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In the Court of King Arthur

Page 20

by Samuel E. Lowe


  Gareth Battles Sir Brian

  Brave and adventurous were the days that followed. Many days theyjourneyed to the north. Eager was Sir Gareth to reach the castle ofthe fair Dame Lyoness and to take issue with the Knight of the RedLawns, her oppressor.

  "Yet, good knight," said the fair Lady Linet. "Not an easy road willyou find it. There do be many brave knights you will find on this roadwho will seek to joust with you. Many brave knights who seekadventure as do you."

  "If it were not so, then would the way be long indeed. May suchadventure come right soon, we shall welcome it." So spoke Gareth andhis two friends echoed his words.

  Yet it was not until the second day that their wish was fulfilled. Foras they rode forward there came a man in great haste toward them. Hefurther increased his pace and gave a glad cry of relief.

  Said Allan, who was foremost, "What ails you. Why your haste?"

  "I have just escaped from some thieves who have entrapped my master.They number six and fierce and sturdy did they seem. I beseech youraid, good masters, for my master is a brave knight who has sufferedmisfortune."

  So then did the three, undecided for the moment, look to each other.Until Breunor le Noire exclaimed.

  "Let us to this knight's aid at once." The same thought being in themind of the other two, they begged the Lady Linet to await them andhurried forward to this, their first adventure.

  But the man who came to them, unknowingly, had misled them. For theoutlaws numbered more than six as they soon found out. So that whenthey came to the dell in which the thieves were lodged, the three ofthem together with Walker, there came forth to oppose them over adozen ruffians, each carrying either club or mace or spear.

  Now did the three give proof of their mettle. Walker, too, wielded amighty mace that spelled sure death on any of the thieves whom itreached.

  Right skillfully, as if they were veterans, did they hold their place.Right well, they withstood the onslaught of the outlaws and evenpressed them back in defense.

  A number of the foe had fallen and others uncertain made as if toflee. But they could not go far, for the conquerers, mounted, overtookthem. So that there was nothing left for them to do but to turn withtheir backs to a nearby wall and make a last stand.

  Now there were but four of these ruffians left and these threw theirarms from them and pleaded mercy. And our youths took heed of theirplea and permitted them to escape.

  They made rescue of the imprisoned knight who marveled much, after hisfirst expression of gratitude, how so youthful a trio could haveovercome the large number of outlaws. Then did he give further proofof his appreciation in that he begged of them that they make his hometheir abode for that night and he promised them food in plenty andgoodly lodging.

  Though they were of mind to accept they first besought the wishes ofthe Lady Linet and she, they found, was not opposed thereto. Rightwell did they sup then and made themselves find comfort before thegreat fire which blazed merrily. As the night went by, they talked ofmany things and found their host full of tales of days gone by.

  The next morn found them on their way again. Many days they journeyed.Other adventures befell them and in each they accredited themselvesright well.

  On one of these days, Breunor le Noire who had speeded ahead so thathe was an hour's journey before them had a sad adventure. For as herode there came toward him an equipage which held many knights and theleader of these was none other than Sir Brian de les Isles.

  So as Sir Brian saw him he rode toward him.

  "Of what fellowship are you, youth?"

  "Of King Arthur's court and it is King Arthur himself who will soonmake me his own knight."

  "Ill will do I owe this king of yours and all who hold lealty to him.Therefor will I imprison you."

  But this they found not quite so easy. Well did the youth oppose them,and many of them suffered thereby. Until there were those among themwho were ready to believe that this was no youth in life but fiendinstead.

  Yet did he at last succumb because their number was so many. And thendid Sir Brian cast him into a prison where Breunor found as many asthirty knights who were prisoners of Sir Brian, some of these wereknights of the Round Table.

  Soon Gareth and Allan speeded their way to overtake Breunor le Noireof whose absence they began to wonder. Nor did they find trace of himanywhere. Until Allan suggested that they return to the large castlewhich they had passed, where trace of their comrade might be.

  So then did Sir Gareth come to the castle gates; Allan with him. Tohis beckoning there came forth one of Sir Brian's henchmen.

  "Tell your master, Sir Gareth waits outside the gates and wouldbespeak him."

  But when Sir Brian was given the message, he did not deign to answerin person, instead, he sent one of his knights in answer to the call.

  "Sir Knight," addressed Sir Gareth, "I seek the master of this castle.Are you he?"

  "Nay, but then Sir Brian deems it not fit for him to answer all calls.Such business as you may have, I doubt not, I may quickly dispose withand so not keep you from your journey."

  "I seek a youth, companion of ours, who had strayed from us and whomayhap, has met with foul adventure. His name is Breunor le Noire. Doyou or the knight who is your master here know aught of him?" So spokeSir Gareth disdaining the insolence in the tone of the other.

  "It may be that we do. Wait you here, while I make return to thecastle to find the answer for you."

  Therewith the knight left them to stand in front of the castle gatesand made his own way back to the house.

  "He is an ill bred knave," said Allan hotly. "To think that such as heholds knighthood."

  "Knighthood," said the ex-kitchen boy, "is merely a cloak. And I find,Allan, that it is a garment that is only seemly when he who dons itwears it well. Yet this is no time for anger. Of what matter that thisknight is ill bred. If there is any quarrel I shall seek it with hismaster."

  "Think you that they know of his whereabouts?" asked Allan. "I likednot the manner in which he made answer."

  "Nor I. But I doubt not we shall know more surely within the next fewmoments."

  Nor did the two have long to wait. For there came from the castleanother who seemed to be the high lord. In armor and shield, carryinglance and riding a great black horse, he stood out from among theknights who followed him.

  When he came to the gates they were opened wide for him. Then as hesaw Sir Gareth and the boy, he made them a sweeping courtesy.

  "Forgive our boorishness, Sir Gareth. Pray to enter our humblelodging. Are you then Prince of Orkney?"

  "I am so known," replied the young knight. "Yet I seek to be known asGareth, Knight of the Round Table. I know not your name, Sir Knight,but I find your courtesy welcome."

  But now Allan had noted how the knight's manner had changed. No longerdid he seem kindly; instead a dark scowl frowned his face.

  "I am Sir Brian de les Isles," was the answer. But the voice was nolonger a voice that welcomed, instead it was menacing and stern.

  But Sir Gareth seemed to take no note of this. "I seek, Sir Brian, tofind a youth who accompanied us. His name is Breunor le Noire, and heseemed to have met with foul adventure."

  "Not foul, Sir Gareth, but only such as is meet for all of KingArthur's henchmen."

  "Then, I take it, you know of him and of his whereabouts," said SirGareth. Still was his manner mild, yet forked lightning seemed toflash from his eyes.

  "That we do," replied the other. "He is indeed in safe keeping, suchkeeping being no other than ours."

  "I must trouble you, Sir Knight, to make return of him to us."

  "And if I will not?" questioned Sir Brian. Insolence was in his tone,a sneering smile was on his lips.

  "I take it, if you will not release him you will fight me as would anyhonorable knight."

  "That will I. Right gladly and to the uttermost, Sir Gareth. For allknights of the Round Table, I am sworn foe."

  Then there began a battle suc
h as there was seldom seen. Confidencewas in Sir Brian's every move, and truly it would seem that this youngknight, still unknown in the field of chivalry, was but a pooradversary to one of the best known of England's knights.

  But if Sir Gareth was young, if he was but little known, yet the skillat which Sir Launcelot had marveled, stood him in good stead. This,Sir Brian soon realized. As steel met steel, the older knight knewthat his adversary was no mean one.

  So they battled for a time, neither of them gaining advantage over theother. Great strength was Sir Brian's, but it was matched by skill andquickness of thrust and parry.

  Allan, a lone figure, the only one of the group assembled to stand forSir Gareth, watched the struggle with bated breath. This boy who hadseen men like Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristram, Sir Percival and others ofalmost equal repute, found his friend no less able and bold. Clenchedwere his hands, tense the boyish figure, as with heart and soul afirehe watched the two knights.

  But soon it became evident that unless untoward happening occurred theoutcome of the brave fight was but a matter of time. Slowly, yetsurely Sir Brian gave ground. Slowly but surely Sir Gareth pressedhim. All the cunning of his foe availed him naught. To the last SirBrian fought bitterly, silently. His heart held bitterness over theprobable outcome, over the youthfulness of the victor to be.

  Now as he parried a bold stroke of the other, for each of them hadturned to swords long before, there came a flash of steel and SirBrian felt a great nausea overcome him. Then he knew nothing more fora long time.

  He came to later. Eager hands were ministering to him. Feebly heturned, not knowing for the moment why all of this should be. Then hiseyes beheld the victor and the boy next to him and he realized whathad taken place.

  "Sir Gareth," he murmured, as his knights moved aside in response tothe weak gesture of his hand, "yours are a victor's spoils. Well haveyou fought and won."

  "Sir Brian," the other replied, "I seek but Breunor le Noire and therelease of such knights as you may hold who owe lealty to king Arthur.You are a brave knight, would that your cause were worthy you."

  Now Sir Brian called one of his knights to him. The latter followed bySir Gareth and Allan made their way to the dungeon of the castle.There they found their companion, there too, they found the otherknights of the Round Table who had been made prisoners by those withinthe castle. Great was their joy at release and warmly they thankedtheir fellow knight.

  And now there came a knight to them and told of how well Breunor hadfought and what difficulty they had had to make him prisoner.

  "If this youth fights but half as well as do the two we have seen, youdo indeed make a formidable trio."

  Then the three rejoined the Lady Linet and the next morn they werewell on their way.


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