Book Read Free


Page 10

by A. E. Murphy

  I try to curse him out and order him to get back down there and finish me off, but my ramblings are lost behind the leather in my mouth.

  “I’m not sure you’ve quite figured this out yet.” He grins devilishly and bites on my pebbled nipple, causing me to yelp. “But you aren’t the one who gets to tell me how to treat your body.”

  He stands and stares at my vulnerable, waiting, glistening body, slowly undoing the buckle of his belt. The way he slides it from the loops of his trousers is erotic. His eyes cast a needy look upon me when he flexes the belt between his hands.

  “One day,” he mutters, his tone dangerous, “you’ll do something worthy of the belt and I’ll get to pinken your flesh with perfect stripes.”

  Why do I like that? I need therapy.

  He drops his trousers, though keeps his hardened length trapped by his grey boxer briefs. They fit him so perfectly I wonder if he has his underwear tailor made too. I notice the small damp spot where his pre-cum has escaped and it brings me back the memory of the taste of him on my tongue. He’s beautiful, every single inch of him.

  He knows I believe so too because I’m essentially caressing him with my eyes as he pulls his shirt over his head in a way that only men have perfected.

  “For now I have a different surprise for you.” He drops a dark object onto the bed by my thigh and hooks my limp legs over his shoulders. I try to see what it is that he has, but he’s keeping it out of sight. “I’ve never known a woman to get as deliciously wet as you do.” Groan. He pushes something cool and rubbery into me. It’s not much larger than the tip of his thumb. My eyes close as I bask in the sensations. How does he do this? Did he go to some kind of sex school? “Keep still.” The object leaves my aching core for a moment and he slides it down to another entrance which has yet to be… broken in, so to speak. I give a wail of protest and his hand connects with my inner thigh.

  If I could scream a string of unpleasant words at him, I would.

  “What did we agree on?” He leans over me, resting on one arm and looking directly into my pissed off eyes. “Try it once and if you don’t like it, I’ll stop.” The hand between us begins to push the object into me. “Relax.” I close my eyes, tensing even though he ordered me to relax. His teeth capture my lower lip and the object is pushed and pulled, gently and carefully. It creates an unpleasant feeling that I don’t particularly want to ever repeat. Then, with little to no force at all, it pops inside of me and the feeling goes. It’s no longer uncomfortable but simply peculiar. “Good girl.” He gives something a little tug and I feel the object move inside me. I glare at him but he only smiles with satisfaction. “Now for the fun part.”

  Wet lips and a warm tongue travel down my body and this time I willingly open my legs for him to continue what he was doing before.

  “Finally,” I groan, or at least try to, when his tongue and lips finally reach their destination.

  “Are you ready?”

  Ready for what? I raise my head and catch his eyes which are full of mischief and arousal.

  There’s a clicking noise just as his tongue plunges into me and his thumb circles on my tingling clit.

  When the object begins to vibrate, it’s instant. I scream. I’ve never screamed. I scream as though I’m being murdered. I scream so fucking loudly I’m worried the Police will be called.

  Lockhart smiles against me and I’m tipped straight over. There’s no stopping the orgasm that rages through my body, tearing apart my cells and turning me to jelly.

  My mind is blown.

  I don’t want this to end but I’m worried it’ll kill me.

  He climbs up my body and enters me brutally, slamming home and giving my pulsing core no chance to adapt. I notice how unnecessary any kind of build up to this point would have been because I am ready for him. I’ll always be ready for him.

  “Yes!” He hisses into my ear and thrusts a strong and erratic rhythm. I can feel him losing control. I’m doing that to him. It’s my body that is making him feel this way. With each thrust and moan, with each time he grips at my flesh, coupled with the vibrations and the lingering climax that has yet to pass, I’m pushed further and further into the abyss. I’m not entirely convinced that I’m still conscious.

  “You’re mine,” he tells me, ripping the leather from my mouth and throwing it behind him. I wet my lips, pushing my breasts up towards him. He obliges, taking the tip between his lips, but only for a moment. “Tell me you’re mine. Tell me your body is mine.”

  “It’s yours.” I respond, wrapping my legs and locking them around his hips. “Just don’t stop.”

  “Fuck!” He growls and slows his thrusts. “You test my control. I’ve never been so out of sync with my body before.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.” I grin as he steadies his pace and circles his hips slowly and carefully. “You feel so hard. I can feel every single millimetre of you.” A shudder runs through me and he moans with it. “Harder.”

  He pushes into me and stops entirely, holding himself up with both hands by my head. Looking down at where we’re joined, he controls his breathing and rolls us onto our sides, keeping us connected. Then, with his teeth on my neck and a hand on my hip, he pushes into me until he can’t anymore and lets loose.

  “Cerise,” he murmurs, nuzzling my neck and nipping at it with his teeth. I lose myself with him, gently and calmly, a stark contrast to how we were moments ago. His hands release the cuff around one of my wrists and my shoulders ache and strain as I bring my hands forward and flex my arms. “Normally I wouldn’t take up such an awkward position, but if I allow myself to roll back on top of you, I may hurt you. I’m nowhere near finished.”

  He’s kidding, right? He just came. Isn’t that when a man usually finishes?

  Grinning, he slides in and out of me slowly and carefully and presses his lips to my own. “I won’t make you sore this night; you have a busy day ahead.”

  “Too late,” I mumble and his answering grin makes me mirror it.

  “Fuck it, then,” he chuckles and rolls me back onto my back. “Hold on tight.”

  The sun rises, coming in through the blinds and spilling across my face and Lockhart’s back. We haven’t stopped. At all. I think my rule of no sleepovers was just a challenge to him, to see if he could stay until morning anyway.

  I have never, ever felt so tired in my entire life.

  He won’t let me sleep.

  “What time is it?” He asks and looks at the little table by my bed before flopping back on top of me, crushing me and keeping me warm under his weight. “Don’t you have an alarm?”

  “Just my phone,” I mumble, sounding as exhausted as I feel.

  “You mean the phone you don’t use?”

  I hum a yes and try to shove him from my body. Chuckling, he rolls over and sits on the side of the bed.

  “It has been a long time since I’ve fucked myself into near death,” he states as he picks up his jacket and looks for his phone. Cursing under his breath, he stands suddenly and begins to dress.

  “Have a good day, Mr Lockhart.” My voice is a muttered slur. I turn onto my front and bury my face in my pillow.

  “Have a good day, Ms Branch.”

  I think I feel him cover me with the blankets but I can’t be sure as I’m dead. I feel nothing but delicious pain.

  It’s banging at the door that wakes me up and the sound of Kai’s voice bellowing, “I am going to KILL YOU!”

  I feel as though I’ve only been asleep a second. It’s probably more like five hours, but my body still needs more than that.

  I climb out of bed and pad to the door with the blanket wrapped around me. Unclicking the lock, I open it and snap, “What is your problem?”

  “We have that fucking interview in an hour!”

  Ah shit. “Fuck. I need a shower.”

  “What happened to you?” His anger turns to concern. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been mauled.”

  “Slept rough,” I lie and push the d
oor closed. “I’ll be ten minutes!”

  “A minute longer and we’re leaving without you!”

  When we arrive at a local radio station that has plenty of listeners, we’re escorted up to the room and given a run down on what we’ll be asked. Rep stands nearby ready to intervene if necessary, but from listening to Radio Zone, where we are right now, they’re always respectful of their interviewees. I hope that remains the same.

  We are introduced briefly mid-song to Cash, the guy who is doing the interview, and his co-host Maggie.

  “We won’t ask you anything you don’t know the answer to,” she informs me softly. They’re both very welcoming.

  We are led into a separate room where our instruments have been set up. Today we’re going to play a single to give people a taste of our music. I don’t know how Rep pulled this off when we haven’t even released a single yet, but I can’t say we aren’t grateful.

  “Like we said this morning, we have a really exciting announcement to make.” Cash winks at us and gives us a thumbs up. I sit back in my seat and make sure my mouth isn’t too far away from the microphone that is dangling down from the ceiling. “We have new meat. Never before heard on the radio meat.”

  “We’d like to welcome Ellipsis!” Maggie takes over, closing her eyes while she talks. I find that odd. I know Dane does too because he looks at me sideways and smirks. “A two-man, one-woman band. I’ve heard a few of their songs and I have to admit, I love their style. It’s a unique and fresh take on indie music.”

  “Agreed. Agreed.” Cash cuts in. “So first up, sitting closest to me is Kai, the black haired…”

  “Smoking hot,” Maggie interjects.

  “Drum player.”

  “Hi,” Kai says awkwardly and Dane and I do everything we can to not laugh at him.

  “Next is the stunningly beautiful Cerise, who has nails to match the name. She is the…” He looks to me to finish the sentence and I do so, acting as casual as possible under the pressure. “Singer and pianist.”

  “She also writes most of the music,” Kai adds, winking at me. “With my help, of course.”

  “I’m Dane and I play the guitar. I have blond hair and I’m the tallest out of the three of us.” Dane sighs as if letting a heavy weight off his chest. “Felt good to get that out.”

  We laugh, hosts included.

  “So, tell us a little bit about your stay in London so far. Are you liking the city?”

  “We’ve hardly seen it.” Kai shrugs, looking at us for backup.

  “We’ve been working so hard to get the album done before going on tour with the amazing Enri.” I explain.

  Maggie lets out a happy sigh. “I love Enri.”

  “Me too,” I agree. “He’s amazing.”

  Rep gives me two thumbs up from the corner, looking far more excited than he was a moment ago.

  “Any chance of a collaboration? From what I’ve heard of your sound, you’ll create magic together.”

  I look to Rep who gives us the wink, meaning not to give a direct answer. Dane saves the day with, “He’s done so much for us already, we couldn’t possibly ask him for any more at this point.”

  “Hint hint,” I add playfully, knowing Enri probably isn’t listening anyway. “We’re really excited for the tour though. We hit Manchester on Friday and Saturday and we’re opening the show with a few from our album, which releases…”

  “In September if all goes to plan,” Kai finishes.

  “Excellent, I’m really looking forward to it. I love ‘Brink of the Synch’, which you’re going to perform for us soon. The lyrics are very clever and I already memorised most of the words, so I know it’s catchy.”

  “Definitely catchy.” Maggie agrees with Chase. “What was the inspiration behind the song?”

  “I don’t think we have enough time for that one,” Dane laughs and plays a chord on his guitar. “All of our music comes from real places. We like to keep the music as personal as possible.”

  “Yeah, we follow the rule that if we feel it as we write it, the listeners will feel it as we play it,” I continue.

  “That’s a good rule to follow.” Chase agrees.

  “While you’re getting ready to play, we’ll put out Enri’s latest. He can start for you this time,” Maggie giggles. “He owes you one. Stay tuned for more from Ellipsis.”

  Enri: You guys were great. It was an honour to start for you.

  “Enri just texted!” I show them the message, giddy and smiling. “He listened.”

  “He’s top.” Dane grins. “I expected him to be some stuffy rich prick that thinks his shit don’t stink, but he’s actually more laid back than Kai and Kai don’t have two quid to his name.”

  “You sounded local then,” I laugh. “You’re picking up the accent.”

  “I can’t help it. C speaks like someone from EastEnders.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “You’re still seeing her?”

  “Hell yeah. The things she does with her mouth…” He bites his lip and high fives Kai. I wish I could get in on this sex talk with them, but if they knew who I was fucking, they’d be pissed. Well Kai would. Dane would probably be a bit more understanding.

  Rep returns from taking a phone call outside, still grinning from ear to ear, though he refuses to tell us why. “Don’t forget to clear out your flats today.”

  “Huh?” Kai’s head shoots up to look at him and then at us.

  I shrug, as oblivious as he is.

  “You aren’t keeping the flats while you’re gone. They’re temporary accommodation. You’ll be getting paid soon, able to set down your own roots.”

  Kai tenses. “What are we supposed to do when we come home in two weeks? We’re only touring the UK. Everywhere is within a few hours driving distance.”

  “Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for. I’ll have you sorted into something you can afford by the time you return. Something a bit more permanent,” Rep assures us. “Well, I won’t, but I know a guy who will.”

  “It’ll be fine.” Dane grins. “We don’t need anywhere permanent. Real rock stars live out of their cases.” This time I high five him instead of Kai.

  “I need a fag,” he mutters, standing and exiting the café.

  “He needs to get laid,” I say to Dane, who laughs and nods his agreement. “He’s way too tense.”

  “Everything okay?” Rep asks, his eyes following the invisible trail that Kai has left behind.

  “It’s fine; it’s just his way. Nothing to worry about.” I down my coffee and pick up my phone.

  Cerise: We rocked, it didn’t we? My vocals were on point.

  Enri: I know you’re being a big-headed bitch as per. But I have to agree. You fucking killed it. Keep that tone for the shows next weekend.

  Cerise: Awww, so sweet. See you Sunday!

  Okay so I’m flirting. I can’t help it. I’m naturally flirty and Enri is a good-looking guy. He knows we can’t get mixed up, though, not that he ever would with me. I just get that same innocent happy flirty vibe from him that I put out. To an outsider, such as Kai or even Lockhart, it would probably seem more than just a bit of flirty banter between budding friends. I can’t blame them for thinking that way either.

  If I weren’t mixed up with Lockhart and I weren’t touring with him, I wouldn’t be able to say no if he offered. Not because he’s famous, but because his personality is so similar to my own and I kind of fancy myself.

  I laugh at my own thoughts and return to my phone as Dane and Rep talk about leaving tomorrow.

  Lockhart: You all did great. Well done.

  “I just got a text from L,” Dane says, showing me his phone.

  “I got the same one,” I respond flatly, a bit disappointed at the forwarded message. Never mind, he’s a busy guy.

  Dane yawns loudly, reminding me how knackered I am, and after a few more minutes we head back to our flats. Before I crash, I pack all my things into my case, ready my keyboard and pray that time flies. I am so excited to
get on the road, I can hardly contain it. All of Dane’s and Kai’s dreams are coming true. Mine will follow, one day. My dreams are a bit more complicated and out of reach than just becoming rich and famous.

  “Holy shit,” I choke as I stare up at the large bus. Bus… Not van or motorhome… bus. “This is what we’re going to be living in?”

  “It’s awesome, right?” Enri laughs, slapping the navy-blue side. “Come on; I’ll give you a tour of the tour bus.”

  “I’d never go home if I lived in one of these,” Dane mutters, sharing my enthusiasm.

  We step into it through one of the side doors and I take immediate note of how dark it seems, even with the lights on.

  We enter just behind the driver area, it’s a kitchen, albeit very narrow, but it’ll do for on the road. I touch the glossy top of the four-seater bench table. It smells of lemons and disinfectant in here. It has been recently cleaned and properly too.

  He shows us a door to the right which takes us to the toilet and shower space, also very small but exactly what I expected. The next room is my favourite so far. It’s what can only be described as a cinema room with just one large window above the many seats on the left. All of the seats have seatbelts and cup holders that look as though they can be adjusted for a more comfortable setting. The walls are shiny grey, sparkly in the dim light, and the TV is jet black and takes up almost the entirety of the right wall. Games consoles are hidden in the cupboards beneath, upon closer inspection.

  “This is the only space that’s really big enough to practise.” Enri states and helps me shift my keyboard off my back. He rests it gently on the large seats and guides us through to the next room, which is the sleeping room. It has bunkbeds built into the wall on the right, enough to sleep four. On the left is more storage space; each cupboard, wardrobe and door has a lock and designated key which hang on hooks inside the top cupboard.

  “We aren’t supposed to sleep in here while the bus is moving but it’s so comfortable.” Enri grins, shrugging. He pulls on the side of the bed, showing me how strong it is. “The side helps to keep you in place. The beds are just a bit smaller than a single.”

  “Hell, I’d be happy to take the floor!” Dane grins, placing his bags onto the bottom bed. I take the one behind it, leaving Kai with a choice of one of the top two.


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