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Page 5

by A. E. Murphy

  As we all gather around, he rests his hands on my hips and whispers in my ear, “You owe me for this.”

  I don’t get the chance to ask why or what I owe him because everybody is screaming, “ENRI!” instead of cheese. The flash goes off multiple times and then we all cheer before disbanding.

  Lockhart slides around me, brushing the entire front of his body against the back of mine. I feel every inch of his clothed body, every inch. My hand reaches out of its own vodka fuelled accord and grabs his when he presses his hips against my rear. We’re trapped in the crowd. Eliza, Kathy, Kai, all of them are looking at the stage and not at us. It would be too easy right now to turn into Lockhart’s chest, reach up and kiss him. I so badly want to kiss him.

  The way he smells, the way he feels, the way he looks at me… I’m wrong in the head, I know, but I need it. I need to feel him. All of him. Just the thought of such a powerful man climbing onto my body, parting my thighs and sinking into me makes every single cell in my body feel so alive.

  “Come on.” Liz suddenly grabs my arm and yanks me away from him. She doesn’t seem to notice what was happening. We’re all stood tightly together. “I love this song!”

  I let her pull me away, looking at Lockhart over my shoulder as I go. He stares at me, his eyes heated as his hand tugs gently on his trousers. I see the swelling at the parting of his thighs and my mouth goes dry and then becomes increasingly moist when I think of everything I could do to that large, perfect looking cock with my lips and tongue.

  I am getting drunk. I really should have eaten before I started drinking.

  “I am so hungry right now,” I tell Eliza as we gather at the railing, watching Enri on stage. I’m still too hyper to just sit and watch him. I love his music but I’ve heard it constantly this week. It’s all I’ve heard.

  “Me too,” Kai states, seeming to appear by my side as if out of thin air. “Let’s find Dane and go get pizza.”

  “You literally read my mind, didn’t you?” I giggle, downing my drink. Leaning into Eliza, I tell her, “I’ll be back,” in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. Which isn’t good, even at its best.

  “Sure.” She waves me off and quickly starts whistling at the stage where Enri has now taken his top off.

  “Pizza,” I growl, linking my arm through Kai’s. “Have you called Dane?”

  “He’s meeting us in our room.”

  “Cool, I just need my bag.” We head towards our separate changing rooms and I quickly grab my bag from mine. Darren assured me my suitcase and keyboard would be taken care of. I hope he’s right.

  “For real?” I hear Kai laugh as I exit my room. He and Dane come into view along with two very tall, very leggy females with boobs the size of planets.

  “Hi,” I say awkwardly, giving Dane the side eye. “Food?”

  “I’m bringing C and T,” he says, referring to the pretty females who giggle like children. “This is Cerise.”

  “Hi,” they both chant and C cuddles up to Dane. T, looking left out, cuddles up to Kai who raises his eyebrows and looks at me as if to ask for help. I snigger and take the lead.

  “Where’s the closest kebab shop?” I ask as they trail behind me.

  “I know!” One of the letter ladies says. “It’s not far. We can walk it from here.”

  “Good,” I sigh, hitching my bag further up my shoulder. Whoever said three was a crowd were completely right. This is so awkward but I’m too hungry to care.

  We escape out of the back exit, pushing through crowds of people who don’t recognise us. They’re only interested in Enri and we aren’t well known enough to be famous in any way. I’m happy though; I just want pizza. If anybody gets in between me and my pizza, I’ll cut a bitch.

  “Drummers have really strong arms,” T says to Kai. “Feel these, C. Feel his biceps.”

  Oh, good lord. It takes everything I have, everything, to not snort.

  My legs power me ahead of them. I really wish they’d left their new night candies at home but I can’t blame them for wanting them here. They deserve to enjoy themselves and, to be honest, if Lockhart were to suddenly start asking me to feel his biceps, I’m not sure I’d be able to say no.

  No, I definitely would say no. I need to get over this obsession I have. I’m sure it’s all in my head and even if it’s not, that’s all it should be. I can’t afford to be getting involved with anyone at work.

  My thoughts go back to his enlarging penis, hiding behind the black fabric of his tailor-made suit trousers. I’m not sure which I’m hungrier for: pizza or penis.

  “Stop it,” I hiss at myself, focusing on the sound of my companions’ footsteps behind me.

  I think I’m finally sobering up a bit. No longer will I drink vodka in the presence of Mr Lockhart.

  Banging at the door startles me from my messy, drunken, full belly slumber. I blink into the darkness of my new, small studio flat. The banging starts again, sending my mind into a dizzy spin. My stomach churns as I climb out of bed and wobble to the door.

  “Who is it?” I ask and then peek through the eyehole in the door. All I can see is darkness. I’m still drunk. I really shouldn’t have gone back to Kai’s. Am I blind? Have I drunk myself blind?

  The banging gets louder.

  “Okay, okay,” I yell and, after putting the chain on the door, I open it a crack, relieved to see the light spill through. I’m not blind; it’s just my peep hole that’s broken. “Holy fuck.” My eyes capture the male specimen standing on the other side of the door, which I promptly slam shut and unchain.

  “Don’t leave my sight,” he states as he steps inside, his hands on my arms. Kicking the door behind him, he walks me backwards to the side of my two-seater sofa. “I have done nothing but run around looking for you for the past three hours.”

  “You could have called,” I snap, trying to pull my arms free. He grips my wrists and pins them to his chest between us. His glittering green eyes glow with anger in the darkness. One hand keeps hold of my wrist as the other goes into his jacket pocket. He pulls my phone out and throws it onto the soft rug over the couch.

  “Could I?” He spits. “You left this in Kai and Dane’s changing room.”

  “I was with Kai.” I explain, annoyed that I even have to explain at all. My life is my own, though I can’t deny that I should have probably let somebody know where I was going.

  “Who also didn’t have his phone.” He looks around the dark room and then, with a swift yank of his arm, I’m facing away from him, his chest against my back. It reminds me of earlier, back in the VIP area. “I don’t like being disobeyed, Cerise. I had plans for you tonight.”

  “Plans?” I whimper, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. “What plans? Lockhart…”

  With a hand to my shoulder blades, he pushes me forward and I none-to-gracefully face-plant onto the couch with a scream. He grips my hips and pulls me towards him until my knees are just touching the ground. Then his hands grip mine as I try to adjust to whatever the fuck is happening and I feel soft satin begin to twist around my wrists at the base of my spine.

  What the fuck? “What are you doing?” I squeal, torn between fear and curiosity. “Lockhart?” My core clenches when I hear the rattling of his belt as he opens it. I try to look at him over my shoulder, but he pushes my face into the sofa.

  “Stay still,” he orders, his tone low and menacing. I stop breathing completely. He flips my sleep shirt over my waist, exposing my white, lace French style kickers. “Good girl,” he whispers as one hand grips my hip to keep me in place and the other softly traces a pattern across the edge of my underwear.


  I cry out an indecipherable curse when his hand connects with my thigh, directly below my rear which he was just so tenderly caressing.

  “Are you fucking insane?” I scream, boiling with anger and also arousal. I am fucked in the head. “You just hit me!”

  “And if you don’t take your punishment without the cursing, and with st
illness, my next strike will be with my belt.”

  My mouth immediately clamps shut.

  “That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, his tone so soft and seductive in comparison to before. His fingers gently stroke the area he just hit, teasing the already tingling skin. I moan, I can’t help it. His hand is so close to a place that I want him to touch so badly.


  “Mother FUCKER!” I yell, trying to pull away.

  “I warned you,” he states and I hear his belt rattle.

  “Okay!” I call, my tone frantic, and keep still. “I’m sorry. I won’t swear.”


  This one lands over the lace of my underwear. I bite my lip hard and grunt a squeal. When he pulls the lace down to my knees, exposing my glistening folds to the cool air, I press my thighs together. I’m torn between wanting to push against his groin and shield myself from his prying gaze.

  “You have the most perfect arse I think I may have ever seen.” He says quietly to himself as his hands explore my curves. It feels nice to have that gentle touch after such an aggressive one. “Are you comfortable?”

  “With this situation? Not so much,” I reply, my attitude out in full force. “Though my position on the couch is fine if that’s what you’re really asking.”

  He kisses the space above my bound hands and then hits me, his fingers spread this time to maximise the sting.

  I hiss through my teeth as he barks, “You’re never going to wander away again are you?”

  “I’ll do as I please,” I half laugh, squeezing my eyes shut when I feel him move sharply right before the sting. “But I’ll let people know where I’m going.”

  He hits me again. “If I tell you to stay, what are you going to do?”

  “Stay!” I scream when his hand hits the same space it just hit. That hurts so badly. “You’re insane. Disturbed.” This gets me another open-handed slap.


  I want to curse and wriggle so bad. I want to turn and smack him straight across his face.

  But then his touches change; the hits stop and his fingers dig gently into my back, rubbing slowly and surely, creating a path of heat and chill straight to my groin. When he sinks his thumb inside me, I moan and bury my face in the seat cushion. I clench around him and I know he feels it because he whispers a groan of his own.

  Knuckles softly press against my clitoris as he gently pushes his thumb against me. This has never happened to me before. I have never felt like this before. Ever.

  I’m going to lose it and we’ve not been going for more than a minute.

  “Oh Jesus!” I breathe as my insides pulse powerfully, sending shockwaves of pleasure all around my body.

  “You should have let me touch you the first time we met,” he snaps, as though angry with me. “You truly denied me a treat.” My aching arms fall loose when he unties them and I turn just in time to see him sucking his thumb into his mouth.


  “Remove your shirt,” he demands as he unbuttons his own. When I hesitate, he orders, his dark, fully dilated pupils on mine, “Now, Cerise.”

  My fingers fumble with the top button as I sit on the space that I was just bending over. My rear still burns and stings but it only seems to be adding to the pleasure I feel. I’m still tingling from the orgasm.

  I’m trembling so badly I just can’t seem to grasp the tiny button.

  “For goodness sakes,” he murmurs, sighing heavily after dropping his own shirt onto the ground.

  I gasp when he grips my collar with both hands and then rips it open, popping buttons and shredding the warm, soft fabric. “I like this shirt.”

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” He grins and kneels before me, still wearing trousers, whereas I am now fully exposed to his view.

  My hands reach out and trail over his hairless chest and down over his perfect abs. “How do you look like this?” I say, touching every glorious inch of his toned, tanned and exposed skin. “I thought you’d have so many imperfections due to you having such a perfect face.”

  “Perfect?” He smirks and pushes the shirt down my arms. I have to put my arms down in order for him to remove it fully and my fingertips beg to touch him again. “Have you seen yourself?” Without warning he dips his head and sucks my nipple into his mouth and then grips my hands in both of his. He pins them above my head with one hand and then forces me to rest fully on the couch with one foot still on the ground.

  “Stay like this.” He stands and finally begins to unbutton his trousers. I do as I’m told, for once in my life. “You are a beautiful sight.”

  Do I say thank you?

  “I could look at you all day.” His trousers drop and hang from his stiff member which is pointing at me, proud and solid. It’s like a fucking bat. What does he expect me to do with that?

  When his thumbs push the front of his trousers and boxer briefs over his length, I lean up onto my elbows and stare at it straight in the eye, like one would a snake that’s about to strike. I’m not entirely convinced that this isn’t.

  He fists it in his hand and kicks his clothes out of the way. “Impressed?”

  I don’t respond. For one I don’t want to fuel his arrogance or ego, and two I think I might be speechless from the shock of the size of that thing.

  “On your knees,” he orders, raising his chin and looking down at me with those glowing eyes.


  “Accepted, now on… your… knees.”

  “I’m not sure I want to,” I tell him, moving into a sitting position. “Your girth is wider than my neck.”

  He rolls his eyes but chuckles too. Then he steps towards me so his cock is level with my face. He gently touches my cheek with the backs of his fingers before tugging on my lower lip with his thumb.


  I do so, slowly and cautiously, as he guides the head to my salivating mouth.

  “Fuck it,” he growls and shoves me back onto the couch.

  I barely have time to process what he’s doing before he’s suddenly on top of me. I gasp when he presses against my entrance while his tongue pushes past my lips. It burns and stretches, nice yet also not. I love it. I can’t help but love it. I’ve never been so full before.

  He takes his time, allowing me to adjust to him, swallowing my incoherent noises with his mouth. Then finally, after a torturous lifetime, he enters me to the hilt and the pulsing heat I feel from him makes my eyes water with the intensity of it.

  “Yes,” I cry when he finally moves, slowly and carefully at first. His hand snakes under my arse and lifts so he can drive himself even deeper with each thrust. He’s amazing. So powerful and strong. I’ve never felt so safe under a body, so understood. It’s almost as though he can read my body better than I can. He knows just how to move in the ways I need for that maximum tingle. My body is trembling almost violently as my nerve ends come alight, spreading a wildfire through my veins to my heart and head.

  “You are divine,” he growls into my ear, his breath heavy. “I’ve never felt a nicer pussy than yours.”

  “I bet you say that to all the women,” I laugh and he stills suddenly as though showered with cold water.

  “If your mind is on somebody other than myself and my cock, then I’m not fucking you hard enough.”

  “What?” I squeak and I think he may have been right. Now all I can feel, see, taste, smell and touch is him. “God. YES! Don’t stop!” I yell, tangling my hands in his hair. I’m going to be bruised between my thighs tomorrow; I can feel it.

  I kiss his neck and nip at his jaw as my hands, which he’s given up on pinning down, explore every inch of his body I can reach.

  “I’m going to move you,” is his only warning before he’s up. I’m hanging over the edge of the sofa and he’s holding my legs over his shoulders as he seeks my entrance once more. That’s when he finds my clitoris one more time with a wet thumb, the same thumb that has already been inside me today. “Ready?”

  “If you hav
e to ask, you know you aren’t performing well.” I grin mischievously.

  He all but snarls at me and begins driving into me at full force, working his hips, circling, pulling, pushing, everything to make me delirious and tip me over. Then he follows, falling into the abyss and collapsing onto me after hissing his own release. I thought he was big before but it’s when he’s inside me, spilling into me, that I fully feel just how large he can be and just how powerful he is.

  “Fuck,” I whisper, stroking his back with gentle fingers. “That was…”

  “Incredible,” he answers for me and suddenly jerks up.

  “It was also messed up.” I frown, shoving him from my body. “You can’t just go around hitting people!”

  Curling his arm beneath his head, he smiles at me devilishly as I stand and pull on my broken shirt. “You didn’t tell me to stop.”

  “I…” He’s right. “Well… that doesn’t make it right.”

  “No, but it means you liked it.”

  “Whatever.” I cringe at the mess he created between my thighs. “You’re lucky I’m on the pill. You better be clean!”

  “I am, don’t worry, and I know you are.” He doesn’t move from the couch as I head towards the bathroom to have my second shower of the evening. I’m still drunk. I must be. I just had sex with my boss, despite the fact it was only a few hours ago that I swore I wouldn’t. There’s something seriously wrong with me.

  “How could you possibly know that I’m on the pill?”

  He taps his nose and closes his eyes. It’s then I notice that he’s still hard and wonder if he wants me to go for another round. I definitely wouldn’t say no to that, but I really do need to clean myself up first.

  “I’m having a shower,” I announce and give up on trying to fix the two remaining buttons of my shirt. It hangs wide open as I lean in the doorway to my bathroom. “Want to join me?”

  His brows raise and his smile fades to a look of pure lust.

  Also, his cock just got bigger. I’m not even kidding. How is that possible?


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