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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

Page 7

by Nicki Rowe

  “Is it beautiful, Alex?”

  “So beautiful.”

  I zone them out. I just want to concentrate on the feel of Alex's cock sliding into me. I want to feel his body behind me, shifting on the bed with his slow entrance. It was so different from Declan—not only because of the condom—but because Alex is slightly shorter, his cock slightly leaner. There was no ring to add that extra friction, but still with Alex I didn't need any extra friction (I didn't need it with Declan either, but I sure as fuck loved it). I can feel all of him—not just his cock, but his body, heart, and spirit fill me up to the brim. Something begins to shift as he pushes into me, and I begin to feel a change within the three of us as well. I don't know what the change is, but I had felt it earlier when Declan pounded into Alex. The look of pure bliss, pure contentment, pure look of this is so right on his face—in that moment, when they shared their bodies with each other, I had began to feel a shift between the three of us that there was no going back from.

  Sex with Alex just felt so right, so amazing. It was unlike anything I have ever felt with the other people Declan and I have had threesomes with. There is just something about Alex that connects to Declan and me.

  Finally, Alex is all the way in. His balls slap against my ass, his thighs hit the back of mine.

  “Don't move yet,” Declan demands. “I want to look at the two of you together.”

  We watch him watching us. A look of bliss on his face, and there it is again: that look of contentment. “You two together...” he trails off. “Go ahead.”

  Alex begins to withdraw, pulling away from me until he's completely out, leaving me empty and needy. Air kisses my stretched hole, making it flutter.

  “Alex, please,” I beg when he doesn't immediately reenter me.

  A chuckle sounds behind me. “Declan said you were impatient.”

  He leans over me, kissing my shoulder blades. “I want to take my time and kiss every single one of your freckles.”

  “You better not.” I had a lot of freckles, and I did not have the patience for him to kiss every single one. “Fuck me, Alex.”

  One of his hands smooths down my spine, creating small tingles. He comes to a stop just above my ass. “Impatient Lucky.”

  Declan chuckles. “Stop teasing, Alexander. Give the man what he wants.”

  Alex huffs. “You two are no fun.”

  And then he begins to enter me again. Swiftly, his body comes down on mine, fucking me into the mattress. He's fully in me before I even have time to think.

  “Fuck. Yes.” I groan.

  He thrusts into me. His arms at my sides, lifting the upper half of his body off of me. My hands are tangled in the sheet. My head is partially off the bed. I'm face down and biting the edge of the mattress to keep from screaming the house down. His hips grind into me with a brutal, quick pace. My cock, rubs against the bedspread, creating a delicious friction that soon has me near the edge.

  “Fuck. Fuck!”

  My mouth opens in a silent scream, and then Declan is there, tilting my head from the bed and filling my mouth, cutting off my scream with his cock. His hands hold my head still as he punishes my mouth. Alex never slows down, his thrusts push me into the mattress. Declan's cock rams deep down my throat. Tears spring to my eyes from Declan's cock gagging me and the intensity of which these two men totally use my body for pleasure.

  The three of us cum one after the other. First, I feel Alex's cock swell in the condom and then he's filling it with a shout of mine and Declan's names. Then Declan cums, shooting down my throat. I swallow every drop of the familiar, salty substance. And then I cum, groaning loudly around Declan's softening cock, grinding my hips into the mattress and shooting my load all over the bed.

  Alex and Declan slip out of me, Declan leaves to get a cloth and Alex disposes of his condom. Now he's standing in the middle of the room, looking unsure of himself. His hands wring together.

  “I guess I should get going.”

  “No,” I say. I look at Alex, his brown eyes look sad and it squeezes at my heart. I reach for him, smiling when his fingers wrap around mine. “Stay. Please.”

  “I really should go.”

  Declan comes back into the room, catching the mood shift and Alex's words. He's looking at Alex, a frown tugging his rugged face. “Stay, Alex.”

  Alex nods, still looking unsure. I want to know what's going through his mind.

  “What's wrong?” Declan asks as he cleans between my cheeks. “Are you upset by what happened?”

  He sighs. “I'm just wondering if this is the last time I am going to see you guys.”

  “Do you want it to be?” My heart stutters in my chest. I feel like I can't breathe. “We like having sex with you.”

  “Is that all this is? Just sex?”

  Alex looks at me. I look at Declan. Declan is focusing on cleaning Alex up, not looking at either of us. None of us have the answer to that question.

  “We want to see you again. We want to have sex with you again. Stay with us tonight. We don't have to figure all of this out right now.”

  Alex nods, laying back against the pillow. “So, now what?”

  Declan laughs. “Tell us about this forum for Diabolic Divas you like to visit.”

  Alex chuckles. “There's a bunch of fan theories that Sienna March has an evil twin. I am totally rooting for that idea. It would explain the ending to the last movie and how she completely did a one-eighty and killed the man she was in love with.”

  “Right!” Declan exclaims. “There was no explanation!”

  I had rolled on to my back by this point and I stretch my hands behind my head, listening to the love of my life geek out about some movie with the man who was a huge enigma in our lives. I smile.

  That night the three of us stayed up until the sun rose talking about everything and nothing all at once. We learned that Alex was on the debate team in high school, and that his parents have a family dog named Loki, which they got after their other dog Toby had died. We told Alex more about how we met and the trouble we would get in at school. Alex left just before the sun peeked over the treetops.

  And for the next two weeks we settled into a routine of Alex coming over every night, the three of us fucking our brains out, and falling asleep. But Alex was never there when Declan and I woke up in the morning. Seeing the cold spot in the bed where Alex had been the night before was more painful than I cared to admit to Declan and even to myself.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Holy shit!”

  I hug Carter to me. I had been changing out of my uniform to go home for the day when I heard Carter's voice ring out through the locker room with a resounding, “Luuuckyyyy!”

  When I had turned around there was my best friend looking tanner than when he left a month ago with his hair kissed by the Italian sun. He's all smiles. He's looking a lot happier and lighter ever since he and Diego got together a couple of years ago.

  “How was Italy?”

  “Good food. Awesome beaches.”

  I give him a look, a crook of my ginger brow as I pull a shirt over my head. “That's it? 'Good food and awesome beaches'? Really?”

  Carter smirks. “Diego and I didn't really leave the hotel room.”

  “Come buy me a sandwich at Burtachelli's. I want to hear all about your trip.”

  The station is so close to my favorite deli in Glensville—hell, it was the only deli in Glensville—so Carter and I walk. He regales me with stories of Rome and Venice. And I try to keep the fact that Declan and I are casually sleeping with the new guy in town to myself. How was I going to explain that to Carter when I didn't even know what it was?

  “Tell me about the good stuff,” I say, wagging my eyebrows. “So you and Diego never left the bedroom?”

  Carter bumps me with his shoulder causing me to stumble and burst out laughing.

  The line in Burtachelli's is short so it isn't long until we were sitting in a booth, eating sandwiches and pie. I start in on telling Carter about the n
ew motorcycles I had found and was fixing up. I was hoping to sell them and make some sort of profit on them.

  “So,” Carter says, taking a massive bite of cherry pie. “Word around town is there is a new guy.”

  And just like that I forget all about my lemon custard pie and my turkey on rye and I am thinking about Alex. On his knees. Sucking my cock. I clear my throat. “Yeah, um, Alex Rhodes.”

  Carter looks at me with a questioning look, fork halfway to his mouth. “What? You have something to tell.”

  I hate that he knows me so well.

  I clear my throat. “It's nothing really. Just, Declan and I sort of slept with him.”

  Carter shrugs. “So? You guys have had lots of threesomes.”

  “It's not 'lots'!”

  We've only slept with eight different men—not including the orgy we had in our shower for my birthday last year. I wouldn't qualify that as lots.

  Carter and Diego are some of the few people that know about mine and Declan's...extra-marital activities. We told our close friends and that was it. That's not the type of thing you discuss with the people who gave birth to you.

  Carter laughs. “Whatever. So, what's different about this one?”

  “We have sort of been casually sleeping with him.” I pause. “Like more than once.”

  “Okay. So, is this like a thing?”

  I look at him. He looks so at ease, not giving a shit at all about discussing sex in public. Usually I didn't either, but for some reason I was feeling shy. I have been weird...not like myself lately, and I didn't know why.

  “It's just sex, Carter.”

  But even as the words leave my mouth I wonder if they are true. Was this thing between the three of us just about sex? Admittedly I have never felt that insane attraction to anyone other than Declan until now. I thought about Alex all of the time. I wanted him around for the mundane things like watching a movie or just laughing over something the both of us had witnessed. Such as the other day, Declan had made me watch one of his overly dramatic, poorly acted sci-fi thrillers, and I couldn't help but think how much Alex would have loved it. Even now I am smiling at the thought of Alex coming over tonight, but I am not only thinking about the sex, I'm also thinking about the three of us cuddling afterward, talking, Declan and I getting to know Alex for who he is as a person. The three of us falling asleep in each others arms like we have every night for the past two weeks.

  I am so screwed.

  I can't think about any of this now. I haven't even talked about any of this with Declan. Shit, what would Declan even say if I told him I wanted to see Alex outside of sex? Would that be something he would be okay with?

  Carter sets down his fork. “I think you need to talk to Dec about this.”

  Fuck. “I think you're right.”

  Chapter Seven


  Callum came home quieter than usual. He didn't even give me shit for watching Galaxy Adventures, a kinda shitty show set in space. He drops his stuff on the table, and locks his gun in the safe, all without speaking a word. Finally, he comes into the living room, throwing himself on the couch next to me, staring blankly at the television. He runs a hand through his hair, and pinches the bridge of his nose. When he does look at me, his eyes are large, round, pleading.

  “Baby,” I take his hand, putting it in my lap. “What's wrong?”

  “I...I...” He looks away from me. His hand tightening in mine, almost to the point of being painful. “What are you watching?”

  I ignore his question. He only asks it to distract me and himself from whatever is going on with him. “You're worrying me.”

  He looks up at me again. “I don't want to tell you.”

  My stomach knots. “Tell me what?”

  “It doesn't mean I love you any less.”

  “What do you have to tell me.” I'm close to panicking. One phrase swims around in my head like a shark circling his prey: He cheated. He fucking cheated. I feel like I need to vomit. He's so rigid, so distant. “Callum.”

  “I think this thing with Alex is more than just sex.” He huffs out a breath. “I want to get to know him.”

  I let out a quiet sigh. “Okay, baby.”

  I'm relieved. I have been trying to find a way to bring this up with Callum. Alex is more than just casual sex to me too. I want him as more than just a person to fuck. I want him. The real him. And I know that it doesn't mean Callum loves me any less. I want to see where things go with Alex, and I still love Callum as much as I ever did. What does that mean? How can I have found the love of my life, but want to date someone else? I don't want to get into the technicalities of it all. I just want to have both Callum and Alex with me.

  He seems to relax and tense up at the same time. “What do you mean okay?”

  I shrug, turning the television off. I turn on the couch so I'm facing him. I grip him by the back of the neck, pulling his forehead to mine. “I think this thing with Alex is more than sex for me too. I want to get to know him too. I think we should try dating him, see where this thing goes. What do you think?”

  Callum smiles. “I think we need to talk to Alex.”

  And then Callum's phone rings. He grabs his phone from the coffee table where he had set it earlier. He turns it to me; Alex's name flashes on the screen.

  “Hey,” Callum says when he answers. “I'm with Dec. You're on speaker.”

  “Hey,” Alex's panicked voice comes through. “I'm so sorry, guys. I won't be able to come over tonight. I have to go to Montana. M-m-my grandmother died.”

  My stomach clenches. Any mention of death always brings memories of Peter to the surface. “Don't worry about it.” My voice is clipped, full of negative emotion. It sounds like I was being short with Alex, but I'm not. I just hate that all these painful memories were coming up. I remember how skinny and sick Peter had looked in his final days. How many times am I going to have to picture Peter all sick and dying? In my mind he's too skinny, skin yellow, hair missing, eyes glassing over. I can't handle it.

  “Declan?” Alex's voice is filled with worry.

  Callum reaches for my hand. “He's okay. He's thinking about Peter. Go be with your family.”

  “Declan,” Alex says, his voice soft and low, stroking over my skin, combating the memories. “I'm sorry that I made you think about Peter.”

  “It's okay.” My throat feels like it's closing. “When you get back we have to talk,” I blurt out to distract myself from the memories of my younger brother's final days.

  “Talk? About what?”

  Callum shoots me a look. Maybe I shouldn't have put this on Alex when he was about to bury his grandmother.

  “I'm sorry to spring this on you, Alex. I think the three of us need to talk about this thing between us.”

  “What about it?”

  “Do you mind if we talk face to face?” I ask.

  “No.” He sighs. “We can talk when I get back.”

  He sounds worried again, and I feel like I dick for springing this on him.

  “How long will you be gone?” Callum asks.

  There's a long pause, then a quiet, “A week at the most.”

  “Be careful, Alex.” I say. “I don't want anything to happen to you.”

  Callum smiles at me. It's the same thing I always say to Callum when he leaves for work. I don't want anything to happen to the people I care about. But the way Callum is smiling at me makes me think there is some big meaning to my simple sentence.

  “Nothing is going to happen.” I can hear the smile in Alex's voice. “I'll see you guys when I get back.”

  “When you get back we'll go on that motorcycle ride I keep telling you about,” I offer, not wanting him to hang up. “It's happening next weekend.”

  Alex chuckles. “I would love to go on a motorcycle ride with the two of you.”

  The words it's a date hang in the air.

  Alex clears his throat. “Goodbye, Lucky, Declan.”

  I loved when he did that. When he say
s both of our names in that same reverence, like he holds both of us in the same esteem as the other. Like he cares for the both of us equally.

  “Bye, Alex,” Callum and I say in unison.


  My phone is gripped tightly in my hand. My heart's clenched tight in my chest, almost to the point where I feel like I can't breathe. What does that mean? We have to talk when you get back. What are they going to say to me? Are they going to end what's going on between the three of us? Whatever it is.

  And that's the question: What are we?

  This past two weeks or so has been amazing. I went over every night, we fucked and then we spent hours upon hours of getting to know each other and talking about everything and nothing all at once. I learned that Lucky's favorite genre of movies were classics, and he is favorite movie was Casablanca. I learned that Declan was a better than decent chef. They told me story after story of their lives together. Declan had gotten an owl tattooed on his left calf, and I learned that had been Peter's favorite animal. I learned a little bit about Peter, and how much he meant to Lucky and Declan. We talked about our families, our hopes, our dreams.

  What did that mean for the three of us?

  I know what it means for me. I want us to be together, the three of us. I want us to go on dates I want to be a part of them in a way that no one else has been able to before.Sure, they have fucked many men in the past together, but they never shared their lives with them. They never brought those men into the love they share with each other, but I want them to share their lives and their love with me.

  I want us to be a triad.

  But what if that's not what they want?

  My heart stutters at the thought.

  “Flight 1145 now boarding,” a voice crackles over the speaker.

  I stand, grabbing my carry-on full of clothes and other essentials. My footsteps falter slightly because of the emotional reaction I'm having at the thought of ending whatever this is between Lucky, Declan and I. My heart is starting and stopping at random intervals; there's a painful feeling in my chest that has me nearly doubling over. My eyes burn with unshed tears.


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