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Just Between Friends

Page 19

by A. Wolfe

  “Uh-huh,” she replied. She then questioned, “Is my mama your sister?”

  “Yes, Sarah, she is, and your grandmother and grandfather are my ma and pa. And you, my little scamp, are my niece,” he answered, as he tickled her.

  Sam shook her head. “Oh no,” she declared, “I can just see it now. You’re going to spoil her rotten.”

  Steven acted hurt, but he knew she was only joking. He stared at her and asked, “Well, what do you expect, Sam? I have to make up for lost time, don’t I? I’ve already missed out on so much of her growing up.”

  Then noticing how quiet Miranda had been through all this, he stood and went to her side. “Miranda, darling, are you alright? You haven’t said a word through all this.”

  “I’m fine Steven. I’ve just been enjoying watching your happy reunion with your family. I think this has been the happiest two days of my life. Finding you then bringing you home.”

  Slipping his arm around her waist, he turned to face his family once more and announced, “We have some good news everyone. We realize it may seem rather soon, but we just can’t wait any longer.” He gave Miranda a squeeze then continued, “We’re going to be married in two weeks.”

  “Oh!” Amelia gasped, “This sure is a day for surprises. I think I’d better sit down, before I fall down.”

  “Don’t worry Ma. I’m not going far. That’s something I wanted to discuss with both of you. Would it be alright with the two of you if we moved into your old house out back? Just for a while though. As my legs improve, I’m going to work and build us a place of our own. We’ve already wasted so much time. We just want to be together.”

  Arthur had been silent, trying to take all this in. Rubbing his chin, he replied, “Son, you know you don’t have to ask. Of course you can use the house, for as long as you like. You needn’t push yourself.”

  “Thanks, Pa, but I’m not going to be pushing myself. I just want to be able to provide for my own wife, and hopefully family one day. You can understand that, can’t you?”

  Arthur knew how he felt. It hurt a man’s pride to live off someone else, and knowing his son, he would be on his own in no time. After all this time thinking Steven was gone, he had given up all the dreams he had had for him. It pleased him to know that now those dreams could finally become a reality. “I understand perfectly, son, and I want you to know I’m willing to help all I can. All your mother and I want is to see you happy.” Then looking at Miranda, added, “Both of you.”

  “Yes,” Amelia agreed, “The two of you have had such unhappiness. It’s time all that changed.”

  Everyone was in agreement, but although Sam wanted nothing more than to see her brother happy, she couldn’t help but wonder where Alec fit into all this. It was obvious something had changed between him and Miranda, but what? Alec had never said, and it seemed he always avoided any questions she had about them. She also didn’t understand these feelings she was experiencing lately. All the time since Michael’s death, she had never even considered another man, but Alec made her feel different. Whenever he was close she felt that special attraction, almost like she had had with Michael. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way. Alec could never care for her in that way, she was older than he. Four years older to be exact. She probably seemed like an older sister to him. Realizing how foolish these ideas were, she decided to put them behind her. She had to get things into perspective.

  She jumped when Miranda touched her arm and questioned, “Sam, you’re so quiet. I’ve asked you the same thing twice and you never answered me.”

  “I’m sorry, Miranda,” she apologized. “I didn’t hear you. I guess I was off in a world of my own. Please, ask me again.”

  “I was just wondering if I could have a word with you in the other room.”

  She looked around, and saw the rest of the family was in conversation. They probably wouldn’t even be missed. Sarah was sitting on the sofa beside Steven, as close to him as she could get. Knowing she wouldn’t follow them, she nodded, “Sure, Miranda.”

  As they entered the kitchen, Sam offered, “Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?”

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

  Motioning for her to have a seat, Sam declared, “This is so unbelievable, isn’t it, after all these years?” She was feeling nervous, and she wasn’t sure why. It was easy to see Miranda had something more than Steven on her mind.

  “Yes,” Miranda answered, “Stevens return is something I’ve hoped and prayed for since the moment he left.” Becoming solemn then, she tried her best to explain. “I suppose you’re wondering what has happened between me and Alec. Maybe he’s already told you, I don’t know.”

  Shaking her head, Sam said, “No, he’s told me nothing. But I have to confess, I have been curious. I mean one moment the two of you are engaged and then the next it almost seems as if you’re strangers.”

  “Well, I guess you could say that we both came to the realization that we just wasn’t meant for each other. We did have a talk though, and we’ve decided to remain friends. But this all took place before we found out about Steven being alive. Just so you know that wasn’t the reason. I do love Alec though. Just not in the same way I love Steven. Alec needs someone who will love him like that.”

  Glancing at Sam, she continued, “Now, I’m not trying to put my two cents in where they don’t belong, but Sam, Alec’s a good man. He would be awfully good to a woman, and he loves children. He would make an excellent father.”

  Sam looked at Miranda, feeling a flush come over her face, but remained silent.

  Miranda didn’t hesitate, “I think you know what I’m trying to say. All I’m asking is, if you do have any feelings for Alec, please, don’t hold them back. He needs someone like you Sam, probably now more than ever.”

  Samantha was shocked. She never expected to hear this. Was Miranda trying to tell her something she was unaware of? She tried to make her see reason. “Look, Miranda, don’t you realize I’m a lot older than Alec? You don’t have to tell me what a good man he is. I already know. But he wouldn’t want me. I probably seem more like a big sister than anything. He needs someone his own age.”

  “Now Sam, age isn’t important, it’s how two people feel about each other that really counts. Besides, I really feel that Alec cares for you, and I’m not just saying that. Other people have noticed it also.”

  Sam was surprised. She had thought it was only her imagination.

  “I know this is none of my business,” Miranda stated. “Let’s just let it drop at that, alright? But just do me a favor. Think about what I said.”

  Sam only nodded.

  “Come on.” Miranda said, as she stood. “Let’s get back in there before they notice we’re gone.”

  Sam stood and followed Miranda, feeling even more confused than ever.

  Chapter XVII

  Since Alec had found out about Steven earlier that afternoon from Ben, he had been in turmoil as to what to do. He felt many things. Gladness, knowing Steven was really alive, but yet a little sadness, realizing that now he had truly lost Miranda. It wasn’t the fact that he was really in love with her anymore. He just didn’t quite know what it was. She had been his first love. Often he had heard people say it was that love that was the hardest to get over. But in his heart, he wished Miranda and Steven the best and hoped they would be truly happy.

  He had other thoughts on his mind, and those had been troubling him for days, unsure of how to handle them. It was Samantha. He couldn’t seem to get her off his mind. How beautiful she was. He especially loved watching her when she allowed her hair to flow freely down her back, which wasn’t often, since women usually wore their hair in an upsweep. He could only imagine what it would be like to run his fingers through the thickness of it, for it looked so soft and silky. And her mouth, he loved the fullness of her lips, and could only guess what it would be like to revel in the taste of them.

  “Stop it!” He scolded himself. “These thoughts are getting out of
control!” He couldn’t afford himself the luxury of believing that someday she would feel for him in the same way. She probably sees me as nothing more than a younger brother, and would think she was too old for me. He was beginning to feel agitated, “I have to stop my daydreaming! Get some control of yourself, Alec!” Then remembering he had promised Sarah he would come and see her today, he went in the house to wash up. He was feeling quite dirty after working all day helping his neighbors build fence.

  As he entered through the kitchen, he found his mother busy preparing dinner. The aroma made his mouth water. Making his way to the stove, he lifted the lids on the pans and exclaimed, “Mm, Mm, something sure smells good, Ma. What’s the big occasion? You’re fixing an awfully big meal for just me, you and pa.”

  She looked at Alec and shook her head, and gently slapped his hand away from her utensils. “Son, look how dirty your hands are! Go clean up. Ben and Cassandra are joining us for dinner this evening. They should be arriving anytime now.” Then changing the subject, she questioned, “Alec, you have heard about Steven haven’t you, that he’s alive and has come home?”

  Leaning down, he gave his mother a quick kiss on the cheek. “Ma, don’t look so worried. I know all about it and I’m alright with it, really. I’ve known for quite some time that things weren’t going to work out between me and Miranda, even before all this happened. Everything will be alright.” Starting to walk away, he then stopped. “Dinner will be soon, won’t it? I promised Sarah I would be over to see her, and I can’t break a promise.”

  She only smiled, and confirmed, “Yes, son, within the hour.” As she watched him walk away, she thought to herself that she didn’t think that Sarah was the only reason for his visits. Then smiling to herself, she continued working on the meal.


  Ben and Cassie had arrived, and as they all seated themselves around the table, Cassie declared, “Everything sure looks delicious, Mrs. Williams. Ben was just saying today that he was in the mood for some of your fried chicken. You must have been reading his mind.”

  “Yeah Ma,” Ben added, “your sweet potatoes and biscuits also. You’ve fixed everything I’ve had a taste for.”

  Louise laughed. “Well, Ben, I do happen to know these are your favorite dishes, remember? Mothers never forget.”

  Alec pretended to be hurt. “Oh yeah, well what about me? It’s been quite a while since you’ve fixed my favorite meal. You probably don’t even remember what it is, do you, Ma?”

  “Oh course I do, dear. I’m not partial to one of my children over the other. I know that steak and whipped potatoes with gravy is your favorite. It’s just so seldom that Ben and Cassandra take dinner with us, that I thought I’d make something that I knew they both liked. I knew Cassandra liked fried chicken, for she told me once.”

  “Ma,” Alec consoled her, “I was only joking. I meant nothing by it. I was just making conversation. I thought you would realize I was only teasing.”

  With that, Louise looked relieved. “Well good,” she sighed, “I really thought I had offended you. You know I would never intentionally do that.”

  Alec felt a little worried. “Ma,” he arched a brow questioningly, “are you not feeling well? You’ve been acting different. You’ve been so jumpy and irritable, and you seem so tired lately.”

  “Yes,” Ethan agreed, “I’ve been noticing that too, but I thought maybe I was making more out of it than I should. Now that others are noticing, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pay Doc Mitchell a call.”

  “Now Ethan, I’m fine,” she objected. “I just haven’t been sleeping well lately, that’s all. Once I’ve caught up on my rest, I’ll be my old self again, you’ll see. Now enough about this, let’s just enjoy our meal.”

  And they did just that. They laughed and talked, and by the time they were finished, everyone’s mood had lightened considerably.

  After the men had retired to the parlor, Cassie helped Louise clean up. They were standing at the sink when Ben’s mother clutched her heart. “Mrs. Williams!” Cassie yelled. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  She remained silent for a moment, then spoke, “I’m alright, dear. I’ve just been having these sudden fast heart beats. They seem to come on rather suddenly, and to be honest, they’re a little frightening. Then I seem to break out in a sweat. I really don’t know what’s happening to me, but I’m beginning to think Ethan is right. It is time I was paying Doctor Mitchell a call. Please, don’t say anything to Ben,” she implored. “Just let me find out what’s wrong first, alright?”

  Cassie was worried about her. It would devastate Ben if anything were to happen to his mother. To all of them, but she agreed. “Of course I won’t say anything if that’s what you wish. But please, don’t put this off too long.”

  “I won’t, dear. I’m going to talk with Ethan tonight and I’ll probably go see the doctor tomorrow. I’m feeling better now. Let’s finish up in here so we can join the men.”

  “Mrs. Williams,” Cassie urged, “you sit down and let me finish, please. There’s not that much left to do. You don’t want the others to see you like this. You’re still a little pale.”

  Louise agreed to this and laid down her dish towel, “Maybe you’re right. I am feeling quite tired. If only I could get a good night’s sleep for a change, I’m sure I would feel like a new person. Maybe once I see the doctor, he’ll give me something to help me rest.”

  While Cassie finished the dishes, Louise sat and sipped on a cold glass of water. By the time they were ready to join the men, she felt much better.

  The evening wore on and Alec excused himself, saying he didn’t mean to be rude, but he must be leaving, and told Ben he would stop by his house tomorrow. There was something he had to do, and he had to do it now.


  Before he reached Sam’s, Alec considered the idea of running into Steven, for it was highly probable he would be there, since it was his home. Miranda would likely be there also. What an uncomfortable proposition that was, for he didn’t know how much Steven knew about he and Miranda. After all, they had been engaged, and had shared some pretty intimate moments. But all that was over now. Steven would have to understand that.

  But he was relieved to find when he arrived that Miranda’s buggy was nowhere in sight. Maybe neither of them was here, he thought, hoping. He walked to the door and knocked. While he waited, he looked at the sky. Seeing the black clouds, he knew they were in for some storm. Rain, he supposed, feeling it was a little too dark and warm for snow.

  Suddenly the door swung open and Sam stood in the opening. “Good evening,” he greeted her. “I hope I haven’t come at a bad time. I promised Sarah I would visit her today, but Ben and Cassandra came over for dinner, and well, you know how that is. You can’t just leave your company.”

  Still feeling a little uncomfortable, thinking of the conversation she and Miranda had had earlier, she tried to maintain her composure. “Good evening, Alec,” she returned. “Of course you haven’t come at a bad time. You know you’re welcome anytime. Sarah’s been asking about you. Won’t you please come in?”

  As he entered the house, Sarah came running to him. “Alec!” She yelled, as she flew into his arms. “I’ve been waiting on you all day. I’m glad you finally came.” She hugged him then. “Guess what, Alec?” She asked excitedly. “My uncle Steven came home today. You remember the one who took care of me when I was lost, and he’s so nice. He calls me his little scamp. Isn’t that funny?” She was giggling.

  Alec was glad for all of them that Steven was alive, but he still felt a pang of jealousy. He realized he didn’t want anyone to take his place with Sarah. He looked at her and answered, “Yes, Sarah, that’s very funny, and yes, I remember him. We grew up together, Steven and I, and used to be best friends. We played together all the time. Just like you and your little friend, Molly. I’ll be glad to see him again.”

  He turned his attentions to Sam. “Is he here?”

  Shaking her head in response, s
he replied, “No. He and Miranda went for a drive.” She watched his expression to see if he looked hurt, and was surprised to see that he didn’t.

  Lowering Sarah to the floor, he asked, “Where’s everyone else? It’s so quiet.”

  “Oh, mama had a headache and decided to lie down for a while until Steven gets back, and papa decided to join her. It’s been such an exhausting and emotional day for them both Alec, you couldn’t possibly know the joy we feel at this moment, and how truly thankful we are to get Steven back. My baby brother,” she wiped her eyes, “we thought we’d never see him alive again.”

  He made his way toward her and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her like this, he couldn’t help wishing it could always be this way. But she had just called Steven her baby brother. She probably felt he was like a baby brother to her also, since he and Steven were the same age. Still holding her, he spoke, “I’m so glad for all of you. It brings me joy to see you so happy.”


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