Just Between Friends
Page 8
Her father just stared for a moment, seeming oblivious to anything else happening around him. He was still in shock of the news of the loss of his son. Miranda’s small voice finally jolted him back to reality. “Miranda, I told you to go upstairs! Now go!”
She had begun to cry, and turned to run, when the doctor took her by the arm and led her up the stairs. As they approached her room, he stopped and knelt before her. Very kindly he spoke, “Honey, your mama’s going to be fine. She’s just resting. She had a little trouble having the baby, but she’s going to be fine now.”
“What about the baby?” Miranda’s voice trembled. “Is it going to be fine too?” Tears were streaming down her face.
The doctor had shaken his head. “No, honey I’m afraid the baby didn’t make it. So, you’re going to have to be understanding to your father, and help all you can.”
Miranda couldn‘t stop the tears, as she asked, “Was it a boy or a girl?”
Sadly, the doctor answered, “It was a little boy.”
Knowing how devastated her father must feel, she couldn’t speak. She just turned, opened her door and went in her room. Cassie had fallen asleep, so she made her way to her bed, lay down on it, and cried until she had fallen asleep.
That had been a long time ago, and her mother seemed in good health now, and the doctor had said there should be no complications. She just hoped and prayed he was right.
The days were flying by. In only two short weeks, Cassie would be married. As Miranda looked at her little sister, she realized if there had been no war, she and Steven would already have been married for nearly five years. She wondered how many children they would have had, and what they would have looked like.
She was shaken from her thoughts when her father walked in the room and said, “Well girls, it looks as if we’re going to be having some company for a while. Your aunt Alice is coming in for the wedding, and insists on staying until after the baby is born, so she can help.” He then walked up to his youngest daughter and looked at her sadly, then added, “I guess we can put her in your room, since you’ll be leaving.”
Miranda could see her father holding back tears. He was going to miss Cassie a lot. Cassie also knew it. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, and declared, “I love you, Papa. Don’t worry. I’ll still be around a lot. I won’t be very far away. I’ll visit all the time.”
“I know, honey,” he responded. “But it still won’t be the same. Whatever happened to my little girl anyway? It seems only yesterday, you was climbing trees and getting into all kinds of mischief. It’s as if you’ve grown up overnight.” Then looking at Miranda, added, “Both of you.”
Cassie wanted to make her father feel better, so she said in a soothing voice, “Well, Papa, in only a few short months, there will be a new baby in the house. He or she will take my place.”
“No-one could ever do that, Cassandra.” He bent and kissed her forehead. “Be happy, honey, that’s all I can ask.”
She nodded and replied, “I will be, Papa. I love Ben so much. I know we’ll be very happy together. Now, enough about me, when is Aunt Alice arriving?”
“Next week.” He replied. “Do you suppose the two of you can double up in Miranda’s room? I hate to ask, but you know how your aunt Alice is. She’s used to having her privacy. She was even like that as a child. Mama always tried to get her to associate more with people, but if that’s the way she chooses to live, then I guess that’s her business.”
They both laughed. “We know, Papa.” Miranda stated. “It’s alright with me, if Cassie doesn’t mind.”
Cassie just looked at her sister, and replied, “Well of course it’s alright with me. That way we can spend some more time together before I move out.”
Frank looked pleased. “Good, it’s settled then!” He exclaimed. “Thanks girls.”
The days passed. Aunt Alice had arrived, and although she could be quite annoying at times, she was being a wonderful help. The days were passing by so quickly, it hardly seemed there would be enough time to get everything ready for the wedding, now, only two days away.
At the Williams house, Ben could hardly sleep anymore. All he could think about was Cassandra. In only two days, she would be his wife. She would then be his forever. He wondered what married life would be like. He knew he shouldn’t, but he kept thinking about their wedding night. He had to get his mind on something else.
“Ben!” Louise Williams yelled, as she tapped on his bedroom door. “May I come in?”
Ben jumped. “Sure Ma!” He yelled back.
Mary entered the room, and swept a glance all about it. Her son wasn’t the tidiest person, she thought. When would he ever learn to pick up his clothes? She noticed one black stocking sticking out from under the bed, and a pair of overalls lying in one corner on the floor. She hoped these habits would change once he was a married man.
Ben sat on the side of the bed. His feet were bare, and he looked as if he hadn’t combed his hair all day. “Are you getting ready for bed, dear? You’ve been up here all evening. Are you not feeling well, or is it a bad case of the jitters?”
Ben had a lot on his mind right now, and he didn’t feel like answering a lot of questions. Besides, he was tired, and feeling a little irritable. Maybe once he could finally get some sleep, he would feel better. “No, Ma,” he answered. “I just need to get a good night’s sleep, and I’ll be fine.”
Louise approached the bed, sat down, and put her arm around her son’s shoulders. “Ben,” she began, “I know you’re nervous, but you have nothing to worry about. You and Cassandra belong together. She’ll make you a good wife, and I know you’ll make her a good husband.”
Ben cleared his throat, then spoke, “Ma, wasn’t you nervous when you got married?”
His mother smiled, and understanding how her son felt, encouraged him, by saying, “Dear, I think everyone is, but you needn’t be. Everything will turn out fine. You and Cassandra will be very happy together.” She then turned more serious, and added, “There is one problem though.”
He gave her a curious look, “What do you mean, Ma? What kind of problem?”
“I don’t know what we’re going to do around her without you. It just won’t be the same.” She then hugged him close. “All your pa and I want is for your happiness, and I know with Cassandra, you will be have that.” She wiped a tear from her eye, and rose. She glanced back before she left the room, and said, “Now, get on downstairs and spend a little time with your family, while you can, you hear?”
He could see how hard this was on his mother, but he just said, “I’ll be right down.” As she left the room, and closed the door, he realized that in only two days this would no longer be his home. He would then be the one responsible for his wife, and hopefully, one day, his children. Right now though, he wouldn’t think about that. His mother was right. He needed to spend a little time with his family. He really was going to miss them. He stood, and after throwing on a clean shirt, he combed his fingers through his hair, and went downstairs to join them.
That night when their parents retired, Alec asked Ben if he could talk with him about something. Still in the parlor, he walked over to the fireplace, and leaned against the mantle. “Little brother,” he began, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve decided to ask Miranda. I know she still thinks about Steven, but I believe she’s beginning to care for me also.” He then stood up straight, and turning to face Ben, asked, “What do you think? Should I, or shouldn’t I?”
Ben stared at his brother. How should he respond to this? He knew that Miranda cared a lot for Alec, but he also knew she still wasn’t over Steven. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt him, so he inquired, “Gee, I don’t know. This is so unexpected. Does Miranda have any idea you’re thinking this way?”
Alec shook his head in response. “I don’t think so, but I know she knows how I feel about her, and that it’s only a matter of time,
so why not now?”
Ben was curious. “So, when do you plan to ask her?”
Alec grinned. “What better time? I plan to ask her on the day you and Cassie tie the knot.”
Ben looked surprised, and all he could think to say was, “Well, I wish you luck. I hope the two of you can be as happy as Cassie and I are sure to be.” He became silent a moment, then continued, “I have something I need to discuss with someone too. I didn’t say anything when ma came upstairs and asked me what was wrong. It’s really silly anyway.”
With much concern in his voice, Alec asked, “What is it, Ben?”
Ben fidgeted, and scratched the tip of his nose. He felt a little embarrassed, but still he asked, “You’ll probably laugh, but I just can’t seem to quit thinking about my wedding night. What if I’m a disappointment to Cassandra?”
Alec did laugh. “I’m sorry, Ben. I don’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just the way you’re acting. I can imagine how you must feel, but look, I realize I’ve never come as close to marriage as you. I know it’s a natural thing to be nervous. Why, just think how Cassie must feel. She’s probably thinking about the same things you are, and as you well know, she should be more nervous than you.”
“Okay, okay!” Ben exclaimed. “Let’s not talk about this anymore!”
They both laughed, as they made their way upstairs. Since they no longer shared a room, Ben said appreciatively, before entering his. “Thanks, Alec. Thanks for listening. I feel better.”
Alec just waved his hand in response, as he made his way into his.
The big day had finally arrived. At the Porter home, everyone was scurrying about making sure everything was ready. The wedding would be performed at the church, but afterward the people would gather there for the reception. They had prepared so many delicious dishes, but still worried they hadn’t prepared enough.
Aunt Alice and Miranda were still busy in the kitchen when Mary walked in. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been more of a help,” she apologized. “Cassandra is my daughter. I should be the one doing all this.”
“Nonsense,” Alice exclaimed, “you must have your rest. Cassandra understands that.”
Being only five months pregnant, Mary was already tiring very easily, and had begun to retain fluid. The doctor had advised as much bed rest as possible. The whole family worried about her. They had to see to it that both she and the baby would be fine, so they made sure she didn’t do anything strenuous.
“I know she does,” she continued, “but it still doesn’t make me feel any better. I always dreamed of the day my girls would be married, and how I wanted to be the one to take care of everything.” She was beginning to weep. “I can’t believe my baby is getting married.”
Miranda walked over to her mother, and put her arm around her shoulders. “Now, Mama, you mustn’t feel this way. Cassie’s very happy, you know that. It would hurt her to know you felt this way. Come on now, cheer up. Just think, in only four months there’ll be a new baby in the house, and you’ll still see Cassie a lot. She’s not going to be far.”
Mary wiped her eyes and looked at Miranda. She reached out and patted her on the arm, “I know, honey. I’m just a little emotional right now, that’s all. It’s natural for us pregnant women. I’ll be alright.”
Miranda hugged her mother, “I know you will,” she agreed. “Now enough about that, what’s Cassie doing anyway?”
“She’s upstairs fixing her hair,” she replied, then laughed. “I think this only makes about the tenth different way she’s done it. She says she just can’t get it the way she wants. She’s so nervous. You’ll see one day.”
With that, Miranda grew solemn. Seeing this, her mother apologized. “Oh, Miranda honey, I’m sorry. How thoughtless of me. I wasn’t thinking.”
Knowing how her mother was feeling, Miranda tried to look happy. “It’s alright Mama. It just still hurts sometimes, that’s all. I’ll be fine.”
Aunt Alice had been quiet through all this, when she finally blurted out, “Okay, you two, enough of this sentimental nonsense. There’s work to be done. Miranda, help me set the tables, and Mary, if you want, you can finish making the tea.” Each of them went about their individual chore and the time passed quickly. Soon, it was time to leave for the church.
As Cassandra descended the stairs, her father, Frank, took her by the hand and marveled, “Look at my little girl. How beautiful you look, sweetheart! Ben sure is one lucky fella.”
There she stood, in her elegant ivory satin wedding gown with an attached wide gathered skirt. The neckline of the dress was trimmed with a hand-made lace ruffle. Her hair was drawn up and to the back of her head, where it was arranged in soft curls. She was truly a vision.
With tears in her eyes, she replied, as she reached out and hugged him, “Oh, Papa, I love you!”
“I love you too, pumpkin. Never forget that. I hope you and Ben will always be as happy as you are at this moment.”
As she pulled free from his embrace, she determined, “We will be. I have no worries about that. I love him so much.”
“Well, all I have to say is, he’d better take good care of you, or he’ll have me to answer to.” She only smiled, for she knew her father was only joking, his way of trying not to show the emotions he was feeling.
Suddenly everyone else entered the room. Aunt Alice announced, “We’re ready to leave now. Come on you two. Time’s a wasting. Are you ready, Cassie?”
Cassie’s voice quivered, as she answered, “About as ready as I’ll ever be. We might as well go.”
Each felt a tugging of sadness, knowing that today Cassie was leaving her childhood behind. Soon she would become a woman, a prospect that made her very nervous.
By the time they had reached the church, it was mostly full. Cassandra, Miranda, Mary and Alice went through the side door of the building, then into the small room in the back. Ben was already there, and as Miranda peered in, she could tell by the way he was fidgeting, how nervous he was. “Do you see Ben?” Cassie questioned.
“Yes,” Miranda giggled, “and by the looks of him, I hope he makes it through this. He looks positively terrified.”
“Well,” Cassie added, “he can’t be any more nervous than me.”
Mary took her daughter by the hand, and feeling how clammy it was, remarked, “Honey, your hands are so cold. Are you alright?”
Cassie didn’t know how to answer that question. She didn’t know if she was alright or not. She was feeling so many things. The butterflies she had had earlier in her stomach had gone, and now it felt as if her whole insides were constricting, she was so tense. Finally, she spoke, “I honestly don’t know, Mama. I’m a little dizzy. Maybe I should sit down for a minute.”
Miranda pulled up a chair for her and helped her sit down. Knowing her father always carried a jug of water in the buggy, she said, “I’ll go out and get you some water, Cass. I’ll be right back.”
When she returned, and Cassandra had drunk the water, and had rested a few moments, she began to feel better. As she stood to her feet, she still felt shaky, but advised, “I think we had better begin before I start feeling that way again.” Then walking toward the door, and peering in, added, “It looks as if everyone’s here.” Her hands were shaking so badly, as she saw her father walking toward her.
Frank Porter approached his daughter, and offered her his arm. “We’re ready to begin, honey. Are you ready?” She just nodded her head in response, as she laced her arm with his.
The music began. Mary and Alice went to be seated, as her father stood with Cassandra. Miranda, being her maid of honor, went up the aisle first. Alec, standing by Ben, as his best man, thought how beautiful she was. He couldn’t help wishing she was walking up the aisle to him, but maybe someday, he thought.
When everyone stood and faced the back of the church, Alec looked at Ben, who was watching Cassandra with such love, it radiated from him. As Ben watched Cassie approach, he thought he had nev
er before seen anything more beautiful. She almost took his breath away.
Ben was wearing a three-piece suit, with a cutaway front. The waistcoat had no lapels and the front had a slight point at either side at the waist. He pulled at his collar briefly, to allow air to flow, for he too was beginning to feel faint.
Cassandra slowly proceeded forward, eyes unwavering from Bens. Upon reaching the front, the minister asked, “Who gives this woman in marriage?”
Her father answered, “I do.” He then kissed his daughter on the forehead, and she took her place beside Ben.
The minister then began, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. Marriage is sanctified by God ….” As he spoke, Ben stared at Cassie. He loved her so much.