. She didn't want to spend her sleeping hours in his arms, didn't want to awaken in his warm embrace.

  "You know this changes nothing," she said as she followed him downstairs to her front door.

  "What do you mean?" He reached the door and turned to look at her.

  "I mean I still don't want you to tell your aunt and uncle about Maggie." She pulled her robe closer around her, threatened by how much she wanted to grab him by the hand and lead him back up to her bedroom. To sleep, to dream in his arms would be heaven, but it would only make things more difficult in the end … and there was an end.

  "Breanna, I told you I wouldn't tell them until you're ready for me to, but you're wrong when you say that nothing has changed."

  "What do you mean?" She eyed him curiously, wondering how it was possible he could look so devastatingly handsome with his hair in curly disarray and a five o'clock shadow decorating his jaw.

  He opened the front door, then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. As he straightened up, in her eyes he saw the flames of a fire not yet sated. "As far as I'm concerned everything has changed. Now I don't have to imagine what your body feels like against mine, I know. And I don't have to try to imagine the sound of your sweet sighs while I make love to you, because I know. And most important of all what's changed is that I now know how much I love making love to you and I know I want to do it again … and again."

  His words made her heart flutter with a combination of sweet anticipation and anxiety. "Adam, tonight was wonderful … beautiful, but wouldn't it be foolish for us to repeat the experience?"

  "Why would it be foolish?" His eyes held her gaze intently.

  Because I'm falling in love with you, she wanted to say. Because ultimately it would be like Kurt all over again … only this time it would be worse because Adam was on the verge of capturing her heart in a way Kurt never had. But the end result would be that he'd walk away, just as Kurt had done.

  She grabbed the ends of her belt and pulled it tighter. "Adam, it's late and at the moment I'm too tired to think."

  Once again he leaned down, this time to kiss her gently on the temple. "Goodnight, Bree," he said softly. "May sweet, happy dreams be yours." With these words he turned and left her house.

  She closed the door after him and knew she didn't have to worry about the danger of any strange phone calls. The danger to her was much closer … right next door in the form of one handsome Adam Spencer.

  * * *

  Chapter 11


  Sunday was one of those picture-perfect spring days. The morning sky was cloudless, but there was just enough of a breeze to keep the sun from feeling overly warm.

  Adam dressed in a pair of jeans and a light blue polo shirt, then climbed into his car and headed out for the Cultural Center. He wasn't sure what time the festivities would start there, but he didn't want to miss anything.

  More than anything, he didn't want to miss seeing Breanna. He hadn't seen her at all the day before. Her car had been gone when he'd gotten up yesterday morning and she hadn't come home after work.

  With Alyssa's premonition of danger still in his head, he'd gotten worried when she hadn't come home after work. On a hunch he'd driven by her parents' home, relieved to see her car parked there. He went back to the cottage, knowing she was safe.

  She was safe, but obviously avoiding him. He frowned as he rolled down the window to allow in some of the fresh, sweet scented spring air. Maybe she regretted their lovemaking. While he thought making love had not been the wisest decision they could have made, there was no way he could regret what had been so fantastic, so magical.

  Making love to her had filled an emptiness he hadn't realized he possessed.
She'd been an eager participant, a generous lover. But he knew all about dawn regrets and suspected that's what had kept her from her home the day before.

  Hopefully when he saw her today there would be no awkwardness between them and he wouldn't see the darkness of regret in her lovely eyes.

  The parking lot of the Cultural Center was already nearly full when he arrived. He spied Breanna's car parked in one of the spaces nearest the building and was surprised to feel his pulse quicken.

  The Cultural Center building was void of people, but large doors opened to allow entry to the back of the property where Adam realized the festivities were taking place.

  A large crowd of visitors were gathered around a huge open area. At the far end of the area was a deep pit and he could see the flames of fire coming from within the pit. There were seven arbors encircling the fire and he wondered the significance of them.

  He joined the crowd of spectators just as the drums began beating rhythmically. His gaze shot around, trying to catch a glimpse of Breanna and Maggie. He saw them standing on the other side of the large expanse of dirt and he took a moment to drink in Breanna's stunning appearance.

  She wore a dress in a calico print material. Bright blue material formed a series of diamond shapes around the yoke and on the skirt. The dress had three-quarter-length sleeves and ended at her calves. Her feet were bare and her hair was braided in two thick shiny braids, the ends of which rested on her breasts.

  She looked proud and strong and achingly beautiful and he wondered how in the hell Kurt had been able to turn his back on her and walk away. Adam knew with a certainty it had been a flaw in Kurt, not Breanna, that had ruined their marriage.

  Maggie stood next to her mother, clad in an outfit identical to Breanna's, except on Maggie's little legs were the shells that Adam knew would be part of one of the ceremonial dances.

  It was Maggie who saw him first and her smile was as bright as the sky. She waved, then tugged at her mother's dress and pointed to him.

  Breanna raised a hand in a greeting, then returned her attention to the dancers who had begun to perform. Adam tried to watch the dancers, but found his attention wandering again and again to Breanna.

  He felt the rhythmic bang of the drums thrumming deep in his veins. It was a primitive beat of timelessness, of a proud people with a rich culture and traditions.

  He could tell that Breanna felt the drums inside her as well. Her slender body swayed slightly with each beat and one of her feet tapped on the ground. He wanted to go to her, to move with her to the beat that sang in her soul, to learn the mysteries of her heritage.

  When the dance ended and the drums had stilled, Rita stood in the center of the circle. Like her daughter she was clad in a traditional dress and the crowd stilled as she raised her hands for silence.

  For the next few minutes she educated the group, explaining to them that the seven arbors surrounding the ceremonial fire represented the seven clans, Wolf, Wild Potato, War Paint, Bird Clan, Long Hair, Deer and Blue. She then entertained with several legends Adam found fascinating. When she was finished, more dancing resumed.

  Adam made his way around the ceremonial circle to where Breanna and Maggie were standing. "Adam, did you come to watch me dance?" Maggie asked eagerly when he'd reached them.

  "I wouldn't have missed it," he replied, obviously to the little girl's delight. He then smiled at Breanna. "Hi."

  "Hi, yourself," she replied. Before they could say anything else to each other Rita arrived to greet Adam.

  "Adam, it's nice to see you here," she said. "Are you enjoying everything?"

  "Definitely. I'm finding it both entertaining and educational."

  Rita smiled in obvious satisfaction. "That's exactly what we're hoping for with these festivals. We want people to enjoy them, but we'd like to teach a little of the Cherokee ways at the same time."

  "You're doing a remarkable job," Adam replied, noticing that Breanna had moved with Maggie closer to the circle apparently in preparation of Maggie's performance.

  "And what are you doing, Adam Spencer?" Her dark eyes held his gaze and in those eyes he saw the love of a mother worried for her daughter.

  He didn't pretend not to know what she was asking. He was fairly certain Breanna would have told her mother everything … at least up to the point of their lovemaking.

  "I'm not sure," he admitted softly, his gaze once again seeking Breanna. "It seemed clear-cut and simple in the beginning. Find Breanna, make sure she and Maggie were doing all right, then go back to Kansas City and let Kurt's parents know they have a grandchild."

  "And now it isn't so simple?"

  He looked back at Rita and sighed. "No, it isn't. She doesn't want me to tell Kurt's parents about Maggie."

  Rita's eyes were suddenly filled with sad wisdom. "Your cousin took much more from my daughter than her heart. He took her pride as a Cherokee, her pride as a woman and left her with an anger that still burns far too bright."

  "But she's angry at the wrong people," Adam said. "She's denying two loving people the chance to love her daughter."

  "Give her time," Rita said. "She's had almost six years believing Kurt had no family, that his parents when alive had been bad people. She's only had a week to process the fact that he lied about something so basic."

  Adam nodded, but there was a part of him that was afraid to give her too much more time. He felt himself being drawn closer and closer into her life, into her family and into a world he'd never wanted for himself.

  At that moment the Cherokee Stomp Dance began and Adam watched as Maggie participated in the ceremonial dance of her people. Several times during her performance she smiled at Adam, as if she were performing specifically for him alone. Breanna had disappeared and Adam returned his attention to little Maggie.

  When she was finished, she came running to his side. "Did you see me, Adam?" She took hold of his hand. "Did you see me be a shell-shaker?"

  "I did." He returned her smile, finding it impossible not to. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and her round cheeks were flushed with color.

  "Did you like it?" she asked.

  "I thought you were the best shell-shaker I've ever seen."

  She tugged his hand, forcing him to lean down closer to her. "If you wanted to, you could tell me that you're proud of me." He looked at her in surprise, finding her words odd. "When my friend, Jenny, dances for her daddy, he always tells her he's proud of her."

  Adam's heart constricted in his chest as he gazed at Maggie's pretty little face and the hungry look in her eyes. "I am very proud of you, little one," he said softly. "But you know I'm not your daddy."

  She leaned against him and nodded. "I know. My mommy told me my daddy died. I feel sad about it, but I think the best thing to do would be to get another daddy."

  She gazed up at him with serious gray eyes. "My daddy wasn't really that good anyway … I mean I never saw him or talked to him. The next one I get I want him to live with me and talk to me and maybe sometimes even give me a hug and tell me he's proud."

  Adam's heart swelled up in his chest, momentarily making speech impossible. What simple things would make a little girl happy, make her feel as if her life was complete. It was positively criminal, what Kurt had left behind.

  "Until you find that new daddy, how about I give you a hug and tell you I'm proud of you." Adam leaned down and Maggie wrapped her arms around his neck. He squeezed her tightly, then released her and straightened up.

  Eventually, Breanna would find a man to be a part of her life, to become a loving, caring stepfather for Maggie. But that man wasn't him. Still, he knew somehow he would never be the same when he left Cherokee Corners and this family behind.

  * * *

  Breanna had been helping the other women set food on the long tables near the back of the building. She looked up just in time to see Adam give Maggie a hug. The sight of the big, handsome man hugging her daughter brought forth a pang of pain in her heart.

  When Kurt h
ad left her, she had closed her heart to the possibility of ever again having a man in her life. But in doing that, was she being unfair to her daughter, who seemed to be so hungry for a father figure? Was she ultimately punishing Maggie by guarding her own heart?

  She shoved away these disturbing thoughts and went back to work, setting out platters and dishes of both traditional and contemporary fare to feed the spectators. Coleslaw sat beside the traditional grape dumplings, a loaf of French bread was next to a platter of fry bread. There was fried chicken, roast beef, macaroni salads and beans. The women had been busy for the past week preparing dishes for this event.

  Within minutes the food was ready and the spectators moved around the tables filling their plates. "Are you going to avoid me all day?"

  She whirled around to see Adam standing just behind her and was irritated at the way her heart leapt in her chest. "I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy," she countered.

  He smiled knowingly and to her surprise she felt a blush warm her cheeks. "Okay," she admitted, "perhaps I've been avoiding you a little."


  She couldn't tell him the truth, that she was falling in love with him and needed to distance herself from him. "I don't know," she hedged. "I guess a bit of morning-after embarrassment."

  "There's nothing to be embarrassed about," he returned. "We're two consenting adults who shared something special. And what I'd like to do now is share the day with you and Maggie."

  She wanted to say yes … she wanted to say no. She wanted him to stay, she wanted him to leave. Before she could reply, Maggie raced up between them and grabbed his hand and hers. "Are you both going to watch me play A-ne-jo-di after lunch?"

  Adam looked at Breanna questioningly. "It's a form of stickball. The young people play several games this afternoon."

  He looked down at Maggie. "I'd be delighted to watch you play your game, especially if your mother will watch with me."


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