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Limitless Lands Book 4: Opposition (A LitRPG Adventure)

Page 21

by Henegar, Dean


  I found myself waking up inside my room at the Hayden’s Knoll headquarters. It took me a moment to realize where I was; the game must have had my soldiers cart me along, following the last command given, which was to return here.

  I jumped out of my cot—my cot! Blevins must have changed it out like I asked him to; I hated the luxurious bed that Lieutenant Burnside had installed. Making my way to the Command Table and opening my character sheet, I got to work. I had leveled twice during the journey and wanted to see what I had unlocked.

  Raytak, Commander, Level 13, Captain.

  Experience 30,001/35,000

  Command Presence: Creates an aura in a 150-yard radius surrounding the commander that inspires troops and allies under your command. They receive +5 to attack, +5 to defense, and +5 to morale saves. Any foes within the radius of effect will suffer a −5 penalty to attack and defense. This ability is always active.

  Manaless: You have eschewed learning any schools of magic. As a result, you have hardened your defenses and become resistant to hostile spells and magical abilities. The forces under your command also receive a lesser version of this ability. Magic resistance, 13%. Magic resistance for forces under your command, 6%.

  Goon Squad: Summon 8–15 angry prisoners to fight for you 3 times per day to fight on your side for 5 minutes. The goons are summoned randomly in a 25-foot radius from the commander and attack the nearest foe. Goon squad forces are unarmored and equipped only with a makeshift dagger whose item-level matches the average item-level of your troops’ weapons. The goons do not respond to commands and act independently.

  Honor Guard: Summon 8 elite guards to fight at your side. The honor guard lasts for 90 seconds and attracts the attention of all foes currently targeting you. Enemies must attack and defeat the honor guard before they can focus on the commander once more.

  Order of Battle:

  1st Legion of Hayden’s Knoll: The 1st Legion is a proud and steadfast formation. It is the rock that other armies break upon. Units in this command receive +1 to defense and a cooldown reduction of 10 seconds on the Shield Bash ability.

  Standard Soldiers, 3 companies, 671/750

  Advanced Soldiers, 1 platoon, 1 squad: 46/60

  Elite Soldiers: 4/4

  Attached Formations:

  Ignominia Platoon.

  Standard Soldiers, 1 platoon, 3 squads: 80/80

  Advanced Soldiers, 1 squad: 10/10

  Elite Soldiers: 1/1

  Auxiliary Formations 1/1. Dwarven Runesmiths (6).

  I was glad to see that my forces were increasing at a steady pace. Hitting two levels in a short time had filled us out with a full third company—charlie company—giving us even more flexibility in battle. The advanced soldiers continued to increase at an understandably slower pace; it appeared to be another five per level for the last two levels. The new elite soldier would be the nco in charge of charlie company, I was sure. When I hit level 15, there would likely be more class-based decisions to make . . . Only two levels to go.

  Ignominia had also seen a bump in power. If all went as planned, it should have spawned the new soldiers near Wrend’s existing force or with the transition point garrison that would march from Holdfast. I assigned roles for my newest advanced soldiers, sending five of them to the scouts and five to man another scorpion team. Usually the scorpions would spawn with the new soldiers, so I doubted I would have to shell out gold or resources to purchase more siege equipment.

  “Sir, Governor Delling has requested your presence at your convenience. I believe Sergeant Brooks was also looking for you, sir. Is there anything else you might need, or should I return to my duties?” Private Blevins asked in a deadpan manner.

  “Blevins! How did you get here. I thought I ditched . . . I mean left you in Holdfast,” I stammered.

  “Really, sir? You know my duty is to advise and support. I can’t do that from so far away. Once the messenger told me that you were heading here, I traveled with the reinforcements that were leaving Holdfast to join up with the legion,” Blevins said. I thought I had ditched the annoying private; he was sticking to me like gum on a shoe. I did have one other task for him, though.

  “One thing, Blevins. See if you can secure a larger campaign tent for me. The one I have is getting too cramped for meetings in the field. I don’t need or want anything fancy, just a simple tent that’s big enough to hold a meeting with my nco’s and attached unit leaders. By the way, how long was I out for?” I asked.

  “You were out for over a day, sir. I’ll make the arrangements to have an appropriate tent sent over. Since you’ll be heading back into the field soon, I don’t have much to acquire one and will likely have to requisition it from civilian suppliers. Do you wish me to deduct the necessary funds from the legion’s coffers?” Blevins asked.

  “Yes, just make it happen, Private,” I ordered. Blevins saluted, went about his duty, and was out of my hair for at least a while. Next I wanted to meet with Delling, but I needed to see about garrison upgrades first. I had lost a day while talking to Clio. Not exactly ideal when time was of the essence. Opening the Command Table interface, I perused what I could accomplish with the resources at hand.

  Current Funds: 955.

  Current Resources: 1783.

  Garrison, Level 3, Frontier Fort. Upgrade cost: 1000 gold, 2500 resources. The level 3 garrison can house up to a battalion of soldiers comfortably. It has significantly upgraded defenses and provides a strong bastion for the town to fall back on in times of trouble. Your garrison has the defensive garrison upgrade. The maximum garrison size refers to only those forces controlled by the commander. The defensive garrison forces are AI-controlled and subject to different unit caps based on garrison level, upgrades, and territory conquered.

  Recruitment Center, Level 2. Upgrade cost: 250 resources, 50 gold. The recruitment center allows for more rapid replacement of lost forces. Upgrade the recruitment center to increase replacement rates and unlock new auxiliary formations from other parts of the empire. Current recruitment rates:

  Standard Soldiers: 3 per hour.

  Advanced Soldiers: 2 per day.

  Elite Soldiers: 2 per week.

  Auxiliary formations: Local recruitment only. Number of formations: 1/1.

  Supply Depot, Level 3. Upgrade n/a: The garrison must be upgraded to level 4 in order to upgrade this building. The level 3 supply depot allows for upgrades to the equipment and gear of the garrison.

  Engineer Barracks, Level 1. Upgrade cost: 125 resources, 25 gold. This building allows for the recruitment of Imperium Engineers. The engineers are famed for their ability to create hasty defenses and to build siege equipment. Many an enemy has thought themselves safe inside their walls, only to find those walls pounded to rubble once the engineers showed up.

  Field Hospital, Level 2. Upgrade cost: 250 resources, 50 gold. The field hospital enables you to treat wounds and disease among your forces more effectively. This building also improves your squads, upgrading 1 soldier in each to become trained as a medic. The field hospital allows the Commander to expend coin and resources to add respawn protection for specific npc’s.

  I lacked the resources and gold to upgrade the entire garrison, deciding instead to bring the other buildings up to max level. The recruitment center, field hospital, and engineer barracks were all upgraded to level 3. I was left with 780 gold and 908 resources after the purchases. Opening the newly upgraded building information revealed some interesting changes.

  Recruitment Center, Level 3. Upgrade cost: n/a. Must upgrade the main garrison before further upgrades are possible. The recruitment center allows for more rapid replacement of lost forces. Current replacement rates:

  Standard Soldiers: 4 per hour.

  Advanced Soldiers: 3 per day.

  Elite Soldiers: 2 per week.

  Auxiliary formations*: Local and Imperium-wide recruitment unlocked. Number of formations available 1/1.

  *You have unlocked Imperium-wide recruitment.
The units available to recruit will vary and may change at any time. Current formations available for recruitment.

  1. Buranian Light Cavalry: This light cavalry unit hails from the plains of Burania, which is renowned for its swift mounts. Mounted on horses, this unit wears leather armor and wields spears. The cavalry is great at harassing the enemy or charging into lightly defended forces. Lacking heavy armor for themselves or barding for their mounts, these forces are best used for hit-and-run tactics.

  2. Longbowmen: Archers are not organic to the legion but are often added as auxiliaries when the situation calls for it. Longbowmen are recruited from many areas of the Imperium and are skilled in long-range fire.

  The two new auxiliary formations that were unlocked seemed useful, but not enough to get rid of the runesmiths who had already proven their worth. It bore looking further into once I unlocked more auxiliary slots.

  Engineer Barracks, Level 3. Upgrade cost: n/a. Must upgrade the main garrison before further upgrades are possible. You have unlocked new versions of your current siege engines as well as new items to build. All fortifications built by the legion are 10% stronger and are built 10% faster than before. All siege weapons have a 10% range increase due to the continued training and fine-tuning the engineers provide. Available engines:

  1. Scorpion: The scorpions have been upgraded to a slightly larger size. Crucial joints and weak points have been reinforced with steel supports. Range is increased by 50 yards and damage by 5%. Each scorpion purchase includes 2 siege engines. Crew required, 4 (2 per engine). Cost: 5 gold, 25 resources. *Note, cost reflects replacement of lost or damaged siege engines. Initial issue of engines is included for new units added to the order of battle.

  2. Medium Catapult: This larger version fires a bigger shot farther than before. Range increased 100 yards and damage increased 10% over the small catapult. Crew required, 4. Cost: 5 gold, 25 resources. *Note, cost reflects replacement of lost or damaged siege engines. Initial issue of engines is included for new units added to the order of battle.

  3. Siege Tower: These towers are constructed from precut parts. They can reach heights of up to 25 feet and provide good cover as soldiers make their way up the integrated ladders. Cost: 25 gold, 100 resources.

  The scorpion and catapult upgrade would come in handy. The crew requirement had also decreased for them, meaning we could field more siege engines than before. Since we were on the offensive this time, I ordered two of the siege towers, just in case. I didn’t have exact information on the Ikbose city, but it was to be protected by a wall of some type.

  Readjusting my advanced soldiers, I ended up with ten scorpions, three catapults, and twenty-eight scouts. The system didn’t give any pushback, so the correct equipment and soldiers should adjust to fill my request.

  Field Hospital, Level 3. Upgrade cost: n/a. Must upgrade the main garrison before further upgrades are possible. Resistance to disease/poison for all forces under your command is increased by 5%. Each medic now emits a healing aura in a 10-foot radius. The healing aura restores 1 point of health every 5 seconds. Cost for respawn protection will now slowly decrease as the selected npc lives. Cost will never decrease to more than the baseline cost for a first-time respawn.

  Npc’s with respawn protection can now be set to respawn within the command tent for an additional cost of resources and gold.

  The medics having AOE health regen for the army would really help in long, drawn-out battles. I wasn’t going to scoff at the increased resistances or lowered respawn costs for npc’s, either. I had feared that losing my named npc’s multiple times would eventually make respawning them too costly. Having a respawn location at my command tent would also be helpful in longer campaigns; a single accidental death would no longer doom us to a leaderless legion.

  After closing the Command Table, I made my way out of the headquarters and onto the parade grounds where Brooks was leading the newest company in some drills. I watched for a bit; the new company was executing its commands with crisp precision. When the legion attained veteran status after our battles with the ghoul lord, we were promised veterans for our new and replacement soldiers. It looked like the AI had delivered on that promise.

  “Sir, charlie company and the replacements are working out fine. Anything else you need before I get back to work?” Brooks asked.

  “Carry on, Sergeant. Have a report sent to me after evening chow. I want to keep up with where we stand on replacements. I have a bad feeling that Wrend is going to need us sooner rather than later,” I told Brooks.

  “Roger that, sir. I have the same feeling. As soon as the Ikbose find out we’ve taken the transition point, they’re going to be all over Wrend, trying to take it back,” Brooks agreed. Wrend needed to hold out for a few more days and we’d be back to relieve him and take the fight to the elves. I was assuming the Ikbose leader—whoever it was—would receive instant notice of the location changing hands, just as I would if we lost any important areas.

  I didn’t have time to wring my hands in worry; I needed to get to the town hall and meet with Delling. Heading out of the garrison gate, I could see that the town had continued its prodigious growth. More and more buildings lined the paved walkways of the town. Npc’s and players alike moved about, buying, selling, and enjoying the entertainment offerings that Hayden’s Knoll was becoming known for.

  Near the row of inns and restaurants now stood a large two-story structure claiming to be the Hayden’s Knoll Theatre. Placards outside advertised a play called The Minotaur Merchant . I made a mental note to try and find time to see the play, curious what it would be like inside a game world.

  The scent of food—something fried—wafted about. It smelled delicious and reminded me I could use a good meal at the Petty Dispute, but it would have to wait until the business at hand was complete. The town hall was much the same as the last time I was here. The large structure’s wooden exterior had been replaced with much better-looking and sturdier stone.

  The town guards at the entrance waved me through and I made my way back to the meeting room. The guard at the door saluted, which I returned, before he opened the door for me, something he didn’t have to do as he wasn’t inside my command structure, but it was a courtesy I appreciated. The meeting room had grown. Delling sat at the head of the long conference table. The table had room to hold two dozen people, and many of the seats were taken.

  “Raytak! Glad you made it. You’re the last to arrive, so we can start as soon as you’re ready,” Delling said. I took a seat next to him as I looked around the table. Stonefinder Lhargen and Rollox were there along with Beremund and a couple of his people to represent the Drebix. At the end of the table was a young woman wearing high-quality gear, much better than a player of her level should have had access to.

  Vivienne, Level 5, Light Mage.

  “I am afraid I have some bad news, Raytak. My people are unable to muster a force to aid you in the coming battle. We are still recovering from our losses in the last few fights. Remnants of the gnolls clans are raiding our lands; some human raiders are using them as mercenaries. It seems our battles against them and the attentions of the Gul Dorg haven’t wiped the gnolls out completely just yet,” Beremund advised.

  I was angry but understood their challenge. The Drebix had taken horrendous losses against the undead and were nearly wiped out. Their timely arrival to help in the fight against the Gul Dorg must have further depleted them of warriors. I wasn’t sure how npc armies respawned, but it appeared they did so at a much slower rate than my troops. Unfortunately, the slower pace of respawns never seemed to affect my foes.

  “I understand, Beremund, and I know you would answer the call if you could. I appreciate you coming here to inform me yourself. When we defeat our foes, I’ll see about helping you put down the raiders and the last of the gnolls. The Ikbose are nearest to your lands. Have you had any dealings with them before?” I asked, hoping for at least some information if not sword arms.

  “Not very much
. We have always viewed the Ikbose with concern but are shielded from them by the mountains and thick forest lands. Though they have never attempted to attack us directly, it is strongly suspected that they may have had a hand in disappearances among the outlying settlements closest to their lands,” Beremund told me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him what had been done to my men. Surely the Ikbose elves were not so vicious as to torture civilians.

  “Until now, the elves were content to fight it out with the ogres and leave my people be,” Beremund advised. I nodded my understanding.

  “It’s nae any better with my people, Raytak. Other than the runesmiths under your command now, we are all tied up keeping a cork in the bottle of the remaining Gul Dorg. I’m keeping a strong force to assist your garrison at their cave. Our numbers remain sorely depleted from the losses we took battling the Gul Dorg. The warbands are training new warriors, but it will take some time before they are ready. I did bring a squad of pathfinders to assist, but until the new throngs are ready for battle, that is all the Stonefinder Clan is able to do,” Lhargen said, not looking me in the eye.

  It was not a small thing for a dwarf to fail in fulfilling an oath. Perhaps it was better to let my allies recover before the inevitable battle that was to come when Narbos unleashed his invasion.

  “The honor and loyalty of the Stonefinder Clan is appreciated. You serve us better in keeping the remains of the Gul Dorg from breaking out and raiding. Gather your strength, both of you, for we will have a much larger war to wage soon. Go back to your peoples and prepare them. Make ready to respond when the call is given again. Thank you for coming here to tell me directly. It is a testament to your honor that you did so,” I told them, trying to assuage their guilt while at the same time playing off it for their support in the coming war.

  Both allies clasped my hand and then made their way out, Lhargen advising me that the promised pathfinders would meet us on the road to the transition point. Once they had cleared the room, the young lady seated at the table spoke up. I was curious as to who she was and why she was in a council of war.


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