Book Read Free

Just Between Friends

Page 21

by A. Wolfe

Chapter XVIII

  The rain had stopped completely, and there was now no sign of clouds. As Steven drove up behind Alec’s wagon, they marveled at all the stars twinkling in the night sky. So beautiful, Miranda thought, as she gathered the blanket close around her. But it was beginning to grow chilly. She guessed the rain had brought in the cold. Seeing Alec’s buggy, she glanced at Steven, who was also staring at her.

  “Alec’s here,” she stated. “This is going to be most uncomfortable.”

  Slipping his arms around her, Steven replied, “Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see. Now come on. The sooner we get this over, the better.”

  Dismounting first, he then helped her descend. She paused a moment to gather her nerves, then nodded. Taking her hand in his, they slowly walked to the house. As they entered, they heard much laughter. Remaining in the hallway a moment before going in the rest of the way, Miranda whispered, “Sounds like they’re having fun, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” Steven answered, “it’s a sound I’ve missed, having been alone for so long. It’s going to take some time to get used to again.”

  As she stroked her hand down the length of his arm, she only nodded in agreement. Miranda hated for anyone to see her like this, all wet and her hair sticking to the side of her face, but she had no choice. So they made their way into the parlor.

  Amelia was the first to notice them. Jumping to her feet, she declared, “Good land, look at the two of you! You’re soaking wet!” Making her way to them, she added, “We were just saying we hoped you never got caught in this storm, but by the sight of you, we can see that you did. Sam dear, please take Miranda upstairs and give her some dry clothes to change into, she’s going to catch her death, and Steven, go up and change. All your clothes are still in your room. I could never bear to part with them. Then come back down and visit with Alec. He’s been waiting to see you. Hurry now.”

  They did as they were directed, and after washing off a bit, and changing into dry clothes, they felt much better. Sam had asked Miranda if she could have a word with her before they went back downstairs. So Steven decided to go ahead and talk with Alec.

  When he returned to the parlor, Alec met him. Shaking his hand, Alec exclaimed, “Steven, man it’s good to see you!” They embraced.

  When they broke free, Steven responded, “It’s good to see you too, Alec. It’s been a long time. I sure was glad to find out both you and Ben made it back safely.” They grew silent, unsure of what to say next.

  Finally breaking the silence, Arthur urged, “Come on you two, come and sit down. Steven, your mother went to the kitchen to make you and Miranda some hot chocolate. She said it would help warm you up.”

  He smiled at that. “What would we do without mothers?”

  “Isn’t that the truth?” Alec agreed.

  Just then Amelia returned carrying two steaming cups, and handing him his, asked, “Where’s Miranda?”

  Steven took a sip before explaining, “She’ll be down shortly, Ma. Sam said she had something to discuss with her first.”

  “Oh?” She exclaimed, suspiciously.

  Glancing from his mother to his father, then at Alec, he curiously asked, “What is it? Is something going on that I’m not aware of?”

  “Yes,” Alec began, “there is, and if you have time, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Puzzled, he nodded, “Of course I have the time. Please, begin.”

  As Alec was telling Steven about he and Samantha, Miranda was waiting patiently to hear what Sam had to tell her. She seemed to be having a hard time with it, whatever it was. “Sam,” Miranda encouraged, “whatever it is it can’t be all that bad. Please, tell me. You have me curious.”

  “No, Miranda, you have it all wrong. What I have to tell you certainly isn’t bad.” Rubbing her hands together she paced the floor then suddenly stopped. Turning to face her soon to be sister-in-law, she began to explain. “Alright, here goes. Remember this morning when you spoke with me alone in the kitchen, and you told me if I felt anything for Alec not to hold those feelings back? Well, I took your advice. Now I’m not the one who actually started it, he was. It all happened so fast. I wasn’t expecting it.”

  She was talking so fast. “Slow down, Sam,” Miranda advised. “Give yourself time to catch your breath.”

  Shaking her head, she was adamant. “No, Miranda. I don’t want to stop until I’ve finished. You see, Alec showed up pretty late this evening. Mama and papa were upstairs lying down, and shortly after he arrived Sarah fell asleep. That left us alone, and now I’m so glad it all worked out that way. I was nervous at first, having no idea what to say, when all of a sudden he started confessing everything to me. He asked me how I felt about him and I told him Miranda. I actually told him. It feels so good to finally let those feelings out.”

  Miranda marveled at the way Sam seemed to glow. Her face had seemed to come alive. Her eyes were sparkling as she talked about Alec, and her cheeks normally so pale, had a reddish-tint to them. She wanted to say something but she remained silent and let her finish.

  “Do you know what he said to me? He told me he loved me. I was so stunned to hear him say that. I had no idea he was in love with me. Then when he told me to be honest with him, to tell him how I felt about him, I told him I was in love with him too. And I am, Miranda! It’s been so long since I’ve felt this way about anyone. I thought after losing Michael, I could never fall in love again, but I was wrong. I still love Michael with all my heart, but he’s gone and it’s been so hard to face that fact, but I know he would want to see me happy and Sarah also. I’ll always carry a piece of Michael in my heart, but from now on, I have to move on with my life. Maybe I can do that with Alec.”

  She stopped then, and looked at her friend. “Thank you for your advice this morning. If you hadn’t told me what you did, this would have caught me completely off guard.” Then feeling a little guilty, she backed away. “This doesn’t hurt you, does it, Miranda? After all, you and Alec were engaged. That’s why I had a hard time telling you at first. I didn’t want to make you angry, but then once I started talking, I couldn’t seem to stop.”

  Miranda smiled. She walked over to her and embraced her. As she backed away, she answered, “Sam, of course I’m not angry. I’m so thrilled for both of you, you should know that. It pleases me to know you’ve found each other. Alec needs someone who loves him, and so do you. I couldn’t be happier. Come on, let’s get back downstairs. I want to congratulate Alec also. I think this has to be one of the most perfect days. It’s all been like a fairy tale.”

  “Yes, it has,” Sam agreed. “There’s been nothing but happiness today. I wish it could always be like this. But from now on, I don’t think things will seem so bad. Having someone who loves you does make a world of difference, especially when you love them in the same way.”

  “You can say that again,” Miranda concurred, as she slipped her arm around Sam’s shoulders, “I look forward to what the future will bring to all of us from this moment on. But for now let’s go back down and enjoy the rest of the evening, what do you say?”

  “Sounds good,” she agreed.


  They each had a wonderful time, just being able to catch up with one another. So wonderful in fact, the time slipped by unnoticed. It was nearly one o’clock in the morning when Sam looked at the mantle clock. Arthur and Amelia had said their goodnights earlier, leaving the young people to themselves. But Sam, knowing Sarah would be up bright and early, reluctantly informed the crowd that it was getting late, and she must be getting to bed. Looking at Alec, she shrugged her shoulders and added, “Such is the life of a mother. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  Staring lovingly into her eyes, he softly assured her, “Yes Sam you’re all I’ll ever want or need.”

  Miranda smiled. She was so happy to see them this way.

  Steven stood then, and ordered, “Come on, Miranda, I’m going to follow you home. It’s too late for you to be out alone.�
�� She began to protest, but he would hear none of it. “It’ll do you no good to argue.” Taking her by the hand, he told Sam he’d be back shortly, before bidding them both good night.

  As Alec stood, he pulled Sam into his embrace, saying, “I thought they’d never leave.” He then lowered his lips to hers. He loved the taste of her. The kiss grew more passionate, but he stopped before it went too far. Backing away slightly, but still embracing her, he softly proclaimed, “I love you, Sam. It’s so good to finally be able to say that.”

  As she ran her fingers through his jet-black locks, she repeated, “I love you too, Alec.”

  He gathered her to him once more. “Walk me to the door, alright?” She did as he asked. Before he opened it, he turned to her once more and proclaimed, “Oh, Sam, I hate to leave you now that I know you love me. I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go.”

  Touching her face, he slowly ran his fingers down over her cheek then traced her lips. “You’re so beautiful, Sam.”

  Hesitating a moment, he then turned to leave, but asked as he opened the door, “Is it alright if I come over again tomorrow evening? If it’s warm enough, maybe we could go for a drive.”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “That sounds nice. I would like that very much.”

  “Alright,” he said as he opened the door to leave, “tomorrow then.”

  I can’t wait, she thought, as she watched him disappear into the darkness.


  It was the middle of the night and Louise was still awake. She hadn’t been waiting up on Alec, it was just another of her restless spells. What was wrong with her? She wondered. Oh, how wonderful it would be to finally be able to get a good night’s sleep for a change.

  Glancing over at her husband, it was hard not envying him. He had been snoring for hours. Earlier, when hearing the storm, then the steady patter of rain on the roof, she had hoped it would lull her to sleep, but no. Nothing seemed to help.

  She arose quietly from the bed as not to awaken Ethan, made her way to the kitchen, and was pouring a glass of milk when Alec walked in. He was surprised to see his mother up at this hour. “Ma, why are you up so late?” He questioned, as he too retrieved a glass and poured himself some milk, then walked to the table and sat down.

  Following him, she sat across the table and took a sip before answering his question. “I’ve been unable to sleep again, and after lying awake all this time, I decided to come downstairs and get something to drink.”

  Alec couldn’t help but worry, noticing how exhausted his mother looked. She had dark circles under her eyes, and her face was so drawn. What if something was drastically wrong with her? He knew he could never stand it if there was. “Ma,” he advised, “Why don’t you go over and see doc Mitchell? I’m sure he could help you. You can’t go on like this. You’re wearing yourself down.”

  “I know dear. Your father and I have already discussed it. He’s going to drive me over there first thing this morning. I’m hoping he can give me something to help me rest. If he does I’m sure I’ll begin to feel better.” Then changing the subject, she was curious. “Now enough about this tell me why you’re coming in so late. Did something happen?” Noticing how his expression seemed to change, she knew that it had, and that it was something good.

  Smiling, he replied, “Yes, Ma, something most surely did happen, but it’s kind of a long story. Are you sure you’re up to it tonight?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’m not going to be sleeping anyway, and if this is something good, which I suspect it is by the expression on your face, then I’m all for it. So please begin.”

  As he related the whole evening for her, her apprehension over the fact of Steven returning and reuniting with Miranda became one of relief, having been unsure of how this was really going to affect her son. She had had her suspicions though, of how he really felt about Samantha, but feared he would never confess it to anyone because of their age difference. She was glad knowing that now maybe both of her children could be truly happy.

  Having not responded to anything he had told her, Alec demanded, “Well, Ma, for pity’s sake, say something! Please, I would really like to know how you feel about all this. Do you approve, or think me awful?”

  She reached across the table and gently took his hand in hers. “Alec, I’m so happy. I wasn’t meaning to seem as if I was ignoring you. You see dear, I’ve been so worried about what this was going to do to you with Steven returning and all. Now I know you told me earlier this evening that it didn’t bother you, but I felt you might only be saying that so I wouldn’t worry. I’ll be honest though, I had my suspicions that you wasn’t only going over to the Reynolds just to see Sarah. I just didn’t say anything, and yes, I’m so happy for you, honey. I believe you and Samantha will be good for one another, so long as you truly love each other.”

  “I do love her, Ma,” he assured her. “I’ve known for quite some time now. I think about her all the time, and right now I don’t think it is possible to be any happier.”

  Louise knew her son spoke the truth, for he was positively radiating. She patted the back of his hand. “That’s all I care about. As long as you’re happy, then so am I.” She yawned. “My, I think all this has had a calming effect on me. If you don’t mind dear, I think I’m going to go back to bed. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep.”

  She yawned again, then rose from her chair and took her glass to the sink. But before leaving the room, she turned and said once more, “I am truly happy for you, Alec. Please believe that. Maybe I don’t seem as excited for you as you think I should, but honey, I am. I’m just so tired. Once I’ve rested, we’ll discuss this further, alright? I love you.”

  “I understand, Ma, and I love you too,” he returned. “Sleep well.” As she left the room, he prayed, “Dear God, please let her be alright. What would he possibly do without her?

  Once Louise had crawled back into the bed and pulled the covers over her, it took only a matter of minutes before she fell into a deep sleep. When Ethan awoke that morning and saw how peacefully she was resting, he couldn’t bear to wake her. She needed this. So, he decided to let her sleep until she awoke on her own.


  When she first awakened, she was confused. Then becoming more aware, she noticed Ethan was already up and the sun was high in the sky. It must be late, she reasoned. Quickly rising to her feet, she slipped on her house shoes, hurried to the window and peered out. Seeing no-one about, she hurried and dressed.

  Going straight to the kitchen, she found a note lying on the table. Dear, I already fixed breakfast for Alec and myself, and left yours in the skillet. We’ve gone to do our chores. When we return, please be ready to leave. I know you wanted to visit the doctor earlier, but you were sleeping so soundly, I couldn’t bear to wake you.

  Oh, she thought, how sweet of Ethan to take care of breakfast. So after eating, she had cleaned up the mess then went back upstairs. She was feeling much better after finally getting some sleep, so she made the bed then waited on her husband.

  Ethan and Alec returned about a half hour later. Alec hurried upstairs, while Ethan grabbed an apple from the table. As he passed by his wife who was standing near the doorway, he hurriedly said, “I’ll just go freshen up a bit, and be right back. Are you ready to go, dear?”

  “Yes, I’m ready, but I’m feeling much better now. Maybe we should just forget about it.”

  “Nice try,” Ethan chuckled, “but it’s not going to work. Give me ten minutes, and we’ll be on our way.” He quickly kissed his wife on the cheek, and dashed from the room, without giving her a chance to say anything more.


  Approximately a half hour later they reached Doctor Mitchells and Louise was feeling quite nervous. “Ethan, maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all. I told you, I feel better now. Maybe I just needed some sleep. Since I got it, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, no you don’t Louise,” Ethan corrected. “We’re here and you’re going in
to see him.” He took her hand in his, and with his other, he gently caressed the back of it to help calm her nerves. “Look dear, there’s nothing to fret over. You’ve just been stressed out lately, that’s all. I’m sure he’ll give you something to help you relax then you’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” she agreed. “All this worrying isn’t helping me anyway. Besides, it’s quite cold out here. Come on.” Gathering her nerves, she climbed down from the wagon, with Ethan following right behind her.

  They were relieved to find there was no-one else there. He had such a tiny place, just a two-room structure, and small rooms at that. As they entered, he met them. “Ethan, Louise, what brings you here?”

  Since Louise didn’t answer, Ethan explained, “Oh, it’s not much really, doc. Louise here just seems to be having a hard time sleeping lately, and it’s beginning to take its toll on her. Too much stress, that’s what I think. But we thought it would be a good idea to see you and maybe you could give her something to help her rest.”


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