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Legends of the Damned: A Collection of Edgy Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels

Page 306

by Lindsey R. Loucks

  “There’s more, my love, I have room for so much more…”

  I worked him into my asshole once more and bounced up and down on him while masturbating myself. Waves of pleasure rose up through my body, and yet another orgasm found its way to me. My asshole and cunt contracted with joy while I gasped and smiled.

  While I fucked him, his fingers found my vagina. First two. Then three, and then four. I was being stretched to the limit while taking this angel’s cock deep into my asshole.

  “FUCK," I swore. "I give my Soul to the Lord!”

  Then, I leaned forward to kiss him once more. Our tongues met, and he reached his hands up to grab a hold of my breasts. Our skin was soaked with the efforts of our love. I leaned forward, and we confessed our love to one another.

  “You hold me so close… I cannot tell how a man could have ever treated you in any way except as a glorious lover…”

  I laughed, and fell backward off of his cock.

  “Don’t put this pussy on a pedestal," I warned him.

  I leaned back and spread my cheeks for him once more, and his cock found its way once more into my ass.

  This was how we would form our friendship. With his cock in my asshole, and my toes in his mouth. Our bodies made an intricate exchange of energy and movement. I gasped and cried while he filled me up from the inside.

  I felt like we were closer than any lovers that I had been with before. While he fucked me, I flicked at my clit. Each pump into me brought another squirt of my own juices out toward him. We were wet now, together, and I had lost how many times Matias had made me cum throughout the course of the evening.

  I knew that he would cum soon, but I didn’t want any of this to end.

  “Your cock is so righteous…” I told him.

  He pulled out and stood up, strong and proud like some kind of ancient warrior. On impulse, and without restraint, I got on my knees in front of him and began to clean his cock with my mouth.

  “Lay down, honey,” I told him… “I’m going to show you where all of this goes…”

  With that, I pulled out all of the stops. He laid down and I worked my lips over him once more. He leaned back and spread his legs wide so I could have access to his asshole once more. I offered him my tongue and pushed myself into his balls and taint.

  His huge pole of meat was throbbing with sensitivity. I grabbed him, with one hand on his balls, and the other on his cock. When the first shots of pre-cum sprayed all over my face, I looked up to see him in prayer.

  When the sperm began to flow, I noticed that he was not engaged in prayer any longer, but with me. His eyes pleaded for me to love him, and accept every bit of his gift.

  I slowed down my fervent pace, and made love to his cock with my mouth. I smiled and bathed him with my tongue. Then, I covered the head of his beautiful cock with my saliva. My lips took him in, and all boundaries between the two of us dissolved.

  As our panting slowed into a steady form of breath. The two of us collapsed onto one another, and kissed until the shadows of sleep swallowed what was left of our passions.



  I woke up after our love fest feeling worn out, and messy. I hadn’t been fucked so righteously in any time in recent memory. Looking over at him, I could see my lover still sleeping. Of course, being alert to my presence, he woke up soon, and I was treated with a warm smile and an energetic hug. I surrendered to his arms, and felt at peace within the warmth of his body.

  He smiled at me, and remained silent. I too held my tongue, in appreciation of this moment that we were able to share together. The past had been a terrifying and overwhelming series of painful experiences. What’s more is that I knew there would be more tragedy to come. I was fortunate to have a moment of silence and an evening of erotic ecstasy. I knew that these experiences were rare, and I allowed myself an indulgence or two.

  Just another moment, of course.

  Looking at Matias in the eyes, I knew that our time would have to come to an end. He was already shifting from his sedated early morning expression into a more alert expression. A psychic link had been established between us, and I believed that I understood what needed to happen next.

  “It’s Claire, isn’t it?” I asked, biting my lip.

  He nodded.

  “I don’t think you would be able to forgive yourself if the same thing happened to Claire as happened to the Friar,” he offered. “Honestly, the damage done to her could have been irreparable. She was incredibly fortunate.”

  “She was nearly raped,” I replied.

  He nodded once more, this time with a grave expression on his face.

  “If you think being raped by a man is a terrible thing, you can’t even begin to wrap your mind around the consequences of being raped by a demon,” he replied. “The body can handle a certain amount of trauma, absolutely — but a violation of the spirit…”

  He shook his head and his expression grew darker still. I began to wonder exactly what sorts of things he had seen in the long lifetime of his service to the Lord. Throughout history, there had to have been other experiences like this — other narrowly averted disasters…

  Then my own thoughts grew somber.

  “Our side has suffered losses, hasn’t it?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  “We know first hand what the demons are capable of doing because we have watched them here on earth. The power of the Lord is extensive, but some people welcome the demons into their lives. The consequence is, unfortunately, not unlike your previous fiancé. The demons use their hosts, and then cast them aside like so much dross.”

  The mention of Dale so close to the previous incident seemed initially to be distasteful and rude, but I realized that was my own sensitivity talking. Matias was making a point — and that point had to do with protecting the living.

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  I rolled out of bed, and got dressed. Even as I prepared for the day, I was sluggish in my behavior. Nobody wants to reject their friend. Particularly when I knew that Claire would have stayed with me regardless of the future threats to her security. The point was that she didn’t deserve anything but positivity in her life, and I wasn’t going to be the person who tore that away from her. There was no reason fro me to be the agent of any more destruction than I had already brought to those within my life.

  I slipped on my sneakers and padded gently across the hall to her room. Our key cards worked on each other’s doors, and I was able to get into the room without her waking up. I stared at her while she slept, and realized that this was all for the best. She would wake up, and we, Matias and I, would both be bone. We needed to move forward and bring a stop to this series of terrible events. By the time we were done, if we managed to succeed, I felt assured that at least Claire would be safe.

  I don’t know if I’d have ever been able to forgive myself if she had been hurt by those demons back at the church. The idea of raping someone’s soul…

  I shuddered.

  Matias was right.

  I wrote her a brief note, explaining the amount of love that I have for her. The note was nothing special, but I meant every word. I needed her to know that I wasn’t ditching her because she was worthless — but because I felt she was invaluable. One the note was written, I laid it to rest on the table. Then, I threw a wad of cash on top of the note alongside the key to my apartment. One final look over my shoulder showed me that in spite of my intrusion, Claire was sleeping still, like an angel.

  For all of those harsh attitudes she put on during the day, she really was just a sweetheart after all. I walked across the hall once more after securing the door shut. Shut. I found Matias was ready to go. The room, our sex palace, looked like it had never been touched. The keycards were left behind, a car was rented, and then, Matias and I left the hotel.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, by the time we were already on the road.

  “To get some answers,” Matias replied.

  So we ma
de our way to New Mexico.

  Much of the drive passed in silence. There was a certain level of awareness that he and I had something yet to discuss. We had experienced a wonderful time with one another, and yet we were still hot on the trail of some high level of demonic intrigue and pending reconciliation. How exactly, our new love affair would fit within the boundaries of that investigation had not been delineated. We had fallen for each other and given way to our lust.

  I didn’t regret it, but now, without a clear understanding of how we were going to relate to one another afterward, I felt a bit confused and hesitant about everything.

  Not much.

  Only a slight taint of the earlier intimacy that had taken place between the two of us. Where hope had given so much grace before, now there was the staggering realization of the potential for loss. Hope had made me blind, and now loss was subtly infecting me with anxiety. I chalked these feelings up to my own insecurities, and held on for the ride.

  Along the route, some ways into that growing familiarity of a desert, we found a fast food restaurant named, “The Cock and Balls.”

  The restaurant’s speciality was a unique form of soup which included both chicken, and a Jewish matzoh bread which was submerged within the liquid. It may have seemed a counter intuitive idea to open a diner in the desert that focused on soup — but they were a nocturnal business, and the soup was delicious.

  “I’ve never had fast food before,” Matias offered, between each mouthful.

  He found it exhilarating and amazing how so little time could be devoted toward the preparation of a dish that was so incredibly satisfying. I too found the dish to be fulfilling. Likely, even more so because the two of us were free to sit next to one another in the booth and enjoy our food together. We finished eating, and I leaned into his shoulder, subtly falling into the pattern of contact we had established the night before.

  Then, something changed.

  Matias turned away from me, and bristled hard. His entire posture stiffened, and my heart sank into my chest. I had felt that level of stiffness before, and I knew that it wasn’t because I was growing too affectionate toward him. This was a deeper form of rejection. I pulled myself together, paid the bill, and then followed him back out to the car. Once we got inside, he delivered the expected blow.

  “It’s not natural,” was all he said to me. “There’s no way that we can be together…”



  “So that’s it huh?” I asked.

  The clarification only took a moment or two. I had to build myself away from cold anger, toward a sense of self righteous fury. All of this coming together out of a state of insecurity did take a few moments, but the transition was smoother than I had anticipated.

  “It’s not that I don’t value you,” he began to explain. “In fact, it is just the opposite. I fear that in order to keep my word to you, as well as my promise to heaven, I need to..”

  “To what?” I interjected, tears forming in the corners of my hateful expression.

  “To fuck me in the ass all night, and then suddenly grow a conscience the next day because you feel as though somehow I’ve tainted your divine cleanliness?

  I had raised my voice a bit too loud, and there were a number of other people in the parking lot of the “Cock and Balls” that may have heard my outburst. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really care who it was, though I imagined if they were busy trying to mind their own business before, that interest had been firmly shifted by my accusation.

  We continued to argue, in spite of the furtive glances offered at us from across the parking lot.

  “The number of things that we did last night that were…”

  “Sins?” I asked, caustically. “You’re acting like a god damned prude, instead of a man. You didn't’ seem to have any problem while we were doing these allegedly heinous acts. As I recall, when your cum spurt all over my face, you didn’t seem to have much of a problem with that either.”

  “I was given to the temptations of the flesh,” he replied. “I’ve had time to think about it, and I’ve reconsidered my position.”

  “Would have been nice before we lost ourselves in a night of vile lust…”

  “I wasn’t thinking clearly…”

  “You and every other irresponsible man I’ve ever been with.”

  “I’m not a man,” he interjected, firmly. “I am an angel, and I won’t let myself be corrupted the way Lara did. That’s not fair to you, and that’s not fair to any of the other people on this world that may be counting on my assistance.”

  I could feel the conviction clearly come across in his statement. He was telling the truth. It wasn’t necessarily the fact that he fucked my asshole that he felt regretful about — he regretted giving way toward any affection at all. He saw himself as taking the same path as Lara — The path that had engendered the demons, and death and pain that we had both known since he woke up in the clinic.

  I knew he wasn’t flaking on me in any traditional sense. This was, by far, the most righteous flake out I had ever experienced. I knew that his reasoning was solid, but that knowledge was operating on such a deep level that I didn’t dare show my empathy. I was being hurt, and the person who was rejecting me deserved to suffer. The response pattern was ingrained and automatic.

  “I’m not Lara…” I finally said.

  He turned away from me, and I clarified myself.

  “You’re not Lara,” I continued. “We’re good people who found a good thing. You don’t have to throw that away in order for us to move forward. We can have love for each other, and continue to fix this problem…”

  “I won’t hear of it,” he replied.

  The parking lot grew dark, and the satisfying meal shifted in my stomach to something that was too heavy; laden with grease and over-seasoned. Suddenly, I hated the journey, and this man with whom I had shared my body. I hated the parking lot, and the weird desert creeps who had heard a woman talk about being fucked in the ass, and decided it was a prime opportunity to eavesdrop. I hated Dale for murdering himself, and what’s more, I hated God — whoever that was, for setting up arbitrary rules to govern who could love whom, and to what purpose our lives were meant to be lived.

  My emotions were worn on my sleeve, and Matias could read all of my thoughts as easily as though I had said them out loud.

  To his credit, he didn’t waffle, or buckle under the pressure of my feminine wrath. I knew very well that what I was doing was manipulative. Exercising my anger in this way was an attempt to control him, because he had done something with me, and I didn’t appreciate the decisions he had made since our union. Perhaps I had a right to be angry, but I had no more of a right to be angry than he had to decide not to continue forward in a sexual relationship with me.

  We were both free agents — but that didn’t mean that our paths were going to be moving forward in solidarity with one another. Our paths may have come together in a vibrant and ecstatic way, but they were diverging now. With that separation, I felt the pain and hatred I always felt when I had been rejected — only this time, it came along with all of the lost hope I had attached to this savior icon; this man who had rescued me and turned my life upside down without doing any harm.

  At least until now.

  “My home is in heaven,” he continued, looking upward at the sky like some antiquated poetic hero.

  Not so hard to believe that the poetic heroes of old were also excellent in bed, or equally as flaky when it came to securing any sort of commitment to their lust.

  “It’s where I belong, and I’m going to get back there…” he continued, wistfully. “When I go, you can’t come with me.”

  “I hope your God rejects you and you are given the same position and treatment as this woman you despise so much…Lara,” I returned.

  “You don’t know of what you speak,” he said quietly.

  I may have not known, but I knew it would be painful, and I wanted him to feel pain. Unfortunately fo
r my offensive tactics, he employed a beautifully compassionate maneuver known as “Turning the Other Cheek.”

  I should have expected as much from him, but I was too invested in feeling hurt.

  “I’ll save you,” he offered, “but this has to end. I cannot compromise the future for the pleasures afforded to me through this human vessel which I navigate.”

  There was a pause, which he ungraciously filled up with more philosophically religious drivel.

  “The temptations of the flesh are many, but this vessel is but a tool for achieving the will of the divine. To abuse the tool is nothing short of..”

  “Don’t bother,” I said, cutting him off from his benediction.

  I opened the door, got into the car, and left him standing alone in the parking lot. If he wanted to be a dick, then he could stay at the Cock and Balls for all I cared.

  Good riddance.



  I should have known what would happen as soon as Matias and I split up from one another. Demonic predators must have some internal sense of what they are trying to achieve. When weakness presents itself, emotionally, physically or otherwise — they tend to strike.

  I was weak because of my anger toward the entire situation. Instead of treating Matias like an adult, who has his own ability to make decisions, I had treated him like someone who abandoned me. I had assumed the role of the victim, and as a result, had given myself a license to be bitter at all of creation.

  If Matias didn’t want to fuck me again, then he could suffer for his decisions, and I would just find a way to get lost by myself.

  “Perhaps, it was him that was fucking up this situation all along,” I thought out loud. “I mean it’s not as if I was being assaulted by angels before all of that shit happened back at the clinic. Sure the demons knew my name, but none of them had ever showed up in my life before that fucker woke up.”


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