Just Between Friends

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Just Between Friends Page 16

by A. Wolfe

  Then he had heard her say she was betrothed to Alec. So, he had decided to keep his secret. He could never saddle her with what he had become. It wouldn’t be fair. After all, what kind of husband could he possibly be to her, or what kind of father to the children they could have? No, he must remain dead, and if he were ever to regain full use of his legs, then maybe he would come out of hiding.

  He had also missed his family very much, and had also spied on them when they hadn’t known he was there. The first time he saw Sarah since he returned, he couldn’t believe his eyes. She had been only a wee baby when he had left for the war, but still he would have known her anywhere. She looked so much like Sam, but also Michael. Sam had done a wonderful job raising her.

  It had been such a shock to learn of Michael’s death. He hadn’t known until he had returned. But, he had been pleased to see that both Alec and Ben had come home safely.

  Then the day he had found Sarah lying on the ground, it had been growing dark. Hurrying to her as best he could, he had stooped down and rolled the child on her back. He was stunned to see that it was Sarah. How had she gotten so far from home? Fearing her dead, he pushed her hair aside and laid two fingers to her throat, all the while praying for a pulse. He had been relieved to find she was still alive. She had a huge lump on her forehead, and knew she had gotten it by tripping and hitting her head on the log that lay before her. No-one would ever think to find her here, he reasoned.

  Knowing how worried his family would be, he was in a quandary, but he had no choice. It was too far for him to carry her home. It may have been possible without a need for a cane, but with his legs the way they were he knew it would be impossible, and he couldn’t leave her alone. So, doing the only thing he could do, he picked her up and laid her as gently as possible against his shoulder, while taking his cane in his hand and proceeding on. Having cleaned her wound, he waited for her to regain consciousness. When she had, she was frightened, but after explaining what had happened, she grew calm.

  He thoroughly enjoyed the time he had with her, to get to know his niece, and almost didn’t want to take her back, but he knew he had to. He couldn’t let his family go on thinking she was dead.

  So having started out, they had only walked a few hundred yards when he heard someone approaching. He had removed the scarf he had tied around Sarah’s eyes, and had told her to stay where he put her, that someone was coming for her. Hiding among the trees, he watched as she ran to Alec, feeling a little envious. But this was the way things were supposed to be, he guessed. So after they had left, he packed up everything he owned, and moved a little farther on.

  He determined to himself that he would work with his legs every day, and one day he would no longer need this cane. Then he would go home. Until then they must not find him.


  Miranda had returned to her house. It was now too dark to search. Her parents had been almost as shocked as she when they found out. They were all seated around the kitchen table, when her father asked, “Miranda, what do you think the reason is that Steven won’t come out of hiding?”

  Deep down Frank had been wondering if maybe the boy was suffering from mental incapability’s, but hadn’t wanted to say anything, for fear of putting any more stress on his daughter. But she must be ready to accept all possibilities. He needed to find a way to get her to realize this could be the situation. She had to be ready for what she may find.

  “I don’t know, Papa,” she answered. “Although I do suspect he’s been hurt, for Sarah said he carried a big stick, and he walked funny.”

  Frank was reluctant to continue, but he felt he must. “Miranda listen, I don’t mean to worry you any more than what you already are, but honey, you need to be prepared for what you may find. The war has done all sorts of things to these men, not only physically, but mentally as well. Why, the things I’m sure they have witnessed would be too much for anyone to deal with. I’m sure both Alec and Ben are those of the more fortunate ones.”

  Miranda just stared at her father, trying to process his words. “Papa, what are you trying to say, that Steven is crazy?” She had had such an emotional day, that it all suddenly caught up with her. Tears were beginning to well in her eyes, but she continued. “Well, let me tell you something, Steven’s just as sane as you or I, and one day you’ll see. He has his reasons for staying away. He …” She couldn’t go on. She just broke out into sobs.

  Mary arose from the table and went to her daughter. She pulled a chair close to Miranda, and sitting next to her, slipped her arms around her shoulders as Miranda nestled her face against her and cried. She soothed, “There, there, honey. Everything is going to be fine.”

  When her weeping subsided, she sat up straight and wiped her eyes, then looking at her father, she apologized, “Papa, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. I’m just so confused. I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  Frank took one last drink of his coffee and set his cup aside. He then stood and also went to his daughter, and sitting on the other side of her, said, “I know dear, all this is too much for anyone to deal with.” She reached over and put her arms around his neck, as he gathered her in his arms.

  “Don’t worry,” he did his best to comfort her, “we won’t give up until we find him, and whatever the reason is that’s making him afraid to come home, we’ll just have to let him know that we’re all behind him, and we’ll help him through whatever it is.”

  Drawing back, she looked at him and proclaimed, “I love you, Papa.” Then turning in the other direction, added, “You too, Mama. I love you both so much.”

  “And we love you too, honey,” Mary replied. They grew silent then and let the emotions they felt pass.

  Finally Miranda spoke, “Well, if the two of you don’t mind, I think I’ll say goodnight. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help clear my mind.”

  As she arose, and was walking toward the door, her father assured her, “We’ll start out in the morning any time you say, alright, honey?”

  She stopped and only replied, “Early, Papa, as early as possible.”

  Chapter XV

  Earlier that evening Alec had told Ben about Steven. Although he was happy knowing he was alive, Ben was afraid what this might do to his brother. But Alec had assured him that he would be fine, that he finally had accepted the fact that Miranda could never feel for him the way he had felt for her. It didn’t hurt that much any longer, but that he was truly glad that Steven was alive and he would do all he could to help Miranda find him.

  Ben and Cassandra had retired to bed early that night, feeling that need for each other in a very strong way. Over the past four months during Cassie’s convalescence, they hadn’t been able to make love very often. But now that she was pretty much back to normal, they couldn’t seem to get enough of each other.

  Because he had learned that he couldn’t take for granted that she would always be there, Ben had determined to love Cassie every day the best that he could, and be thankful for each moment.

  Ben and Cassandra lay in each other’s arms, basking in their overwhelming love for each other. Ben ran one finger down the side of his wife’s cheek, and looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Cass. I’m so thankful you came back to me. That you didn’t …” he couldn’t go on. He swallowed hard, thinking back on that dreadful night.

  “Ben, please don’t. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I love you so much.”

  One lone tear trickled down his cheek, as he gently placed a kiss on her lips. He became silent for a moment, before he spoke, “This is unbelievable about Steven, isn’t it?”

  Cassie nodded, “Yes, I can just imagine how Miranda must feel. Somehow she’s known all along that he was alive, but no-one would believe her. I’m sorry for Alec though.”

  “Don’t be Babe,” he said as he stroked her hair. “He’s okay with it. We had a long talk, and he realizes now how things really are, and he accepts it. Besides, who knows, maybe he’ll find someone else real soon.”
  Cassie knew who he meant, but she just smiled. Then reaching out to Ben, she touched his face. It was getting late, and slumber was beginning to overtake her. She fell asleep in the comfort and protection of her husband’s arms.


  The next morning Cassie was the first to awaken. She gazed toward the window and smiled. It looked as if it was going to be another beautiful day. So unusual for only February, she thought. Turning to her side facing Ben, she reached over and kissed him on the nose and watched as his eyes fluttered open. “Wake up, sleepy head,” she demanded. “There’s lots of work to be done.”

  Returning her smile, he reminded her, “Well, you know what? I wouldn’t have to sleep so long if a certain person didn’t keep me up all hours of the night.” He then rolled her on her back and tickled her. She kicked and slapped, but to no avail.

  When he stopped, he gazed into her eyes with that look she knew all too well. As he began to lower himself to her, she laid her hand against his chest, “Not now, Ben! We must get up so I can fix breakfast. I want to go over and visit with Miranda. I’m anxious to see if there are any new developments.”

  Ben stuck out his lower lip and complained, “Oh Cass, come on. You’re not going to make me wait until tonight, are you? Just once, I promise.”

  She shook her head, “Oh you poor pitiful thing. You’re so deprived,” but she knew she couldn’t resist him. Ben realized he had worn her down, and as he claimed her lips, she was totally lost.

  Afterward, they quickly dressed and made their way downstairs. When they were finished eating, and Cassie had cleaned up the mess, she said, “Well Ben, I’m going to go now. I’ll try to be back in time to fix lunch.”

  He went to her then and kissed her. “Sounds good, babe, I’ll try and be home around noon. Please tell everyone that if they need my help in any way, just let me know.”

  “I will,” she promised.


  It was a cool crisp morning, but the sun was already starting to dissipate the drops of moisture in the air. Cassandra lifted the reins and gave them a shake, making the horses trot a little faster. She couldn’t help feeling excited for her sister. She knew that Steven was the only one that could truly complete Miranda. She couldn’t wait until she could find him, until she could experience the same kind of joy she had with Ben. It had been so long since she had seen her sister happy.

  When she arrived at her parent’s home, she found that Miranda and her father had already left an hour earlier. So Cassandra visited with her mother as she sat at the table feeding Tommy.

  After a while she and Mary retired to the parlor. She walked over to the sofa and held Tommy on her lap. He was getting to be quite a handful, and had grown so much. As she ran her finger through the ringlets of his hair, he looked at her and smiled, revealing his two adorable dimples. She hoped if she and Ben were blessed enough to have more children, that they would be even half as precious as her little brother.

  Hugging him to her, she looked at her mother and asked, “Mama, do you really believe that Steven is alive? I mean, Sarah is only a child.”

  Mary agreed. “Yes, dear, this is true. But, she’s a very intelligent child. I believe she knows exactly what she’s talking about.”

  “Well, why do you think he’s purposely staying away? Why would he want Miranda and his family to think he was dead? That’s so wrong of him.”

  “Well, Cassandra, I know it’s hard for us to understand, but I also know he has his reasons. Sara told her mother that he carried a big stick, and that he walked funny. So, I think it’s safe to say that he’s had some kind of injury that possibly makes him feel as if he’s useless. Your father thinks that it’s also possible that he’s suffering from some mental disorder, as well. He mentioned this to Miranda and she flew off the handle. She yelled at your father, and told him that Steven wasn’t crazy. She did apologize though. It’s all been too much for her, all this with Alec, then Sarah disappearing, now this. Frankly, I don’t know how much more she can bear.”

  Cassie knew her mother was right. She could see how all the worry she’s endured has etched lines across Miranda’s face. She should have tried being more understanding to her sister, but she had thought she was being too unfair to Alec. But she knew now she had been wrong. “Mama,” she said at last, “I have to try to help her somehow. It seems Miranda’s always been there for me. I feel as if I’ve let her down.”

  “No,” Mary comforted, “Miranda knows you would do anything in the world for her. Don’t worry, honey. When she finds Steven, she’ll be as happy as you are, and knowing this, makes me very relieved. It hurts to see your child so unhappy.”

  Tommy had been so quiet she had almost forgotten he was lying in her arms. Glancing down, she found he had fallen asleep. She looked at her mother and smiled, “I think I’ll take this little one up and put him to bed.” She rose quietly, and whispered, “I’ll be right back.”

  When she returned, they continued their conversation, and waited, hoping and praying for some good news. Cassie stayed until lunch time then informed her mother she would have to be leaving, for she had promised Ben she would be home in time to fix his meal. She hated to leave without knowing anything, but she told Mary that both she and Ben would probably return that evening. She couldn’t possibly go to bed without knowing what was happening. She then kissed her mother on the cheek, then left, leaving Mary to wait alone.


  It was early evening when she heard them pull in. The waiting had been unbearable. She had stayed in her chair and waited for them to come in, feeling too nervous to look out the window. When they entered the house, she saw they were alone.

  Seeing the disappointment on Miranda’s face made her heart drop. Still she asked, “Did you have any luck?” Miranda didn’t say anything, for she knew if she did she would break into tears. She just hung her coat on the hall tree and ran upstairs to her room.

  Frank shook his head and slowly walked toward his wife, “No, dear,” he answered sadly, “we didn’t find a clue anywhere. If the boy is alive, then he must have left. We’ve searched everywhere we could think of. I think if we ever see him again, it will have to be his choice. And who knows maybe one day he’ll work out his problems. We just have to wait and see.”

  Now Mary felt like crying, “But in the meantime what about Miranda?” She begged. “Doesn’t he realize what this is doing to her? Doesn’t he care? I just can’t stand to see her hurting anymore.”

  Frank walked up to her then and wrapped his arms around her, and let her cry. When she pulled free, he soothed, “Now dear, I know how you feel. It hurts me to see her this way also, but there’s nothing more we can do. We have to be strong and let her know we’ll always be there for her. One day things will get better.”

  As Mary wiped the tears from her eyes, she could only reply, “I hope and pray you’re right.”


  After Miranda had gone to her room, she had run to her bed and fallen on it, and cried until she became nauseous. She had been so sure she would find Steven today. Now all the hope had drained from her. Her father was right, she reasoned, if it had been Steven who had taken care of Sarah then he was no longer in this vicinity. Her father had suspected he had left soon after Alec had found Sarah.

  “Why Steven, why,” she spoke softly, “how could you do this to us? If you still loved me, you couldn’t stay away no matter what the problem. We always promised each other after that day we first kissed in our tree house, that we would always take care of each other. Now you’ve broken that promise! I wouldn’t care what it was. Don’t you know that? I just want you back! There’s nothing the two of us together can’t work out!”

  She jumped up then, and ran downstairs. She didn’t care if her parents could see that she had been crying. She knew what she had to do. She found her parents in the kitchen. Her mother was busy preparing dinner, and her father sat at the table.

  “Mama, Papa?” She began.

  They both l
ooked at her in surprise. “What is it, Miranda?” Her father asked as he stood to his feet. They had thought something had happened the way she had burst through the kitchen door.

  “I have to go back,” she announced, “but this time I have to go alone.”

  “Miranda,” Frank exclaimed, “it’ll be dark soon. It’s just not safe!” He had to make her see reason.

  “Yes,” Mary cut in, “and look outside, honey. The fog has lifted, and it’s growing quite dense.”

  But Miranda didn’t care, she had to go. She didn’t understand why, she just had to. “Mama, I’ll be careful. I promise, and Papa, please swear to me you won’t follow me. This is really important, alright?”

  Frank didn’t like the idea of his daughter traveling that far alone at night, but knowing she was sensible and no longer a child, he agreed.


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