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Just Between Friends

Page 26

by A. Wolfe

  As they reached Frank and Mary’s drive, they saw it was already packed to capacity. Parking down the road a bit, they walked the rest of the distance to the house. Before reaching it, Louise stopped, and facing her husband, said, “Ethan, thank you. You can’t possibly know how much better I feel already. Something like this is hard to deal with for any woman. I love you. I consider myself to be a very lucky woman to have a husband like you.”

  Gathering her in his arms and giving her a squeeze, he replied, “I love you too, honey. Never forget that.” Taking her by the hand, he then ordered, “Now come on. Let’s get in there before all the food is gone.”

  She only laughed, as she led the way.


  The reception couldn’t have been more perfect. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. As the bride threw the bridal bouquet, it landed in the outstretched hands of Samantha, who gave a quick glance in Alec’s direction. Her face became scarlet as she saw him staring at her with an odd expression on his face. She could only imagine what he was thinking.

  Family and friends then followed the newly married couple outside, as they made their way through the slushing snow to their buggy. Everyone was throwing handfuls of rice as they climbed up. As Miranda waved goodbye, Steven took the reins in his hands and they drove off.


  The day was finally coming to an end, and Miranda was feeling the tension already, and they had only arrived at their home a couple of hours earlier. As she and Steven stood on the back porch of the house, they enjoyed the cool breeze that wafted over them.

  The sun, having shone brightly all day, had melted the snow almost completely, filling the stream that ran alongside the house. It was such a peaceful sound, as the water flowed steadily over the rocks, sounding like a mini waterfall.

  Strolling over and standing behind her, Steven slipped his arms around Miranda, as she laid the back of her head against his chest. “Baby, are you alright? You’ve been so quiet since we arrived here. You have me worried.”

  She pulled her shawl tighter around her, and shivered, but not from the cold. Holding her the way that he was, was having an odd effect on her. “No Steven,” she said gently, “I’m fine. I’ve just been going over the events of the day in my mind. I still think if someone were to pinch me, I would surely wake up and find this was only a dream.”

  Steven lowered his face slightly, and kissed her on the top of the head, then turned her to face him. He couldn’t believe how she was acting. “Miranda, I know this doesn’t seem real, but believe me, it is, for I’ve pinched myself plenty of times today, as well. Practically all my life I’ve dreamed of this day.”

  Reminiscing, he added, “I don’t think there’s a tree for miles around that doesn’t have Steven Arthur Reynolds loves Miranda Jane Porter, carved into them. Testimonials of my abiding love for you. I even carved the date each time I wrote it. I even remember that first tree, and I bet you could never guess the date in which I wrote it.”

  “No Steven, I couldn’t guess, when?”

  “July 24, 1850. Can you believe that? I was only seven years old and you just six. I think I’ve loved you my whole life, and I bet you’re wondering why I’m discussing such a silly topic as carving names in trees, aren’t you? To tell you the truth, I don’t really know. I think I’m just as nervous as you. I don’t really know what to say. Does that make sense?”

  Miranda had to laugh. She didn’t want to, but the way he was acting, made him seem like a silly schoolboy. He seemed hurt as he stuck out his lower lip and said, “Here I spilled my heart out to you, and you just laugh at me.”

  “I’m sorry, Steven. I didn’t mean to. It’s just the look on your face, and you were talking so fast.”

  He pulled her closer. “I always talk fast when I’m nervous. You should know that.” Then feeling her shivering, he asked, “Baby, are you cold?”

  “No,” she answered. As they stared into each other’s eyes, it was as if the world had stopped, and they alone existed.

  “You’re so beautiful, Miranda,” Steven said, as he pulled one hairpin after another from her hair. After removing the last one, he gathered it in his hands and let it fall freely over her shoulders and down her back. He loved the feel of it, so soft and thick. “I love you, Mrs. Reynolds.”

  Hearing that made Miranda’s heart flutter, “Please, say that again. I love the sound of it.”

  “Mrs. Reynolds,” he repeated.

  “Oh Steven,” she whispered, “I love you so much.”

  His lips then claimed hers, and they felt the heat building inside them. His mouth devoured hers until she pulled free, gasping. Not taking his eyes off her, he took her hand in his and spoke, voice unsteady, “Come on, baby.”

  They entered the house and Steven closed the door behind them. The rooms were small. There was only a parlor, kitchen and bedroom. Leading her to the bedroom, Miranda felt as if her heart was going to beat clear through her chest. For such a small room, it had a rather large framed bed that looked to be homemade, but beautifully crafted, and adorned with a lovely hand sewn quilt. Sometime she would have to ask Steven if his father had fashioned this piece of artistic furniture, but not now. She could tell by Steven’s actions that he had only one thing on his mind.

  Reaching the bed, he said, “I hope everything meets with your approval, Miranda. Ma cleaned the whole house yesterday then put fresh linen on the bed along with one of her best quilts. She wants us to have it as a wedding present.”

  “Your mother is so nice. She didn’t have to do all this. I would have taken care of it.”

  “I know, but she wanted to do something special for us. She said it wasn’t much, but I happen to know she worked a very long time making this place presentable.” He was standing directly in front of her now, eyes unwavering from hers. Touching her face ever so lightly, she trembled.

  “Don’t be frightened, baby. I would never hurt you.”

  “I know that Steven. It’s just that, well, you know.”

  “I understand,” he soothed, as he gathered her in his arms once more. As he kissed her again, she felt his tongue enter her mouth. Immediately she felt the heat building inside her. His breath was becoming quite ragged, as was hers.

  Lowering his mouth to her neck, he began releasing the hooks on the back of her dress. As he unhooked the last one, he pushed the dress from her shoulders, as he mouthed his way down to the top of her chest.

  Letting the dress drop to her ankles, he untied the lace, as he worked her free of the undergarment, and stood staring. Eyes unmoving from her, he began pulling himself free from his own clothes.

  Her breath caught as she saw the muscled contours of his chest. Reaching out, she touched him lightly just below his neckline, then let her hand run freely down his lightly tanned skin. She heard his sudden intake of breath, then felt as he swept her into his arms and laid her on the bed. She was spinning with the overwhelming desires that were washing over her.

  He was touching her in all the ways he knew would set her afire. Lowering himself atop her and staring into her eyes, she could see the passion that flared from them. There, in that bed on the most special day of their lives, they became husband and wife. Two lovers who were once lost to each other, had finally come home.


  Little Trena had been so excited all day, for today was her seventh birthday. Her mother had helped her dress into her pale-blue cashmere dress trimmed with quilled ribbon to match, and worn over a white guimp. With her strawberry-blonde hair styled in long plaits hanging down her back, tied with bows to match the ribbons on her dress, she looked like a little doll.

  “Mama,” she spoke, “when are the other children going to get here?”

  Smiling at her daughter, Miranda softly replied, “They should be arriving anytime now, darling. Are you excited?”

  “Oh yes, Mama, I can hardly wait!” She exclaimed, as her blue eyes twinkled, so like Stevens.

  “Well,” Miranda said, “We’d bette
r go downstairs and get ready to greet our guests.”

  “Yippee!” Trena squealed.

  Descending the stairs, they were nearing the last step, when they saw nine year old Noah sitting there, arms crossed over his knees, with his face buried in them. Motioning for Trena to go ahead and wait on the others, she sat down beside Noah and gently asked, “What is it, son? You seem angry about something.”

  Lifting his face, he looked at her and replied, “It’s just not fair, ma. The guys and I wanted to go fishing today. Now we’re all going to be stuck here in these stupid clothes, at a dumb girl’s party.”

  Miranda sympathized as she tosselled his hair. “Look, honey, it’s Trena’s birthday. Don’t you want it to be special for her?”

  Smirking, he only answered, “I guess so.”

  “That’s my boy. Don’t you worry there will be plenty of time left this year for fishing.” Slipping her arm around his shoulders, she then said, “Come on. Let’s go wait with the others, and honey, please try to act happy for your sister’s sake. You know she’d do the same for you.”

  He only grunted as they went to join the others. Entering the parlor, Miranda made her way to the sofa and sat down beside Steven, who was holding two year old Ruthie on his lap. Looking at him, she saw him staring at her with as much love in his eyes as there had been the day he married her, over ten years ago.

  They were still intent on each other when Trena exclaimed, “They’re coming, mama, they’re coming,” as she jumped up and down.

  Miranda stood and peered out the window. Ben and Cassie were just getting out of their buggy with their children, ten year old Mark and eight year old Isabella, along with her brother Tommy, who was now eleven years old. The climbing down was quite difficult for Cassie, for she was seven months pregnant.

  Drawing up behind Bens buggy was Alec and Samantha with their family, sixteen year old Sarah, seven year old Rachel, five year old Patricia, and two year old Richard. All these children, she thought. I can almost imagine what shape my house will be in by the time everyone leaves. Their home was a beautiful two-story structure. It had taken Steven nearly four years to save enough money to have it built, but it had been well worth the wait. He’d even built four bedrooms, saying they were going to need all the space they could get, for he hoped they would have a very large family, and it seemed he was getting his wish. They already had three children, and in about six and a half months, they would be having their fourth.

  Still in thought, she felt Steven’s arms as they slipped around her waist as he stood behind her. It brought to mind the day they were married, as he had done the same thing then as they had stood on the porch of the house they had shared for four years. “I love you, baby,” he said, as he kissed her on the top of the head. “Come on. Let’s go greet our guests.”




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