Just Between Friends

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Just Between Friends Page 15

by A. Wolfe

  As Miranda, Mary and Frank were seated in the parlor, Mary inquired, “Miranda, I know you talked with Alec, but with everything that has been happening, you never told us the outcome. Cassie told us he had planned on leaving. Is he still, or have you two worked out your differences?”

  Miranda studied this before she spoke. “Mama, I’ll be honest. I really don’t know what Alec’s decided to do. Although he did promise Sarah he would visit her a lot. So, I guess he’s decided to stay, at least for now anyway.”

  “But what about the two of you, does this mean the wedding is definitely off?” She asked, with a bit of disappointment to her tone.

  Miranda knew how her mother felt. She had so wanted to see her experience the same kind of happiness Cassie did. It hurt her to see one of her children so unhappy, but she answered her mother the best she could. “Mama, it wouldn’t be right to marry someone you’re not in love with, now would it? I love Alec very much, but I’m not in love with him. And Mama, to be honest, I don’t think Alec is in love with me any longer either. I guess I deserve it though. I hurt him deeply. I didn’t mean to, but I did.”

  Her father, having been silent through all this, finally spoke, “It always pays to be honest no matter how badly it hurts. You’re not being fair to someone to keep them hoping. The boy needs to get on with his life. Now maybe he can do that. Who knows, maybe it’ll happen sooner than we think.”

  Feeling somewhat sad, Miranda knew what her father meant. He had sensed it too, probably everyone had, the chemistry the two obviously had for each other. Samantha was four years older than Alec, she thought. She was too old for him. What would people think?

  But it wasn’t any of her business anymore. She was sad, but also glad thinking that maybe Alec could finally find happiness with someone, true happiness. He deserved a woman who loved him every bit as much as he loved them. But she wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. Maybe nothing would ever develop between them, but time would tell.

  Right now all she could think of was going to bed. So after telling her mother to wake her if Tommy started giving her any trouble, she bade them both goodnight, and went upstairs to her room.

  Chapter XIV

  The next day dawned bright and clear, but quite cold. Tommy was in a much better mood today, and with good reason. For the tip of a tiny white tooth had broken through his bottom gum. He was growing up so fast. Miranda helped with breakfast, then told her mother she was going to Sam’s for a little while and see how Sarah was doing. Mary sent her best to everyone as she left.

  It was a beautiful day for a drive. It was still chilly, but the sun was bright. It wouldn’t take too long before it took the chill from the air. Spring was still a little over a month away, and she knew this warm spell wouldn’t last, but she would enjoy it while she could.

  She had reached the Reynolds and saw that Alec was already there. Pulling her buggy up behind his, she slowly dismounted. She felt bad because she didn’t even know how to act around him anymore. All during the ride over she had been wishing he wouldn’t be here. That way she could visit then hopefully leave before he arrived.

  She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. Amelia opened it. “Miranda dear, come in,” she invited. “We were just talking about you.”

  Miranda laughed. “Only good things I hope.”

  “Oh course dear, what else?” She laughed. “No, Sam was just telling us what a help you was that first night to her when we were away, and how she didn’t know what she would have done without you. She said you never left her side. We’re all very grateful to you.”

  Feeling very pleased, she opened her mouth to speak when Sarah rushed through the hallway. “Miranda,” she yelled excitedly! Running to her she hugged her around the waist. When she pulled back Miranda stooped until she was eye to eye with the child, and took her in her arms, as Sarah wrapped hers around her neck.

  “Sarah,” she began, “I’m so glad you’re home safe. How are you feeling, darling? I didn’t get a chance to talk with you yesterday when you came home.”

  Sarah drew back and looking at Miranda, declared, “I feel fine. Did you know Alec was here? He’s in the parlor with mama and grandfather.” She then took Miranda’s hand in hers, and urged, “Come on.” Sarah led her from the hallway into the room where everyone sat. She couldn’t understand why she felt so awkward.

  Seeing her, Samantha jumped from her chair. “Oh, Miranda, I’m so glad you came over. I want to thank you again for all your help.”

  Miranda noticed how refreshed Sam looked. You could never tell by looking at her the ordeal she had been through. Both she and Sarah looked their old normal selves.

  “Please, come in and sit down,” Sam invited.

  Miranda crossed the room, greeting both Mr. Reynolds and Alec, as she passed by them. Reaching the chair, she sat down and positioned herself until she felt comfortable. What was wrong with her? She thought. Why was she so nervous?

  “You look much more rested today,” Arthur spoke up. “It looks as if you’ve had a good night’s sleep.”

  “Yes, I did. Thank you.” Miranda responded.

  “That’s good. I think everyone feels much better today. I sure am thankful that ordeal is over.” She watched then, as Arthur Reynolds picked up his pipe and slowly tapped the top of it, before placing it in his mouth.

  Nodding her head, she agreed, “So am I.”

  Everyone became silent when Sarah began to speak. “Mama, do you think I look like you?”

  Looking at her daughter, she smiled. “Well, I guess you do a little bit, honey. Why?”

  “Oh, I was just wondering.” Becoming silent for a moment, she then continued. “Did you used to have the same color hair as me and wear it in braids sometimes?”

  Sam glanced over at her father who had an odd expression on his face, but she answered, “Yes, Sarah, why?”

  They could tell she had something on her mind, but was trying to decide whether to tell what it was or not. Finally, she blurted it out. “Because he said you used to look like me when you were younger.”

  Sam, not understanding who she was talking about asked, “Who, Sarah? Who said this?”

  “He did!” She was pointing to someone. As they followed her finger, they each grew silent and couldn’t believe what she was pointing to. Miranda couldn’t move. She felt cold chills run up and down her spine. She heard Amelia gasp.

  Arthur jumped up and went to the wall containing the portrait of Steven and removed it, and brought it back to Sarah. “Sarah, honey,” he questioned, “are you saying you saw this man?”

  She acted as if she didn’t know whether to answer or not. Finally, she nodded her head. There was such excitement in the room now, and such tension. Miranda still couldn’t speak. Looking at Alec, she saw him watching her with a surprised look on his face.

  Arthur had to know more, so he continued to question his granddaughter. “Sarah, where did you see this man?”

  She grew silent.

  “Honey, please, tell us where you saw this man.”

  Still she didn’t say anything.

  Samantha walked over to her daughter and softly asked, “Sweetie, do you know who this is? I remember telling you when you were younger, but you probably don’t remember. This is your uncle Steven, my brother, but you see Sarah, he’s dead, just like your father.”

  “No, he’s not,” she said, shaking her head. “He helped me. He took care of me when I was lost.”

  Miranda’s head was spinning. She felt faint. Alec saw her and asked, “Miranda, are you alright?” Everyone looked in her direction then.

  Noticing how pale she looked, Arthur rose and quietly left the room. When he returned, he had in his hands a glass of water and a cool wet rag. Going to her, he advised, “Miranda, drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” He then took the rag and placed it against her forehead and told her to lie back. She did as she was ordered, and a few minutes later felt better.

  “Thank you,” she said. �
�I’m sorry. I was just feeling so dizzy.”

  He nodded, then also noticing how quiet his wife was, he turned to her and asked, “Are you alright, Amelia?”

  “Yes, I think so.” Although she too felt a little faint, but she would be fine. She was just anxious to find out more of what Sarah had to say.

  He walked back to his granddaughter, and questioning her once more, asked, “Are you sure, honey? Are you absolutely sure that this is the man that took care of you?”

  Sarah was becoming frightened, and seeing this, Sam said to her father, “Papa, I know you’re not meaning to, but you’re scaring her. I understand you’re excited, and so am I, but please, let me ask the questions, alright?”

  Realizing his daughter was right, he nodded his head in agreement. She took the portrait from his hand and turned her attention back to Sarah.

  But Sarah began to speak before she had a chance to ask her anything. “Mama,” she began, “I wasn’t supposed to say anything. He didn’t want me to.”

  Samantha could feel the butterflies skittering around in her stomach, but did her best to remain calm. “Honey, are you saying that this man took care of you, but didn’t want you to tell anyone?”

  She nodded and answered, “He was nice, Mama. He fed me and everything.”

  Miranda couldn’t keep silent any longer. “Sarah, did that man look exactly like the one in the picture?”

  She looked at it and nodded. “Yes, but now he has long hair.”

  Miranda continued, “Did he seem hurt in any way, Sarah?”

  “Well,” she stammered, “He carried a big stick with him and he walked funny.”

  “Sarah,” Arthur cut in, “do you think you could show us where he’s at? We would like to thank him for taking such good care of you.”

  She thought for a moment before she responded, “No grandfather, I don’t know where he’s at. When Alec found me we had been playing a game. He said he was going to take me where mama could find me, but he put a scarf over my eyes and told me to guess what all the sounds were I was hearing.”

  Arthur knew the real reason he had covered her eyes was so she wouldn’t be able to find the place he had taken her. He had disguised it as a game so as not to frighten her.

  “So,” Alec spoke, “that’s how you got so far away from home. He’s found you and took you there.”

  “I don’t remember him taking me there. All I remember is falling and hitting my head. When I woke up, I was there lying on a blanket. Please, don’t tell him I told you. I don’t want him to be mad at me.”

  Samantha gathered her in her arms. “He’s not going to be mad at you, sweetie. He loves you very much, but we have to find him. He belongs here, so we can take care of him.”

  Arthur was pacing the floor trying to decide what to do. Suddenly he burst out, “Alec, son, I know you’ve went out of your way for us already, but would it be too much to ask for a little more of your help?”

  “Ask away,” Alec replied. “I’ll help any way I can.”

  Arthur then continued. “Do you remember approximately the location you found Sarah?”

  “Yes, sir, I think so.”

  “Well, do you think we could ride out there and look around?”

  “Sure, that’ll be no problem.”

  Miranda stood then and announced, “I’m going with you. I know you’d probably rather I’d not, but if Steven is out there, I have to go.”

  Understanding how she felt, they both nodded. After assuring himself that his wife was alright, Arthur only said, “Let’s go find my son.”


  The closer they came to their destination, the more anxious Miranda became. She was so nervous she felt sick. She had decided to sit in the back of the buggy and let the men have the front. She needed time to think. They were all taking the word of a child. What if, after all this, it wasn’t Steven after all, but only someone who resembled him? But no, she couldn’t allow herself to think like that.

  It was Steven, she knew it was. Who else would have told Sarah she looked like Sam and had hair like her when she had been younger? But if he had come back this close to home, why was he hiding? Didn’t he want her and his family to know he was alive, so they could stop grieving?

  She was still reasoning all sorts of things when she felt the wagon come to a stop. Arthur and Alec jumped down and walked to the back of the buggy. Alec extended his hand to her, and taking it, helped her descend. They walked in the direction where Sarah had been found, no-one saying a word.

  When they reached the area, Alec stopped and pointed to the house where he had found Sarah. They had walked to it, and glanced all around. The place seemed deserted. Arthur spoke, “I don’t see anywhere in this area where he could be living. Let’s walk a little further down that way.”

  They continued on and noticing a few dilapidated buildings, promptly began searching through them, but found nothing that showed evidence of anyone occupying them. They searched the entire area, but still nothing.

  Miranda was so disappointed. “He has to be around here somewhere. Sarah couldn’t have just made all this up. He knows we’re here, and he’s hiding. He doesn’t want to be found.”

  Arthur walked over and put his arms around her shoulders, and tried consoling her. “Now Miranda, let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe we’re not looking in the right area. I know you’re anxious, but so am I. We just have to keep on looking.”

  But their search proved to no avail. They had searched all afternoon and evening, but still no sign of him. As they prepared to return home, Alec walked up to Miranda and remarked, “Miranda, I hope we find Steven. I’ve been selfish. The kind of love the two of you share doesn’t happen often.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, he grew silent, as if in thought, then added, “I’ve decided to stay. Sarah needs me right now. I know she’s not my child, but I love her just the same. I can’t just walk out on her after all this. Everything is going to turn out fine, Miranda. I have a feeling. I hope we can at least still be friends.”

  Reaching out for him, she hugged him. “Friends forever, Alec. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


  He watched from afar as they had searched. He had known they would come. In all the time since he had returned, which by his calculations had been around three months, he had lived in one of the ramshackled buildings they had looked through. He had been careful not to leave evidence behind, for if they were to discover anything, they would only intensify their search.

  After Sarah had been found, he had packed up what little he possessed, and moved a little farther away. He guessed he had walked about a quarter of a mile when he chanced upon a house that had mostly been destroyed, but parts of it were still livable. What a grand house this must have been once. Such a shame, he thought. Finding it deserted, he had promptly moved in.

  He had been determined one day he would walk back into Miranda’s life, but now he wasn’t so sure. He had watched them when they were unaware, and how close they had become. Many nights when they hadn’t known they were being spied upon, he had seen their embraces, and their kisses.

  Miranda deserved someone like Alec, someone who could take care of her, someone who wasn’t a cripple. But still, something had kept him holding on. Once, he had about given up and had decided to move on, but he just had to see her one last time, to be as close to her as possible.

  It was Christmas day, and no-one had been home. He had sneaked into her house and had hid in an unoccupied room across from Miranda’s. He had known he shouldn’t. It was a risky thing to attempt, but he just had to see her one last time. He had heard them arrive home, and he waited until everyone had retired.

  He had heard Miranda enter her room, and saw the beam of light filter through under the door to where he was hiding. He waited a while after he saw the light go out, then quietly opened the door and softly crept to her room.

  As he entered, he saw her. She looked like an angel, as the moonlight shined acr
oss her face, and her long-dark hair spread across her pillow. He had felt such longing he could barely stand it. He wanted to wake her and take her in his arms and never let her go.

  He knew his intentions had been to leave, but after seeing her, he knew he couldn’t. So, he had softly whispered to her that he was coming home, and to please wait for him. He had spoken it so softly that he was surprised when he saw her jump.

  As quickly as possible he had made his way into the shadows of the hallway. He watched her as she had run to her window. He crept closer and as she had begun to speak, it was all he could do to keep from going to her. She was staring out into the night begging him to come back to her. She was breaking his heart.


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