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The Pact

Page 13

by Justine Elyot

  ‘Hello?’ the woman said, making Nadia look her way. Answering was going to be difficult with her breath catching as it was.

  ‘Yes? Hello? Ah, it’s you,’ the woman said, removing her shades and examining Nadia up and down. The green eyes gave the full story of her attractive face, but Nadia nonetheless had no clue who this woman was. Then she spotted the blue light flashing on the little earpiece with its attached microphone, and realised the newcomer wasn’t actually talking to her at all, but remotely into a phone. ‘Yes, I am here, in situ. Bedroom clear. Out on balcony now. One female servant present.’

  Servant! Who on earth was this woman? Was she the VIP or simply the head of some kind of advance security detail? Either way she had stripped the trembling Nadia of any power or indignation at being barged in on. The hulk was still right there before her, ready to react at the slightest movement.

  ‘No, I’m not about to be assassinated,’ the woman continued. ‘There is no overlook. It would take a drone strike to hit me. No, of course she isn’t armed. You aren’t armed, are you?’

  It took a couple of moments for Nadia to realise the last bit was being said to her, not least because it was mostly addressed to her chest, as if that was the likeliest place to secrete a cache of firearms. Nadia, brain still whirring, could barely manage a shake of the head.

  ‘I don’t think she even speaks the language,’ the woman said, her eyes still trained on Nadia’s bust. ‘She’s not wearing enough to carry anything concealed. Pretty, though. Type of lips you’d like to bite.’

  That actually gave Nadia something of a start. She could almost mentally ‘feel’ the teeth pressing gently into her there. It gave her a little involuntary shiver of pleasure, despite the alarm still inside her.

  ‘Relax, there’s nothing for you to worry about.’

  This was almost certainly said to the person at the other end of the phone but Nadia didn’t mind hearing it. The woman was one of those authoritarian types that always made Nadia feel like a schoolchild again. Strange how certain people could rob her of any power, just from the way they looked. People who breathed confidence took hers away and left her somewhat awestruck. If ever she imagined being seduced by a woman it was always someone like this, strong, handsome, with fire in her belly. If Nadia had more of that fire she knew she wouldn’t be working as a hotel chambermaid.

  Whoever this woman was, she was clearly as strong and confident as they come. She was the stuff of action films. She was one you’d find yourself obeying without question. However, it wasn’t fear Nadia felt, rather subordination. Even the hulk, unprepared as he was to withdraw from her personal space, didn’t frighten her as such. Perhaps he might have done if he hadn’t smelled so pleasant: fresh, slightly sweet and with a hint of coconut. Instead she found his closeness almost a blessing, more a protection than a threat. It was already allowing her nerves to calm.

  ‘No, of course I’m not alone,’ the woman said, eyes now fixed upon Nadia’s. ‘I’ve got one bodyguard with me. No, not the Fijian, a different one. The one with the magnificent cock.’

  Her eyes didn’t even flicker as she said this. Each word was deliberately intonated to be perfectly clear. The last one sent the adrenalin coursing all through Nadia once more. It was such a surprise; so vulgar a word and so vivid the mental picture it created.

  ‘Yes, that one. I’ve never seen another cock look so deliciously rigid, like every cell in it was swollen fit to burst. And so smooth too, such a curve to it. I can’t imagine how delightful it would be to gorge upon it.’

  Nadia could feel her cheeks pinking with heat. The woman’s eyes had not left hers all the while this was being said, like it was she and not the anonymous telephone person who had asked the question. The woman clearly assumed Nadia couldn’t speak the language, although surely now her flushed face had given the game away? The most fleeting of glances towards the hulk told Nadia he felt no embarrassment at being described thus. Who knew what his eyes did behind those shades, but his mouth didn’t flicker at all. Not a single nerve in his body seemed to twitch. Perhaps he didn’t speak the language either. Maybe every muscle in his body was as rigid as his erect cock.

  ‘I saw him slide it inside a waitress once. She was bent over a table in a café garden with her skirt pulled up and her wrists secured behind her back. She had a rump you’d love to smack. She was tight but she took him, despite how stuffed full she seemed. He eased it into her very gently for such a brute. Made her take every inch until his balls were wet from her. He let her rest and he took her by the hair, winding it around his fist to get a good hold. When he fucked her he was like a wild beast. Such speed and so relentless, such a dirty noise he made against her. She came on his cock within the first thirty seconds but that didn’t stop him. I could see that prick of his, covered in her come and stiff as an iron bar. I think the waitress had all but passed out with bliss by the time he spurted inside her. She must have come three times or more.’

  Nadia knew she had gasped audibly a couple of times during this. Her face was pinker still, the heat from the day not helping to keep her blood temperature down. The images provoked were clear and uncompromising. She saw every detail as if she had been there by the woman’s side on that day. She could feel how wet it would make you to witness such a scintillating carnal act. She could see it all like it was a memory of her own. Who the hell was this woman and why was she here speaking like this? That’s the thing about people of her stature and character: they simply didn’t give a fuck. Lesser people didn’t count. They were invisible to them. There was no way Nadia could find the strength to interject. She couldn’t even look away from the woman. She never could duck authority.

  ‘I remember wishing I could have taken him from her and put him in my mouth. You know how I just love to suck, and his is as edible a cock as any I have seen. You know he covers it every day in coconut oil? That’s right. It is to make him taste nicer and to keep him ready for anything and anyone at any time. Yes, even you. Imagine what was going through that waitress’s mind when he bent her over, knowing that cock of iron was ready greased.’

  Well, pretty much what was going through Nadia’s right now. She could almost feel the tightening of the belly, the shiver of trepidation and anticipation. Her breath was coming with the same shortness. The tremble was already in her limbs but she could not deny the spike of heat she felt between her legs at this last image. She could smell him; that was the thing that made that particular image so vivid. She could smell the coconut. Maybe he put it on his face too but then again maybe it was indeed his cock she could smell, announcing its readiness.

  She couldn’t help herself. It was totally involuntary and it made Nadia blush harder still. It was just another fleeting glance but both of these intruders couldn’t fail to have seen it. Just momentarily she had looked down his body, down towards his crotch. It wasn’t a bulge she witnessed in the fabric so much as a well-defined bar running diagonally upwards to one side. She could tell the girth of it and how it would fill her hand. She was mortified that she had looked and mortified that she was having these thoughts so close to him, where he might read her mind. It might have made her flee except that she couldn’t see a way to get around him without brushing against his body and bringing her into contact with the bar in his trousers. And that just made her think again of taking it within her grasp.

  ‘He does ease it in ever so gently, though,’ the woman said, now seemingly even closer to Nadia. Those green eyes of hers looked lust-hungry and were almost mesmerising. ‘It must feel incredible as it fills you, like tingling electricity there. And it is so solid you couldn’t prevent it from opening you up and burying its every inch.’

  Another twinge hit Nadia where it counted. She knew she was wet there and that her scent might soon prove as evident as his. How could she feign resistance to him then? She tried to force the thoughts out of her mind but newer, ruder ones simply leaped in to replace them. She could feel the sun on her skin, picture herself n
aked and out in the open just like that waitress had been, abandoning herself to those fantasies of adventure, at the mercy of this hulking man who would open her up with his greased cock and slip remorselessly inside. It all felt surreal, like a dream. Nadia had no clue how such an unreal situation had evolved suddenly around her, nor did she feel she had any control over it.

  This woman with her dirty private conversation that wasn’t actually private at all was fearless and brazen. That was clear. She was powerful and came from a totally different world than one Nadia could ever inhabit. Only particular people had to take caution against assassination. She lived life on the edge and was uncompromising in everything that she did. Heightened risks equalled heightened pleasures. She saw all things as hers for the taking. She stole the wind from your sails and filled hers with it instead. And he, he would die for her in a second. And he had a cock of iron that would please even a goddess and have her craving it – a cock that was right now already erect and maybe only its own length away from Nadia’s tingling puss.

  ‘Oh, gosh, no – it could never replace your cock,’ the redhead cooed. ‘It’s just one of those that all women seem to need inside them once in their life. It would be exquisite and unforgettable in its own right but there would be no compassion. It would be like getting fucked by a cyborg – perfect in some ways, as intense as you could bear, but something to keep as a precious secret, almost like it was a dream.’

  So that was the next image: Nadia, naked and with the sun upon her, spitted on this dispassionate muscle-man as he used her for pleasure and pummelled more through her than she would ever take again. One raw, pure fuck where nothing mattered except your own searing bliss. It would be the most thrilling, sinful moment of her Big Adventure but ironically it would be the one she could never really talk about, since the telling would never encapsulate the true euphoria of the moment, the single perfect dirty episode of a lifetime. It would merely sound like some far-fetched fantasy.

  Which, of course, it was – Nadia’s ever-colourful imagination jumping ahead to make something fantastical out of a strange and disorientating reality. One in which some luscious high-powered special undercover operative woman was erroneously trying to take advantage of a language barrier to have an impromptu dirty phone call with some illicit lover, whilst her unsuspecting knuckle-headed bodyguard did his best to act tough. Perhaps Nadia even imagined that bar of cock in his trousers – she daren’t look to check.

  ‘I’d love to feel your stiff prick right now,’ the woman said, not finished yet. This time she looked at the bodyguard when she said it, a smile spreading across her face. ‘You know I love the heat and pulse of it in my palm.’

  Then she had done it. Her hand had slowly moved out towards his crotch to rest there. Nadia couldn’t help but watch it unfold. She hadn’t imagined the erection after all. There it was, being held and gently squeezed. She should run, she knew it. But her job was to stay here – that’s what she told herself. Her legs couldn’t have moved anyway. They didn’t want to.

  ‘You know I’d unleash that cock of yours, don’t you, no matter where we were?’ The zip of the hulk’s fly was being hauled down ever so slowly by those fingers with red-painted nails. ‘Remember how I put my hand in there when we were at that ice-cream stand, the girl serving us right there able to see?’

  Now Nadia’s heart was banging because that hand had slid inside the trousers to find the rigid meat. The woman sighed, closed her eyes just for a moment and let the smile spread even wider.

  ‘Remember how I took him out for you?’

  Nadia gasped again, the sudden image of his erection springing free filling her mind. Her mouth felt as wet as her puss, the saliva clear and slick in the heat, threatening to dribble from her mouth. In her dreams she usually woke up around now and perhaps she was half-hoping she would. Now was the time to speak up but she could not. You did not speak up to such people. You left them in control. You did as they told and her last instruction had been to stay exactly where she was. The hand rummaged, the expressionless hulk doing nothing to stop it. Then the hand was coming out, drawing free a cock with its fat purple head proudly showing.

  It was every bit as rigid as promised, every bit as beautifully smooth and curved. The surface glistened from the oil upon it, and Nadia sensed the coconut waft in her nostrils. Maybe it was only the woman’s talk that had made it so but it did look delicious, especially with the hand now gliding very slowly up and down its greased length.

  ‘Remember how I stroked your cock hard that day?’ The woman had moved in so close to Nadia that the warmth of her breath could be felt. They were all in this together now. From nowhere, from that initial shock and hostility, suddenly there was this, and Nadia was simply playing along, sucked in as if hypnotised. That was their power over her.

  ‘Behind the booth with the ice-cream girl watching us? I’d never seen a cock look so inviting. Remember how the girl spat upon it to help the skin glide back and forth upon you? Your cock-head was swollen fit to burst.’

  And so was this one. The saliva in Nadia’s mouth was already pooling almost too thick to swallow. The urge to eject it had already been strong. And then she did. Without thinking she had let it go to string down and spread over his fat glans. As the woman moved to work it in, Nadia realised that this one act of hers had opened her up to anything they had in mind. It was a sign of her acquiescence, however spontaneous it had been.

  ‘Ah, yes, your cock that day was so irresistible that girl couldn’t wait to have it inside her.’

  And now Nadia’s heart was racing, the images already in her head, the promise of the reality seemingly now unstoppable.

  ‘I held up her skirt for you, did I not?’

  The free hand with its red nails was lifting Nadia’s black hostess dress, lightly grazing her bare thighs beneath in the process, causing yet another shiver. No one was stopping it. Breaths were coming harder all round now. The prick was being drawn forward to close the few inches of empty air between it and the crotch of Nadia’s skimpy knickers. Then, with the hand still slowly stroking its length, it was pressed right to the fabric, right against that sweet spot Nadia was dying to have touched. Her legs had almost gone. It was all she could do to hold herself up. The hand moved the cock up and down against her, pressing it harder, tracing the line between those swollen, sensitive lips beneath the material, causing the damp patch to spread.

  ‘I took her knickers down for you, do you remember?’

  Nadia actually let out a whimper this time, one of longing. Dreams never felt this real. Her underwear was being tugged down one side at a time and then dropped free to be stepped out of. Her cunt felt as hot as the sun.

  ‘She could barely stand, from memory, so turned on was she. You had to hold her up. You grasped her and lifted her and then slowly lowered her down bit by bit onto your cock.’

  The hulk took his cue, even though it wasn’t supposed to be him the woman was talking about at all. He hunched down and grasped Nadia behind her thighs and raised her from the floor. She hung onto the balcony rail. She even had a flashing image of being bound by the wrists to it. For one split second she imagined herself being despatched backwards over the balcony, fooled so easily by this merciless pair of hitmen. But a cock like that needed to sink into hot velvet flesh and suddenly the head of it was right there at her entrance.

  ‘Remember I kissed her as you eased yourself in?’

  And those tackily painted but oh-so-soft lips were being pressed to Nadia’s own as the rigid meat opened her to be inched down upon it. The slide was sublime with the kiss to compliment it. Nadia knew she was drenching him. With hands grasping her bare behind she was filled, and every inch taken felt ever more wonderful. She was shaking with her climax before he was even to the hilt, eyes closed to picture a warmer-faced lover.

  ‘You fucked her then, did you not? As hard a fucking as I have ever seen outside in the sunshine. You held her up and fucked her until she passed out with the joy of
it. I loved watching your cock slamming in and out of her saturated cunt. I loved rubbing her until she was too delirious to shriek any more. I loved sliding my finger all the way up inside her as I kissed her. Best of all, I loved how when you finally slid free and she collapsed to her knees, you held her by the hair and fed yourself into her mouth so that I could coax every last drop of your sweet spunk out of you for her to savour.’

  So that was what Nadia knew was coming her way and that was what she got. The bliss overtook her almost immediately, as she knew it would. People like this were above mere mortals like herself. It would be the most memorable sinful moment of her life, even though she was left in a pitiful, bare-arsed heap at the end of it. As the couple walked out as purposefully as they had entered, the woman turned to the man with a wicked grin across her face.

  ‘Remember our bet,’ she said, picturing the evening laid out before her. But that, of course, is another story.

  A Mischief Collection

  New and original erotica from Mischief about the daring thrills, the passion and the intensity of opportunist encounters with the most seductive strangers. Featuring stories from Justine Elyot, Senta Holland, Rose de Fer and many other favourite Mischief authors.

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  A Mischief Collection

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